THE INTER-SOCIETY FOR THE ELECTRONIC ARTS THE ISEA NEWSLETTER #35, NOVEMBER 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Fernando Araujo (Colombia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko (US/Canada), Paul Brown (Australia), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus (Germany), Pier Luigi Capucci (Italy), Roger Malina (US), Ivan Pope (UK), Rejane Spitz (Brazil). Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth Shostak. ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel/fax 31-10-4778605, Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS EDITORIAL . DEAF . STAMPS . CORRECTIONS . SYMMETRY . LEONARDO . ISEA 94 . CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION . PUBLICATIONS . CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL: BRANCHES Wim van der Plas During ISEA '94 in Helsinki, a meeting took place of representatives from several countries (including Holland, the UK, Austria, Germany, Japan, and Australia) to discuss the forming of national ISEA branches. As yet there are no official guidelines for branches, and those that are already active (Holland, Brasil, Japan) have an informal status. It was decided that the Dutch branch would become 'official' by formally founding itself, and thus achieving legal status. The other branches are, for another year at least, continuing without such status. During the coming year the ISEA Board will be busy working out guidelines for branches, aided we hope by the experiences of the Dutch branch. During ISEA '95 in Montreal, ISEA intends to present guidelines for ISEA branches specifying the relationship they will have to the Inter-Society. This much of the anticipated guidelines is already clear: -The branches will be called ISEA-[country name, or abbreviation thereof]. For example, ISEA NL, ISEA UK, ISEA Japan, etc. -The branches will not act as separate associations with separate memberships. Their aim is to encourage more people and institutes to join ISEA as members. Eventually, a deal can possibly be worked out where the branch receives a percentage of the membership fees they help bring in. -The branch must report its activities to the ISEA board beforehand. ISEA has the right to withhold the use of the name 'ISEA' if the planned activities are not in accordance with the general aims of ISEA or if the activities will compete too directly with the annual ISEA symposia. -ISEA will support the branch when it applies for local/national subsidies for its own activities. The Dutch branch is being founded now. It has the legal status of a foundation (stichting) under Dutch law. The board members are: Martha Hesper-de Haas (chair), Wim van der Plas (secretary-treasurer) and Bas Vroege. Bas Vroege, publisher of the bi-lingual Perspektief Magazine (on photography and new media), has provided ISEA-NL with office space in Rotterdam. For the time being this office will serve as ISEA international headquarters as well. The address is: St. Jobsweg 30, Rotterdam (our mailing address remains the POB). Phone/fax: 31-10-4778605. Now that ISEA has proper office space, we would like to invite volunteers and students to help. A lot has to be done, and a lot can be learned. P.S. Professor Kwi-Hyun Park of the Kaywon School of Art and Design has just informed us of his intention to start a Korean ISEA branch. Welcome ISEA Korea! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEAF Wim van der Plas The first occurrence of the Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) took place in Rotterdam recently. It was organized by ISEA, V2, WDS and theater Lantaren/Venster. It was a very succesful event andattracted an incredible amount of press attention. The most impressive part of DEAF was the exhibition by V2, consisting of a limited number of large interactive installations by Ulrike Gabriel, Simone Simons/Peter Bosch, Paul Garrin, and Woody Vasulka. Other events organized by V2 were performances by (among others) Zbigniew Karkowski, a live radio concert for the Austrian(!) radio, a presentation by Knowbotic Research, a session on the World Wide Web with (among others) David Blair, a film night, and a one-day symposium on Generated Nature. Symposium speakers included Derrick de Kerckhove, Lev Manovich, Martin Pawley, Detlef Linke, Philippe Queau, and Peter Weibel. WDS, a local multimedia design studio, organized a small exhibition on consumers' interactive media and a continuous, interactive, collective 'collage', involving students from three different art schools and a music conservatory. Visitors were allowed to interact, too. The well thought-out way WDS handled this event made it one of the few (esthetically) successful of its kind to date. WDS also organized a symposium on multimedia. The keynote speaker was (a member of ISEA's Advisory Committee) Thijs