
                               THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                                 #49 JANUARY 1996

Editors: Dirk Boon, Wim van der Plas (Holland). Correspondents: Yoshiyuki
Abe (Japan), Ray Archee (Australia), Peter Beyls (Belgium), Leslie Bishko
(US/Canada), Paul Brown (Australia), Annick Bureaud (France), Jurgen Claus
(Germany), James Faure Walker (UK), Roger Malina (US), Rejane Spitz
Lay-out: Rene Pare (Grafico de Poost). Text editors: Ray Archee, Seth
Shostak. Honorary Member: Herbert W. Franke
               ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 
                             Tel/fax 31-10-4778605, 
         Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter)
                        WWW URL http://www.xs4all.nl/~isea



The following ISEA members have nominated for the new ISEA Board. Since we 
have 8 nominees, it is not necessary to vote. Unless there are objections 
from our regular members (this includes institutional and student members, 
but excludes associate members), this will be the new Board of the Inter-

Peter Beyls (Belgium)
Present Board Member. Statement: "ISEA should be seen as a platform for 
interdisciplinary (!) exchange of ideas, know-how, expertise and critical 
reflection. In addition, the challenge is to be pragmatic: to find ways to 
foster communication, to create new ways of global conversation, to 
accommodate controversial ideas in open discussion." 

Theo Hesper (Netherlands)
Present chairman. Founder of the International Symposia on Electronic Art 
and the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts. Founder of the Foundation 
for Creative Computer Applications (SCCA, 1984, Netherlands), that 
initiated and co-organized the first ISEA Symposium (1988). Member of all 
ISEA International Program Comittees.

Roger Malina (USA)
Chairman of the Board of Leonardo, and Executive Editor of the print 
Journal Leonardo. Editor of the electronic journal Leonardo Electronic 
Almanac. Astronomer and Director of the Laboratoire D'Astronomie Spatial -
CNRS, Marseille France and the Director of the Center for EUV Astrophysics, 
Berkeley, California.

Amanda McDonald Crowley (Australia)
Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology. ANAT is 
federally-funded and artist-focussed. Previous employment includes 
developing National Multimedia Training Strategy with a federal agency; 
project management with The Australia Council; Administrator of Electronic 
Media Arts (Australia) including the Australian Video Festival.

Alain Mongeau (Canada)
Program Chair of ISEA95 Montreal. Multimedia artist, consultant on 
interactivity and Ph.D. in Communications. Professor of new technologies at 
the Universite du Quebec a Montreal during 3 years and researcher at the 
Centre J-A de Seve. He recently joined a team who have founded NeuROM-X, a 
company specialized in the production of artistic CD-ROMs.

Simon Penny (USA)
Present Board Member. Australian artist, teacher, theorist and curator in 
interactive media. Currently Associate Professor of Art and Robotics at 
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA. In recent years he has: curated  
Machine Culture, a survey exhibition of Interactive Art at SIGGRAPH93; 
built and exhibited Petit Mal, and Autonomous Robotic Artwork, and 
published the anthology Critical Issues in Electronic Media. 

Wim van der Plas (Netherlands)
Present Board Member. First director, later advisor for the First ISEA 
symposium. Executive Director of the Second Symposium. Heads ISEA head 
quarters since 1990. Editor of ISEA Newsletter. Executive director 7th ISEA 
Symposium. Member of all ISEA International Program Comittees (except when 

Patricia Search (USA)
M.A. and B.A. in Art; Alumna, Ecole d'art Americaines, France. 
Presently Associate Professor and member of Executive Committee for the 
International Center for Multimedia Education, Rensselaer Polytechnic, 
Troy, NY.  Professional artist since 1974. Exhibitions include 16 solo shows
and over 95 group exhibitions. Published numerous papers a.o. in Leonardo
and ISEA Proceedings. Best Paper Award in '93. Artwork in 25 publications.

Objections to any of these candidates can be directed to the ISEA address 
before February 15, 1996.

You still have until February 1st to send your entries for ISEA96 (September
16 - 20, Rotterdam, Holland). The Call for Participation can be found at:
http://www.eur.nl/ISEA96. Phone/fax us for the hard copy: 31-10-4778605.
Please note the (new) address: P.O. Box 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
(courier mail: St. Jobsweg 30, 3024 EJ Rotterdam)

One of the names, not mentioned in the editorial on ISEA95 was the name
of the press and media coordinator Barbara Ulrich. We apologize. Barbara
managed to have some 150 media representatives there. Thank you for your 
tireless efforts, Barbara, and forgive us...

