THE INTER-SOCIETY FOR THE ELECTRONIC ARTS THE ISEA NEWSLETTER # 21, SEPTEMBER 1993 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko (US), Paul Brown (US), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus (Germany), Roger Malina (US), Ivan Pope (UK), Rejane Spitz (Brazil). Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth Shostak. ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-2020850, 31-79-612930, Fax 31-79-611737. Email ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS EDITORIAL . ORGANIZATIONS . CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION . PUBLICATIONS . EXHIBITIONS . CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL Although the Inter-Society was founded in the summer of 1990, it took until the beginning of 1992 before it became active with the appearance of this newsletter. Since January 1992, this Newsletter has appeared every Month. The founders had organized the First and Second International SymposIA on Electronic Art before that time - serving to establish the the founding of the Inter-Society. The Inter-Society is meant to be a communication structure for artists, scientists and technologists who are interested in electronic art. As one of its main activities, the Inter- Society continues to coordinate the organisation of the International Symposia. The ISEA symposia have been very succesful, gaining world-wide recognition as the most serious annual electronic art event. The Inter-Society does not automatically profit from this. After all, the Inter-Society had to start from scratch, has no financial back-up and needs membership fees and volunteer work in order to survive. The Inter-Society has its Newsletter to offer, can give help in individual cases, and offers a discount for the member-attendees of the symposia. All things considered ISEA is not doing so badly. In this period, from January 1992 until now, several hundreds of members have signed up from 29 different countries. That is you, readers of this Newsletter: consider yourselves pioneers. The aim of the Inter-Society is to get 10.000 members within the next few years. It must be possible. The Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art in November is supposed to be a break through. We will seek closer cooperation with SiGGraph and the International Computer Music Association. One can clearly see what the actions by one or two active individuals can do: see Brasil and also Japan. We will inform you of our strategy. We welcome your suggestions. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ISEA MEMBERS (PERCENTAGES ROUNDED) WESTERN EUROPE NORTH AMERICA ASIA The Netherlands 23.5 USA 21.5 Australia 7.0 Germany 8.0 Canada 4.0 Japan 3.5 France 3.0 Indonesia 0.5 Austria 2.5 SOUTH AMERICA India 0.5 Belgium 2.0 Brazil 11.0 Italia 1.5 Colombia 0.5 Switzerland 1.5 Bolivia 0.5 UK 1.5 Spain 1.0 EASTERN EUROPE Portugal 1.0 Slovakia 1.5 Norway 1.0 Bulgaria 0.5 Greece 0.5 Hungary 0.5 Finland 0.5 Poland 0.5 Denmark 0.5 Russia 0.5 Sweden 0.5 Czech Republic 0.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YLEM YLEM is a thriving organization of artists and art lovers who look to science and technology for ideas and inspiration. That particulary means artists who work with video, ionized gases, computers, lasers, holograms, robotics and other new media. It also includes artists who use traditional media in new ways. YLEM helps keep members informed of opportunities to show their work in upcoming exhibits, competitions, conferences, etc. It also brings members' work directly to the public through its own publications, events and exhibits. Diverse techno-aesthetic interests are demonstrated every other month at the YLEM Forums. They include presentations by practicing scientists who appreciate the aesthetic values within their disciplines, and artists who enjoy the science and technology that underly art. YLEMS's feature annual publication is the Directory of Artists Using Science and Technology. This is a directory of the over two hundred current members of YLEM. YLEM also publishes a montly newsletter that features short articles about and by members on the tech-art scene. YLEM, Box 749, Orinda, CA 94563, USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURA - INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ACOUSMATIC ART FUTURA is a new festival which will occur yearly in Crest, France. The first edition will be from May 21st to May 29th 1994. FUTURA deals with acousmatic art. Acousmatic art is sound art producing sound works on tapes or digital recordings and "played" on loud-speakers. FUTURA will propose concerts, sound installtions, lectures and a competition. Composers interested by the competition should send : - copy of their work(s) (on tape 6,35 mm - 38 cm/s or DAT) - note on the work(s) submitted - biography - complete list of their acousmatic works with dates and length before OCTOBER 31st 1993 to : FUTURA Les Taillas 26400 Crest - France -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROGRAPHICS'94 