Chanowski, of BSO's Media Lab. DEAF was ISEA-NL's first large-scale event (ISEA NL organized a lecture by Collis Davis on interactive film earlier). However, ISEA-NL had to do this with a very limited budget. In line with the main aim of ISEA, the goal of the ISEA part of DEAF was to initiate more cooperation (within Holland) among the institutes (and individuals) that are active in the field. This was attempted by inviting many institutes and organizations in the area of electronic art to submit representative work and documentation. The results of this constituted an exhibition in Lantaren/Venster, curated by Albert and Tina Verburg of ISEA-NL. Despite the 'no-budget' situation, they succeeded in putting together a fascinating exhibit, consisting in large part of installations created by art schools. 'Education' was the theme of an ISEA symposium within DEAF, the best attended of the three. Rene Swetter of the Dutch Film and Television School reported on the way this school has begun curricula in the production of interactive programs, and his philosophy behind same. John Lansdown of the Middlesex University gave a comprehensive overview of the problems and potential of computer art and design education. ISEA Board Member Peter Beyls of St. Lukas College in Brussels, in a very strong lecture, pointed out all the paradoxes connected with the use of computers in art education. After these presentations, Martin Spanjaard of the Minerva Art School in Groningen offered eight provocative statements, providing sufficient ground for discussion with the floor. Items included: 'should art students have to learn to program?', and 'what should be the composition of the staff of a computer art department?'. There was consensus on the answer to the last question: it can only be a multi-disciplinary team of artists, scientists, and technologists. On the night of the 12th of November, ISEA presented concerts and a performance. Jaap Dercksen and other 'traditional' professional musicians played 'Sound Movie' a composition for band and 'Image Keyboard'. The Image Keyboard was developed by Montevideo of Amsterdam and generates (moving) images with accompanying sounds (e.g., a drop of water falling). The Sonology Department of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague presented a four piece concert, including state-of-the-art live performances by Wart Wamsteker (cyber glove) and Floris Boddendijk (joystick). Finally, Arthur Elsenaar gave a performance with voice computer (programmed by Remco Schaa) and computer-controlled facial muscle stimulators. The computer explained how humans communicate with their facial expressions, while steering Arthur's. Another major activity of ISEA within DEAF was the organization of a series of four seminars on electronic art in October, introducing many newly interested people to the subject. Among the speakers were Australian performance artist Stelarc and Alcedo Coenen of Amsterdam University. Best attended was the seminar on Interactive Art and Media by Dick Rijken (Utrecht School of Arts) and Ton Damen (WDS). DEAF was originally the name for a festival to be organized by ISEA-NL alone, and was to take place at several locations in Holland, including the town of Zaanstad, near Amsterdam. As the cooperation with V2 and WDS took shape and the event developed a specifically 'Rotterdam' character, it was decided to rename the Zaanstad ISEA-activity: 'Under Current' (Onderstroom). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORRECTIONS Yoshiyuki Abe Due to my poor command of English and a misunderstanding, the article by Takahiko Iimura in October issue was inaccurately translated. Instead of "opposite side," it should be "the other" or "other side" as he didn't consider them as an antagonism. In addition, "woman chauvinism" should be "woman principle" as a positive force. My apologize to Mr.Iimura and the readers. (Yoshiyuki Abe) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAMPS In Holland, school children sell so-called Children's Stamps once a year on a very large scale. A surcharge beyond the normal postal tariff is added to these stamps, benefitting (children-related) charity. This year the children will design their own stamps in a competition. This has been done a few times before, but this is the first instance in which they will use computers (CorelDraw and/or Paintbrush). This is an interesting experiment, if only for its scale: during the last four years some 27,000 computers with these paint programs have been distributed in primary schools. We hope to be able to show you the results in the new year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd INTERDISCIPLINARY SYMMETRY CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION August 14 - 20 1995, Old Town Alexandria (near Washington, D.C.), USA. The