The Proceedings of ISEA95 Montreal, the Sixth International Symposium on
Electronic Art, will be available as of January 15th, 1996.  The hard copy
is edited by the University of Montreal.  

The 320 pages proceedings contains papers presented during the Conference
Program by:
Roy Ascott, Doug Back, Cameron Bailey, Louis Bec, Justine Bizzocchi, Peter
Bosch & Simone Simons, Julio Bermudez & Debra Gondeck-Beckers, Veronique
Bourgoin & Marc Roelens, Anita Cheng, Christopher Csikszentmihaly, Char
Davies, Dominique de Bardonneche-Berglund, Derrick de Kerckhov, Isabe1le
Delmotte, Toni Dove, Wayne Draznin, Kitsou Dubois, Tessa Elliott, Agustin
Fernandez, Nicholas Gebhardt, Peter Gena & Charles Strom, Carol Gigliotti,
Elizabeth Goldring, Gary R. Greenfield, Heidi Grundmann & Gerfried
Stocker,  Ian Haig, Ross Harley, Mara Helmuth & Aladin Ibrahim, Nigel Helyer,
Michael Hill, Jake, Kathy Kennedy, Judith B. Kerman, Mike King, Ted Krueger,
Graham Harwood, Kharim Hogan, Christian Lavigne, Mike Leggett, George Legrady,
Pierre Levy, David Clark Little, Jean Paul Longavesne, Geert Lovink,
Virginia Madsen, Ahasiw Maskegon-Iskwew, Brian Massumi, Andra McCartney,
John D. Mitchell & Robb E. Lovell, Mary Leigh Morbey, Margaret Morse, Axel
Mulder, Sally Jane Norman, Marcos Novak, Nancy Paterson, Mark Pesce, Keith
Piper, Christophe Ramstein, Catherine Richards & Kim Sawchuk, Martin Rieser
, Thecla Schiphorst, Jeffrey Schulz, Patricia Search, Tom Sherman, Joel
Slayton, Martin Sperka, Bruce Sterling, Hal Thwaites, Heidi Tikka, Todor
Todoroff, Laura Trippi, Jeffrey Ventrella, McKenzie Wark, Lanny Webb,
Annette Weintraub, Andrea Wollensak, Andrea Zapp

Price: $30 CDN for ISEA members, $40 for non members.  
Mailing costs: $4 CDN for Canada and US, $8 CDN for outside North America.

Method of Payment 
__  Cheque on Canadian Bank (payable to ISEA95-Montreal) 
__  Master Card 
__  Visa

With credit card payments, please include :

- Card Number, - Name, - Company name, - Card Expiry date
- Postal Address, - Name of cardholder 
- City, - Province, - Postal Code, - Country, - City
- Signature (Obligatory), - Phone: work, - Home Fax

Orders could be placed either by mail, by fax or by email: 
307, Sainte-Catherine West, # 310
Montreal (QC), Canada H2X 2A3
Tel: 1-514-990-0229, Fax: 1-514-842-3795
Email: isea95@er.uqam.ca

                              CONFERENCES & SYMPOSIA

Conference and Exhibition in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, January 18-21 1996

Next 5 Minutes: tactical media is a conference and exhibition that will
take place at Amsterdam's Balie and Paradiso and at Rotterdam's
V2_Organisation from January 18th till January 21st 1996. The conference
will be officially opened Thursday evening in Rotterdam with a performance
of the Critical Art Ensemble  from Chicago about the matter of media.

Next 5 Minutes: tactical media is a sequel to the first Next 5 Minutes
which took place in Paradiso in January 1993. Under the heading 'tactical
television' it brought together television-initiatives which operate
between the underground and mainstream media. Besides television people
this second conference will bring together media-artists, journalists,
computer activists and radiomakers from around the world to tell their
stories, show their work and above all, collaborate with local media
activists. Though the event will develop some of the themes that emerged
during the first conference, it has broadened its scope towards the more
inclusive notion of 'tactical media', to accommodate the increasing
importance of digital media and computer networks. Some of the themes
addressed by the Next 5 Minutes are: a reality check on the democratic
claims of the new media; important changes in public access; a critical
look at 'wired culture'; media makers going beyond the metaphors of war and
the effort to introduce the new discipline of net criticism.

