THE ISEA NEWSLETTER # 6, JUNE 1992 __________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Editorial Wim van der Plas Call for Submissions Jim Demmers Elegba's Stratagem Wim van der Plas Lasers Jim Demmers Computer Interactive Installation Sonya Rapoport Differentiel(s) 92 Paul Sermon Invitation to artists working in new technologies Roger Malina 7th Congress International Color Association Antal Nemcsis Ars Technica Association Roger Malina Agenda EDITORIAL As you may have noticed, the Newsletter is improving. The new ISEA logo and letterhead (in the hard copy version of this Newsletter) were created by Dutch artist Geert-Jan Talens. Content is increasing. We hope to be able to continue on this road. Our aim is to make the Newsletter into something more than a calender of electronic art events. We want to publish opinions, reviews, profiles etc as well. Eventually, we hope to get a professional quarterly Journal on the Electr- onic Arts off the ground (although we will continue publishing a monthly Newsletter as well). You are invited to send us: - announcements - profiles of studios, organizations, individual artists etc - descriptions of projects - reviews of books, festivals, events, exhibitions etc - opinions, discussion pieces Of course all of these only if relevant for the electronic arts. We are looking for regular correspondents from the different European countries and other parts of the world. Regular correspondents should preferably have access to Electronic Mail, although a fax will do for those countries that have no easy access to Email, like the East European countries, Greece, etc. ISEA has needed some time to get its activities started after the suc- cessful First and Second International Symposia on Electronic Art (Utrecht 1988 and Groningen 1990). The train is picking up speed now though and you are invited to join us actively. A first annual report is in preparation and will soon be sent to all members. Enclosed will be information on board elections and a financial report. Wim van der Plas ISEA Board CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Jim Demmers Perforations 4: Shifting States - (un)certain observations of cities on the verge. Uncertainty defines the age in which we live. As former systems of perception and interpretation break down they are replaced by a shifting and unstable state of being. Transportation and communications tech- nologies have radically altered the traditional symbiotic roles of ar- chitecture and the city. Architecture, long the static reenforcement of the status quo and the arbiter of place, is in crisis. The historic form of the city is obsolete. Replacing it is a vital but discontinuous collec- tion of infrastructure, technology, corporate imaging, and transportation systems. Architecture has been relegated to a sort of packaging, an imagemaking that is largely arbitrary and whose value as cultural artifice is in question. _Perforations 4_ will examine the issues involved with the new city, its social, technological, and political genesis, and its implications for the future. Submission is open to all media, including: drawings, text, Diskette (subject to software and hardware availability), and video (for alternate showing outside of publication). Submission materials are not returnable. Submission deadline is October 15, 1992. All submissions should include the author's name, address, and phone number (if available). Address inquiries and submissions to: Perforations 4, c/o Public Domain, P.O. Box 8899, Atlanta, Georgia, 30306-0899, U.S.A Contact: David Hamilton, issue editor, Internet: ELEGBA'S STRATAGEM Wim van der Plas ISEA organizes a lecture by Collis Davis, professor at the Ohio State University Art Department, in cooperation with Time Based Arts, Amsterdam. Collis Davis will tell about his interactive project, involving three picture disks and a computer with speech recognition. The lecture takes place : Friday August 14, 20.15 hours. Time Based Arts, Bloemgracht 121, Amsterdam, Holland. More info will follow in the next issue of the ISEA newsletter. LASERS Jim Demmers I'm a holographer and I'm designing a laser sculpture to define a virtual space above a installation structure. I'm in search mode for a source of inexpensive (free?) low-wattage HeNe lasers (5 to 25 mW will do nicely). Jim Demmers - Public Domain, Inc. P.O. Box 