THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                                 #39 MARCH 1995

Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki
Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko
(US/Canada), Paul Brown (Australia), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus
(Germany), Roger Malina (US), Rejane Spitz (Brazil). Lay-out: Rene Pare
(Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth Shostak. 
ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel/fax 31-10-4778605, 
Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter)


As you know, Regular Members of ISEA receive a free subscription to the
Journal Languages of Design, starting with the '95 Volume (4 issues). The
first issue of the new volume was to appear in March, but Elsevier Science
Publishers now inform us that it is going to be a few months late. We are
sorry for this, and hope you can be patient. All members who paid full
fees will receive the whole volume. In the mean time, if you are interested
in a sample copy, you may contact Elsevier Science Publishers, c/o drs. E.
Smit, POB 103, 1000 AC Amsterdam, Holland or email:
Due to the fact that our ISEA work is unpaid volunteer work and we have to
do other things to stay alive, we sometimes leave things much too late. For
example, we updated our financial administration before ISEA94 in Helsinki,
but we never distributed the summary (in the form of a balance) to our 
Members. You have the right to know, and so we have included it here:

ISEA FINANCES July 1st, 1992 - July 1st, 1994
All amounts in Dutch guilders (Hfl.) 


Stamps                        Hfl. 4137,85
Xeroxes                             545,05
Other office costs                  230,78 
Symposium publications etc         1230,89
Graphic Design                      176,25
Chamber of Commerce                  61,-   
Deposits                             75,-
Travel (TISEA)                     5150,-
Representation                       27,92
Banking Costs                       383,79
Total expenses                               Hfl.12018,53


Membership fees               Hfl. 7224,52
Sales (Publications)               2367,61
Subsidies (TISEA travel exp.)      5150,-
Interest                              4,55
Total income                                 Hfl.14746,68
Positive balance                             Hfl. 2728,15 
If you want to join the ISEA'95 discussion list on the internet, send the
following message to
SUBSCRIBE ISEA95 your@emailaddress
Leave the subject header blank.

In an earlier Newsletter, we stated that ISEA-NL represents SIGGRAPH 95 in
Holland. What we wanted to say, is that we could provide you with information
on SIGGRAPH 95. However, since SIGGRAPH is an association with elected
representatives, our earlier statement was misleading. Our announcement
should have read: "The Dutch member of the International Committee for
SIGGRAPH 95 is Wim van der Plas, and he may be contacted at the ISEA

Ray Lauzzana

In October of 1994, this new professional society was formed.  

Aims & Purpose
to promote the development of formal representations for creative 
processes and the implementation of these processes on computing machines.

Considering recent developments in generative grammars, genetic algorithms
and other research in computer and cognitive science, this society was formed
to promote the development of formal representations for creative processes
and the implementation of these processes on computing machines. 

This international, interdisciplinary society is devoted to research in all
forms of computational modelling of creative processes.  The society welcomes
researchers employing computational techniques to model the synthesis of
literary and non-literary texts, music, and visual works including art,
dance, theater, architecture and all types of design.  

This multidisciplinary focus is reflected by the board of directors and the
editorial board of the journal of the society, _Languages of design_, which
includes linguists and literary theorists, music theorists and composers,
computer scientists and researchers in artificial intelligence, artists,
architects, and art critics. The special interests of the society focuses on 
formal design theory, generative grammars, shape grammars, computational
musicology, and computational aesthetics. All forms of computational
modelling are reported in the society journal including formal languages,
finite state automata, grammatical inference, pattern recognition, cellular
automata, semantic networks, connectionism, and syntactical analysis. A broad 
variety of analytic perspectives are represented, including syntactics,
semiotics, deconstruction, hermeneutics, stylistics, narratology, philology,
morphology, prosody, harmony theory, formal musicology, and performance

Society membership is open to anyone interested in current research applying 
computational methods to the synthesis of words, images, sounds and movement. 

Bernard Bel: Centre for Human Sciences, New Delhi, India
Shi Kuo Chang: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Subrata Dasgupta: University of Southwestern Louisiana, USA
Clive L. Dym: Harvey Mudd College, Clairemont, CA, USA
Ernest Edmonds: Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, UK
John Gero: University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Goffredo Haus: University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Carl Machover: Machover Assoc., White Plains, NY, USA
Rani Siromoney: Madras Christian College, Madras, India
Martin Sperka: Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia

President - Raymond Lauzzana: Penrose Press, San Francisco, USA
Vice President - Alan Turransky: George Mason University, USA
Sec/Treasurer - Denise Penrose: Addison-Wesley, Reading, USA

_Languages of design_
Mira Balaban, Israel            Bernard Bel, India
Paul Berg, The Netherlands      Mario Borillo, France
Jose Luis Caivano, Argentina    Lelio Camilleri, Italy
David Carrier, USA              Kermit Champa, USA
Gianni degli Antoni, Italy      Bulat Galeyev, Russia
Joan Kirsch, USA                Russell Kirsch, USA
Terry Knight, USA               Ramesh Krishnamurti, USA
Kamala Krithivasan, India       Otto Laske, USA
John P. Leavey Jr, USA          Tod Machover, USA
Roger Malina, USA               Frieder Nake, Germany
Davide Nardoni, Italy           Ding Ning, China
Yoshikuni Okawa, Japan          Gerald Prince, USA
Judson Rosebush, USA            Azriel Rosenfeld, USA
Martin Sperka, Slovakia         Dominico Spinelli, USA
Randall Stickrod, USA           George Stiny, USA
Johan Sundberg, Sweden          Eero Tarasti, Finland