congress and exhibition, organized by ISIS-Symmetry (International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry), which has members in 41 countries, in 6 continents, present a broad interdisciplinary forum with morning plenary sessions and afternoon symposia. The event has a special interest in art-science-technology relationships. The topics of the related "Ars Scientifica" exhibition include: polyhedra, geometric design, kaleidoscopes, new media. See also Calls for Participation. Sponsor: ISIS-Symmetry. Information: Gyorgy Darvas, Symmetrion - The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies, P.O. Box 4, Budapest, H-1361 Hungary; tel: +36-1-131-8326; fax: +36-1-131-3161; e-mail:; Denes Nagy, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Science City, Japan 305; tel: +81-298-53-6786; fax: +81-298-53-5205; e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEONARDO SPACE ARTS NEWS NOW ON WWW Roger Malina Leonardo/ISAST announces that the publication Space Arts News has now established home page on the World Wide Web. Space Arts News covers all areas of inter-relations between space exploration and astronomy with the arts, music and humanities. Space Arts News is an official publication of the Subcomittee on Arts and Literature of the International Academy of Astronautics. The Editor is artist Arthur Woods. Persons interested in posting items for inclusion in Space Arts News should send the email item to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISEA 94 Minna Tarkka/Kari Happonen Dear ISEA'94 participant & proposer, On behalf of the organisers, we would like to thank you once more for your interest and participation in ISEA'94 Helsinki. The Symposium was a very successful event, with over 500 participants and a friendly and intensive ambience. The thematic conference sessions and the cutting-edge art exhibition updated the electronic art scene, while the side projects focusing on electro nic popular culture brought the event to a wider audience. ISEA'94 also introduced new additions to the tradition of ISEA symposia - the session on the pedagogy of electronic art, the WWW multicasting of the presentations and the Media Lounge multimediath eque were projects that received a lot of positive feedback. And most important of all the Symposium left a warm memory and gave birth lo numerous contacts and future collaborations. This final letter contains information on the proceedings and archive of ISEA'94. Please note that the ISEA'94 Office will close and the address, tel and fax are valid only until November 1, 1994 and the email address until the end of the year 1994. This letter will also guide you to further contact addresses. Proceedings The University of Art and Design Helsinki has opened a World Wide Web service for the UIAH Conference Proceedings, which led to a decision to distribute the ISEA'94 proceedings over the net - the free InterNet service will reach a much larger audience, an d the network distribution seems a natural choice for papers dealing with electronic culture. From December 1994 on, the ISEA'94 Proceedings will be reached as follows: The University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH Homepage: To get to the Proceedings, click: Book Shop / ISEA'94 Proceedings If you have questions concerning the Proceedings or if you would like to order copies of the ISEA'94 Catalogue (ed. Minna Tarkka; 224 pages in colour, with essays, art projects and abstracts; price $55 incl. postage), please contact: UIAH Information and Publishing Unit Ms. Annu Ahonen Hameentie 135 C FIN-00560 Helsinki email: Archive All the materials submitted to and presented in the Symposium are being archived as follows: Art projects. Papers. Panels & Workshops: UIAH Media Lab Hameentie 135 C FIN-00560 Helsinki Tel +358-0-7563563 fax +358-0-7563555 Contact person: Isto Mannisto, email Concert & Audio projects: SACMUS Sibelius-Academy's Computer Music Studio PL 86 FIN-00251 Helsinki Finland Tel +358-0-4054701 fax +358-0-4054711 Contact person: Pauli Laine, email The audiovisual and other materials will be used for teaching and research purposes only. The ISEA'94 Archive will form the basis of an important memory bank on the work done in the electronic media. Your contribution in this project is being kindly reque sted and warmly welcomed. If you anyhow prefer to have your materials returned, please contact the above addresses. The UIAH Media Lab (Director Phillip Dean) and SACMUS (Director pauli Laine) are also the Finnish experts of electronic art - willing to collaborate on future projects. ISEA'95 The 6th International Symposium on Electronic Art will take place in Montreal, Canada, September 17-24, 1995. The ISEA'95 theme Sens emergents/ Emergent Senses focuses on the new sensoria/new meanings brought