THE INTER-SOCIETY FOR THE ELECTRONIC ARTS THE ISEA NEWSLETTER # 29, MAY 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Fernando Araujo (Colombia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko (US/Canada), Paul Brown (US), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus (Germany), Roger Malina (US), Ivan Pope (UK), Rejane Spitz (Brazil). Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth Shostak. ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-2020850, Fax 31-10-2668705 (c/o Heidi van der Plas). Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS EDITORIAL . COLOMBIA AND THE ELECTRONIC ARTS . GRAPHIC ARTISTS . SCI . MUSIC NEWS . CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION . CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL Dirk Boon We wish to welcome Fernando Araujo as our new correspondent from Colombia. Fernando will also cover the neighbouring countries of Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. Members who can now be reached via e-mail, but who are still receiving the ISEA newsletter by snail-mail, are kindly requested to send their e-mail address to the ISEA secretariat (ISEA@SARA.NL). Since ISEA is still not a very rich organization, and wants to reach as many members (and potential members) as possible (with or without e-mail), we prefer to send the newsletter by the less expensive e-mail route. Although the Inter-Society at the moment has several hundred members in 26 countries, in large regions such as Africa, China, and Russia we have no members at all. In India we only have one member. We think it is important to have contacts in these countries/regions, and to benefit from their cultures. If anybody can help us with this, please contact ISEA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLOMBIA AND THE ELECTRONIC ARTS Fernando Araujo It was more than ten years ago when I first heard the word "Installation" referred to art. The "Installation" was held at the Universidad Nacional in Bogota,Colombia. TEREBRA : As you entered the room (Around 50 sq. meter) you founded three old B&W TVs and some speakers around them.The pictures on the screen showed different views at different times of the surgical procedure known as BRAIN Trepanation.On the audio soundtrack you could heard the sound of the electrical machine used and also the charac- teristic brain bone crushing sound. At the main entrance of the room there were some quotes from an important psychologist related to the link between time perception & events. The objective of the artist was "to made all who enter this room to live "una experiencia de tiempo vacio" (an empty-time experience)". Unfor- tunately I don't remember the name of the artist but one thing to mention is the fact that this installation were attracting Psychologists, Medicine students and ... Engineers !, creating for the first time a true link between Science & Art. It was something real advanced for that time and still it's one of the better installations that we have had here. Since that time an emerging culture for electronic art is developing slowly. Every two years is held here the Salon Nacional de Artistas :it should be the main event but it's really limited for lack of technological capabili- ties and more than that by lack of publicly available information. Art Galleries here are still very classic-oriented and many of their directors think that TVs, Computers & Audio have nothing common to Art. This situa- tion will be changing slowly thanks to some events that I will mention below. Government support -which is limited- is entirely devoted to Classic Opera. As many of you already know,situation in the developing countries is really hard in all aspects and specially for funding. Regarding events in Colombia of interest for ISEA members I will name two: The first is the Festival Internacional de Musica Contemporanea, an idea developed by Cecilia Casas, a classical pianist who also has performed live, some compositions of George Crumb during his visit some years ago. This festival has had three editions with important guests from Finland (Hakilla-Kartunnen), Germany, France (Saariaho), USA & Switzerland, and also the work of some colombian electronic music composers. The festival is funded by Patronato Colombiano de Artes y Ciencias and some private companies. Next edition will be on April-May 1995. Calls for participation will be sent to ISEA as soon as they are available. The second is the Muestra Internacional de Cine y Video sponsored by TPB. This event presents the work of amateur cinematographers and accepts works in all formats (8 mm, VHS, Beta and even 16 mm & Super 8 movies). Next edition will be held on September. More information will be available in the next month. In a next report you will find more information on the events mentioned, and descriptions of the work of