The society collaborates with educational institutions, commercial research
enterprises and other professsional societies through its publications, the
promotion of special events, participation at symposia, and an annual awards
program. The first annual prize to be awarded by the society will be the  
"1996 Award for the Best Computational Model of a Creative Process. "

-- an annual subscription (four issues) to Languages of design, the society
journal. This is more than a 70% discount on the regular subcription price of
the journal.
-- an annual subscription to the society newsletter containing news of member
and society activities. 
-- a package of discounts on books, journals, events, etc. including
discounts on Leonardo, International Directory of Design and International
Directory of Electronic Artists (IDEA). Other discounts to be announced.
-- access to the society's ftp site on the World-Wide Web for the
dissemination of member information.

MEMBERSHIP DUES -- US$81 per year
Society for Computational Modelling of Creative Processes (SCMCP)
PO 470925, San Francisco, CA 94147, USA

Also note the editorial of this Newsletter (ed.)


The world's largest, most prestigious conference on computer graphics and
interactive techniques. Powerful interactive media adventures. The far
horizons of digital technology. People who envision, explore, imagine, and
define the magic of real-time global collaboration.

Join us in Los Angeles in August, when science, digital media, human
interaction, entertainment, and networked environments converge to create

-Papers on premier research in computer graphics and interactive techniques.
-Technical Sketches of advanced research in progress.
-Panels debating current issues and tomorrow's visions in the digital world.
-Courses taught by the world's leading experts.
-The world's finest computer art in the SIGGRAPH 95 Art Gallery.
-Artist/Designer Sketches: brief presentations on the challenge of digital
-Computer Animation Festival/ Electronic Theatre: animated adventures in
science, art, and entertainment.
-Interactive Entertainment: installations reflecting the convergence of
Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
-New forms of networked human collaboration in Interactive Communities.
-Educators' Program: using and teaching the latest technologies.
-GraphicsNet, a powerful, interactive web that demonstrates the future of
networked graphics environments.
-The Exhibition: all the leading suppliers of hardware, software, and
services that empower the digital revolution.

Save! Register Early!
Early registration is strongly advised, as substantial discounts apply to
registrations received by Friday, 30 June 1995.

On-site registration at the Los Angeles Convention Center begins Sunday, 6
August 1995. If you need more detailed SIGGRAPH 95 program information,
please contact the conference management office. ACM SIGGRAPH members will
automatically receive an Advance Program when it is distributed in late

For conference information, please contact:

Conference Management Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA
Tel 1-312-321-6830, fax 6876, email

For a brochure containing info on Siggraph 95, including the Courses Program
and Registration Forms, you can contact one of the members of the
International Committee. In Holland: contact ISEA. Send us a SAS envelop (A4
size, Hfl 2,10 stamps).

International Conference and Exhibition
June 25 - 30  1995, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
The Computer Graphics Society's CGI Conference and Exhibition is a truly
international event where past venues have included: Singapore, USA, Japan,
Switzerland, Montreal and Australia. It was held in the UK in 1989 and was a
major success; this year it returns to the UK with the co-sponsorship of the
British Computer Society, the Virtual Reality Society, and in cooperation
with ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE, and Eurographics. 13 Pre-Conference Courses will be
held 25-27 June and 36 papers will be presented at the Conference, 28-30

Future Conferences are planned for Korea (1996), and Canada (1997).
Further information on CG International 95 may be found below.

International Invited Speakers and selected responses to the Call for Papers
will present key aspects at the leading edge of computer graphics, virtual
reality, visualization, computer animation and multimedia. The emphasis is
upon technical innovation and new advances in algorithms and applications.
In addition, there will be an Exhibition comprising the latest developments
in the market place.  Potential exhibitors are invited to contact the 
Secretariat for further information.  The Conference Proceedings are to be
published as a book by Academic Press, and will be available to delegates
at the Conference.  It is priced at #35 pounds sterling and is included in
the Registration Fee for the Conference.

36 Refereed Papers will be presented in 3 days.  These were selected
from those submitted, by peer review of the International Programme
Committee.  The international representation in the papers selected
includes the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Korea,
Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, and USA.  Industries
are also represented in the papers.