about by electronic technology. The call for p articipation is already being distributed and the first deadline is in December 1994. For further information, contact: ISEA'95 Montreal 307, Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Bureau 515 B, Montreal, Quebec Canada H2X 2A3 Tel: 1-514-990-0229, Fax: 1-514-842-7459, Email: With wishes of a pleasant and active turn of the year and in hope for future meetings, Yours Sincerely, Minna Tarkka Kari Happonen ISEA'94 Proqramme director ISEA'94 Producer University of Art and Design Helsinki UlAH/Media Lab Hameentie 135 C FIN 00560 Helsinki Finland Tel: 358-0-7563601, Fax: 358-0-7563602, Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D SOUND PROJECTION I am trying to gather information for a masters thesis on 3D sound projection systems for the Macintosh. If you have any contacts I would be most grateful to know their addresses, Thanks, Damian Castaldi, Studio Supervisor, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Australia. Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEEKING AUTHOR ON ART ON WWW From: Wave is a cyberspace magazine a la Wired published in Dutch. We'd be interested in publishing a story about how the net is changing artistic practices, featuring some ART WWW's etc... Could you recommend any appropriate author, and if not, publish this request . Wave also carries a Wave Art for portfolios on digital art, one page text, 3 full page pictures. It should be art accessible to a larger public, Michel Bauwens editor in chief -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEATHS IN NEWPORT Lewis Baltz CD-ROM published by Paradox, Holland. The title comes from a double murder (or was it an accident?) in Newport, California in 1947. Since photographer Lewis Baltz' father was involved in the court case, 'Deaths in Newport' is the result of Baltz' research into the archives. The program on CD-ROM is the interactive part of an installation that will be shown as a part of the event (Alter) Ego Documents, taking place simultanuously in seven public and privat galleries in Amsterdam early next year. (Alter) Ego Documents will show autobiographical projects in current photographic and media art practice. Curators: The Deaths in Newport is also available for touring in various packages. Normal price CD-ROM: Hfl. 75,- (US$ 45). If you order now: Hfl. 55,- (US$ 35). Contact: Paradox, Rotterdam, Holland. tel 31-10-4765208, fax 4769069. Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYBERSTAR'95 At the 'Medienforum Nordrhein-Westfalen' in Cologne in June 1995, an international jury will present the first annual Cyberstar award for virtual worlds and interactive scenarios. Emphasis is laid on experimental work rather than on finished 'products'. Entries will consist of free-form video presentations. Monetary awards totalling 35.000 DM will be given to the top three winners. Deadline: March 31st, 1995. Info: Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koln, Cyberstar, 50600 Koln, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST INTERNATIONAL ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC COMPETITION OF SAO PAULO 1995. Competition for composers under 40 years of age. "For this first competition will be not considered electroacoustic works including live elements (instruments, live electronics, synthesizers, voice, etc)". Entry fee of US$ 20. Deadline: April 15, 1995. Info & entry forms:Studio PANorama, FASM Rua Dr. Emilio Ribas, 89 (Perdizes) 05006-020 Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil Tel: 55-11-8269718, fax 8269700, 2412401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LVMH Science For Art Prize: Call for entries Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (LVMH) have announced a call for entries for the 1995 Science for Art Prize. The 1995 theme is " Play of Light and Matter", and covers all areas of science and art that deal with exploring and understanding the interaction of light and matter. A Science Prize and an Art Prize will be awarded-each 100,000 French Francs. Entries must be received by Jan 27, 1995. Entry applications can be obtained by contacting LVMH Science For Art Prize, Two Park Avenue, Suite 1830, New York, NY 10016, USA Fax: 1- 212-340-7620 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART SHOW IMAGINATION 1995 Royal Dutch Trade Fair Utrecht, Holland May 31 - June 2, 1995 ISEA-NL in co-operation with the Royal Dutch Fairs organizes a large scale art show, to be held during Imagination '95, the trade show for creative computer applications. We are conferring with sponsors to credit a number of very interesting awards. Publications in several media have been promised. Entries must be computer generated or computer manipulated. Categories: 2-D and 3-D stills: negative, slide or (max.) A-4 print