THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                          NUMBER 4, APRIL 1992


Isea Newsletter                                       Dirk Boon
Tisea Call for Participation                          Wim van der Plas
3Dmt'92 International Conferences:                    Hal Thwaites
Rediscovering Pompeii:                                Roger Malina
Disembodied Art Gallery:                              Keith De Mendonca
Art Horizons' Art Competition:                        Nora Smith
FIFOM 92:                                             Yves Pilon
Call for Contributions:                               Steve B
AI/Music Research Group:                              Eduardo Miranda
Center for Safety in the Arts Online:                 Michael McCann
Call for Papers                                       Tomoyasu Taguti
Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing     Douglas Schuler
Minitrack on Hypermedia in Information
Systems and Organisations                             Tommy Isakowitz
Calendar May 1992


The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts was founded as a result of the
First International Symposium on Electronic Art (Holland,1988). ISEA aims
at joining a world-wide network of artists, scientists and their institu-
tes and organizations.
ISEA promotes a structured approach to electronic art, in order to solve
problems systematically and release potentials of electronic art.

ISEA distributes a Newsletter, both electronically and as paper copies. In
order to do this, ISEA cooperates with Leonardo Electronic News (LEN) and
Fineart Forum (FAF).
ISEA contributes to both and republishes selected items.
However, since it takes time for messages to reach FAF/LEN, to publish
FAF & LEN, to republish them in the ISEA Newsletter and to send these by
ordinary mail, the news reaches our members often very late, sometimes too
late. So, from now on, we should like to ask you to send news straight to
ISEA. We will always do our best to distribute the information as fast and
as widely as possible among our members all over the world, many of those
in  West & Eastern Europe.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,

Dirk Boon
Editor ISEA Newsletter
POB 60103
9703 BC Groningen
Phone : 31-50-425254
Fax   : 31-75-701906

Wim van der Plas

>From November 9th-13th, 1992, the Third International Symposium on
Electronic Art will be staged in Sydney, Australia.  TISEA will be the
most significant symposium on electronic arts culture ever staged in
Australia. The two major themes of TISEA are 'Art and the Algorithm'
and 'Whither Cultural Diversity in the Global Village ?'.

Workshops and Courses deadline: 21 April   notification: 1 June
Papers and Panels     deadline: 21 April   notification: 1 June
- Symposium Showcase  deadline: 21 April   notification: 1 June
- Artists Slideshow   deadline: 1 July     notification: 1 September
Electronic Theatre    deadline: 1 June     notification: 1 August
Performances          deadline: 21 April   notification: 1 June
Poster sessions       deadline: 1 Sept     notification: 1 October

All proposals must be accompanied by:
1. A completed TISEA permission to use form
2. A completed entry form
3. Details of technical requirements where applicable
4. Stamped  self-addressed envelope if you would like supporting
   material returned

Postal address: Po Box A307, Sydney SoutH, NSW  2000, Australia
Street address: TISEA, College of Fine Art,
Cnr. Selwyn and Albion Streets, Paddington, NSW  2021, Australia
Phone: 61.2.360.5607 Fax: 61.2.360 2943 E-mail:
                        TISEA ENTRY FORM



City                            State

Country                         Postal Code

Phone                           Work                    Home

Fax                             E-mail

Program (Check one only)
O Workshops and Courses   O beginners  O intermediate  O advanced
O Papers/Panels  O Exhibition  O Electronic Theatre  O Performance
O Poster Sessions

Summary of proposal (three lines max.) suitable for use as pre-
conference publicity.