Topic areas covered in the papers include the following principal areas -

     * Computer graphics
     * Visualization
     * Computer animation
     * Virtual reality
     * Image generation
     * Multimedia
     * Applications

One of the features of this year's event is a wide range of courses available
to delegates. Previous attendees have always found these courses an excellent
way to acquire valuable knowledge in a specific area; moreover, they provide
excellent value for money to any company wanting to keep their staff abreast
of this rapidly moving subject.  The courses will run from Sunday, 25th June
to Tuesday, 27th June.  Professor John Vince is presenting an intensive 1-day
course on 25th June on "Introduction to Computer Graphics and Virtual
The first part of this course will provide a valuable introduction to the
algorithms and techniques employed in computer graphics and computer
The second part covers the concepts of virtual environments and explores how
recent virtual reality systems are being applied.  The course is especially 
recommended to those who are attending the CGI conference and are new to the
field of computer graphics or virtual reality.  The course structure is based
upon Professor Vince's new book "Virtual Reality Systems" to be published by
Addison-Wesley in 1995.  Half-day courses on other introductory and more
advanced topics are arranged for Monday, 26th and Tuesday, 27th June.  

CGI 95 Secretariat, 
Conference Office, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.                    
Tel: 44-0-113-233-6102, Fax: 44-0-113-233-6107                  

This Conference Program is also available on WWW with hot links to Invited
Speakers' information, laboratories, research etc.
The URL is

Isabelle Chemin

AUX500DIABLES is a manifestation organised by contemporary artists planned
for march'95/april '95 after an initial try in november '93. Rooted in the
plastic arts but open to other forms. 
AUX500DIABLES functions as artists do, in total self-freedom, irregularly,
unbounded by the limits of time and place or space. 
To be where least expected, AUX500DIABLES is a constantly evolving network
where artists and spectators mutually participate, a snack or a feast, in
Bordeaux as elsewhere. 
AUX500DIABLES does not wish to impose anything except joyous interactivity,
in unexpected ways and unusual places, hopefully with wit and good humour:
working at joy.
At the moment, it's impossible to weigh or measure the imponderable: the
highly personal importance they would lend it - at their peril! - could be
disasterous; but they will strive, in all sincerity, to make the magic work
both ways, for the greater enjoyment of all.
Once these invitations are issued, interested artists are invited to react to
the proposition - meet, talk it over and work. The results are unpredictable,
scattered, varied, a kaleidoscope of creativity to be savoured by each in his
own way.
The public opening of this second condensation/evaporation will give birth to
the only issue of a unique newspaper with all the usual headlines, colums,
smalls... relating to AUX500DIABLES. After april a CD ROM is foreseen. Ideal
support for an interactive relation with the public, it is also a fiendish 
invitation  to artists to try their hand at newfangled media. Naturally there
will also be the usual pamphlets, posters, radio and T.V. coverage, meetings,
concerts, debates, happenings and parties. AUX500DIABLES, it's nowhere and

Intervention on internet by das synthetische mischgewebe.

Earth from March/Mars! Carnaval is there to transgress the laws, to forget
tensions, to allow everyone to express itself without repression - Lost the
reason to better find it again! - Don't forget the indispensable tool: the
To combine transgression and expression means to privilege a creative
desequilibrium, an instability  on a big scale rather than to favourite the
installation of a dead equilibrium. Mask on the face, Touch with distance,
Emotion in the Keyboard. The emoticons are there to remember us that the
expression goes everywhere even in the cable  }:-[
During the period of AUX500DIABLES - 20/03 to 20/04 you can discover 16
masks, 16 artists, 16 personalities; example of the strange eclectism of the
whole manifestation.

In this world of faces-images, only your perception can draw virtual actions
of the image- your body. OPEN YOUR NEURONES:
Pick up a mask, look behind it THEN come with us. Send your own artists
impressions-expressions-transgressions on the NETPRICK UP YOUR NEURONES:

From everywhere come to grow up the devils cavalcade, we will design your
mask and spread it out in our city BORDEAUX (FRANCE).

Thanks to spread these informations all around you.


in one night, reads an announcement we received from PAVO. "The MIDItools
Custom Instrument Kit allows you to create a one-of-a-kind MIDI controller.
Assembling the kit takes less than 5 hours (no soldering experience is
Use doorbell switches to make a simple keyboard; create a DJ sample trigger
console; add MIDI to your organ, analog synth or upright piano; use drum
triggers to turn any object into a MIDI percussion instrument; attach sample
trigger switches to your bass/electric guitar body; connect joysticks, light
sensors and tape switches for the ultimate interactive dance floor or museum
exhibit; trigger lighting, samples and effects during a theater performance;
sew magnets into a jumpsuit and dance with a reed switch-based instrument --
the applications in performance art are virtually unlimited."
It sure sounds like fun. Contact PAVO
Toll free in N. America: 800-5465461 or
Tel/fax: 1-215-4132355
Email: or


The Art DEADLINES List is a list of competitions, contests, call for
entries/papers, grants, scholarships, etc, in the arts or related areas
(painting, drawing, animation, poetry, writing, sculpture, multimedia,
reporting/journalism, photography, video, film, music, dance, etc), some of
which have prizes worth thousands of dollars. It is international in scope. 
Contests and competitions for students, K-12 and college aged, are included.
Some events/items take place on the Internet. You are invited to submit
items. The list is mailed around the first of each month.
To get future editions of The Art DEADLINES List, send the message:



The subscribe command can be in the subject-line or body of your message. 
The command can be upper-case, lower-case or any old combination you want! 
Well, almost.  Please enter all numbers in upper-case. 
The management thanks you for your cooperation.

