
                               THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                                 #45 SEPTEMBER 1995

Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki
Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko
(US/Canada), Paul Brown (Australia), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus
(Germany), Roger Malina (US), Rejane Spitz (Brazil).
Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth
Shostak. Honorary Member: Herbert W. Franke
               ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 
                             Tel/fax 31-10-4778605, 
         Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter)
                        WWW URL http://www.xs4all.nl/~isea

Wim van der Plas
When you receive this copy of the Newsletter, you will either be in
Montreal or missing ISEA95 (people with e-mail), or you were there and have 
missed it already (hard copy readers).
Anyway, this is written just before the Sixth International Symposium on 
Electronic Art takes of. The expectations have never been so high. Through
the years, the ISEA Symposia have gained an exellent reputation, and from
what we hear and see, practically the whole electronic art community is aware
of the event.
Presenters usually do not have high budgets and the artists and scientists
who attend have to make sacrifices. There are no money prizes to be won, but
at least, the electronic art community has the feeling this is their own
event which is why discussion is so important. It is not, in the first place,
a Festival (although the festival part of ISEA keeps growing), it is a 
Symposium. The aim is, to quote the Guidelines: "A structured approach
towards the problems and potentials of electronic art".
Canada is positively known for it's cultural policies, and the temporary 
cooperation of artists and scientists from several universities that have 
gathered their forces in order to organize ISEA95 has resulted in an
incredible job. 
No doubt ISEA95 will be the largest of all ISEA symposia so far, it will
most likely also be the best. Of course, we will report on it in the next 

The Call for Papers and Participation for ISEA96 (organized by HR&O
Rotterdam Regional College, September 16-20, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) has
now appeared in print. It will be distributed at ISEA95 and large scale
mailings are planned for immediately after ISEA95. Proposals are called for
Papers, Panels, Round Tables, Poster Sessions, Institutional Presentations,
Workshops, Tutorials, Concerts, Performances, Exhibition Work, Web Sites and
Web Projects, Electronic Theater, Open Air and other Public Events. The first 
deadline is January 1st, 1996.
The Call can be found at the ISEA Web site and at a new Website, see below.
ISEA96, POB 1272, 3000 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel 31-10-2133003, fax 2134190, e-mail ISEA96@HRO.NL
URL:  http://www.eur.nl/ISEA96

Jean Ippolito

There seems to be some misunderstanding about the SIGGRAPH96 Art Show
policies, so I would like to try to clarify them here.

SIGGRAPH only allows so much money for the art show budget, and they will not
commit to a budget until the previous year's SIGGRAPH conference has ended.
Since the Call for Participation is printed before the end of the previous
conference (LA 95), I cannot completely commit to funding much of anything in
The Call, and this is why the policy is so fuzzy.

In the past, SIGGRAPH has allowed $9 thousand for framing, and only $4 to $5
thousand for shipping.  This is why SIGGRAPH has only paid for shipping one
way.  This has been a good policy for 2-D art, but a bad one for heavy,
expensive to ship even one way, 3-D art.

In 1993, Simon Penny (Machine Culture) wanted a more 3-D interactive show, so
he proposed to use the framing money for shipping heavier 3-D and interactive
works both ways instead of just one.  Simon Penny also tried to provide
travel for artists who had to come to SIGGRAPH to set up or monitor their
work during the week of the conference.  The artists seemed fairly satisfied
with this policy.  Except for one thing;  Simon Penny eliminated 2-D work
from the show.  Artists reacted to this policy.  They did not like such
limitations placed on their work.

This year, we are trying to make the art show more cohesive and interesting
by working with a theme, and encouraging more installation-type submissions.
One problem, in the past, is that the art show receives thousands of 2-D
entries, and very few 3-D or interactive installation type proposals.
Because of this, the art show usually ends up with a great deal of 2-D work,
and very little 3-D or interactive pieces.  

This year, I am trying to balance the scales.  I do not want to eliminate the
2-D category.  I think there is a great deal of good 2-D work out there (I am
a 2-D artist myself).  But, I would like to see more installation-type work.
Therefore, I chose to use the money that is usually reserved for framing, to
provide shipping both ways for 3-D and interactive pieces, or for really
interesting 2-D pieces.  In addition, my commitment is to apply for outside
funding to pay for travel and lodging for artists that need to be onsite
during the conference.  

