3IA'2004 CONFERENCE THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Limoges (FRANCE), 12 - 13 of May, 2004 http://msi.unilim.fr/3IA THE ONLY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTER GRAPHICS CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Here is the program of the 3IA'2004 international conference. If you wish to attend the conference, please fill the registration form located on the web site of the conference (http://msi.unilim.fr/3IA) and send it by fax or by postal mail to the general chair of the conference: Dimitri PLEMENOS MSI Laboratory University of Limoges 83, rue d'Isle 87000 Limoges FRANCE Phone: (+33) 555 43 69 74 Fax: (+33) 555 43 69 74 e-mail: plemenos@unilim.fr REGISTRATION FEES: 170 Euros (Students: 110 Euros) including: - the proceedings of the conference, - two lunches in the university canteen, - a dinner in a restaurant Wednesday night. INVITED SPEAKERS: Annie Luciani (France), Zhigeng Pan (China) Jiri Zara (Czech Republic) PROGRAM OF THE CONFERENCE Wednesday, May 12, 2004, Morning 09:00 a.m: Reception 09:35 a.m: Opening of the Conference 09:45 a.m: Invited speaker Emotion modelling and interaction in intelligent virtual environment. Zhigeng Pan (CHINA) 10:45 a.m: Coffee break 1st session: Intelligent modelling 11:15 a.m.: Using meta-heuristics for constraint-based 3D-objects layout. Mathieu Larive, Olivier Le Roux, Veronique Gaildrat (FRANCE) 11:45 a.m.: An intelligent user profile module for solution selection support in the context of the MultiCAD project. George Bardis, George Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri Plemenos (FRANCE) 12:15 p.m. Lunch Wednesday, May 12, 20043, Afternoon 02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker Why and how physically-based particle-models are able to model crowd behaviors. Annie Luciani (FRANCE) 2nd session: Animation 03:30 p.m.: Applying artificial intelligence techniques to behavioral animation of virtual agents. Andres Iglesias (SPAIN), Francisco Luengo (VENEZUELA) 04:00 p.m.: Coffee break 3rd session: Declarative modelling 04:30 p.m.: Declarative design in collaborative environment. V. Golfinopoulos, J. Dragonas, G. Miaoulis (GREECE), D. Plemenos (FRANCE). 05:00 p.m.: Concept-based declarative description subsystem for computer-aided declarative design. I. Ravani, G. Miaoulis (GREECE), D. Plemenos (FRANCE), D. Makris (GREECE). SHORT PAPER 05:30 p.m.: Declarative approach to NURBS surface design: From semantic to geometric models. Raphael La Greca, Marc Daniel (FRANCE) Thursday, May 13, 2004, Morning 09:00 p.m.: Invited speaker Virtual reality and cultural heritage on the Web. Jiri Zara (CZECH REPUBLIC) 4th session: Visualization 10:00 a.m.: Visualizing multivariate data with cause and effect relationships. Eric Neufeld, Qingjuan Guan (CANADA). SHORT PAPER 10:30 a.m.: Comparing hemisphere sampling techniques for obscurance computation. A. Mendez-Feliu, Mateu Sbert (SPAIN). 10:50 a.m.: Coffee break 5th session: Artificial life 11:30 a.m.: Study of the anticipatory system in simulation. Trung Hau Tran, C. Sanza, Yves Duthen (FRANCE). 12:00 a.m.: Emotion modelling of virtual Chinese characters in E-Teatrix. Chaohui Zhu, Zhigeng Pan (CHINA), Rui Prada (PORTUGAL), Mingmin Zhang (CHINA). 12:30 p.m.: Lunch Thursday, May 13, 2004, Afternoon 6th session: Applications - Education. 02:30 p.m.: Using classifier for the emergence of virtual creature behavior in a digital artistic experimentation. Chu-yin Chen, Jean-Claude Hoyami (FRANCE). SHORT PAPERS 03:00 p.m.: Insolation duration calculating by means of 3D-modelling program AutoCAD. Alexander Kheifets (RUSSIA). 03:20 p.m.: An introductory course on computer graphics for engineers. Andres Iglesias (SPAIN), Akemi Galvez (PERU). 03:40 p.m.: End of the conference. ========================================================================= -- I--------------------------------------------------------------I I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE :(+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX : :(+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I I Laboratoire MSI I E-MAIL : plemenos@unilim.fr I I 83,rue d'Isle I http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I I 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE I I I--------------------------------------------------------------I