Simon Penny 

It is with pleasure (and relief) that I announce the immanent release of
Critical Issues in Eelctronic Media, SUNY (State University of New York)
Press, 1985. The dates are April 28, paperback and May 5, hardback. The table
of contents looks like this:

-Introduction. Simon Penny (Editor)
-Suck on this Planet of Noise. McKenzie Wark
-In/Quest of Prescence: Virtuality, Aurality and Television's Gulf War.
Frances Dyson
-Consumer Culture an the Technological Imperative: The Artist in Dataspsace:
Simon Penny
-Technology is the Peoples Freind: Computers, Class and the New Cultural
Politics. Richard Wright
-Utopian Plagiarism, Hypertextuality and Electronic Cultural Production.
Critical Art Ensemble
-Virtual Worlds: Fascinations and Reactions. Florian Rotzer 
-Transforming Mirrors: Subjectivity and Control in Interactive Media. David
-Encapsulated Bocdies in Motion: Simulators and the Quest for Total
Immersion. Erkki Huhtamo
-Image, Language and Belief in Synthesis. George Legrady
-Track Organology. Douglas Kahn
-On Monitors and Men and Other Feminist Mysteries: Video Technology and the
Feminine. Nell Tenhaaf
-The Irresistable Interface: Video's Unknown Forces and Fire-lit Waves. David
-One Video Theory (some assembly required). Gregory Ulmer
-Bibliography, Contributors, Index

Reviews would be very welcome. Please feel free to forward this message and
to notify your local bookseller. For enquiries regarding review copies and
national and international distribution, please contact:
Judy Spevack, SUNY press, Tel 1-518-472-5017, fax 5038

This Month New in 
International Data Base for TeleMedia Culture and Media Art URL: 
Published by Georg C. Puluj

* A must: 3rd edition of IDEA/Int. Directory of Electronic Arts has just been
released. With more than 3.000 addresses worldwide of organizations, artists,
people, and periodicals in the field of Art and Technology. US$ 38, ISBN
0861964683. Order at your local dealer or contact Annick Bureaud at in Paris. (If you want to pay by credit card, order from
ISEA, ed.)
* To all artists who have enquired about The Artists' CDrom Show
* Siemenskulturprogramm und ZKM verleihen den Medienkunstpreis 1995
* Explore Blast 4 - BioInformatica
* Also explore X-SPACE, Projects from 1991 bis 1994
* KHM Koeln: Bewerbungsfristen fuer den Studiengang Audiovisuelle Medien, WS
* Time-based Computer Artist, Assistant/Associate Professor, at the
University of Maryland Baltimore County
* New media project and WWW magazine: "Travel Art" and "Odyssee Today" by Der
Blaue Kompressor at
Odyssee Today refers to the present global movements of people, floods of 
tourists as well as those of migrants and refugees.
* ISEA '95: New deadline for Exhibitions & Music proposals is January 15,
1995, and please note new requirements: include a diskette of all text
* SPIEGEL Media Pages at
* Doors of Perception: The doorsNewslist has shifted to the Mediamatic
* Electronic Cafe International (FCI) has debuted its WWW Netscape site,
which went online on December 31st 1994 with its renowned New Year's Eve
around-the-world "Telebration"
* Latest issue of 235 Media News (printed) can be obtained from 235 Media, PO
Box 19 03 60, 50500 Cologne, Germany
* The Getty Art History Information Program has announced the debut of its
home page on the World Wide Web.
* ... and please send us your


As an artist, you may not be interested, since the announcement for this
Monthly says: "Essential reading for corporate technical marketing
management". However, maybe you are interested and ready to pay US$445 per
year. Contact: Multimedia International, 4th fl., Britannia House, 960 High
Road, London N12 9RY, UK.

                             CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION


Catalog Essays, Computer Animations, Gallery Artworks, Internet Events.

The Third Annual New York Digital Salon will take place in New York City and
on the Internet November 13 - 27, 1995. This international juried competition
will include the following events:

A Gallery Exhibition of Computer Artworks Visual Arts Museum, New York City,
November 13 - 27, 1995.  Opening Monday, November 13, 1995,
A Theater Screening of Computer Animations, Visual Arts Amphitheater, New
York City, November 17 - 18, 1995, 8pm.
Net Works Network Art Events on the Internet, World Wide Web site at,
November 13 - 27, 1995 and beyond.

Salon Catalog of Works with Critical Essays , Special Issue  of Leonardo,
Journal of the International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology. 

To enter:

Send a description of your work and an artist's statement, along with slides,
videotape and/or CR-ROM to: Timothy Binkley, Chair, New York Digital Salon,
School of Visual Arts 209 E. 23rd St., New York, NY 10010. Entry labeling
must include artist's name & address, title of work, date, dimensions or
space requirements, medium or hardware, and price. If you wish to have your
material returned, be sure to include a SASE. There is no entry fee. 
Deadline for artwork submissions is May 1, 1995.