Hal Thwaites

The 1992 International Conference on Three Dimensional Media Technology
(3Dmt) will be held; May 18,19,20, 1992 in Montreal, Canada at the
Sheraton Center. The Second International Conference on Three Dimensional
Media Technologies will take place November 3-5 at Le Center Sheraton
Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Sessions will include the following topics:
3D Film, Video and Television systems; Stereoscopic Computer Graphics and
Animation; Virtual Reality; Holography; Spatial Sound Systems;
3D Multi-Media Technologies; 3D Production and Management; 3D Theory and
Research, and will include previews, screenings, demos and exhibits of
3D Media. 3Dmt (November) is accepting paper submissions. Please forward
an abstract of 250-300 words to the Conference Director by the May 1,
1992 deadline. Exhibition space is also available. In order to make a
reservation, or for more detailed information and prices, please forward
your facility and display requirements, sq. meters/feet, etc. to the
Hotel rates at The Sheraton Centre Hotel : Single and double rooms :
$115.00 + taxes in Canadian funds. (Additional hotels and rates
available upon request). Conference charges : 3 days - $300.00 + taxes
in Canedian Funds. (May be subject to change at a later date)

For Further information or to submit a paper proposal, please contact :
3Dmt Center, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street, West Montreal,
Quebec, Canada  H4B 1R6, Tel: 1 (514) 848-2539, Fax:  1 (514) 848-3492,
E-mail:  Hal@Vax2.Concordia.CA


Selected items from Fineart Forum ,  Volume 6 #7, and Leonardo Electronic
News,  April 15, 1992
The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts contributes to Fineart Forum and
republishes the items on electronic art on behalf of its members.
FAF and LEN are published by the International Society for Art, Science
and Technology on behalf of The Art, Science and Technology Network.

Roger Malina

Accademia Italiana, London

An exhibition of some 200 objects excavated from the ruins of Pompeii,
many of which have not been exhibited before, offering a fascinating
insight into daily life in the 1st century A.D. and illustrating how
computer technology has revolutionized the analysis of archeological
evidence.  Visitors to the exhibition will be able to take an
electronic tour of Pompeii using an interactive computer system.
Accademia Italiana, 24 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1BB, UK,
tel: 44 071 225 3474, fax: 44 071 589 5187.

Keith I De Mendonca
We have decided to hold Brighton's first Disembodied Gallery Exhibition
throughout the town during the month of May.  We would like to put some
new visual artwork onto the streets instead of inside a gallery space;
distribute original artwork around the town and give anyone the opportuni-
ty in participating or collecting these artifacts.

So we are making a call for original or decorative artwork, on paper or
card, originals or Xeroxes, 1 to 100 copies.  All artwork that we receive
will be displayed in the streets of Brighton in the month of May.  In
return for your contribution, we will photograph the artwork in place and
document the comments from the towns' people about your artwork.  Your
pictures will be fly-posted, hung from bus-stops and distributed around
shops, arcades, pubs and clubs. All artwork should be sent so that we
receive it by the middle of MAY, 1992.
Please send your artwork or queries to :
1992 Disembodied Art Gallery Exhibition, Flat 5, 65 Lansdowne Place,
Hove, Sussex, BN3 1FL, UK.

Nora Smith

Art Horizons' American Art Competition

Prizes totaling $ 10,000 will be offered in this competition as well as
the opportunity to have works shown in the three week "1992 Grand Exhibi-
tion" at Art 54 Gallery in SOHO, New York.  The competition is open to
professional and aspiring artists.  The artist chooses the subject, size
and medium.  All entries must be accompanied by the official entry form
and an entry fee of $ 6.00 for each slide or photograph of the submitted
work.  To receive the official entry form, send a postcard with your name
and address to: Art Horizons, Fine Arts Department, 140 Prospect Avenue,
Suite 16R, Hackensack, NJ 07601, tel: 1 210 487 7277, fax: 1 201 343 5353.
The deadline for receiving entries is May 29, 1992.

Yves Pilon

Festival International du Film par Ordinateur de Montreal (FIFOM)
May 22 - May 31, 1992

Last year's Festival presented over 200 films of which 60 were in competi-
tion.  FIFOM 92 provides an opportunity for the public as well as profes-
sionals to view the most recent computer graphic works produced throughout
the world.  Screenings will take place simultaneously in a number of
theaters in Montreal and Quebec City.
FIFOM, in association with Infographie Canada, will present the internati-
onal symposium on computer graphics as part of the Production  92 line-up
of events.  Sixty international experts will be on hand to lead the
symposium conferences, seminars and workshops.
For more information, contact: Festival International du Film par
Ordinateur de Montreal (FIFOM), 373, Place d'Youville, Suite 505,
Montreal, Canada H2Y 2B7, tel: 1 514 982 9872, fax: 1 514 765 3116.