some contemporary dance groups. Also a complete synthesis on the past three Festivals of Contemporary Music, which are without doubt the main event for Electronic Arts in Colombia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAPHIC ARTISTS Dear Sir, Have just heard about your organization through a listing on a computer service called America Online. I am the ethics Chair for The SPGA chapter of the Graphic Artist Guild (chapter located in Seattle, WA, USA) Society of Professional Graphic Artists Statement of Purpose The Society of Professional Graphic Artists exists to promote the general business welfare of its members; to exchange views technical and business matters; to evaluate the standards and working conditions of professional graphic artists; to support the SPGA Code of Ethics and Fair Practices; and to meet regularly for the improvement of business relations of its members. SPGA is concerned with professional business practices only. Members consult on bookkeeping, taxes, billing, estimating and collection procedu- res, ownership, copyright and pricing guidelines. And members "Show and Price" their work at monthly meetings. SPGA does not pass judgment on the cleverness or competence of members work. SPGA believes the best judge o artwork is in the competitive market- place. SPGA members, while often competitors, know that good business practice is good business for all. Members, therefore, are eager to share their experiences and that is what sets SPGA apart from all other organizations and why members support ht ideas and ideals of the Society of Professional Graphic Artists. (This is a main excerpt from the original statement of purpose announced in Seattle over 38 years ago. Recently, the SPGA became a chapter of the Graphic Artists guild, who while not as old as the SPGA has gained higher acceptance and legal muscle on a national level. Where before the SPGA was strictly limited to freelance Graphic Designers and Illustrators, it is now open to agencies, photographers and almost anybody in the graphic artist market.) ********* Why I have contacted you********* Graphic Artist suffer from the public's general ignorance of their profes- sion. The average person has only the mildest guess as to the nature of the type of work a graphic artist does. Almost all the work is copy right related. Since most copyrights are only respected when they recog- nized, ignorance of copyright is the largest enemy of graphic artists. Work (art/design) of artisans are constantly being stolen and misused. Over the years with the help of legal institutions and Graphic related organizations (Such as the Graphic Artist Guild) the public has become more away of the copyright issue as it pertains to artisans. The rapidly growing accessibility to the internet and new technology opens up a very large and very dangerous area to artisans. The ease to which a work can be stolen and misused over and over again is mind numbing. Given that there are others, writers in particular, who also recognize this threat to their incomes, action is no doubt being taken. This action I am sure will become the most well enforce (as far as enforceability goes) and the most widely accepted standard practice to gain recognition in the internet. My request of you is to provide us (graphic artists in our area) with information on the rule structuring (both legal and otherwise) that might be being organized for the Internet and for the electronic Media area as a whole. We are seeking speakers who can enlighten us on what is being done currently, and who might be able to direct our efforts where they would be the most effective. Our meetings are the last weekend of each month. We are building a panel for our June meeting and have hopes of having speakers for a cross sampling of electronic Media present. Can you provide us with anybody? Unfortunatly, we will need somebody local as we have not the funds to fly anybody in. Which leads to my next set of questions: Have you made contact with anybody at the national office of the Graphic Artist Guild? Do you have any members who are local to the area of Seat- tle, WA or thereabouts? Do you have any members in the general American West Coast? Your reply is greatly appreciated, I look forward to knowing more about your group. Sincerely, Mark Monlux -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCULPTURE CITY INTERNATIONAL Menno Rubbens Fourth message, 14 april 1994 Summary previous SCI messages: In September 1994 the foundation ATTILA (based in Rotterdam, The Nether- lands) is organizing an international electronic NetWorkshop. The idea is to send and receive 3D-models for SCULPTURE-BUILDINGS. Buildings which are sculptures, and sculptures actually being buildings. Buildings are regarded as sculptures to work and to live in. The main topic of the manifestation will be the