In order to apply for outside funding, it is necessary to have most of the
entries selected by November.  We must know the primary content of the show
in order to approach outside funding sources.  

If you read The Call carefully, you will find that it says that we intend to
provide shipping - both ways - and perhaps even travel, to artists who submit
proposals by the early deadline date:  October 4, 1995.  Only the artists who
are not selected from the early proposals, or do not submit until the
February deadline date, will be expected to ship their own work both ways.

Even if we do not get outside funding, I intend to use SIGGRAPH funds to
provide shipping both ways for artists selected from the early deadline
The 1996 SIGGRAPH Art Show committee will be selecting works from the early
proposal submissions that work with the theme of The Bridge:  works which
attempt to bridge gaps between the two sites, the conference center and the
Contemporary Art Center, between SIGGRAPH and the local communities, between
the international and domestic arenas, or between social or cultural issues.

We will NOT provide funds for development.  The proposal should be for
completed works, including equipment.  It is getting more and more difficult
for SIGGRAPH to get computer equipment donations for the conference.  It some
cases, however, we may be able to provide video equipment at the exhibition

The Contemporary Art Center in New Orleans is a really exciting exhibition
space.  I hope that we will receive proposals that utilize the unique spaces
at the CAC and the T-Line connection between the Convention Center and the

The are detailed explanations about the theme for The Bridge and ground plans
for the CAC in the Call for Participation.  Please read it thoroughly.

Jean Ippolito, E-mail: Ippolito22@aol.com
The Bridge:  SIGGRAPH 96 Art Show Chair

January 18 - 21  1996, Amsterdam & Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Conference and Exhibition

Next 5 Minutes is a conference and exhibition project about tactical media,
due to take place on January 18th - 21st, 1996, which is being organised by
De Balie, Paradiso, V2_Organisatie, the Society for Old and New Media and the
Centre for Tactical Media in collaboration with other national and
international organisations.

Next 5 Minutes: Tactical Television (1993)
Next 5 Minutes: Tactical Media is a sequel to the first Next 5 Minutes
which took place at the beginning of 1993. Under the heading of 'tactical
television' it brought together television makers from different parts of
the world. The festival presented media initiatives and productions that
were not simply providers of often vital information, but that were also a
means through which people could make their unmediated voices heard.

Next 5 Minutes: Tactical Media
Next 5 Minutes: Tactical Media will continue to develop many of the themes
and relationships that emerged in the first conference, broadening the
scope towards the more inclusive notion of 'tactical media' which also
implies more recent developments, esp. the rapid growth of electronic
networks, and which concentrates on the crossing of boundaries between old
and new media. Tactical media producers from mainstream companies,
activists from social movements, theoreticians, media artists and computer
activists will meet, show their productions and work together during the
conference. In a series of public presentations, discussions, workshops and
exhibitions we will examine critical areas, dilemmas and fault lines in
contemporary media.

The conference is subdivided into four distinct but closely related topics:
tactical research; public domain and access; metaphorical languages; net
1. The means and ends of tactical research are the theme of a series of
presentations from television, radio, phone and computer networks, which
question the information monopoly as practised by mainstream broadcasting
organisations and individual or corporate experts.
2.  As 'democratisation' is one of the central claims associated with the
tactical media, we will have to assess critically to what extent it can
actually be achieved. In this context we also want to discuss the effects
that tactical media have on the reconfiguration and revitalisation of our
notions of community, as well as the technical, political and ethical
aspects of public access and large-scale local connectivity.
In addition we propose to use the conference to scrutinise several legal,
political, economic and ethical issues about the state policy concerning
public and commercial broadcasting.
3. For us the question of metaphor is not abstract. It includes and goes
beyond issues of representation and asks the strategic question, what
language shall we use. We have therefore made the third theme of the
conference the use of metaphorical languages. Current metaphors, like the
socio-spatial metaphors of digital cities and electronic superhighways, or
the biological metaphors of the media ecology of cyborgs and memes, will be
4. Finally the conference will strive to introduce the concept of Net
criticism. We imagine this as a form of reflexive critical consciousness
about the contents and practice of the communications culture as it has
been affected by the emergence of the Net. It  will be an investigation of
language and metaphor in the electronic age, and it should strive to
formulate aesthetic and ethical categories for net and media discourse. The
continuous involvement of visual artists with the interrogation of
metaphors places their work at the heart of the development of a political
poetics for the media age.