Steve B
Champery, Switzerland, 28-30 October 1992

Aims and Scope:
At past workshops it has been noted that people in the graphics community
are addressing a wide variety of problems: surface modeling, rendering,
animation, interaction, multiple media, constraints, etc. At the same
time, it has also been noted that people share similar concerns in the
areas of software reuse, extensibility and maintenance. This workshop will
be an effort to identify such common concerns and to devise solutions that
benefit a wide spectrum of research domains within the interactive grap-
hics community.  The goal of the workshop is to outline a common platform,
based on a set of object-oriented primitives, for the support of graphics
Information :  Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, 12 rue du Lac, CH-1207 Geneva
SWITZERLAND.   Phone: 41 (22) 787 65 86. Fax: 41 (22) 735 39 05

Eduardo Miranda

                      PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT
                      University of Edinburgh
        Dept. of Artificial Intelligence - Faculty of Music
                    AI/Music Research Group Meetings

The main purpose of the meetings is to discuss the possibilities of
Artificial Intelligence applied to Music and the state of art at the
moment. It is for everyone interested in the subject. Talk proposals are
welcome. Dates and venue to be announced soon.
If you are interested, please contact:
Eduardo R. Miranda, AI/Music Group, Faculty of Music,  Alison House
12 Nicolson Square, EH8 9DF, Edinburgh, E-mail:MIRANDA@UK.AC.ED.MUSIC

Michael McCann

The Center for Safety in the Arts (CSA) currently operates OSHBBS, the
Occupational Safety and Health Bulletin Board System. OSHBBS has several
dozen art hazards files that can be downloaded, along with over 700 New
Jersey Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets. In addition, users can leave
messages for CSA or others about particular art hazards problems.
OSHBBS can be reached at (USA) 212-385-2034 (8N1).

Tomoyasu Taguti

Japan Music & Computer Science Society Summer Symposium '92
Dates: September 1-3, 1992
Place: Waseda University, Center for Scholarly Information,
       1-20-14 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, JAPAN

The Japan Music and Computer Science Society (JMACS) is to hold a summer
symposium.  The main topics are as follows:

Composition/Arrangement, Performance, Transcription/Musical Notation,
Synthesis/Electronic Instruments, CAI/Database, Musical AI systems
Analysis/Perception/Cognition, Theory, Others.

Although submissions of demonstrations will be appreciated, we may not
have adequate equipments for your demonstration.  If you are planning
a demonstration, please contact the JMACS SS'92 secretariat (see below
*2) before sending in your submission.

Abstracts of 200 words or less in English or 500 characters or less in
Japanese should be submitted to the program chair (see below *1) by
April 30, 1992.  Abstracts must include title, authors' names, full postal
address, telephone number, and e-mail address and FAX number if available.
Five copies of your abstract must be sent.  Notice of acceptance will be
made on June 1.  The exact schedule of the symposium will be fixed in May.
The official languages are Japanese and English.

Please send abstracts to the program chair: *1
Tomoyasu TAGUTI, Faculty of Science, Konan University, 8-9-1, Okamoto,
Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658, JAPAN.

For more information, please contact the JMACS SS'92 secretariat: *2
Shuji HASHIMOTO, Dept. of Applied Physics,
Waseda University 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, JAPAN
Tel: 81-3-3203-4141 Ext.73-3569, Fax : 81-3-3200-2567,

Douglas Schuler

Are computers part of the problem or ...  ?

         DIAC-92 Symposium   Berkeley, California   U.S.A
    Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
               May 2 - 3, 1992   8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

The DIAC Symposia are biannual explorations of the social implications of
computing.  In previous symposia such topics as virtual reality, high tech
weaponry, computers and education, affectionate technology, computing and
the disabled, and many others have been highlighted. Our fourth DIAC
Symposium, DIAC-92, offers insights on computer networks, computers in the
workplace, national R&D priorities and many other topics.
DIAC-92 will be an invigorating experience for anyone with an interest in
computers and society.