September 12 - 16 1994, Oslo, Norway. At EG'94 we wish to highlight three major R&D topics and three application areas. These are: Visualization, Graphical interaction, Algorithms in Computer Aided Engineering, Geographical Information Systems, Multimedia Papers on any topics related to computer-graphics are invited, and those who address the above themes will be especially welcome. Other topics include (but are not limited to): Graphics hardware, Parallell and distributed graphics, Computational geometry, Computer animation, Solid modelling,Curve and surface modelling, Data compression, Distributed graphics, Graphics standards and packages, Physically based modelling, Fundamental algorithms, Page description languages, Document processing, Image processing, Geometric reasoning, Object oriented graphics, Real-time graphics, Computer vision, Desktop publishing, Volume rendering, Graphics software architecture, Human factors, Virtual reality, Visual programming, Graphical interaction Graphics in education, Graphics in Arts, Colour theory and applications, High quality image synthesis, Scientific visualization, Applications in computer graphics INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers. These may be research contributions or contributions based on experimental studies. Authors must declare that their paper has not been submitted to any other conference or journal and must be prepared to present their paper of the conference, if it is accepted. Papers must be written in English and the presentation must also be given in English. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be a special issue of the international journal Computer Graphics Forum. The first page of a paper must include the title, names of the authors and their affiliations, address, an abstract of 250 words maximum, and a list of keywords indicating the principal content of the paper. A paper should not exceed 5000 words in length and should include copies of illustrations and photographs as refered to in the text. To submit a paper, send five copies of the full paper to the Conference Secretariat, to arrive not later than 10 January 1994. The paper should be accompanied by a cover page containing the name, address, telephone, fax and electronic mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 11 March 1994 and a final, camera-ready copy will be due by 11 April 1994. THE GUNTER ENDERLE AWARD An International Jury will select the three best papers presented at the conference and will award prizes to the authors.The best overall paper will receive the Gunter Enderle Award which carries a cash prize of 1000 Swiss Francs. SLIDE AND VIDEO COMPETITION Submissions are invited to two competitions, one for 35 mm computer generated slides and one for computer-generated videos. Each participant may submit up to five contributions to each of the slide and video competitions.The contributions for both the slide and video competitions will be judged in the following categories: 1) Technology, science, and architecture 2) Advertising, art, and presentation graphics 3) Visualisation of geographical and environmental data. The deadline for submission to both competitions is 31 May, 1994. STATE OF THE ART VIDEO SHOW Submissions are invited for relevant videos to be included in the daily state-of-the-art video show. Any relevant computer generated video se- quence will be welcomed to this section. The deadline for submission is 31 May, 1994. Video tapes must be submitted in either U-matic, VHS, or S-VHS format. Even though both PAL and NTSC encoding are accepted, PAL is preferred. A fact sheet and a brief description of the work must accompany the submission. All items (videos and slides) must be properly marked with name, affiliation and address of author. TUTORIALS Tutorials will be designated as entry-level, medium or advanced,to cover a wide range of experience and skills. Tutorials will last for approximately five hours and notes will be provided Preliminary list of topics: Computer animation, Broadcast commercials, PEX, OpenGl, Fractals, Object oriented computer graphics, Graphics Equip- ment (Hardware and Software), Paint and image processing systems-tools for the artist, Photorealistic image generation, User interface design, Virtual reality, Visual communication and multimedia, Visualisation in Scientific Computing-tools and techniques IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for Papers 10 January 1994 Notification of Acceptance 11 March 1994 Final Camera-Ready Copy 11 April 1994 Slide & Video Competition Deadline 31 May 1994 State of the Art Videos 31 May 1994 Info: EG'94, P.O. Box 124, Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 47-22-067300 (main switchboard) or 47-22-067654 (Secretariat), Fax: 47-22-067350, Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TISEA PAPERS AVAILABLE A selection of 13 papers delivered at the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art has been published in the August issue of Media Information Australia. The