relationship between Architecture, Art and Electronic media. With the increasing influence of electronic media on our physical world, the way we experience our physical environment changes. The tendency of communication spaces becoming more and more a-topic will be of great influence on the design of architectural-, sculptural- and cyber- netic-space. The dissolving sensorial boundaries between electronic and physical space will be explored during the manifestation by connecting cyber-spatial-design to physical interfaces, such as milling-machines and VR-installations. Additional Information: 1- The ATTILA foundation has now its own account on The WELL. Please send all questions to: 2- With the assistance of the 'CAD-Training center' of the T.U. Delft the ATTILA foundation has set up an FTP site to make the exchange of files easier. (for info, email: During the last months we got a possitive reaction on our initiative from you. We would like to know if you are still interested in par- ticipating in the NetWorkshop. If you and/or your organisation would like to participate in the exchange of ideas and models during the SCULPTURE CITY INTERNATIONAL NetWorkshop in september 1994 please send mail to : containing name, email address, organisation, country, and a short note why you would like to participate, and if you will participate as an individual or with a group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC (Source Music Research Digest) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEMATISCHE MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT, SYSTEMATIC MUSICOLOGY - MUSICOLOGIE SYSTEMATIQUE Zeitschrift fuer musikalische Grundlagenforschung, Journal for Fundamental Music Research Journal pour la Recherche Fondamentale de la Musique 1993, Number 1 Volume 1 & Volume 2 1) READERS INFORMATION The 1st number (1993-1/1) of the Journal: Systematic Musicology - Question and Answers, includes on 100 pages results connected with the evaluation of the present state of systematic musicological research in different countries. The 2d volume (1993-1/2) includes papers and discussions held 1993 at the first International Musicological Symposium "The Present State of Systematic Musicology" taking place 26th September, 1993 in the castle of Moravany. The 3d number (1994-2/1) will cover contributions written by Mario Baroni (Bologna/Italy), Bernard Bel (Marseille/France), Oskar Elschek (Bratislava/Slovakia), Albrecht Schneider (Hamburg/Germany), Alois Mauerhofer (Graz/Austria), Peter Szoeke (Budapest/Hungary), Helmut Roesing (Kassel/Germany), etc. The 4th number (1994-2-2) will be devoted to papers presented at the 2ND SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEMATIC MUSICOLOGY, which will take place in OCTOBER 10TH TO 12TH, 1994 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY, which will discuss the TOPICS: 1) Analysis, synthesis & modelling with the aid of the computer 2) Theoretical norms and practical realizations in music 3) Systematic musicology and the "cognitive paradigm". Those who are interested to take part in the symposium should contact the editors (snailmail or e-mail). Manuscripts as well should be send to one of the editors:: Oskar Elschek Institut fuer Musikwissenschaft der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Bratislava Dubravska cesta 9 SK-84105 Bratislava Slovakia Albrecht Schneider/Uwe Seifert Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universitaet Hamburg Neue Rabenstr. 13 D-20354 Hamburg Germany Fax:: +49-40-4123-5669, E-MAIL: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th CADIZ INTERNATIONAL VIDEO FESTIVAL. November 14 - 19 1994, Cadiz, Spain. The ninth edition of the International Video Festival will take place in the city of Cadiz in november, 1994. Since this edition it becomes a biennial event. Our intended aim is to provide a meeting place for the interested audience and the professionals connected with the production and difusion of the electronic image. The international video competition is one of the best opportunities to present independent video productions in Spain. The festival will offer a wide and careful selction of video works that will be scheduled in several thematics programmes, retrospec- tives, TV especial screenings, videoinstallations, exhibitions, workshop, along with other complementary activities and the publishing of a bilin- gual catalogue. We hereby invite directors, producers and distributors to make their contribution. Deadline June 30th, 1994. Info: 9th Muestra Internacional de Video de Cadiz, Plaza de Espana s/n ed. Roma, 11071 Cadiz, Spain. Tel: 34-56-240103/211264, Fax: 34-56-240195. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISUALIZATION 95 (WSCG'95 Winter School of Computer Graphics 95) February 14 - 18 1995, Plzen, Czech Republic. The Winter School of Computer Graphics and Visualization will be held at the University of West Bohemia in Plzen, near Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. Contributions (research results and experimental studies) are invited on any topics related to Computer Graphics, Scientific and Medical Visualization, especially (but not limited to): graphicalinteraction, fundamental algorithms, scientific visualization, volume rendering, computer aided geometric design, computer animation, multimedia, parallel and distributed graphics, computational geometry, virtual reality, object oriented graphics and standards, computer vision, virtual reality, frac- tals, geographical information systems. The programme will include invited papers, selected contributions, video (VHS PAL 50Hz) and book exhibition. Deadline for papers November 15, 1994. To submit a paper: Please, submit two copies of your paper (up to 10 pages with max.150 word abstract) for a review by the programme committee by November 15, 1994. Acceptance of papers will be sent by December 28, 1994. Papers must be written in English and authors must be prepared to present the paper at the conference. !! Please, do not use e-mail and fax for sending papers !! Presented papers will be published in post-conference proceedings. Authors must declare that their paper has not been submitted to any other publication. Any contribution cannot be returned. For further information: WSCG 95, Vaclav Skala, Univ.of West Bohemia, Americka 42, Box 314, 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic. Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ARTS NETWORK LOOKING FOR HI-BAND EUROPEAN PARTNERS We are currently in the planning stages of a major art network in Toronto, Canada. We are seeking networks and sites in Europe with whom to col- laborate in the future. We are particularly interested in high-bandwidth, multimedia and interactive communication through the Internet and by satellite. We are also interested in WWW sites, and networks concerned with the arts in general. We would like to hear about your organization / network and your communications capabilities, or about others you know of who are interested in these areas. Please send your replies to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE 9th EUROGRAPHICS WORKSHOP ON GRAPHICS HARDWARE September 12 - 13 1994, Oslo, Norway Call for Papers The Eurographics Hardware Workshop has become an established yearly forum where leading researchers and practitioners in the field of graphics hardware come to present and discuss their work. It witnessed the early evolutions of graphics technology from vector to raster graphics, then to voxel machines, which combine support for curves, surfaces, and volume data, and finally to multi-media systems, which combine graphics and video. The hardware spectrum has expanded towards new technologies and is heavily exploiting a variety of multi-processor architectures. Yet, despites an explosion of innovations, the challenges imposed by the graphics complexity of industrial models or the performance requirements of virtual reality offer tremendous opportunities for further research. Contributions are invited in all aspects of computer graphics hardware and architectures. Topics include: - Graphics hardware accelerators - Silicon compilers for graphics hardware - Graphics hardware simulators - Performance measurement - Hardware support for meshing and triangulation algorithms - Pixel operations and deep frame buffer techniques - Rasterizer performance and accuracy - Multi-processor architectures for graphics - Shared and distributed memory models - Load balancing in graphics systems - Expansion and acceleration of shading models - Space, screen, and model partitioning - Photorealism support - Hardware assist for animation - Hardware support for texture mapping techniques - Hardware support for image composition and volume rendering techniques - Video support and multimedia - Hardware support for level of detail techniques - Hardware support for trimmed surfaces - Hardware support for virtual reality - Hardware support for voxel and octree rendering - Hardware support for direct rendering of CSG and other CAD represen tations - Architectures for voxel graphics Authors are requested to send four copies of the full paper (up to 20 pages) to Wolfgang Strasser or, for North American authors, to Jarek Rossignac. Papers will be reviewed for the workshop. The accepted papers will be printed before the workshop as an EG Technical report. Best papers of the workshop will be considered for a special issue of the ACM Transac- tions on Graphics devoted to Graphics Hardware. To improve typographic quality, authors are encouraged to use the workshop Latex style available from the chairmen. The workshop will take place at SINTEF in Oslo. The fee for participants will be of 100SF