Send the text of your essay on paper and disk. The essay may be 1500 to 5000
words, and can include illustrations. It should address issues concerning the
digital transformation of art. Essays will be published by MIT Press in a
special issue of the journal LEONARDO. Send your submissions to Timothy
Binkley at the address listed above, or email them to 
Deadline for submissions is May 1, 1995.
Digital Salon reserves the right to use all accepted entries for publicity
and promotional purposes.


The 2nd New York International Video Festival
P.O. Box 20203, New York, New York, 10001-9992, USA.
Tel: 1-212-7809087,  Fax: 1-212-7809088, email:

Dear Friend,
this will be the second year of the Festival and it is already shaping up
to be better than last years event. We are a totally independent young event
with young people at the helm, fresh ideas, attitudes and a fiery spirit to
witness a new era where the individual has become the new corporate identity
with their creative and far-reaching visions. While last year had the major
focus on institutions in the field of media arts like Electronic Arts
Intermix and VideoBrasil, this year we will be focusing on the individual as
the prime source of the information era. As the medium of video is constantly
and consistently crossing over into new territories, we see that it is the
versatility of the individual who will pave the paths for many others to

We at the New York International Video Festival shall be undertaking new
directions and possibly a new Festival name within the following years to
keep up with the various mediums. 
In our first year, we had the coup of being the first festival in New
York to accept the QuickTime video standard now on both computer platforms
(PC and Mac). We had received only a few entrants to this category,
unfortunately their set-up was elaborate and too costly for us as a young
festival to run and maintain. This year however, we hope that you will submit
work in these formats and that we wish to bring you much more of these
different formats and styles since video as become a standard for multi-media
CD-ROMs, CD-Interactive (CD-I) and various CD gaming standards.

Along with this letter you will receive a copy of the Call For Entries form,
(Editor: Not in this issue, contact the festival or contact ISEA). please
read it over and fill it out in its entirety and have it submitted before the
deadline of May 15, 1995. If you are not a participant and you may know of
someone who might be interested in participating, please pass this along to
them or provide them with our details and we can then forward the appropriate
There is no fee for tape/disk submissions, although you are required to
fill out an entry form for each piece that is submitted. For any entries that
require the tapes/disks return, please provide the appropriate return mailing
costs or a self-addressed stamped envelope. We wish to keep your works on
record and for public viewing/research. We also recommend that you check the
box relating to the field of Access TV so that your work can be seen by a
greater and more critical audience. In any occurance, you will be notified if
an Access TV producer wishes to use your work for exhibition.
We look forward to your contribution and also hope that you will join us
for this years event

Alexander Karinsky, Director

CALL FOR ENTRIES...................DEADLINE MAY 15, 1995



                       ***  CADEX '95   ***
  International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Aided Design

                        Seville      SPAIN
                         4-8 December 1995

                     ***  EDUGRAPHICS '95  ***  
       Second International Conference on Graphics Education
                    ***  COMPUGRAPHICS '95  ***  
     Fourth International Conference on Computational Graphics 
                   and Visualization Techniques
          Hotel Alvor Praia    Alvor   Algarve    PORTUGAL
                       11-15 December 1995

In Cooperation with the "International Society for Geometry and Graphics"


The conferences will be held concurrently and aim at gathering together 
outstanding educators, professionals and researchers in Graphic Science,
and will comprise invited lectures, panels, videos and papers reviewing, 
presenting a state of the art, discussing future directions or reporting new
results on the respective fields. It will be open to contributors from all 
ranks and from over the world. The conferences will not be merely 'computer 
graphics' meetings but truly all-encompassing events on all aspects and 
sub-areas of Graphics/Graphic Science. Contributions will be properly
refereed by the corresponding Program Committees.  A selection of compatible
papers will appear in "Finite Elements in Analysis and Design". Other
journals will be considered for other topics. The proceedings will constitute
a formal, registered publication, internationally distributed. A small
exhibition of publications and cg vendors is also planned.

During EDUGRAPHICS '95 the "Steve M. Slaby Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Graphics Education" will be inaugurated.
Topics include: Technical Drawing, Engineering Graphics, Descriptive
Geometry, Theoretical Graphics and Classical Geometry, Computational
Geometry, Geometric Modeling, CAGD, Computer and Computational Graphics,
Image Synthesis and Processing, Art, CADD, CAI, CAD/CAE, CAAD, GIS,
Industrial and Engineering Design, Finite Element and other Numerical
Methods, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Scientific
Visualization, Standards, Systems/Software, Human-Computer Interface,
Physically-based Modeling, Animation, Natural Scene Simulation and Fractals.