For more information: Doug Schuler, tel: 1 206 865 3832, 1 206 632 1659,

Tommy Isakowitz

26th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Kauai, Hawaii - January 5-8, 1993

Conference aims and scope:

The purpose of the HICSS conference is to provide a forum for the
interchange of ideas, research results, development activities, and
applications among academicians and practitioners in organizational and
computer-based system sciences.  We are inviting papers for the minitrack
on Hypermedia in Information Systems and Organizations, a new minitrack at
HICSS focusing specifically on hypertext and hypermedia.


In this minitrack we explore the benefits and the challenges that arise
as hypermedia support for information systems and work practices grows.
We encourage papers that address organizational aspects, technical aspects
and both.

Instructions for authors:

Manuscripts should be 22-26 typewritten, double-spaced pages in length.
Do not send submissions that are significantly shorter or longer than
this. Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor
currently submitted for journal publication.  Each manuscript will be
subjected to a rigorous refereeing process.  Manuscripts should have a
title page that includes the title of the paper, full name(s) of its
author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing and electronic address(es),
telephone number(s), and a 300-word abstract of the paper.

Submission process:

Apr 30, 92     Optional abstract submitted by e-mail or post to one of
the chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content.

Minitrack chairs:

Michael Bieber                            Tomas Isakowitz
Computer Science Department               Information Systems
Carroll School of Management              Stern School of Business
Boston College                            New York University
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3808,USA          New York, NY 10003,USA
phone:  1-(617) 552-3964                  1-(212) 998-4202
fax:    1-(412) 268-7036                  1-(212) 998-4111

                             CALENDAR - MAY 1992

01-14 May 1992

Exhibition : Perverted Issues (evaded answers)
Computer art, sculpture & lighting, sound composition & engineering.
Jean Callagher, Jim Lewis & Rob Warner
Highways, 1651  18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
Phone : 1-213-4531755

02-03 May 1992
DIAC-92 Symposium,     Berkeley, CA, USA
Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Doug Schuler, tel: 1 206 865 3832 or 1 206 632 1659,

03-07 May 1992

CHI '92 Human Factors in Computing Systems, Monterey, CA, USA
L. Borman, 1865 Tanglewood Drive, Glenview, IL 60025, USA
tel: 1-312-998-6476, email: BORMAN.CHI@XEROX.COM.

15 May 1992

Deadline for receipt of Mail Art for Disembodied Art Gallery Exhibition,
Brighton, UK
1992 Disembodied Art Gallery Exhibition, Flat 5, 65 Lansdowne Place, Hove,
Sussex, BN3 1FL, UK, email:

29 May 1992

Deadline for entries for Art Horizons, American Art Competition
Nora Smith, Art Horizons, Fine Arts Department, 140 Prospect Avenue,
Suite 16R, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA,
tel: 1 201 487 7277, fax: 1 201 343 5353

29-31 May 1992

Production 92 - FIFOM 92 (Festival international du Film par ordinateur de
Montreal) and COMMUNICATIONS 92, a symposium for professionals in the
cultural and communications fields. Montreal, Canada
Production 92, FIFOM, 1276, rue Amherst, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
H2L 3K8, tel: 1 514 842 5333, fax: 1 514 842 6717.

31 May 1992

Deadline for paper submission for Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented
Graphics (conference dates: 28-30 October 1992)
Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics, Centre Universitaire
d'Informatique, 12 rue du Lac, CH-1207 Geneva, SWITZERLAND,
Phone: 41 (22) 787 65 86, fax: 41 (22) 735 39 05,

ISEA distributes this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no
access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire,
get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this newsletter by
contacting ISEA.

The Inter-Society aims at joining an already existing world-wide network
of artists, scientists and their institutes, making it easier for the
institutes and individual members to share expertise with each other.
The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to
electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For
membership information contact : ISEA, POB 60103, 9703 BC Groningen, NL.