for EG members and 200SF for non-members and includes proceedings of the workshop, lunches, and coffee breaks. Please contact the chairmen for further information. SCHEDULE Deadline for submitting workshop papers: 27 May 94 Notification of acceptance: 15 July 94 Final workshop paper due: 15 August 94 Workshop in Oslo: 12-13 September 94 Prof. Dr. Ing. W. Strasser , Universitaet Tuebingen, WSI/GRIS, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, C9, W-72076 Tuebingen, Germany. Tel: 49-7071-29-6356, Fax: 49-7071-29-5466 Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1995 TECHNOLOGICAL DIRECTIONS IN MUSIC EDUCATION CONFERENCE January 26 - 28 1995, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA The Institute for Music Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio is sponsoring the Second Technological Directions in Music Education Conference to be held in San Antonio, TX, January 26-28, 1995. The conference program committee invites the submission of proposals for papers and/or demonstrations of research and creative projects concerning the application of music technology/computers in music education. K-12, private, and college music educators should submit a two- to three-page abstract postmarked by October 15, 1994 to the Conference Chair. The authors name, affiliation, and mailing address should appear only on a separate cover letter indicating whether the proposal is submitted as a poster, lecture, and/or demonstration. The cover letter should include a list of audio-visual and computer equipment for the presentation, indicating those items that the author will supply. Presentations are normally 30 minutes in length. The conference papers will be published in a book of proceedings. The cover letter and three copies of the abstract should be sent to: Kimberly C. Walls, Technology Conference Chair Division of Music, UTSA 6900 N. Loop 1604 W., San Antonio, TX 78249-0645, USA. Fax: 1-210-6914381, e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERGENCE: THE FIFTH BIENNIAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY March 2 - 5 1995, Connecticut, USA Call for Papers, Music Compositions, Presentations, Artworks, Chorepgraphy, Dance Studies and Interactive Installations. The Connecticut College Center for Arts and Technology is pleased to announce CONVERGENCE: The Fifth Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology. Info: Center for Arts and Technology, P.O. Box 5365, New London, CT 06320-4196, USA. Tel: 1-203-4392001, Email: CAT@CONNCOLL.EDU -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ED - MEDIA 95 WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA AND HYPERMEDIA June 18 - 21 1995, Graz, Austria * Papers, Panels, Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, Posters ED-MEDIA 95--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia is an international conference, sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the dissemination of information on the research, development, and applications on all topics related to multimedia/hypermedia and distance education as they apply or may apply at some stage to education for all disciplines and levels of education. We invite you to attend the ED-MEDIA 95 conference and submit proposals for papers, panels, tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations/posters. All proposals are reviewed for inclusion in the conference program. Information for Presenters -------------------------- Details of presentation formats are given on the following pages. The general principles applying to all are: o All communication will be with the principal presenter who is responsible for communicating with co-presenters of that session. o The conference will attempt to secure all equipment needed for presenters. However, where special equipment is needed, presenters may need to provide their own. o All presenters must pay the registration fee (established Summer 1994). Proceedings ----------- Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, 1995. This book serves as a major source book in the multimedia/hypermedia community, indicating the current state of the art in the discipline. In addition, selected papers may be invited for publication in the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia and in a book to be published by a major international commercial publisher. Exhibition ---------- Exhibits are expected to be an integral part of the ED-MEDIA 95 con- ference. Companies or institutions offering multimedia/hypermedia products are invited to complete and return the Request for Information form below. Conference Background --------------------- The ED-MEDIA conference series ties together activities of AACE in publishing the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia and the ICCAL Conference series. ICCAL (International Conference on Computers