collection, entitled "Art & Cyberculture", brings together a range of critical essays and approaches to the discussion and analysis of emerging forms of new electronic media. Following one thread of the many questions raised at the Symposium, this 140 page publication focuses on the ways artists and critics are responding to the globalisation of culture that tends to come with the introduction of new electronic forms. Papers include: "Lust & Wanderlust", Nancy Paterson "Interactivity Means Interpassivity", Mona Sarkis "Virtual Bodybuilding", Simon Penny "Cultural Maintenance & Change", Beverly Jones "A Computer Controlled Marionette for Out of Body Theatre", Jennifer Hall "Will it take Sanctions Against Australia to Get Us Into the Black?" Marshall Bell "The Techno/Cultural Interface", David Tafler & Peter d'Agostino "Computer Graphics as a Cross-Cultural Experience", Rejane Spitz "Under Threat From the West? Thai Art & Culture" Helen Michaelsen "The Rhythm & Structure of Multicultural Communication", Patricia Search "Suck on This, Planet of Noise", McKenzie Wark "Quoting & Appropriation: Whose Work Is It?", Cynthia Beth Rubin Diagnosing the Computer User", Norie Neumark To order a copy, send $AUD15 to: Irene Gabrielle Direct Sales AFTRS PO Box 126 North Ryde NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA or Tel: 61-2-8056454, Fax: 61-2-8871030 to order direct. (Additional papers presented at TISEA and not included in this volume will be made available in a separate publication by November 93. For further information contact Ross Harley ( or Wim van der Plas ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PICTURE ELEMENT an exhibition of computer-based art sponsored by Art Initiatives at the New York Law School Digital information and information processing is invading virtually every aspect of contemporary life and this pervasive influence is making itself felt in art as artists turn to the computer as a fine arts tool. A diverse range of approaches to computer-based art will be presented by Art Initiatives as part of their *Visual Evidence* Series with the first exhibition of the artists group PICTURE ELEMENT. This exhibition will open Thursday, September 30th, 1993 at The New York Law School Student Center, 47 Worth Street. The opening reception will be from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The eight PICTURE ELEMENT artists use the computer as a fine arts tool, taking the technology beyond its initial reason for being in industry, commerce and the military to explore its impact on our lives. Diverse in imagery, content and process, artists Steve Bradley, Clay Debevoise, Roz Dimon, Rachel Gellman, Kenneth Sean Golden, Michi Itami, Leah Siegel and Annette Weintraub variously begin with imagery, texts and materials in divers forms and end with equally distinct output engaging all aspects of the digital environment. Often using other tools and media in conjunction with the computer, their work suggests an expanded field of what the computer can mean for art. Given The New York Law School as its site, this exhibition addresses social structures like copyright issues raised by the nature of computers, as well as personal perceptions induced by technological aspects of our environment. PICTURE ELEMENT: Visual Evidence-Exhibit C continues through November 28, 1993. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9-10; Saturday-Sunday, 10-10. Info: Gail Swithemban, Art Initiatives, Tel: 1-212-4064073 or Roz Dimon, PICTURE ELEMENT, 1-212-6453608 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERACTIVE WOODS Artistical Skills. The project Interactive Woods is developed out of the enthusiasm of the artist for nature and techonolgy. Both have great importance towards a good functioning of the society and should be better connected with each other. To be able to share these thoughts with a bigger audience we let the audience react on such a combination of nature and technology. Dutch Winner. The project is one of the nine winning projects of an European competition for young artists under 30 years and was selected out of 120 contributions for exhibtion on the Biennial in Maastricht (Holland). About the project and how it is realised. In the middle of an area in th eowwds of max 25 by 25 meters a musical piece is performed by a member of a woodwind quintet or an oboe-like object. On the outside of this area there are boxes in trees which "play", manipulated by a computer, the other members of the woodwind quintet. If the public enters the area they trigger special devices. The more they move to the middle of the area, the more devices will be triggered. This is resulting in more and more activity of the woodwind-manipulated sounds from the speakers on the borders of the area. When everybody in the area stands still (to save nature we need combined action), the concert of technology will stop and the concert of nature will begin. In the best situation it rins on solar energy. Meant for whom, and place of performance. Interactive