THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                          # 14, FEBRUARY 1993

ditors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki
Abe (Japan), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko (US), Jurgen Claus
(Germany), Roger Malina (US), Ivan Pope (UK), Rejane Spitz (Brazil).
Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth
Shostak. ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-
2020850, Fax 31-75-701906, Email ISEA@RUG.NL or A430WYNA@DIAMOND.SARA.NL



EDITORIAL                                      Wim van der Plas
LANGUAGES OF DESIGN                            Ray Lauzzana
ART FUTURA 93                                  Media Research
CALL FOR PAPERS                                Roger Malina
ONLINE - Art in Networks                       Horst Hoertner
FISEA 93                                       Roman Verostko


Wim van der Plas

Recently, general information concerning ISEA and membership application
forms have been prepared in several languages. A Portugese version for the
South American continent was produced and distributed by Rejane Spitz.
Yoshiuki Abe made a Japanese version. He also translated a summary of the
Call for Participation for the Fourth International Symposium on
Electronic Art (FISEA 93), and we are proud to announce that Yoshi is
going to provide a summarized Japanese version of the ISEA newsletter from
now on.

Newspaper articles mentioning ISEA appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald
(on the occasion of the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art)
and in the Brazilian newspaper  O Globo and the Brasilian TV Guide. In
both last cases, the occasion was an interview with Rejane.

The Fourth Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 94) in Helsinki is in
preparation. This is the Email address: ISEA@UIAH.FI

In an earlier newsletter, we offered the possibility to join Email to our
Dutch readers. If we have enough interest, we can open an account so that
anyone possessing a computer and a modem (and a telephone) can log in at a
very low price. We also indicated we like to know who else (in Europe,
outside of Holland) is interested.
We had very few reactions, and now we wonder whether it is clear to
non-Email-users what the advantages of Email are. Email enables you to
communicate to anyone in the world for the price of a LOCAL phone call. Of
course, you can only communicate with people that are on Email themselves.
In Europe, all Universities and practically all Institutes for Higher
Education are connected to Email. Many of the larger companies are on
Email. In the US people can get an Email account with one of the phone
companies and practically all electronic artists are on Email.
Especially for organizers and publishers, but in effect to anyone whishing
to be in touch with the 'electronic community', Email is essential.
If you have questions, ask us by letter, phone or fax.

The request below was in one of the earlier newsletters. I am glad that
quite a few people reacted. However, I like to see more opinions, so here
goes again:
During the ISEA-panel on the Future of Computer Graphics at Montage 93, I
like to go into the relationship between artists/designers on the one hand
and scientists/technologists on the other. I would like to draw on the
experiences with this subject of our members.
Anyone having any experience with or (grounded) opinion on this relation-
ship, is asked to reflect. You are invited to write to me (by letter or
Email) and tell me whatever is on your mind concerning the cooperation
between the two disciplines.
Please try to give me the following information:

-What is your education/occupation/background?
-Do you think cooperation between the two disciplines is necessary for the
development of electronic art? Why (not)?
-Have you got any relevant experience with this cooperation and can you
elaborate on it, either in a positive or a negative sense?
-Please, give examples. Illustrations by way of video tape or other AV
materials is welcomed very much. They can illustrate both succesful
cooperation, failures, or illustrate the point of view that cooperation is
not necessary.
-Does education anticipate on the needs for cooperation or is there
anything you have to say concerning the relationship between the dis-
ciplines in the light of education?

Thank you very much for your cooperation. I will keep you informed via
this Newsletter.

Wim van der Plas
POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, Holland

Ray Lauzzana

The international journal of formalisms for WORD, IMAGE, & SOUND

Languages of design is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted
to research in formal languages and their use for the synthesis of words,
images, and sounds. Languages of design welcomes articles employing
linguistic techniques to generate literary and non-literary texts, music,
and visual works including art, dance, theater, architecture and all types
of design.

This multidisciplinary focus is reflected by the journal's editorial
board, which includes literary theorists, music theorists and composers,
researchers in artificial intelligence, artists and art critics. Formal
design theory, generative grammars, shape grammars, and computational
musicology are central to the subjects covered by the journal. More
general subject areas, such as formal languages, finite state automata,
grammatical inference, pattern recognition, cellular automata, semantic
networks, connectionism, and syntactical analysis are discussed in the
context of their application to productive systems. Specific analytic
perspectives, such as syntactics, semiotics, deconstruction, hermeneutics,
stylistics, narratology, philology, morphology, prosody, harmony theory,
formal musicology, and performance analysis will be presented.