Programme Elements
Next 5 Minutes will have the benefit of three very different kinds of
buildings for large-scale public debates, screenings of movies,
installations, as well as for more intimate workshops about specialised
subjects. While De Balie en Paradiso in Amsterdam will function as central
discussion and workshop locations, V2_Organisatie in Rotterdam will open
the festival with a central presentation. During the conference, V2 will
organise a series of events and an exhibition of contemporary art projects
which explore the social, political and aesthetic potential of the tactical
media in new and challenging ways.
There will be continuous (live where possible) radio and TV programmes
which will be linked to national television stations. Participants will
have access to the Next 5 Minutes library and archive, as well as to local
and translocal computer networks. Information about N5M2 will be
distributed twice daily in an on-site and on-line journal made by our own
team of journalists. The combined journal and network shall play a vital
role in maximising connectivity between the locations in the two cities.

Call for Participation
Next 5 Minutes will open a Web-site and electronic newsgroup (URL:
http://www.dds.nl/n5m) to inform about the conference, collect information
about tactical media-projects and discuss topics with possible
participants. Everyone is kindly invited to participate in the process of
gathering information about new projects and developments in the tactical

Please contact the production team
De Balie, Production Team N5M,
Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, 1017 RR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31-20-6233673, Fax: 6384489 Email: N5M@dds.nl.

An international, interdisciplinary conference on "Complexity, Society and
Liberty" will be held on June 11-12, 1996, at the Universite du Quebec a
Trois-Rivieres (Trois-Rivieres, Que., Canada). Like for our 1994 "Chaos and
Society" conference,* we expect disciplines represented to include economics,
political science, sociology, philosophy, management, psychology, computer
science, etc.

Complete information on the CSL conference -- including a call for papers,
registration information, and an on-line registration form -- is available at
the conference Web site: http://www.uqtr.uquebec.ca/complexity

Special pre-registration rates are available until Dec. 31, 1995. 
Deadlines for submitting abstracts is Nov. 30.

Pierre Lemieux

* Our Web site also includes the main table of contents of the proceedings of
the 1994 "Chaos & Society" conference. The book was just published as _Chaos
& Society_, edited by Alain Albert (Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1995).


Developments in Virtual Environments
R.A. Earnshaw & J.A. Vince (Eds)
UK PS 29.95. Brochure available. 
Academic Press, Marketing Dept, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX, UK
Tel 44-181-3003322, fax 171-2670362, e-mail app@apuk.co.uk

Object, Environments and Frameworks
S. J. Gibbs & D.C. Tsichritzis, US$ 30. 
J. F. Koegel Buford, US$ 38
M.M. Blattner, R. Dannenberg, US$ 39
J. Vince, US$41
Info sheet available.
ACM Member Services Dept, Church St. Station, POB 12114, New York, NY 10257, 
USA or ACM European Service Center, Avenue Marcel Thiry 204, 1200 Brussels,
Belgium. Tel 32-2-77496-02, fax 90, e-mail acm_europe@acm.org
URL http://www.acm.org/

                                  WORLD WIDE WEB

ANNOUNCING SOUNDSITE - http://sysx.apana.org.au/soundsite/

We are proud to announce the launch of Soundsite on the World Wide Web,
with the involvement of Contemporary Sound Arts, who have given permisson
to Soundsite to republish material from their journal, 'Essays In Sound'. 