Projects presented in Amsterdam and Rotterdam vary from the Arkzin
newspaper from Zagreb (Croatia), to the ethno-national cyberquarrels in Sri
Lanka, to the radio group Democratic Voice of Burma, to Northern Visions,
the Republican Irish tactical media group whose Irish language projects are
helping to build bridges between communities and go beyond the metaphors of
war. The Polish artist Krzysztof Wodiczko will realise his 'Alien Staff'
and 'Mouth Piece' projects, in which he will utilise mobile audio-visual
communications systems and prosthetic instruments to support personal
communication in unfamiliar cultural environments. The exhibition at
V2_Organisation will feature an installation by the German group Knowbotic
Research +cF, and an intermediatic information centre built around Paul
Garrin's website 'MediaFilter' which, like the Next 5 Minutes itself,
patrols the troublesome borders between art, technology, media and
politics. The immersive Technoparty saturdaynight in Paradiso crosses these
borders with a new perspective on interactive involvement. Combined these
people and projects will help to outline an alternative to the dominant
aesthetics and ethics of the art and media industries.

The local and international guests will not only show their work, but will
actively collaborate with media tacticians from Rotterdam and Amsterdam in
a variety of live TV and radio events, transmitted via cable and Internet.
The N5M on-line magazine and website will carry texts and reports from the
conference, making them available to the local  and international
participants. A daily bus shuttle will connect the venues in the two
cities. Media artists and activists from the public access movement will
cooperate with Amsterdam's open channel SALTO and will thus ensure that the
Next 5 Minutes becomes not only a show case of contemporary tactical media
initiatives, but also a lively working conference of producers.

Editorial note:
The offical programme will be released December 15th. Meanwhile all updates
are to be found on the Next 5 Minutes website: http://www.dds.nl/n5m. For
more detailed information about the Amsterdam conference please contact De
Balie, phone 020 - 62 33 673 and ask for Sjoera Nas or David Garcia. For
information about the Rotterdam programme please contact V2_Organisation,
phone 010 - 404 76 93 and ask for Andreas Broeckmann. Or e-mail N5M@dds.nl



The 3rd edition of the "Repertoire ElectrO-CD" is co-published by
Lien (Belgium), Groupe de recherches musicales (France) and
DIFFUSION i MeDIA (Quebec, Canada). 
This new edition compiles -- in approx 150 pages -- 1989
electroacoustics works released on 439 compact discs produced by
mote than 145 labels and covers productions released until
(November) 1995. It is interesting to note that from these 1989
works: 1256 are _acousmatic_ works (tape); 708 are _mixed)
(instrument-s & tape); and 23 are _live electronics_.

Price: 25$CAN in Quebec, 23$CAN in Canada, US$21,50 in the USA
and 29$CAN anywhere else; mail and applicable taxes included.
WWW: http://www.cam.org/~dim/F/N/N_ElectrO-CD95.html

Jean-Francois Denis, DIFFUSION i MeDIA
empreintes DIGITALes + SONARt + LA LISTE
4487, rue Adam, Montreal, Quebec,Canada  H1V 1T9
Email: dim@cam.org, WWW:  http://www.cam.org/~dim/


Pauline Oliveros Foundation Inc. is pleased to announce it's new 
recording label, Deep ListeningTM. The label's inaugural releases are 
three compact discs:
After Some Songs  by Joel Chadabe, On The Way by R.I.P. Hayman and Tosca 
Salad by Deep Listening Band - Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster and David 

The composers represented on these recordings have all expressed new 
musical ideas and have found innovative ways of presenting their music: 
Chadabe with interactive computer programming, Hayman drawing on his near 
death experience and Deep Listening Band activating the variety of 
characteristics of different acoustic and virtual spaces. 

The label is a natural outgrowth of Pauline Oliveros Foundation's mission 
to foster the creation of new work within a curated context of commissions, 
performances, education and dissemination through publication and media. 