Organizer and Chairman :

Harold P. SANTO, 
Department of Civil Engineering - IST, Technical University of Lisbon
Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal.
Tel.+ Fax: 351-1-848-2425, Tel. (direct line): 351-1-841-8351          
E-mail :

The conference aim at gathering together outstanding educators, professionals 
and researchers in Computer Aided DESIGN. It will include invited talks,
panels, videos and papers reviewing, presenting a state of the art,
discussing  future directions or reporting new results on the respective
fields. It will be open to contributors from all ranks and from over the
world. The event will be all-encompassing, covering all aspects and sub-areas
of CAD. An exhibition of major vendors, developers, labs, research centers,
universities, publishers, etc, will take place concurrently. Contributions
will be properly refereed by the Program Committee. A selection of compatible
papers will appear in "Finite Elements in Analysis and Design". Other
journals will be considered for other topics. The proceedings will constitute
a formal, registered publication, internationally distributed. 
Topics include :  Drafting, CADD, Graphics and Geometry of CAD, Geometric 
Modeling, CAGD, Visualization, Physically-based Modeling, Animation and 
Simulation, Virtual Reality for CAD, Architecture/CAAD, GIS, CAE,
Industrial and Engineering Design (all engineering specialties), Finite 
Element and other Numerical Methods, Artificial Intelligence and Expert 
Systems, Standards, Databases, Systems/Software, Human-Computer Interface, 
CAM, Management, Education, Applications.

General Organizer and Chairman :
Harold P. SANTO
(see above)

Local Organizing Committee

Miguel BERMEJO Herrero and Carlos COBOS Gutierrez
Department of Engineering Graphics, School of Enngineering
University of Seville, Avda Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012 Seville, Spain.
Tel: 34-5-455-6940, Fax: 34-5-455-6941

Xoan LEICEAGA Baltar
Engineering Graphics, Industrial Engineering School
University of Vigo at Lagoas, Marcosende 9, 36310 Vigo, Spain.
Tel: 34-86-81-2218, Fax: 34-86-81-2201

Those interested in taking part in the exhibition should contact the
Local Organizers or send the Form below to the Chairman.

DATES (all three conferences)
Submissions (send to the chairman)
papers (4 copies of extended abstract)
panels (one-page summary),
videos (VHS)                                    :  May 31
Notification of acceptance                      :  July 15 
Final Manuscripts                               :  September 30

ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee
SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Educators' Program
Los Angeles Convention Center
Los Angeles, 11 August 1995



The ACM SIGGRAPH 95 Conference and the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee are
sponsoring the creation of an Educators' Program. The program will be held on
Friday, 11 August 1995. Registration for the Educators' Passport will include
admission to either of two educators' course tracks, K-12 or
College/University, admission to the Exhibition, held from Tuesday, 8 August
through 3PM on Thursday, 10 August, and the Educators' Program CD-ROM, should
one be published. The cost for the Educators' Passport is presently set at

This is a call for participation. The goal of this program is to provide
information which will help educators to learn, apply, or teach where
computer graphics plays a significant role. The specific focus is on
educators, education, and some aspect of computer graphics.  We are seeking
proposals for courses, papers, panels, and/or presentations for the
Educators' Program. Proposals may be based upon a lecture period of 30
minutes, 1 hour, or 1 hour 30 minutes.
Deadline for submission of a proposal is 19 April 1995.


In your proposal, please include complete contact information, including your
name, address, work phone, home phone, and email address if you have one.
Specify which track the proposal is for: K-12 or College/University.
Please send a copy of your proposal to us as follows:

Marc J. Barr
Dept. of Radio, TV and Photography
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN  37132, USA.

Stephan R. Keith
424 Custer Road, Hayward, CA  94544, USA.


Jeff McConnell - College/University Track Organizer
Ying Tan - College/University, Arts
Barbara Mones-Hattal, College/University, Arts
Judy Sachter, K-12 Track Organizer
Laura London, K-12


Should your proposal be accepted, it will be each speaker's optional
responsibility to make materials for their course available in electronic
form for CD-ROM publication. The deadline for these materials is presently 13
May 1995. Documents in PostScript is the easiest format to work with. For
more information, contact Stephan R. Keith. Upon acceptance of your proposal,
you will be assigned a track and contact information for your track


At this time, no funds are budgeted by the Education Committee for this
activity. Transportation to the conference is the responsibility of each
speaker at the Educator's Program. Each speaker whose proposal is accepted
will receive a SIGGRAPH 95 Educators' Passport registration.

For more information, please contact:

Stephan R. Keith, 
Chair, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Educators' Program
424 Custer Road, Hayward, CA  94544, USA.
Tel 1-415-6046212 (Monday-Thursday, 10am-7pm Pacific Time)

You may also contact ISEA if you want more information on the ACM 
SIGGRAPH 95 Conference Educators' Program.

September 6 - 10  1995, Osnabruck, Germany

This festival, the largest annual event of innovative/experimental works in
the field of film and video on a world-wide scale is accompanied by an
exhibition presented in the art gallery Dominikanerkirche.
This extraordinary site, in a deconsecrated church provides the space for
video installations, and computer-aided and interactive productions from
September 6-24. Projects on CD-ROM and within the Internet, seminars, 
workshops, performances and TV actions will complete the concept of this
markedly interdisciplinary event.
ENTRIES may include:
-experimental film & video productions
-video & computer installations
-artistic CD-ROMs
Internet Projects
-Text Contributions
A prize for the best experimental work of the year will be awarded
A student competition is part of the event.

For information and entry forms contact:
EMAF, Postfach 1861, D-49008 Osnabruck, Germany
Tel: 49-541-21658, fax: 28327, email EMAF@BIONIC.ZER.DE
WWW-info: http://EMAF.NDA.NET/nda/emaf


Announces New Programs

ELECTRONIC MUSIC FOUNDATION (EMF)-a new venture launched in September
1994-today announced the programs it will undertake as it begins operations.