These subjects will be presented in terms of their impact and influence on
a theoretical foundation for productive systems. Research results from
visual, audio and textual analyses that may have an impact on the arts are
also invited. Of particular interest is research utilizing computational
methods to verify theoretical formal analysis. Articles criticizing the
assumptions and results of this work are also welcome.

For a free sample copy contact:

     Petra van der Meer, Marketing Manager
     Elsevier Science Publishers
     P.O. Box 103
     1000 AC Amsterdam

For Author Instructions, Submissions, and other editorial info,

     Raymond Lauzzana, Editor-in-Chief
     South Park Media Center
     544 Second St.
     San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
     tel: 1-415-5674157
     fax: 1-415-8961512

E-mail submissions are welcome. However, please write to the Editor-
in-Chief for Author Instructions prior to submission.
Submissions that do not conform to the format requirements, will
not be accepted.

For advertising rate information contact:

     Denise E. M. Penrose, Managing Editor
     P.O. Box  47095
     San Francisco, CA 94147, USA
     tel: 1-415-5674157

Media Research

Art Futura announces its fourth edition to be held at the Palacio de
Congressos (Barcelona) from april 19th to 24th.

If artificial life delivers on a fraction of its promise, our computers
and lives might never be the same. Through the use of techniques borrowed
from biology, programmers are capable of creating programs that evolve and
reproduce. It's the beginning of a daring new field with vast applications
in the creation of new imagery.
Panel with the participation of: Karl Sims (Artist/Thinking Machines/USA),
illiam Latham (Artist/IBM UK/England), Jacques Ninio
(Biotechnologist/CNR5/France) and Xavier Berenguer (Computer Graphics

Presentation by the Australian artist who includes in his performances
elements of robotics and is famous for his naked mid-air suspensions.
Stelarc is heavily involved with R&D on a prosthetic hand.

Javier Mariscal will introduce images of 'Aquarinto', a new video game
designed for a theme park in Nagasaki (Japan), that includes computer
graphics (2D and 3D) produced in collaboration with Animatica.

Presentation by Hipolito Vivar of the latest in computer graphics produced
in Spain.

MTV Art Breaks
Peter Dougherty, creative director, will introduce a selection of video
works produced specially for MTV

Susan Amkraut and Michael Girard (authors of the classic computer
animation 'Eurhythmy') will introduce an advanced version of their virtual
reality system 'Menagerie', recently presented at the Georges Pompidou
Center in Paris.

Art Futura pays tribute to the french artist Jean Giraud (Moebius), with a
talk by the artist himself and projection of his works, as well as a
preview of his computer generated movie 'Starwatcher' (now in his final
production stage).

As in the past editions Art Futura showcases an international selection of
the most innovative works in computer graphics and experimental video. The
Art Futura 93 Film & Video Show offers an update of the latest advances,
including works by Media Lab, HD/CG New York, Pacific Data, Ex-Nihilo,
Mitsuo Shionaga and a stereoscopic movie (polarized glasses) produced by
Brad de Graf.

For any consultations:
Angels Bronsoms, Art Futura 93 Press Departement, Provenza 326,
Barcelona 08037, Spain. Tel: 34-3-4590708. Fax: 34-3-4590268.

Roger Malina

The International Astronautical Federation has announced a call for papers
for a session on Artistic and Literary Visions of Space to be held at the
International Astronautical Congress in Graz Austria 16-22 October 1993.
In this session the organisers hope to document how artists and writers
lay the cultural foundation upon which future space exploration activities
depend. Deadline is March 15, 1993
Abstracts for papers should be sent to:
Jonathan Galloway,
Lake Forrest College,
Illinois 60045,USA

Horst Hoertner

4 to 7 March 1993, Graz, Austria.
Great words and hopes have accompanied the development of electronic arts
at all times. It is, however, also feared that art might only be exploited
as a complaisant lacky of high-tech industry. The worldwide efforts to
integrate art, science and technology are no longer fruitless and,
therefore, an independent identity of a telematic art is also beginning to
take shape. To determine this shape in the hybrid complex of topics of a
digital, telematic culture is the central objective of three symposia to
be held in Austria in 1993.