Audio: Cassette or self running floppy Typography: Max. A-4 print Animation: Video (Umatic lowband or VHS) Video Art: Umatic lowband or VHS, or described concepts Interactive installations: Selfrunning software or description of concepts Number of entries per artist: maximum of three items. All entries must be accompanied by a short CV resume. If returning of the entries is desired, enclose a self addressed stamped envelop (in Holland) or a self addressed envelop and payment for return postage, preferably credit card info. Deadline: February 28, 1995 Entries and info: TINA, c/o Albert Verburg POB 164, 2040 AD Zandvoort, Holland Tel: 31-2507-31030, Fax: 31-10-4778605, Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTISTS' CD (-ROM) EXHIBITION Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia An international exhibition is proposed for the Museum of Contemporary Art in mid 1995. The curators wish to represent the diversity of practice being pursued worldwide by artists working with computers. Innovative presentations by artists using CD (-ROM) of work in other media (eg photography, video, slide), will also be copnsidered for exhibition. We request artists to submit work for consideration - please do not send original material. We are also interested in receiving information about discs planned for completion in early 1995.Deadline: February 17, 1995 Info and entries: Mike Leggett, Artists' CD(ROM) Exhibition, MCA, POB R1286, Sydney, 2000 Australia. Fax: 61-2-2524361, Email: M.LEGGETT@UNSW.EDU.AU -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGGRAPH 95 August 6 - 11 1995, Los Angeles, USA 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Deadlines: Papers: January 11, 1995, 6 pm Pacific Standard Time Technical Sketches: May 31, 1995, 6 pm PST Panels: January 11, 1995, 6 pm PST Courses: December 14, 1994 Art Gallery: February 15, 1995 (categories: 2D and 3D art works, installations, Digital Illustration, Artist's books, Postal - mail- art, Critical essays) Computer Animation/Electronic Theatre: April 26, 1995, 6 pm SPT Interactive Entertainment: February 15, 1995 Interactive Communities (will showcase examples of the emerging social forms that are shaping the local, national, and global information. Categories: virtual environments, visualization and multimedia applications, projects by/for children, networked digital studios, projects by/for classrooms, musea, community groups, etc): February 15, 1995 Slides: March 29, 1995 Award Nominations: January 11, 1995 Student Volunteers: March 1, 1995 5 pm PST ISEA-NL is the Dutch representative for Siggraph 95. The Call for Participation (including all entry forms) can be obtained in Holland by sending a self addressed (Hfl.2,80) stamped (A-4 size) envelop to ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam. For other national addresses contact us via Email or fax. Contact Siggraph directly at: Smith, Bucklin & Ass, 401 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Ill 60611, USA. Tel 1-312-3216830, fax 6876, email SIGGRAPH95@SIGGRAPH.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS, WORKSHOP TOPICS, AND EXHIBITION ITEMS. Third Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition August 14 - 20 1995, Old Town Alexandria (near Washington, D.C.), USA. FIELDS OF INTEREST SYMMETRY: NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL The congress and exhibition present a broad interdisciplinary forum where the representatives of various fields in art, science, and technology may discuss and enrich their experiences. The concept symmetry, having roots in both art and science, helps to provide a `common language' forthis purpose. The new `bridges' between disciplines could inspire further ideas in the original fields of participants, as well as facilitate the adaptation of existing ideas and methods from one field to another. Exhibition: Ars Scientifica There have been several exhibitions representing the specific impact of certain fields of science and technology on art, but ISIS-Symmetry has initiated a regular forum for a broader interface of art and science. The exhibition will consist of two parts: a professional exhibition and an informal one, based on the objects illustrating the lectures given by the participants. Some workshops will be conducted in the exhibition rooms. SPECIAL INTERESTS of Ars Scientifica are, among others: kaleidoscopes, polyhedra, model designs, new media. DEADLINES -for application and short description of contribution and other proposals: December 15, 1994; -for submitting final (camera ready) versions of the extended abstracts: March 31, 1995. CONTACT PERSONS (for the Congress and Exhibition) America: Martha Pardavi-Horvath, Site Coordinator, George Washington University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Washington, DC 