8899, Atlanta, GA 30306-0899, USA, __________________________________________________________________________ Selected items from Fineart Forum, Volume 6 #6. The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts contributes to Fineart Forum and republishes the items on electronic art on behalf of its members. FAF is published by the International Society for Art, Science and Technology on behalf of The Art, Science and Technology Network. __________________________________________________________________________ COMPUTER INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION Sonya Rapoport ( Which portal do you enter to find your ka ? Which choice of body part reveals your ancient double ? Which declaration of innocence do you feel comfortable with ? The answers will be found in Sonya Rapoport's computer interactive instal- lation THE ANIMATED SOUL - GATEWAY TO YOUR KA at the Kuopio Museum in Finland from June 4 to mid-September. The computer program was designed by Kathryn Woods. DIFFERENTIEL(S) 92 Paul Sermon is an extensive international programme of exhibitions, workshops and conferences covering artists' use of telecommunications, robotics and artificial life organised by the research group CYPRES at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Aix-en-Provence, 5th - 17th July 1992. The workshops are CONNECTIVITY (led by Roy Ascott, UK), BEHAVIOR (led by Gerald Heffernon, USA) and ARTIFICIAL LIFE (led by Louis Bec, France). You are invited to participate on-line to workshop CONNECTIVITY which will run throughout the twelve day period. This will be: - an international on-line project reflecting the rich range of connective media currently being employed by artists around the world - fax, e-mail, computer networking (image, text, sound) and ISDN - an opportunity to build on extended 'interface environment' at a number of nodes in various countries, each one attempting to penetrate and embrace its immediate environment. The project invites partners at nodes in various countries to develop their own distinctive interface environments, and to feed an account of these environments back into the network ...the aim is to create a fusion of the "artificial" and the "real" ... to assert the reality of the artificial so that the networks seamlessly flow in and out of the locations that host their nodes, and to enable the distributed personality of each on-line participant to move freely throughout the whole network. Please send response to Paul Sermon, email : INVITATION TO ARTISTS WORKING IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES Roger Malina GRAM (Research Group on Media Art) is on the look out for files with a view to producing a hypermedia on: *electronic art * video * holographs * electronic music * * multimedia * other art involving new technology ( laser, fax, satellites, etc). The first edition will cover the 80's. Other projects will document the 70's, 60's etc. A future project will document the 90's. Nothing will be published without the written consent of the artist. If you are interested in participating, please send us your file including a CV, a brief summary of the technologies employed, slides, or video tapes. Please identify clearly each document. Address files as follows to arrive before August 1, 1992 to: GRAM, Departement des Art Plastiques, University du Quebec, CP 8888, Succ. A., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3P8. Please mention that you saw this announcement in the ISEA Newsletter. 7TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLOUR ASSOCIATION Antal Nemcsis Colour '93, 14-18 June 1993, Budapest, Hungary The 7th Congress of the International Colour Association is being organized by the Hungarian National Colour Committee. The subject of the conference include: coloured vision and the adaption of colours, colour contrast, irradiation, invariance of colours, colour memory; colorimetry, colour standardization, colour difference, fluorescence, colorimeters; colour order systems; research into colour dynamics; applications of colour in industry and colour design. There will be lectures, a poster session and an exhibition. Papers must be submitted with three copies of an abstract by August 1992. For more information and send papers to: Antal Nemcsics, Technical University of Budapest, Conference Office, Building Z, Room 101/b, H1521 Budapest, Muegyetem