Joel Chadabe, EMF president and founder, said:  "We have created Electronic
Music Foundation to disseminate important information and materials related
to the history of electronic music.  Our venture encompasses not only the
past, but also work being done today that will be of historical importance in
the future."

Electronic Music Foundation's primary activities will be focused in three
areas:  (1) Sale of compact discs on a worldwide basis; (2) Creation of a
photographic archive; and (3) Establishment of an information dissemination

Chadabe established EMF last September in cooperation with founding trustees
Paul Lansky and Neil Rolnick. Julie Panke is Executive Director.

The Foundation's international group of advisors and charter subscribers also
includes:  Jon Appleton, Larry Austin, Marc Battier, Jack Body, Warren Burt,
Joseph Celli, Chris Chafe, Hugh Davies, Folkmar Hein, Gottfried-Michael
Koenig, Paul Lansky, Peter Manning, Max Mathews, Pauline Oliveros, Gottfried
Raes, Tom Rhea, Alistair Riddell, Jean-Claude Risset, Curtis Roads, Neil 
Rolnick, Carla Scaletti, Bruno Spoerri, Kazuo Uehara, Alvise Vidolin, Felix
Visser, Patte Wood, and Iannis Xenakis.

"The development of electronic musical instruments through the twentieth
century is a fascinating and wonderful history that should be documented for
now and for the future," Chadabe said. "Yet the most important work of the
pioneering composers, engineers, and entrepreneurs-including recordings,
photographs, and other important documents-is often difficult to find."

Through its Emusicx project, the Foundation will make available compact discs
of electronic music, including discs published by small companies and
independent composers.  Recordings will be sold worldwide via computer
networks and direct mail.

"Emusic's goal is to identify everyone in the world who has an interest in
electronic music," Chadabe said, "and to make CDs available to them at the
best prices through mailed and electronic catalogs."

EMF has begun the process of creating an archive of photographs dealing with
the history of electronic music.  Documents from the archive will be made
available to scholars and the general public in various formats, including
photographic prints, photo-CDs, and books.

The Foundation's information and dissemination center will publish a
newsletter highlighting the availability of historically important materials.
The publication will inform subscribers as to the location and availability
of composers' archives, and will contain information on museums and
collections of historical electronic instruments, and other historical
materials and electronic music projects around the world.

Through its information center, EMF also plans to sell books and other items,
organize conferences and concerts, produce historically important compact
discs and other materials, and provide archival  services.  Archival services
may include the posthumous cataloging, evaluation, placement, storage, and/or 
dissemination of a composer's works.  (EMF is currently engaged in archiving
the works of composer Ann McMillan.)

Electronic Music Foundation invites all individuals, organizations, and
companies with an interest in electronic music to subscribe to its services.
For further information on subscriptions:
116 North Lake Avenue, Albany, NY 12206, USA.
Tel 1-518-434-4110, fax 0308, email  


February 25 - April 30  1995, The Hague, Holland.
Info: WWVC, Spui 189, 2511 BN Den Haag, Holland.
Tel: 31-70-3644805, Fax: 3614448. Email:

March 11 - April 1  1995, Amsterdam, Holland
April 5, 12, 19, 26: Art Critics Choose from our Archives
April 12-14: Workshop Woody Vasulka
Info: Gallery Rene Coelho, Spuistraat 104, 1012VA Amsterdam, Holland.
Tel: 31-20-6237101

NAB 1995
April 10 - 13  Las Vegas, USA
Info: National Association of Broadcasters.
Tel: 1-202-4295350, Fax: 4295406

April 13 - 17  1995, Palazzo del Turismo, Riccione, Italy.
Computer Art Festival.
Info: Bit.Movie 95, Via Bologna 13, 47036 Riccione, Italy.

April 22 - 26  1995, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Info: Tel: 1-415-9482432, Fax: 9482744

April 27 - 30  1995, The Hague, Holland
Videotapes by Charles Atlas, Sylvie Peroueme, Gabriel Yuvone, Pablo Rodriguez
Jauregui, Ines Cardoso and others. Video installations by Jose Antonio
Hernandez-Diez, Paul McCarthy, Keith Piper and others. New: CD-is and
CD-roms. Lectures, symposium on 'Culture of the Digital Image'. Special
exhibition: 'on war & peace & art RECENT WORK' by Klaus vom Bruch.
World Wide Video Center, Spui 189, 2511 BN The Hague, Holland
Tel: 31-70-3644805, fax 3614448, email

April 1995 , Bogota, Colombia.
Directed by Cecilia Casas.
Inquiries can be made to : Cra 9 74-99 Bogota, Colombia.
Tel: 57-1-2484969, Fax : 571-2484969

May 3 - 7  1995, Wroclaw, Poland.
Fifth Sound Basis Visual Art Festival.
Info: Open Studio/WRO, POB 1385, 54-137 Wroclaw 16 Poland.
Tel/fax: 48-71-448369