ON LINE - Art in Networks

IN CONTROL - on the man-machine interface

ON AIR - on the new media of the digital age

Is telecomunication technology capable of sustaining artistic activities?
And on which conditions is it able to rise above the "...desperate attempt
to save something of what once was communication (...) for this strange
realm consisting of silicon and high-frequency waves." (F.A. Kittler)

This issue is the focus of the first symposium.

Accompanied by projects of international artists and a documentation of
recent developments, international speakers will address this topic,
discuss controversial positions and current concepts of telematic aes-
thetics for four days.

Symposium location: Palais Attems, Sackstrasse 17, A-8010 Graz, Austria

Styrian Cultural Initiative
Office: Jutta Schmiederer, Kernstockgasse 22-24, A-8020  Graz,
Tel: 43-316-912766

Roman Verostko

November 3-7, 1993,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; 4th in the series begun at Utrecht in 1988.
Current research, theory and practice on the use of electronics in the
arts, with an emphasis on "the art factor". Addresses works by visual
artists, performers, musicians, and those developing new electronic
formats.  Call for submissions: papers, panels, courses/workshops, poster
sessions, arts exhibitions include electronic theater, network art and
sound/performance arts. Participants: artists, scientists, arts critics,
curators, educators, and others interested in the use of electronics in
the arts. Participating institutions: Mpls College Art & Design (Host),
Walker Art Center, U of Minn School of Music, Minneapolis Institute of
Arts, Minneapolis Community College.

Deadlines: Workshops, Courses, Papers/Panels: April 15
Performance/Concert: May 15
Art Show, Electronic Theater, Poster Sessions June 15
Slide Show, Listening Room: July 15.

For guidelines: FISEA 93, Minneapolis College of Art & Design
2501 Stevens Ave S; Minneapolis, MN 55404-4343, USA.
Tel: 1-612-8743754
Fax: 1-612-8743732

Program Director: Roman Verostko,
Tel: 1-612-8252720

                          (support INTERFACE (OSU))

The Second Coming of the Cryptics, Video as Art Festival
February 26 - March 21, 1993
Frolunda Kulturhus & Goteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden
The sub-title suggests a mythological curse meant to invoke and
consolidate the validity of art as a surrealistic braintool rather than an
educational and mechanical way to socialise. Artists are invited to submit
tapes. Due to our moving, this announcement reached us too late: deadline
for entry forms was February 1st, deadline for tapes was February 15th.
Info: Monitor 93, Box 63, S-42121 V Frolunda, Sweden.
Tel: 46-31-851665, fax: 46-31-851667

WRO 93
Fourth International Sound Basis Festival.
Mat 5-8, 1993, Wroclaw, Poland.
Devoted to exploring the esthetic and technical potentials of the visual
representation of sound. WRO provides an international forum for
endeavors, experiments and exchanges among video/computer artists,
critics, technologies, galleries and art centers.
Video or computer animation work emphasizing the role of music/sound in
visual art and offering a sound/image production that shows awareness and
creativity in exploiting the potentials and limitations of the media
employed. Only work produced after January 1st, 1991. Entries must reach
WRO no later than March 8th, 1993. Three cash prices of total amount of 90
million zlotys (about $6000, according to the organizers).
Entry forms and more info:
Open Studio Cooperative, POB 1385, PL-54137, Wroclaw 16, Poland.
Phone/fax: 48-71-448369

9 - 12 March, San Francisco Airport Marriot Hotel, Burlingame, CA, USA
Contact:  Bruce Koball, General Chair,  CFP'93, 2210 Sixth St.,
Berkeley, CA, USA, tel: 1-510-8451350, Email CFP93@WELL.SF.CA.US

9 March - 17 April, 1993
Series of events dedicated to the interaction of technology and
physicality in the medium of sound.  The series features Stelarc,
Mark Trayle, Elise Kermani, Takehisa Kosugi, Laetitia Sonami, and
Trimpin and Todd Machover.
Contact:  The Kitchen, 512 West 18th St., New York, NY, USA, tel:

Impact & Implications
6-7 April, 1993, Olympia Conference Centre, London, England.
Registration Fee before 23 March: 499.38 Pound Sterling
Registration Fee after 23 March: 534.63 Pound Sterling
Info: Conference Registration Dept
Meckler, Artillery House, Artillery Row, London SW1P 1RT, U.K.
Tel: 44-71-9760405, fax: 44-71-9760506

The Third International Biennale in Nagoya
23 April - 6 June 1993
An event of art and technology, consisting of four main parts;
international competition and exhibition, open competition and exhibition,
lighting and illumination and a symposium.
The Open Competition,
The Council for the International Biennale in Nagoya, c/o the
Chunichi Shimbun, 1-7-2, Sannomaru, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-11, Japan
Tel: 81-52-221-0753, fax: 81-52-2210739

The Third International Conference on Cyberspace
14 - 15 May, 1993, The University of Texas in Austin.
For more information write to:
3CYBERCONF, School of Architecture, University Of Texas, Austin,
Texas 78712, USA.
Phone 1-512-4716619, fax 1-512-4710176.

Conference: August 1 - 6 1993
Exhibition: August 3 - 5 1993
Anaheim, California Anaheim Convention Center.
For general information :
SIGGRAPH 93, Conference Management, Smith, Bucklin & Associates,
401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, USA.
Phone 1-312-3216830, Fax 1-312-3216876,

June 1 - 19, 1993
Information: Franckstrasse 2a, A4010 Linz, Austria.
Phone: 43-732-53481267, Fax: 43-732-53481270


NORA'S ART, A Performance by Pat Olesko
5 - 7 March, 1993
Footwork, 3221 22nd St. at Mission, San Francisco, CA, 94110, USA
New Langton Arts   tel: 1-415-6265416,
Southern Exposure tel: 1-415-8632141,
Footwork  tel: 1-415-8245044

13 March, 1993
Paul Panhuysen and His Kanary Grand Band. Live inter-species performance
work that explores how sound,light, air, and feedback mechanisms affect
birdsong.  Performancemarks the opening of a six-week installation
(through April 30).
Contact: Exploratorium,
3601 Lyon St., San Francisco, CA, USA.
Tel: 1-415-5610361, fax: 1-415-5610307

19- 20 March, 1993
Interactive Live Performance with Leading Computer Music Composers
Contact:  Life on the Water, Fort Mason Building B, San Francisco, CA,
USA, tel: 1-415-7768999


A Series of Interactive Sound Sculptures San Francisco Art Institute
18 February - 20 March.
Contact: San Francisco Art Institute, 800 Chestnut St., San Francisco, CA,
USA, tel: 1-415-7717020

Judith Yourman: Details at Eleven, Leona Helmsley/Joel Steinberg:
Multi Media Installation. February 22 - March 17, 1993
The exhibition examines the American fascination with celibrity and
scandal, and the role that the media play in transforming news,
particularly court trials, into entertainment. Lecture by the artist on
Feruary 23, 8 pm.
The Halsey Gallery, School of the Arts, College of Charleston, 66
George Street, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

RADICAL FUTURES  An Exhibition of New Work by Todd Siler
27 February - 27 March, 1993
Contact: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts Inc., 31 Mercer St., New York, NY 10013,
USA. Tel: 1-212-2263232, fax: 1-212-9411536

DIAGRAMMATIC DIALOGUES, Computer Imaging, An exhibit by Joan Truckenbrod
2 - 27 March, 1993
Contact:  ARC Gallery, 1040 West Huron St., Chicago, IL, USA,
tel: 1-312-7332787

5 - 9 March, 1993
Contact:  Museum Fur Holographie & Neue Visuelle Medien, Pletschmuhlenweg
7, D-5024 Pulheim, GERMANY
Tel: 49-2238-51053, fax: 49-2238-52158

19- 25 April 1993
Kijkhuis, Noordeinde 140, 2514 GP Den Haag, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31-70-3644805, fax 31-70-3614448

May 26 - 30, 1993
AVFA, P.O.Box 48659, Niles, IL 60714.
Tel: 1-708-6986440
Fax: 1-708-8231561


3 Publications on Virtual Reality were announced by Meckler
-Virtual Reality Report.
Editors: Sandra Kay Helsel, Tony Feldman. International Newsletter
dedicated to artificial reality, cyberspace and virtual reality, 10 issues
110 Pound Sterling
-Virtual Reality Research and Development 1992, Editor: Jeremy Thompson
Articles by researchers, Country by country directory,
Bibliography 350 pages, 45 PS
-Virtual Reality Market Place 1993, Editor: S.K. Helsel,
Directory of vendors, products and services. 180 pages, 32.50 PS
Order from: Meckler, Artillery House, Artillery Row, London SW1P
1RT, U.K.