For wholesale and retail ordering information, please contact Pauline 
Oliveros Foundation at any of it's convenient access points:

Tel: 1-914-338-5984, Fax 5986
Email: deeplisten@aol.com, 
WWW: http://www/artswire.org/Artswire/www/pof/pof.html
Address: PO Box 1956, Kingston, NY 12401-0900, USA


December 15, 1995 until January 31, 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands
An interactive video installation by Luc Courchesne

Encounter with a virtual personality
In Portrait no. 1, Marie, a woman in her thirties from Montreal, engages you
in playful conversation.
By pointing at sentences on the screen:
Do you know what time it is? , Are you looking at me? , or a simple:
Who are you? , the visitor engages in conversation the outcome of which is
determined by his own curiosity and the mood Marie is in.
The WORLD WIDE VIDEO CENTRE presents a new version of Portrait no. 1 because
Dutch has been added to the five languages Marie already speaks. The
installation has also been adapted so it can be operated from the street, 24
hours a day, for the duration of the exhibition. Thanks to large screen
projection at the front wall, Marie s virtual personality will brighten the
new Town Hall square during the whole month of December.

Luc Courchesne

Born in 1952, in Saint-Leonard d Aston, Quebec. Bachelor of Design in
Communication, 1974 (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax). Master
of Science in Visual Studies. 1984 (MIT, Cambridge).
Luc Courchesne has been involved in interactive video since 1984, when he
produced Elastic Movies, one of the first videos of its kind, in
collaboration with a group of people from MIT.
He has realised a number of video installations, like Encyclopedie
clair-obscur (1987), Portrait no. 1 (1990), Portrait de Famille (1993) and
Salon des Ombres (1996).
His work has been shown in a dozen countries and he also had a one-man
exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Since 1986 he is a
professor at the School for Industrial Design at the University of Montreal,
and at present he is an artist-in-residence at the Zentrum f=FCr Kunst und
Medientechnologie, ZKM/Karlsruhe, Germany.

Monday - Sunday, 24 hrs a day.
The installation Portrait no. 1 can be operated from the street.

WORLD WIDE VIDEO CENTRE, Spui 189, 2511 BN Den Haag
Tel: 31-70-3644805, Fax: 31-70-3614448, Email: wwv@bart.nl

Art as Signal is a major exhibition of contemporary electronic
art from around the world, currently being installed in the Krannert
Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

@art gallery will feature installation views of the work in the
exhibition, features on individual pieces, and interviews with
selected artists.  This component of Art as Signal will change
frequently, and be in constant flux.

The exhibition will run from November 17 to January 21, 1996.
URL: http://gertrude.art.uiuc.edu/@art/gallery.html


March 8 - 14 1996,  London, UK
London Festival of Moving Images

PANDMONIUM is delighted to announce a new, international
Festival, organised in association with London Electronic Arts and the
Institute of Contemporary Arts, which will showcase the best in
recent artists film, video and new media at the ICA Cinema,
Cinematheque and Gallery in London.  The Festival will run from 8
to 14 March 1996, with Gallery Installations remaining on
exhibition until 21 April.

Programme highlights will include the latest works by artists
such as Jem Cohen (REM videographer),  comic genius John Smith,
David Byrne, Sadie Benning (pixel visions young star), ambient
king George Barber and the talented pop-promo and feature film
maker John Maybury.  Further treats include a retrospective
dedicated to the work of major contemporary artist and seminal
figure in video art, Nam June Paik.

Also five large-scale London Electronic Arts commissions to young
British artists and film and video makers, whose completed work
will be exhibited as part of the Festival at the ICA Gallery from
8 March to 21 April 1996.  The artists are Mark Wallinger
(nominee for the 1995 Turner Prize), Jacki Irvine (featured
artist in General Release at this years Venice Biennale), Gillian
Wearing (her recent exhibitions at the Hayward Gallery and
Interim Art reached the Number One slot in Time Outs Critics
Choice), Keith Tyson, who recently had his first solo exhibition
at Antony Reynolds Gallery, and Michael Curran, currently
exhibiting at the Centre George Pompidou, Paris.

Karen Dowell, Festival Organiser, PANDMONIUM FESTIVAL
5-7 Buck Street, London  NW1 8NJ, UK
Tel: 44-171-4240411,  Fax: 44-171-2676078
Email: enquiries@pandaem.demon.co.uk


We are still looking to fill this position. The descriptions of what we are 
looking for should be interpreted broadly. Please pass this on to anyone 
who might be interested, or can distribute this further.