Soundsite is a World Wide Web publication for sound artists, practitioners
and theorists. Soundsite deals with the cultural, theoretical and
practical aspects of sound as manifest in: 

language and discourse; voice; poetics; acoustics; psycho-acoustics; the
nature of perception and sensory experience; hearing vs. listening;
aurality and corporeality; space and architecture; sound geographies;
philosophies of sound; post-musics; film, video and tv soundtrack; sound
art and sound by artists; sound and noise; virtual systems; human-computer
interface; communication and technological systems; low fidelity sound;
radio and radiophonic art; performance; recording; composition;
aesthetics; art. 

This list is not exhaustive! We will be implementing several new features
on Soundsite in the coming months, including a WWW forms implemented
discussion and user contribution area, a major sound events page, and many
other interesting (and fun!) sound orientated projects. 

We are interested in your contributions! Essays, project descriptions,
biographical material, criticism and artists statements are all welcome.
Essays are preferred in a 'journal' type format, with footnotes and
bibliography as appropriate. We are also very interested in receiving
criticism and artist's descriptions of sound artworks and performances. 

Please send your essay proposals, reviews, feedback, etc, to
Soundsite looks forward to your visit.


Is exhibiting an interactive installation at The Digital Village at the 
University of Maryland - College Park, that is opening on November 1. Web 
site of this exhibit:
She is also exhibiting some of her artwork at the Williams Gallery Web site
from September 15 - October 15.  That address is: http://www.wmgallery.com

The TeleCommunity Project presents 'Heroes', a collaboration involving young 
students in Jerusalem, Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles. The students are
developing ideas, digital imagery, and multimedia pieces about their heroes. 
They communicate these works to their remote companions by means of the 
Internet: by access to and editing of WWW pages, through e-mail,
telepainting, videoconferencing, and data transmission.
Robert Dunn, Arc Vertuel, Inc.
111 The Oaks, Pittsburgh, PA 15215, USA
Tel 1-412-781-1563, fax 8138, e-mail rd1s+@andrew.cmu.edu


Information on the German Association for Advancement of Culture e.V. 
Berlin can be found at: http://www.snafu.de/~dgfk/index.html

The DGFK publishes the film magazine "Weltwunder der Kinematographie -
Beitraege zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Filmtechnik" or in English
translation: "Real World Wonders of Cinematography - Contributions to a
Cultural history of film technique".

The next issue (April 1996) of our annual magazine in under  "construction".
It will deal with "Sound - Der Ton im Kino" - Film Sound aspects.
Contributions from outside authers are welcome until 15th Dec. 1995.

Joachim Polzer of the DGFK works currently on a 16mm short and silent movie 
called "KEBLA". The subtitle means: Film piece for two present pianists. The 
film only works as a live event for two piano musicians. The film will be 
finished by the end of 1995 and looks forward for a live event premiere 
within festivals. Suggestions therefor can be mailed to dgfk@berlin.snafu.de

DGFK e.V., POB 100 274, D-10562 Berlin
EMAIL: dgfk@berlin.snafu.de
WWW: http://www.snafu.de/~dgfk/index.html

                             CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION


*** SIGGRAPH 96 ******* EARLY PROPOSALS ****** OCTOBER 4 1995 *****

Preparing a great SIGGRAPH conference takes a lot of hard work and planning.
We hope that you are already thinking about what you would like to contribute
to make SIGGRAPH 96 a success. As a starting point for contributors, we would
like to remind you of the upcoming early proposal due date  -- OCTOBER 4,
Early proposals are strongly encouraged, but not required, for the following
SIGGRAPH 96 programs:

      * Panels
      * Courses
      * Technical Sketches and Posters
      * Applications
      * Digital Bayou
      * The Bridge: SIGGRAPH 96 Art Show
      * Artist/Designer Sketches
      * Animator Sketches

Early proposals enhance your project's prospects for acceptance because:

      * Your proposal will be referred to the most
        appropriate SIGGRAPH 96 program.
      * You will receive careful consideration and
        thoughtful feedback from the appropriate
        SIGGRAPH 96 program committee on how your
        early proposal can best be expanded into
        a final submission.
      * The appropriate SIGGRAPH 96 program chair
 will personally contact you to discuss the
        committee's comments and suggestions.

Your proposal should be a one-page outline that describes your ideas and
goals for your presentation. Include an estimate of the amount of time that
would be required to experience your project and the size of audience that it
could accommodate.