20052, USA. Tel: 1-202-994-5516, Fax: 1-202-994-5296, E-mail: Europe: Gyorgy Darvas, Executive Secretary, ISIS-Symmetry Symmetrion - The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies P.O. Box 4, Budapest, H-1361 Hungary. Tel. 36-1-131-8326, Fax: 36-1-131-3161, E-mail: Asia: Denes Nagy, President, ISIS-Symmetry Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki-ken 305, Japan. Tel: 81-298-53-6786, Fax: 81-298-53-5205, E-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL IDEA 'Infections' November 6 - January 15, World Wide Video Centre, Spui 189, The Hague, Holland Including Aids-Related Works & Installations 1988-1994. A Retrospective of Selected Video Works 1970-1994. General Idea was a collective of three Canadian artists: Jorge Zontal, Felix Partz and AA Bronson. Zontal and Partz died recently. The exhibition covers all rooms in the Video Centre and makes use of the Priva-Lite screen (can be watched from the street). Other future Priva-Lita projects include works by Bill Viola, Ponton Media Art Lab and Rem Koolhaas. REVUE VIRTUELLE November 9 - January 23, Centre Pompidou, Galerie Sud, Paris, France Exposition by George Legrady, Pierre Levy and Nam June Paik NEW YORK VIRTUAL REALITY EXPO November 29 - December 1, New York, USA Info: Tel: 1-212-6778700, fax 2542507 SPRINGTIJ@INFO.EKKO November 30 - December 11 1994, Utrecht, Holland Do not try that Email address, it isn't one. It is the title of an electronic art event organized by Ekko, consisting of lectures, performances, video shows, workshops, internet sessions etc. Info: Ekko, Bemuurde Weerd wz 3, Utrecht, Holland. Tel: 31-30-317457, fax 310402 MONTEVIDEO/TBA Exhibitions December '94: Giny Vos January '95: Ken Feingold February '95" Peter Bogers Spuistraat 104, 1012 VA Amsterdam, Holland. Tel: 31-20-6237101 NATURWISSENSCHAFT UND KUNST December 1 - 3 1994, University of Leipzig, Germany. Info: Kunstodie der Universitat Leipzig, Goethestr. 2, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany. Tel: 49-341-71-04208. Fax: 49-341-281854 INTERACTIVE INFORMATION EXPO December 6 - 8 1994, New York, USA Info: Tel: 1-201-346-1400, fax 1532 THE FOURTH SCIENCE & ART EXHIBITION '94 'Virtual Reality and Future Life' December 9 - 11, Korea Exhibition Center, Korea VR Applications: Virtual Theater, VR Actors, Telecommunication & VR, VR Performance, Virtual Factory, Tele Robitics, Virtual Ski, Virtual Aquarium, etc. Invited art by artists from Japan, Germany, UK, France, USA and Australia, as well as domestic artists. Names include Kawaguchi, Abe, Hashimoto, Gruber, Barbier, Meissner, Garrin, Callas, Beriou, Vasulka and many others. Info: Prof. Kwi-Hyun Park (director), tel: 82-343-201830, 201831 fax 247509 MACWORLD EXPO January 4 - 7 1995, San Francisco, USA Info: Tel: 1-617-361-2001, fax 3389 MILIA '95 January 13 - 16 1995, Cannes, France Info: 1-212-689-4220, fax 4348 IV FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE MUSICA CONTEMPORANEA April 1995 , Bogota, Colombia. Directed by Cecilia Casas. Inquiries can be made to : Cra 9 74-99 Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 57-1-2484969, Fax : 571-2484969 ED-MEDIA 95 June 18 - 21 1995, Graz, Austria World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Papers, short papers, panels, tutorials, workshops, demonstration, posters Info: ED-MEDIA 95/AACE, P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USA. Tel: 1-804-973-3987, Fax: 1-804-9787449, E-mail: AACE@Virginia.Edu ARS ELECTRONICA June 20 - 24 1995, Linz, Austria Theme: Mythos Information; Welcome to the Net Worlds. "Ars Electronica 95 will ask critical questions to dogmas and myths of postmodern information society". Info: Brucknerhaus, Untere Donaulande 7, A-4010 Linz, Austria Tel: 43-732-7612244, Fax: 7612350 ISEA95 September 17 - 24 1995, Montreal, Canada. Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Art Info: ISEA 95, 307 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Bureau 515B, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tel: 1-514-990-0229, Fax: 1-514-842-7459, Email: ISEA95@ER.UQAM.CA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien- tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information contact ISEA at the address on the front page. ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses men- tioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept), Amsterdam University, V2 Organisation, YLEM, ISAST, Renderstar Technology, Media Research, Museum der Stad Gladbeck, Corel Corporation, The Council for the Int. Bienale in Nagoya, CSL Computers, Viking Eggeling-Salskapet, Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts & Design, Softimage Inc, Lokman Productions, ARTCOM in DEUTSCHLAND e.V., Tampere School of Art & Communications -------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Newsletter