and Learning) has been held as a major international symposium four times, in Calgary, Canada (1987), Dallas, USA (1989), Hagen, Germany (1990), and Wolfville, Canada (1992). ED-MEDIA conferences have been held at Orlando, Florida (1993) and Vancouver, Canada (1994). ED-MEDIA 95 is the seventh in the series of meetings. ED-MEDIA 95 Deadlines (postmark dates) Submissions Due: October 21, 1994 Authors Notified: January 16, 1995 Camera Ready Copy Due: March 1, 1995 Pre-Registration Deadline: May 15, 1995 International Headquarters: AACE, P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA E-mail:, (804) 973-3987, FAX: (804) 978-7449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOURNALS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEONARDO ELECTRONIC ALMANAC TABLE OF CONTENTS MAY ISSUE: -Introduction Guideposts and Monasteries on the Digital Highway; Roger Malina. -Leonardo Digital Reviews: Exhibition review: Color in the Shadows: Bay Area Cyberart Computer software review: Woggles from Oz: Writing Interactive Fiction Book review: Interactive Music Systems. Book review: The Music Machine. Book review: The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities. Computer software review: Fractals for the Macintosh/Mandella v8.71 Audio compact disc review: Venturi Shadows Audio compact disc review: Contemporary Flute Music Book review: Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal About Thought. Book review: To Infinity and Beyond; A Cultural History of the Infinite. Leonardo Digital Review Notices. Leonardo Digital Reviews Classified Advertisements. Editorial Address: Email: Leonardo Electronic Almanac is published by: The MIT Press Journals 55 Hayward Street Cambridge, MA 02142, USA < Ordering Information > Leonardo Electronic Almanac is $15 to Leonardo/ISAST members and to subscribers to the journal Leonardo. Non-Leonardo subscribers $25.00 Send orders to: Please include full mailing address or account number, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address and indication as to whether you are an ISAST member/Leonardo journal subscriber. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC CINEMA FESTIVAL June 6 - 12 1994, Montreux, Switzerland Festival of films in HDTV Rue du Theatre 5, 1820 Montreux - Switzerland ARS ELECTRONICA 94 June 21 - 25 1994, Linz, Australia. Info: ORF Landesstudio Oberosterreich, Europaplatz 3a, Linz, Australia. Tel: 43-732-6900-238, 267, also Fax: 43-732-7612350 or 783745 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MUSIC PERCEPTION AND COGNITION July 23 - 27 1994, Campus Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liege, Belgium. Info: ESCOM Secretariat, Centre de Recherches Musicales de Wallonie 16 place du 20 Aout, B-4000 Liege, Belgium. Tel: 32-41-223362, Fax: 32-41-220668, Email: URPM@BLIULG11.BITNET SIGGRAPH 94 July 24 - 29 1994, Orlando, Florida, USA Info: Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Siggraph 94 Conference Management 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA. Tel: 1-312-3216830, fax 3216876, Email: SIGGRAPH94@SIGGRAPH.ORG 1st BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC August 3 - 4 1994, Caxambu, Brazil Departamento de Ciencia da Computacao, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil E-mail: MAURICIO@DCC.UFMG.BR ISEA94 THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONIC ART August 23 - 28 1994, Helsinki, Finland. Info: ISEA'94, University of Arts and Design UIAH, Hameentie 135c, 00560 Helsinki, Finland. Tel: 358-0-7563344, Fax: 7563537, Email: ISEA@UIAH.FI INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER MUSIC CONFERENCE 1994 September 12 - 17 1994, Aarhus, Denmark Info: ICMC 1994, Musikhuset Aarhus, Thomas Jensens All, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Tel: 45-8931-8171, Fax: 45-8931-8166, Email: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON NEW MUSIC RESEARCH October 20 - 22 1994, Ghent, Belgium. Contact: Marc Leman, University of Ghent, Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Tel: 32-9-2644125, Fax: 32-9-2644196, Email: FESTIVAL DE LA JEUNE CREATION EN INFOGRAPHIE October 21 - 22 1994, Videotheque de Paris, Forum des Halles, Paris Festival of the Young Creators in Computer Graphics Competition and Festival organized by INA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien- tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information contact ISEA at the address on the front page. ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses men- tioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept), Amsterdam University, V2 Organisation, Tell Productions, YLEM, ISAST, Renderstar Technology, Media Research, Museum der Stad Gladbeck, Corel Corporation, The Council for the Int. Bienale in Nagoya, CSL Computers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Newsletter