We need to know if you are proposing a lecture for a large audience, a highly
interactive presentation for a small group, a poster that could be displayed
for an extended period, or better yet, a presentation format we haven't even
thought of! Also include a brief description of the printed and/or electronic
material (if any) that you would be willing to develop for distribution after
your presentation.

Proposals may be sent to individual program chairs, or to all the program

(send one week ahead to allow for confirmation)

Mail or Courier:
Cindy Stark, SIGGRAPH 96                                                      
Conference Management, Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA.
Tel: +1.312.321.6830

For a full discussion of early proposals see:

Holly E. Rushmeier < holly@cam.nist.gov >


You are invited to participate in this exhibition/event by offering a gift to
the next millennium.  The space at 621 will be divided into 7 sections. Each
section will represent one of the seven continents --- Africa, Antarctica,
Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. These seven land
masses will be available to receive your gift.
You may also FAX your object/offering from Sept. 1 to Oct.1 (24 hours a day)
to 1-904-644-4078. Send a fax during the opening on Friday, Sept. 15, between
7 and 9 pm. Smaller objects/offerings may also be mailed to the 621 Gallery
at the above address.
Dates of Exhibit:  September 15th to October 1st, 1995 You may also deliver
gifts while the exhibit is open during regular operating hours:  Wednesday -
Friday, 11-2;  Saturday & Sunday, 2-5.

The 621 Gallery
621 Industrial Drive
Railroad Square
Tallahassee FL 32310

Paul Rutkovsky & Doo Daa Florida
Fax: 1-904-644-4078

A Juried Art Exhibition. Opening online 10-10-95
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION   * preliminary announcement * 

The world is rapidly becoming wired. Every day, thousands more people flock
to the new digital commons. Who are they? What brought them here? How has it
affected them?
On 10/10 the MIT Media Laboratory will host "A Day in the Life of Cyberspace"
-- a global, online, participatory event. A highlight of the event will be a
juried art exhibition, "Portraits in Cyberspace". This exhibit will feature
images and writings that depict the inhabitants of the global networked

We are seeking images that address: Who is online?  Who inhabits the edges
and margins of the online world?  What constitues identity in cyberspace --
and how can it be portrayed?  How are essential human experiences -- such as
family, religion, community, sex, ethnicity, childhood, personality -- being
transformed in the digital era? We are interested both in documentary
portraits of people in the virtual world and in experimental depictions of
online society.

Prizes for the top entries will be provided by Kodak.  Submissions judged by
an international jury to be of excellent quality will be  included in the
"Portraits in Cyberspace" exhibition.  This exhibit will open on 10/10 and is
expected to be seen by millions of viewers worldwide. Results may also appear
in a subsequent book or in a permanent exhibit.

Submissions will be accepted from Sept 17-Sept 24.
For information about submission formats and procedures:
URL: http://www.1010.org/Exhibit/  or  Email: exhibit@www.1010.org


is seeking voice contributions for a forthcoming sound-based art
installation, entitled "Disembodied Voices".

The theme of this project is IDENTITY. To take part, simply call the
voice-mail system on +44 181 440 1792. When you call, our computer will allow
you to enter rooms inside the virtual gallery - which you may select by
pressing number keys on your telephone.
Inside each room, you will hear a voice ask you one question. Your answer to
that question will leave a clue about one facet of your identity.
All of the recorded messages that you contribute will be used in a gallery
installation - which will be presented in England later this year.

Deadline 31st October 1995.

To take part, call +44-181-440-1792 (24 hrs)

Disembodied Voices Telephone Project
BM-Disembodied, London, WC1N 3XX, England.

E-mail: voices@dismbody.demon.co.uk

16 - 18 April 1996, BCS, UK

Call For Papers and Book Chapters

The British Computer Society Computer Graphics & Displays Group will hold an
international two day meeting on this theme to take place in the UK 16-18 Apr
1996. A book based on, but not restricted to, papers presented at the event
will be published after the meeting.
Receipt of abstracts 1 November 95.
Please send all submissions to the first named person below. Queries can be
addressed to any of the Co-Chairs.