The shadowside of the digital revolution
May 10 1995, Rotterdam, Holland
The faculty society of History and Arts organizes a symposium about the 
shadowsides of the digital revolution. It will take place at the 
Filmtheatre Lantaren/Venster, Gouvernestraat 129-133, Rotterdam, Holland. 
For more information and program, contact: Histartes, Diescomity, 
kamer L4-001, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 
3062 PA Rotterdam, Holland. E-mail:

May 26 - 28  1995, Conventry, England, UK.
Info: VF95, The Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature, University
of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, England, UK.
Tel: 44-203-523523, Fax: 523019, Email:

May 31 - June 2  1995, Royal Dutch Trade Fair, Utrecht, Holland.
Info: TINA, c/o Albert Verburg, PO Box 164, 2040 AD Zandvoort, Holland.
Tel: 31-2507-31030, Fax: 31-10-4778605, Email:

May 31 - June 3  1995, Toronto, Canada
Conference May 31- June 3, Trade show June 1 - 3.
Keynote addresses (free to all visitors) will be given by James Clark
(founder of Silicon Graphics and now with Netscape Communications, the
programmers of the Internet tool, Mosaic), Fred Klinkhammer of MediaLinx and
Satjiv Chahil of Apple Computer.
Info: Multimedia Trade Shows Inc., 7-70 Villarboit Crescent, Concord, 
ON, Canada, L4K 4C7. Tel 1-905-660249-1, fax -2

June 7 - 10  1995, Osnabrueck, Germany.
This unique cultural event covers all aspects of "music and electronics"
including a scientific congress, the Musitec and the "Festival" with a series
of concerts and performances.
For a complete programme contact:
KlangArt, P.O.Box 4460, 49034 Osnabrueck, Germany.
Tel: 49-541-24960, Fax: 49-541-24913, 

June 9 - 11  1995, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Conference of the Australian Computer Music Association.
Info: ACMA 1995 Conference, PO Box 186, Post Office Agency, La Trobe
University, Bundoora 3083, Victoria, Australia.

June 18 - 21  1995, Graz, Austria
World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Papers, short papers, panels, tutorials, workshops, demonstration, posters
Info: ED-MEDIA 95/AACE, P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USA.
Tel: 1-804-973-3987, Fax: 1-804-9787449, E-mail: AACE@Virginia.Edu

June 20 - 24  1995, Linz, Austria
Theme: Mythos Information; Welcome to the Net Worlds.
"Ars Electronica 95 will ask critical questions to dogmas and myths of
postmodern information society".
Info: Brucknerhaus, Untere Donaulande 7, A-4010 Linz, Austria
Tel: 43-732-7612244, Fax: 7612350

International Conference and Exhibition
June 25 - 30  1995, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Info: CGI 95 Secretariat, 
Conference Office, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.                    
Tel: 44-0-113-233-6102, Fax: 44-0-113-233-6107                  

June 30 - July 2  1995, Fribourg, Switzerland.
An International symposium to examine art, technology and phenomena. See INL
#38. Info: The Incident, Casta Postale 120, CH-1700 Fribourg 1, Switzerland.
Tel: 41-37-222285, Fax: 226185, Email:

August 6 - 11  1995, Los Angeles, USA.
22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
Conference and exhibition.
Info: SIGGRAPH 95, Conference Management Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA.
Tel: 1-312-321-6830, Fax: 6876, Email:

September 3 - 5  1995, Edinburgh, UK.
Info: Emilios Cambouropoulos, Faculty of Music, Univ. of Edinburgh, 
12 Nicolson Sq., EH8 9DF Edinburgh, UK. Email:

September 6 - 10  1995, Osnabruck, Germany
For information and entry forms contact
EMAF, Postfach 1861, D-49008 Osnabruck, Germany.
Tel: 49-541-21658, Fax: 28327, Email: EMAF@BIONIC.ZER.DE
WWW-info: http://EMAF.NDA.NET/nda/emaf

September 17 - 24  1995, Montreal, Canada.
Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Art
Info: ISEA 95, 307 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Bureau 515B, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada. Tel: 1-514-990-0229, Fax: 1-514-842-7459, Email: ISEA95@ER.UQAM.CA

November 9 - 11  1995, Bologna, Italy.
Info: Lelio Camilleri, Comitato Organizzatore del XI Coloquio di Informatica
Musicale, Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini, Piazza Rossini 2, 40126
Bologna, Italy. Tel: 39-51-233975, Fax: 223168, Email: 

The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien-
tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and
individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the
Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and
to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information
contact ISEA at the address on the front page.

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep
its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members
can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this
Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept),   Amsterdam University,
V2 Organisation,  YLEM,  ISAST,  Renderstar Technology, Media Research, 
Museum der Stad Gladbeck,  Corel Corporation,  The Council for the Int.
Bienale in Nagoya,  CSL Computers,  Viking Eggeling-Salskapet,  Bratislava
Academy of Fine Arts & Design,  Softimage Inc,  Lokman Productions, 
ARTCOM in Deutschland e.V., Tampere School of Art & Communications, Nordiska
Konstskolan, Painatuskeskus Oy.

End of Newsletter