rkp. 3-9, Hungary, tel: 36-1-1852218. ARS TECHNICA ASSOCIATION Roger Malina The Ars Technica Association (8 Bis Rue du Buisson Saint Louis, 75010 Paris, France) is planning an exhibition "Ars Technica Premiere" for the fall of 1992 which follows on from their Arslab exhibit in Turin, Italy in March of 1992. Ars Technica also publishes an annual newsletter describing the activities of the organization, Membership is 200 FF. The president of the organization is Piotr Kowalski. AGENDA (Thanks: Interface, Ohio State University) ARS ELECTRONICA June 22-27, Linz, Austria Theme: Endo & Nano, the World from Within Competitions, Exhibition, Performances, Panels Brucknerhaus Tel 43-732-76120 ORF Studio Tel 43-732-534810 Fax 43-732-53481270 ZAGREB 92 July 22-26 10th World Festival of Animated Films Info: Kneza Mislava 18 41000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel 38-41-446011, 446436, 446439 Fax 38-41-443022 SIGGRAPH 92 Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques July 26-31, Chicago, USA Art & Design Show: July 27-31 Electronic Theatre: July 28-31 Papers/Panels: July 29-31 Info: ACM-Siggraph 92 POB 95316, Chicago, IL 60694-5316 USA Tel 1-312-3216830 HIROSHIMA 92 4th International Animation Festival August 20-24 Info: Festival Office 4-17 Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730 Japan Tel 81-82-2450245 Fax 81-82-2450246 EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL September 2-6 1992 Osnabruck Germany Info: POB 1861, D-4500 Osnabruck, Germany Tel 49-541-21658 Fax 49-541-28327 OTTAWA 92 INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL September 30 - October 4 Deadline for entries: July 17, 1992 Info: Ottawa 92 Animaytion Festival c/o Canadian Film Institute 2 Daly Ave., Ottawa, Canada K1N 6E2 Tel 1-613-2326727 Fax 1-613-2326315 FAUST 92 October 16-20, Toulouse, France IVth International Trade Show on Creative Technologies Secretariat: FAUST, Mairie de Toulouse 34, rue Pargaminieres 31000 Toulouse, France Tel 33-61-214474 & 222300 Fax 33-61-298611 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THREE DIMENSIONAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY November 3-5 1992, Montreal Canada 3D Film, Video & TV, Stereo Computer Graphics & Animation, Virtual Reality, Holography, Spatial Sound Systems, 3-D Multi Media, 3D Theory & Research Info: 3Dmt Center Concordia University 7141 Sherbrooke Street, West Montreal, Canada H4B 1R6 Tel 1-514-8482539 Fax 1-514-8483492 Email THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONIC ART November 9-13 1992 Sydney Australia Info: TISEA POB A307, Sydney South NSW 2000 Australia Tel 61-2-3605607 Fax 61-2-3602943 Email CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION ART MAGGOT HYSTERIA 30-minute art party on Century Cable, Los Angeles, seeks work from visual artists in all media. Works with political, social, religious subjects encouraged. Submit 3/4" tapes (probably NTSC only) to: Janathan X Box 3898 Hollywood, CA 90078 USA Tel 1-213-6650171 PHOTO-FOUR GALLERY Seeking proposals for 92-93 exhibition season. Installations and mixed media welcome. Artists receive small honoraria. Info: Patricia Gardner Photo-Four Gallery South Suburban College 15800 S. State St., South Holland, IL 60473 USA UNQUOTE TV Regional program for student film and video, seeks works (experimental, documentaries, animation, performance, activist) by students. Send work and info to: Unquote TV c/o DUTV 33rd & hestnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Tel 1-215-8952927 AMIGA ARTISTS ON THE AIR Amiga computer work wanted for new public access series. Send materials on 3,5" Amiga formatted disks, VHS or U-matic (probably NTSC only), with descriptions to: Tobe Carey Willow Mixed Media Box 194, Lenox Ave., Glenford, NY 12433, USA Tel 1-914-6572914 _________________________________________________________________________ ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. The Inter-Society aims at joining an already existing world-wide network of artists, scientists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information contact ISEA at the address below. ISEA Newsletter #6, June 1992 Editors : Wim van der Plas, Dirk Boon Correspondent : - Japan: Yoshiyuki Abe, Y.ABE@COMPMAIL.COM ISEA, POB 60103, 9703 BC Groningen, Holland Tel 31-50-425254, Fax 31-75-701906 Email ISEA@RUG.NL or A430WYNA@DIAMOND.SARA.NL