Huw Jones, Centre for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University
Cat Hill, BARNET  EN4 8HT, UK. E-mail: huw1@mdx.ac.uk


This is an open invitation to artists of any nationality and any medium to
participate in the "construction" of a graphic bridge ad perpetum . The
project calls for images letter size in height (21cms) and length of any
size. In each drawing the connection point between each drawing will be
at 14 cms height in order to create certain continuity in the over all
connection and hanging.

Each drawing/image/painting should be between 100k or 400k in formats GIF and
Info: Kepa Landa, E-mail: klanda@mide-cu.uclm.es Fax: 34-69-231221


September 28 - 30  1995, Moscow, Russia
Info: Alexandre Sokolof, Moscow Conservatory
Ua. Tepuena 13, Moscow 103871, Russia. Fax 7-95-2297630

Each Thursday from October 5 to December 14, 1995, 7.30 pm
Videoconferencing at 4 locations, 3 in Holland (Amsterdam, Delft 
and Groningen), 1 in Canada (Toronto). Lectures and performances. 
Info: Karel Koch, tel 31-20-4204505, e-mail karel@acsi.nl

October 8 - 11  1995, Chicago, USA
Info: Graphic Arts Show Company, Tel: 1-703-2647200, Fax: -6209187

October 17 - 22 1995, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Info: Forumbhzvideo, Rua Santa Rita Durao 384, 30140-111 Belo Horizonte/MG,
Brazil. tel/fax: 55-31-2232474

October 19 - 22  1995, Madrid & Barcelona, Spain
Virtual museum, Internet, Star Trek Special, Cyberfeminism, Virtual
communities, Performance, Installations, Computer graphics, Virtual reality,
Cyber party.
Info: tel: 34-1-4310007, fax 5778330, e-mail artfutur@ran.es
WWW: http://www.ciberteca/artfutura.es

October 25 - 29  1995, Luzern, Switzerland
International Film- and Videofestival.
Info: Viper, P.O. Box 4929, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland. Tel/Fax : 41-1-2717227

October 29 - November 3, 1995, Atlanta Airport Hilton & Towers, Georgia, USA
Info: Bill Ribarsky, GIT, tel 1-404-8946148
E-mail: bill.ribarsky@oit.gatech.edu
WWW: http://www.gatech.edu/vis95.html
or: http://davinci.informatik.uni-kl.de/Vis95

November 1 - 3  1995, Hamburg, Germany.
International Symposium. For a Program contact:
Interface 3 Office, Studio Andreas Heller, Tel/fax 49-40-470968
E-mail: interface2@hfbk.uni-hamburg.de
Web Site: http://www.hfbk.uni-hamburg.de/interface3/link.html

November 1 - 5  1995, Sofia, Bulgaria
The seventh edition of the international computer art forum
COMPUTER SPACE 95 will incorporate the following categories:
1. Computer Graphics(slides or pictures A4,A3)
2. Computer Animation(VHS tape)
3. Computer and Electronic Music(tape,CD or DAT)
4. Multimedia
5. CAD systems
Entry deadline: September 10, 1995
For further info and the entry form, contact:
Rossen Petkov, phone/fax +359-2-870293
SCAS, office 407, 10, Narodno sabranie sqr.,1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

November 4 - 12 (exhibition) and 10 - 11 (symposium), 1995
Luxemburg International Trade Fair
Exhibition and Symposium on the Interactive and Networked City
Contact: Medienlabor Munich, Lothringerstrasse 13, D-81667 Munich, Germany.
Tel: 49-89-48407-3, fax: -4, E-mail: telepolis@mlm.extern.lrz-muenchen.de
Web Site: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/MLM/telepolis.html

November 7 - 10  1995, Amsterdam, Holland
Title: Info-Eco Communities'. Theme: 'on matter'
NVI, Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS Amsterdam, Holland. 
Tel: 31-20-5516500, Fax: -6201031, E-mail desk@nvi.mediamatic.xs4all.nl

November 8 - 12  1995, Dessau, Germany.
The International Video Forum at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.
Video-installation, performance, workshop, symposium, emare.
For info and application form:
Stephen Kovats, Studio Electronic Media Interpretation, Bauhaus Dessau
Foundation, Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau, Germany. 

