================= News letter Nr. 2 ===========================

During the last month, a number of news were published on the
EG 2007 conference web. Let me highlight the most interesting
and important ones.

1) Invited Speakers
We have selected three internationally reputable speakers.
They will present the following attractive talks:

   Henrik Wann Jensen, University of California, San Diego, USA
   Talk: "Reverse Engineering Nature"

   Ben Sawyer, Digitalmill, Inc., Portland, Maine, USA
   Talk: "Serious Games: Broadening Games Impact Beyond Entertainment"

   Radim Sara, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
   Talk: "What can Computer Graphics expect from 3D Computer Vision?

2) Phlegmatic Dragon
We have created and published a free 3D model of nicely looking
"Phlegmatic Dragon". Feel free to download the data in VRML
or OBJ file format and use it for your research:

3) EG papers styles
EG styles are available for Full and Short papers. Soon
we will publish submission guidelines and other information
dealing with a use of the MCP conference management system.

Deadlines were not changed, thus keep them in you mind
and work on your papers/contributions intensively :-)

  Full papers                            *       Febr.  8, 2007
  State of The Art Reports               *       Febr. 22, 2007
  Tutorials                              *       Febr. 22, 2007
  Short papers                           *       April 27, 2007
  Education papers                       *       April 27, 2007
  Cultural Heritage papers [!NEW track!] *       April 27, 2007
  Medical Prize submissions              *       April 27, 2007
  Animation Theatre submissions          *       May   25, 2007
  Interactive Digital Art submissions    *       May   25, 2007
  Game papers and presentations          *       May   25, 2007

The following co-located Eurographics events will also take place
in Prague:

  * Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (2-3 September)
  * Workshop on Volume Graphics (3-4 September)
  * Workshop on Natural Phenomena (4 September)

Wishing you all the best in the year 2007
   Jiri Zara, Eurographics '2007 conference chair

/ Jiri Zara, Head of the Computer Graphics Group
/            Czech Technical University in Prague
/            Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35 Praha 2, Czech Republic
/ e-mail   : zara@fel.cvut.cz
/ phone    : +(420) 224.357.311
/ fax      : +(420) 224.923.325
/ WWW      : http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/webis/en/people/zara.html