Animation Journal publishes writing on any subject related to animation,
encouraging submissions from artists and others who work outside the
traditional academic realm of the university. For subscription and submis-
sion information, please contact:
Animation Journal, Maureen Furniss (Editor), Division of Critical
Studies, School of Cinema & Television, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-221, USA


Selected items from Fineart Forum, Volume 7 #2 and Leonardo Electronic
News,  February 15, 1993. The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
contributes to Fineart Forum and republishes the items on electronic art
on behalf of its members. FAF is published by the Mississippi State
University/NSF Engineering Research Centre. LEN is published by the
International Society for Art, Science and Technology on behalf of The
Art, Science and Technology Network.

1-4 April 1993, Vienna, Austria
The Austrian Academy of Sciences in Cooperation with the Centre of Social
Innovation in Vienna organizes a Symposium on "Cultural Politics in
Technological Art". The idea is based on a study on "Technologische
Kultur", which reveals the status and problems of Austrian artists. In
order to widen the perspectives we will invite experts. Whoever is con-
cerned to one of the following fields is invited to submit an abstract:
- Places of Work and Education in Technological Art
- Media Art in Radio and Television
- Market and advancement in the sector of Technological Art
- The end of authorship in an area of digital mediamorphosis
- Strategies for Networking
We will offer free flight and accommodation for people who prepare a
speech and/or make a workshop.
For further information please contact Mr. Rolando Alton-Scheidl,
Fax: 43-1-712214830

IDEA / International Directory of Electronic Arts
Annick Bureaud

Computer Art, computer animation, video, interactive art, networking,
holography, sound works, space-sky art, robotic art, virtual reality,
etc..  IDEA covers the whole range of activities in the field of art &
technology.  Bilingual, French/English, this unique Directory includes in
this second edition more than 2800 addresses world wide concerning
Organisations (festivals, galleries, museums, art centers, schools and
universities, centers for research and creation, resource centers,
non-profit organisations), Artist, People (theoreticians, critics,
researchers, curators) and Periodicals.
A bibliography and four indexes complete IDEA.  IDEA is also available on
mailing labels which can be sorted in different ways. For a free cost
estimate send a detailed request.
IDEA: 11 x 19 cm - 504 pages -250 FF - CHAOS Editions, Paris.

Mail order sales in French Francs only:
CHAOS, 57 rue Faluiere, 75015 PARIS France, fax: 33-1-3221124
Payment by International Money Order to: CHAOS account #040 220 29748 bank
BICS 31 bd Edgar Quintet, 75014 PARIS. (Orders with payment ONLY - an
invoice will be sent with the directory on request).

Mail order sales in dollars:
ARTCOM, PO Box 3123 Rincon Annex, San Francisco CA 94119-3123
DIFFUSION i MEDIA, 4487 rue Adam, Montreal (QUE) Canada H1V 1T9,
Fax: 1-514-2811884

Call for Submissions.
Deadline February 28, 1993. The theme of this year Ars Electronic
Conference (not the Prix) is "Genetic Art - Artificial Life".
Details:  ORF-Prix Ars Electronica; Franckstrasse 2A; A-4010 LINZ
Tel: 43-732-52481267
Fax: 43-732-53481270

Paul Brown
Stelarc, the Australian performance artist is in residence at the Kansas
City Art Institute Jan 15 - March 4.  For details: Fax: 1-816-9316082
He then moves to The Kitchen in New York March 5-14; Obscure in Quebec
March 24-Apr 7; Art Futura, Barcelona Apr 12-25; Helsinki Apr 26-May 9
and CAVS/MIT Cambridge May 10-22.


The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien-
tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and
individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the
Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and
to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information
contact ISEA at the address on the front page.

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep
its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those
members can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses men-
tioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: Groningen University, Amsterdam University, De Fabriek/Hollandia.
End of Newsletter