Woods is a project aimed at a big audience. Preferably it takes place in a wooden surrounding of 5 by 8 till 25 by 25 meters. It is also very well possible to perform the project in a museum or another area where trees can be configured with projectors and the project will function automatically. A live concert performance of half an hour will be part of the exhibition. The project is not bound to start and ending times. Next performances: September 12, 1993, from 12.00 till 18.00 innn Sonsbeek, Arnhem, Holland an October 12, European Cultural Unlimited '93 at the University of Nijmegen, Holland. Information: Han H. de Groot Music Design, Burg. Weertsstraat 25 II 6814 HL Arnhem, The Netherlands -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTLAB 3rd EXHIBITION September 23 - October 11 1993, Tokyo, Japan "Perceptual Arena: Space Paradox Interactive Environment". Artist: Ulrike Gabriel. From sept. 23 - oct. 11, 1993 at Hillside Plaza, Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya, Tokyo. Info: Artlab, Tel: 81-3-5410-3611, Fax: 81-3-5410-3615 MANIFESTATION FOR THE UNSTABLE MEDIA October 1 - 10 1993, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands "The Dissolving Body" Info: V2 Organization, P.O. Box 1107, 5200 EA 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. Tel: 31-73-137958, Fax: 31-73-122238 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA Ocober 5 - 8 1993, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Info: SIGDOC, The Univ. of Waterloo, 200 University Ave, Waterloo, Ontario, canada, N2L 3G1. Tel: 1-519-8851211, Fax: 1-519-7251701 Email: VENI VIDI VIDEO October 8 - 9 1993, Biel, Switzerland International Video Art Party. Info: VVV, PO Box 3607, CH-2500 Biel, Switzerland. Tel: 41-32-228335, Fax: 41-32-233696 MULTIMEDIA EXPO October 11 - 13 1993, New York, USA Contact: Victor Harwood, Tel: 1-212-2264141, Fax: 1-212-2264983 TIME EUROPE AND CD-ROM EUROPE, October 12 - 14 1993, Wembley, London, UK. Info: Lowndes Exhibition Organisers Limited, Newcombe Way, Orton South- gate, Peterborough PE2 6UL, UK. Tel: 44-733-394304, Fax: 44-733-390042. EUROPEAN STUDENT'S COMPUTER GRAPHICS FESTIVAL October 16 1993, Paris, France Info: INA, Imagina, piece 3224, 4 Av. de l'Europe, 94366 Bry sur Marne CBedex, France. Tel: 33-1-49832684, Fax: 33-1-49833185 RESEARCH FRONTIERS IN VIRTUAL REALITY October 25 - 26 1993, Red Lion Innnnnn, San Jose, CA, USA. IEEE Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality. Info: Steve Bryson, MS T045-1, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA. Tel: 1-415-6044524, Email: 5TH INTERNATIONAL VIDEO WEEK October 29 - November 6 1993, Geneve, Switzerland. International competition, art school programmes and world premieres. Info: S.I.V., Saint-Gervais Geneve, 5 Rue du Temple, 1201 Geneve, Switzer- land. Tel: 41-22-7322060, Fax: 41-22-7384215 EUROCOMNET 93 November 2 - 4 1993, RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands International exhibition and conference for tele- and datacommunnication. Info: Amsterdam Rai, EuroComNet 93, PO Box 77777, NL-1070 MS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fax: 31-20-6464469 FISEA 93, FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONIC ART November 3 - 7 1993, Minneapolis, USA. Theme "the art factor". Exhibitions include interactive, sound/performance, electronic theater, networking, 2-D/3-D. Projects, papers & panels on theory & practice. Participants: artists, musicians, performers, scientists, arts critics, curators, educators, and others interested in the use of electronics in the arts. Preliminary program & Registration information available now. Info: FISEA 93, Minneapolis College of Art & Design, 2501 Stevens Av S, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA. Tel: 1-612-8743754, Fax: 1-612-8743732, Email: UIST'93 November 3 - 5 1993, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 6th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Info: UIST93, 55 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, MA 01867, USA. Tel: 1-617-9422000, ext 2180, Fax: 1-617-9427100 INTERNATIONAL AUDIO VISUAL EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL November 4 - 10 1993, Arnhem, The Netherlands Films, videos, installations, performances and other artistic manifes- tations. Lectures on experimental film, experimental music and their relationship. Art from East European countries and special-feature: media art from the USA (normally not within the scope of this festival). Info: AVE, POB 307, 6800 AH Arnhem, Holland. Tel: 31-85-511300, Fax: 517681 MMM'93 November 9 - 12 1993, Singapore, Rep. of Singapore The International Conf. on Multi-Media Modeling. Info: Ms Veronica Ho, MMM'93 Secretariat, Dept of Information Systems and Comp. Sci., National Univ. of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore. Tel: 65-772 2730, Fax: 65-779 4580, Email: ACM CONFERENCE ON HYPERTEXT. November 14 - 18 1993, Seattle, Washington, USA. Info: Steven Poltrock, Boing Computer Services, P.O. Box 