November 9 - 11  1995, Bologna, Italy.
Info: Lelio Camilleri, Comitato Organizzatore del XI Coloquio di Informatica
Musicale, Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini, Piazza Rossini 2, 40126
Bologna, Italy. Tel: 39-51-233975, Fax: 223168, Email:

November 9 - 15  1995, Arnhem, Holland
Info: AVE, POB 307, 6800 AH Arnhem, Netherlands. Tel 31-85-511300, fax 517681

November 21- 26  1995, V2_Organisatie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
"Interfacing Realities"
Info: V2_Organisatie, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL Rotterdam
Tel: 31-10-404-6427, Fax: 31-10-412-8562, E-mail: v2@v2.nl

November 22 - 26  1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina
World Wide Competitive Section, Informative Section, Seminars and Workshops. 
Info: Festival Internacional de Video, Guardia Vieja 3360, 1192 - Capital
Federal, Argentina. Tel: 54-1-862-0683/865-8024, Fax 54-1-866-1337

December 3 - 8  1995, San Diego Convention Center, CA, USA
Info: tel (in USA) 1-800-niisc95, fax 1-619-5345039, e-mail 
WWW: http://sc95.sdsc.edu/SC95

December 4 - 17  1995, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Info:  Cultuurcentrum EKKO, t.a.v. Springtij 1995
Bemuurde Weerd WZ 3, 3513 BH Utrecht, Holland
E-mail: Springty@dru.knoware.nl  Fax: 31-30-310402 
URL: http:\\dru.knoware.nl/maatschappij/organisaties/ekko/springt.htm

December 14 - 15  1995, San Diego, USA
First Annual Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modelling Language
University of California, San Diego. 
Info: http://www.sdsc.edu/Events/vrml95

February 21 - 23  1996,  Monaco, France
Conferences on Virtual Worlds, Augmented Reality, Infohighways, 
Special Effects. Panels, Workshops, International Competition, 
Industrial Exhibition.
Info: INA-Imagina, 4 avenue de l'Europe, 94366 Bry-sur Marne cedex, 
France. Tel 33-1-4983-2693, fax 3185, e-mail imagina@imagina.ina.fr

March 25 - 27 1996, Melbourne, Australia
The Simulation Technology and Training Conference. Info:
Dr. Sabina Sestito, SimTecT 96
Air Operations Division, AMRL
POB 4331, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia
Tel 61-3-9626-7271, fax 7084, e-mail Sabrina.Sestito@dsto.defence.gov.au

August 26 - 30  1996, Futuroscope Poitiers, France
Info & Call: Eurographics'96, INRIA Rocquencourt, POB 105, 78153 Le Chesnais
Cedex, France. Tel: 33-1-396356-00, fax: 38, E-mail: eg96@inria.fr

September 16 - 20  1996, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Organized by H.R.& O. Rotterdam Regional College. 
Including DEAF96 (Dutch Electronic Art Festival, September 17-22, organized
by V2) and in co-operation with R96 (city-wide festival on New Media,
September 16-29 organized by Rotterdam Festivals). 
The Call can be found at the ISEA Web site and at a new Website, see below.
ISEA96, POB 1272, 3000 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31-10-2133003, Fax: 2134190, Email: ISEA96@HRO.NL 
URL: http://www.eur.nl/ISEA96

The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien-
tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and
individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the
Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and
to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information
contact ISEA at the address on the front page.

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep
its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members
can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this
Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept),  Amsterdam University,
V2 Organisation,  YLEM,  ISAST,  Media Research, Museum der Stad Gladbeck,
The Council for the Int. Bienale in Nagoya,  KITT Engineering,  Viking
Eggeling-Salskapet,  Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts & Design,  Softimage
Inc,  Lokman Productions, ARTCOM in Deutschland e.V., Painatuskeskus Oy,
Tallinn Art University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, BSO Medialab,
Koln Academy for Media Arts, Monitor Information Systems, Nordiska
Konstkolan, Centre Georges Pompidou, Rotterdam Academy of Art & Design .

End of Newsletter