This year we will be presenting the works of Christian Möller & Jytte Basler (Germany), Ken Perlin (United States), Axel Mulder (Canada), Hans Ullmer (Germany), Luiz Velho, Jonas de Miranda, Andr Parente, Matteo Moriconi, Artur Omar, Claudio Tozzi, Jose Dias and Alberto Levy Macedo (Brazil) at the Main Gallery.
Workshops will be offered by Ken Perlin, Axel Mulder, Christian Möller, Luiz Velho, Jonas de Miranda, André Parente, Matteo Moriconi, Alberto Levy Macedo, and Hans Ullmer. There will be a Panel on Web Design and a Panel on Internet 2, at Candido Mendes (Ipanema). We are organizing an Interactive Party (i-Rave) for 1200 people, with Axel Mulder, Alberto Levy Macedo, Eduardo Poyart and Maria das Graças Chagas, at BUNKER 94 (Copacabana).
This year we have started the "Web Art & Design Contest". The jury is
formed by Nick West (USA), Claudia Gianetti (Spain), Rodrigo de Toledo
(USA), Michel Lent Schwartzman and Celso Freitas (Brazil), and the best
works will be presented at the Exhibition Gallery.
Rejane Spitz
Curator / 2a. Mostra PETROBRAS de Realidade Virtual
Centro Cultural Candido Mendes
Coordinator / Núcleo de Arte Eletrônica
Department of Arts
PUC-Rio University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
phone: +55-21-529-9416/ 529-9211/ 529-9418
fax: +55-21-529-9211