24346, MS 7L-64, Seattle, WA 98124-0346, USA. Tel: 1-206/865-3270, E-mail: COMDEX FALL'93 November 15 - 19 1993, Las Vegas Convention Centre, USA Info: The Interface Group, Fax: 1-617-4992674 DOCUMENT INTEROPERABILITY November 16 - 17 1993, London, UK Europe's first international congress to address the requirement for the document interoperability and how it can be achieved. Info: Technology Appraisals Ltd., 82 Hampton Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5QS, UK. Tel: 44-81-8933986, Fax: 44-81-7441149 ANIMATION STUDIES CONFERENCE November 25 - 28 1993, Farnham, England, UK The 1993 Animation Studies Conference of The Society for Animation Studies will be held at West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham, England from Thursday 25th November to Sunday 28th November 1993. Info: Roger Noake, Animation Studies Conference, West Surrey College of Art and Design, Falkner Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DS, UK. Fax: 44-252-733869 VIRTUAL REALITY'93 December 1 - 3 1993, Vienna, Austria International symposium on Virtual Reality and New Technologies in Com- puter Simulation. Contact: Hannes Davidek, Fax: 43-222-5265749, Email: HYPERTEXT AND KI December 2 - 3 1993, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: Susanne Neubert, Univ. Karlsruhe, Inst. fur Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren, Postfach 6980, D W-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Germany. Tel: 49-721-6084751, Fax: 49-721-693717, Email: X COLLOQUIUM ON MUSICAL INFORMATICS December 2 - 4 1993, Milan, Italy The Colloquium on Musical Informatics is an international biennial meeting of researchers in computer applications to music. The special topic of this 10th edition is musical informatics and hypermedia systems. Info: Comitato Organizzatore del X Colloquio di Informatica Musicale c/o L.I.M. - Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Universita' degli Studi di Milano via Comelico 35, I-20135 Milano, Italy. Tel: 39-2-55006.338/.382, Fax: 39-2-55006.373, E-mail: FILM+ARC December 2 - 5 1993, Graz, Austria Film and architecture - two artistic disciplines in which vision takes form. International competition, forum and conference. Info: Artimage, Katzianerstrasse 3, A-8010 Graz, Austria. Tel: 43-316-829513/842487, Fax: 43-316-829511 EDUGRAPHICS'93 & COMPUGRAPHICS'93 December 6 - 10 1993, Hotel Alvor Praia, Alvor, Algarve, Portugal The First International Conference on Graphics Education and the Third International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques. Organizer and Chairman : Harold P. Santo, Department of Civil Engineering, IST - Advanced Technical Institute, Technical University of Lisbon Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal. Tel. + Fax: 351-1-848-2425, E-mail: ONLINE 93 December 7 - 9 1993, Olympia 2, London, UK. Seventhteenth International Online Information Meeting. Themes: Online and Internet, Mulimedia Solutions, VR, CD-ROM, New methods of Information Delivery. Info: The Organizing Secretary, Learned Infor- mation Ltd, Woodside, Hinksey Hill, Oxford, OX1 5AU, UK. Fax:44-865-736354 2nd INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA SYMPOSIUM January 23 - 28, 1994, Perth, Australia Topics: Education, training & public information, Industry applications & contexts, Finding markets and niches, Creative design, Management & marketing, Research & evaluation Info: John W. Brown, Western Australia House, 115 Strand, London WC2R OAJ, UK. Tel: 44-71-2402881, Fax: 2406637 or Promaco, Unit 9a Canning Bridge Commercial Centre, 890-892 Canning Highway Applecross, Western Australia 6153. Tel 61-9-3648311, Fax: 3161453 1994 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS February 21 - 25 1994, Darmstadt, Germany Info: Erich J. Neuhold, GMD-IPSI / T.H. Darmstadt, Dolivostrasse 15 P.O. Box 104326, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany. Tel: 49-6151-869802, Fax: 49-6151-869818, Email: EP94 April 13 -15 1994, Darmstadt, Germany. EP94, the Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography. For more info (or Call for Papers) contact ISEA or: EP94 - GMD-IPSI, Dolivistr. 15, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany. Tel: 49-224114-2473, Fax: 49-224114-2618, E-mail: ED-MEDIA 94 June 25 - 29 1994, Vancouver, Canada. World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Info: ED-MEDIA 94/AACE, P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA. Tel: 1-804-973-3987, Fax: 1-804-978-7449, E-mail: AACE@Virginia.Edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien- tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information contact ISEA at the address on the front page. ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses men- tioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept), Amsterdam University, V2 Organisation, Tell Productions, YLEM, ISAST, Renderstar Tech- nology, Media Research, Museum der Stad Gladbeck, Corel Corporation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Newsletter