Sheldon Brown, Assistant Professor
Visual Arts Dept., University of California at San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
Tel/Fax: 1-619-534-2423, Email: sgbrown@ucsd.edu

VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT, University of California, San Diego

COMPUTER ARTIST.  Assistant Professor, tenure-track, to entry
Associate Professor with tenure.  Rank and salary commensurate
with qualifications and experience and based upon UC pay scales.
We are seeking an artist whose work demonstrates a significant
engagement with computer based processes in the realm of
contemporary art.  Knowledge of networked UNIX (Silicon Graphics)
and Macintosh environments is required along with established
work in several of the following areas: digital imaging and
publishing, multi-media authoring, graphics programming in C or
C++, computer networking, computer animation and/or computer
based installation. Teaching experience required in several of
these areas at undergraduate and graduate levels. MFA or
equivalency required.  Candidate should have a national
exhibition record, and be able to demonstrate an in-depth
understanding of computing and its relationship to contemporary
art discourses.  Candidate will actively participate in the
ongoing development of facilities and curriculum. The university
provides a number of opportunities for doing advanced research
work in computing in the arts, within a department of broad
interdisciplinary concerns.

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names of three
references (do not send letters of recommendation and/or
placement files) and evidence of work in the field.  This
evidence may be in the form of slides, tapes, disks, publications
and/or public lectures and should be accompanied by return mailer
and postage.
                 Kim MacConnel, Chair
                 University of California San Diego
                 Visual Arts Department (0327)
                 9500 Gilman Drive
                 La Jolla, CA 92093-0327, USA

All applications received by October 16, 1995 or thereafter until
position is filled will receive thorough consideration.  Please
reference position number 9618N on all correspondence.

UCSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a
strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity
among its faculty and staff.  Proof of U.S. citizenship or
eligibility for U.S. employment will be required.


This is PUBLIC NETBASE / t0 introducing our new features:

e~scape VRML: http://www.t0.or.at/escape.htm visit our Brain.Vader
Simulation and the e~scape Museum.

e~scape Video Feed: http://www.t0.or.at/video/anim.htm featuring Ingo
Guenther, Ulrike Gabriel, Stelarc, Konrad Becker.

Autonomous News-Agents: http://www.t0.or.at/scl/agents.htm on Politics,
Cyber-News, Voodoo, Mindcontrol, Copyright, Techno-Music, Smart-Drugs and

e~scape RealAudio Server  listen to Cybercore, The Information War (Peter L.
Wilson), Critical Art Ensemble, Synvolution.

PUBLIC NETBASE *media in the message mess-age* is a forum for free media
communication and an information society "without regrets". The data-matrix
as a model of a culture that is based on electronic information-technology
demands a new understanding of art and space of maneuver for the forthcoming
models of art production.
*Art in the age of biocybernetic self-reproduction*
Digital telecommunication towards hypermedia and the global connectivity of
the infosphere provokes an interdisciplinary intermediation of art and
science on the basis of a society that is determined through new

Online Publication Zer0 News: http://www.t0.or.at/zero.htm
featuring  Pierre Levy (F), Hakim Bey (USA), Peter Lamborn Wilson (USA),
Bob Black (USA), Critical Art Ensemble (USA), Ulrike Gabriel (D), Ingo
Guenther - Refugee Republic, Mitsuhiro Takemura (JP), Doro Franck (NL), Z'ev
(USA), Derrick de Kerckhove (McLuhan Institute, Toronto) and others

Public Access: http://www.t0.or.at/zerozone.htm

A 'Sztuka Fabryka Gallery'  on internet with review from contributions to 
the Archive:
- Review of network-publications, 
- Articles about projects, artists or whatever waht is going on in the 
  network, write about your activities or whatelse you want to put on internet.
  Include as much material as you can, 
- Artworks from mail-artists, 
- Mail-art projects, invitations and so on, 
- Reviews from music etc
Info: 'Sztuka Fabryka', c/o Geert De Decker, Kerkstraat 290, 9140 Tielrode, 
Tel: 31-3-7771568
URL: http://www.dma.be/p/amphion/kamers/gallery/sztuka/index.html


With Webtronix, ISDM wants to stimulate various artists and creative minds
(writers, graphic designers, digital artists, musicians etc.) to shape an
infinite, interactive artwork in progress, maintaining an on-going
aesthetic dialogue within the web-community worldwide.

