ISEA NEWSLETTER November 25, 1991 Dear ISEA member, we have been out of touch for a while. But, we have been active. Herewith, we like to inform you of the recent developments. MEMBERSHIP Since it took us longer than expected to set up ISEA, we have prolonged all memberships with another year. The regular members will receive a new invoice two years after they became members. Associate membership will last for three years instead of two. This regulation is valid for anyone becoming a member before December 31, 1991. BOARD The board of ISEA consists of: Theo Hesper, Chairman Wim van der Plas, Secretary/treasurer Theo Hesper is a computer and software consultant. He founded the Foundation for Creative Computer Applications, that organized the First International Symposium on Electronic Art. He was a member of the International Program Committees of both FISEA and SISEA. Both the symposia and ISEA are Theo's original ideas. Wim van der Plas worked for many years for the Foundation for Creative Computer Applications and initially set up the first symposium (FISEA). He now works for the National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN) in Holland and he organized the second symposium (SISEA). During TISEA an ISEA-meeting will be held. New potential board members can propose their candidature before November 1st 1992. ISEA ADMINISTRATION The ISEA administration is now in the hands of Dirk Boon, of 'The Lab' in Zaandam. Dirk can be reached either through the ISEA POB address or directly via Email: A430WYNA@DIAMOND.SARA.NL Dirk is going to be in charge of the regular mailings that we will send out from now on (see below). CONTACT IN JAPAN Yoshiyuki Abe has become the ISEA representative in Japan. His address: 3-20-27 Meguro Meguro-ku Tokyo 153 Japan Phone/fax: 81-3-37935953 Email: Y.ABE@COMPMAIL.COM FINE ART FORUM ISEA is now cooperating with Leonardo on the Fine Art Forum. FAF appears monthly, containing a calendar of events, discussions and reviews. FAF can be received electronically via Email or as a paper copy by ordinary mail. All members that sent us an Email address will, from now on, receive FAF automatically. The others will receive it by ordinary mail. If you didn't send us an Email address, but you have one (now), let us know (preferably through Email: SCAN@RUG.NL). IJEA The International Journal on Electronic Art (IJEA) is still in preparation. Talks have taken place with, among others, the potential Executive Editor. After a long period of negotiating ISEA has decided not to cooperate with Elsevier Science Publishers on IJEA. Talks are now taking place with another inmternational publisher. TISEA TISEA, the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art, is scheduled for 11-15 November 1992, in Sydney, Australia. The address: The Coordinator, TISEA PO Box 8029 Hindley Street Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Ph.: 61-8-2319037 Fax: 61-8-2117323 Email: ANAT@PEGASUS.OZ.AU FISEA 93 The Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art will take place in 1993 in Mineapolis, USA. It will be called 'FISEA 93'. Responsible for the organization is Roman Verostko. His address: MPLS College of Art & Design 5535 Clinton Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55419 Phone/fax: 1-612-8223800 (privat) Phone College: 1-612-8743737 Fax College: 1-612-8743704 An Email address will be available soon. SISEA MATERIALS Of the Second International Symposium on Electronic Art, the following documentation materials are available: -SISEA Proceedings -SISEA Book of Abstracts -SISEA Slide Set -Best of SISEA Video Tape More information, including the prices of these items, is available on request. For regular members, ISEA has the SISEA Proceedings available for the mailing and banking costs only. Please write to us if you are interested. CD ROM PROJECT A new ISEA project is the compilation of a computer graphics history on CD ROM. The project is headed by Ray Lauzzana. For information and suggestions for co-operation, contact ISEA. LEONARDO ISEA members can subscribe to Leonardo, the Journal of the International Society for Arts, Sciences & Technology, and get a $5.- discount. For information contact ISAST, 2030 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA. Email: ISAST@GARNET.BERKELEY.EDU ISEA POB 60103 9703 BC Groningen Holland Email: SCAN@RUG.NL Phone: 31-50-425254 or 31-50-138160 Fax: 31-50-138242 end of isea news