G r a p h i C o n ' 2000 : the 10-th International Conference on Computer
Graphics & Vision
August 28 - September 2, 2000
Moscow, Russia
Call for Participation
The conference will be hosted by Moscow State University in association
with Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Computing
for Physics and Technology, and the Russian Computer Graphics Society.
The Conference will be held in close cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH,
IEEE Computer Society, EUROGRAPHICS Association
The conference is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
Ministry of Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation, and
Moscow State University.
GraphiCon is the largest International conference on the Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision in the countries of the former Soviet
Union. The kernel of the conference are technical presentations, courses,
and panels.
In addition to the technical program, Moscow State University is an
excellent place for large Educators Program and Product Presentations.
Conference Committee Chair: Eugeny Shikin (Russia).
International Program Committee Chair: Stanislav Klimenko (Russia).
Submissions are invited for the following categories: Technical Program,
Summer School, Educators Program, Product Presentations, Video and
Art&Design Shows, and Interactive Computer Art (ICA).
Technical Program (key topics, but not limited to):
Multimedia Rendering Techniques
Computer Animation Geometric and Solid Modeling
Virtual Words Computational Geometry
Physically Based Modeling Data and Image Compression
Virtual Reality Geographic Information Systems
Avatars and Virtual Humans in Modeling from Camera Views
VR 3D Computer Graphics & Internet (VRML,
Augmented Reality Java, etc.)
Scientific Visualisation Digital Libraries
Volume Visualization
Educators Program:
Emerging Technologies
Impact of Technology on the Curriculum
Distance Learning
Review of Effectiveness of the WWW in Education
Examination Issues
Shared Courseware Resources
Summer School will be devoted to experiencing and learning about the varied
topical areas that constitute the disciplines of computer graphics and
machine vision.
Interactive Computer Art:
Computer artists working in the interactive computer art field are invited
to present their works for the participation in the conference.
Important Dates:
Papers, courses, panels Deadline for receipt - 1st of June.
Posters, demonstration proposals Deadline for receipt -20th of June.
Address for Comunication/Conference Secretariat:
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
4, Miusskaya sq.
Moscow, 125047, Russia
Tel: (095) 250-7817, Fax: (095) 972-0687
E-mail: graphicon2000@graphics.cs.msu.su
Conference Web Site: http://www.graphicon.ru/