------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement: feature-length hypervideo on the Web ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jacob Maker is a beekeeper who designs flight simulators. One day, the past arrives out of the future, and Jacob enters: "WAXWEB" By David Blair http://www.waxweb.org (1993-1999, final version) hypermedia version of the theatrically-distributed electronic feature "WAX or the discovery among the bees" (1991, 85:00). Available on the Web, in English, French, or Japanese versions. CD's in each language also available from the author. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Play the movie from beginning to end. An 85 minute theatrical feature. Or click the "hypervideo" at any time. 1200 shots. Every shot is recomposed inside 25 unique pages/spaces. Pictures: Meaningful and endless resemblence Words: Hypertexts written for each shot, offering allusion or new story 3d: A 40 hour silent-movie void surrounding the video Move through the mechanical dream. Then cut back to the movie. As you go, the movie expands into endless time. Creating a miniature and grotesque world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waxweb (1999) http://www.waxweb.org creative and technical authoring: David Blair Hosted by the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities Partially supported by a grant from the New York State Council for the Arts. --------- cdRom for PC (slow or fast versions), Mac (slow or fast versions), in English, French, or Japanese (available from the site). Broadband versions available (with higher quality video, for intranets or cable systems) --------- This release completes a project which first went online in 1993. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------