The concept of Webtronix has existing arts-sites post new works regularly
(frequency to be defined). These works will contain (in)visible links to
other works at other sites, thus steering a flow of creative traffic
through various regions of the web, along different voices in the medium.

For Webtronix to be what it is meant to be, the project needs participants
from all over the world, who are willing to promote the idea, contribute
work and make the W3 a more relevant space to be in.

Anyone interested in the project can contact us by email (isdm@innet.be).

On the Webtronix-homepage we post direct links to all participants, from
where on you can enter this everchanging work and never know where you're
heading next. All works link back to Webtronix-home where we will keep up
track with the latest news on the project and its works.

Webtronix starts at http://www.innet.net/brussels-arts/isdm_2.0/wbtrnx.html
Who will be next?
And who knows... a possible future encounter in real time with real  works...

vzw ISDM asbl,  Interactive Study and Documentation on Media
Rue Roosendaelstraat 146,  1190 Brussels, Belgium.
Contact: Rudy De Waele,  Tel/Fax: 32-2-3466501, Email: isdm@innet.be
 WWW: http://www.innet.net/brussels-arts/ISDM.html



In June 1996 (4. - 10.) at the gallery MEDIUM of the Academy of
Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia will be the exhibition 
"Computer Graphics and E-Mail Art 3" with the theme:


The works for this exhibition of computer generated images, short
animations and multimedia presentations will be transmitted via 
INTERNET (email, ftp or from WWW sites) decompressed, rendered and
printed in Bratislava.

We plan to bring this exhibition to ISEA96 in Rotterdam (possibly by 
the boat, via the channel Danube-Main-Rhine).

Martin Sperka

Department of Visual Media
Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Hviezdoslavovo nam. 18, 814 37 Bratislava, Slovakia.
E-mail: sperka@cvt.stuba.sk (information), emart@vsvu.sanet.sk (for
submitting works).
Information on E Mail Art 1, 2 and 3 (under construction):

March  25  1996, Clark University, Worcester MA, USA

The Sound of Multimedia:
Musical Practice and Its Interpretation in the Age of Digital (Re)Production
Deadline: Proposal deadline: February 1, 1996

Call for Presentations: Papers & Lecture/Demonstrations
(submit a one-page description of a 30 minute session. A limited
number of presentations will be accepted for presentation by proxy/video.)
Paper topics include:
-social, cultural, historical and political analysis of music
and technology
-new applications or research in music technology
-interdisciplinary technology transfers
-lecture/demonstrations of creative applications

Call for  Music: Performance Pieces & Installations: 
(submit a written proposal, score/cassette or VHS tape as appropriate)
Compositional resources might include:
-live/interactive performance
-web sites

Info: Prof. Matt Malsky, Director
Music and Multimedia Conference/Festival
Dept. of Visual & Performing Arts
Clark University, 950 Main St., Worcester, MA  01610, USA
Tel: 1-508-793-7340, Fax: 8484, Email: conference-info@beatrice.clarku.edu
WWW: http://beatrice.clarku.edu/conference/conference.html


MultiArtDisc (MAD) promotes electronic art for interactive media.
On the occasion of the ISEA96 symposium, MAD will assemble a
CD-ROM in cooperation with the Inter-Society for the Electronic
Arts (ISEA). The CD-ROM will show electronic art made by
participants as well as non-participants of ISEA96.

You can apply to participate by sending a message or works of art
before February 1, 1996. Electronic art that can be used
interactively on CD-ROM and electronic art that is very special,
but too small to show at the Seventh International Symposium on
Electronic Arts (ISEA96) is of particular interest.

MAD also needs people who want to make a real contribution to the
organization and production of this CD-ROM.

If you have any interesting electronic art that can be used for
this project or if you want to lend assistance, please contact
us. The deadline for submitting  work is February 1, 1996.

PO Box 6118,  5600 HC Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: 31-40-2464271, Email: maddisc@Poost.nl                      

PO Box 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: 31-10-4778605, Email: ISEA96@HRO.NL

JIC96 - BRUGGE First Announcement and Call for Papers
September 8 - 11  1996, Brugge, Belgium

IV. Int. Symp. on Systematic Musicology & II. Int. Conf. on Cognitive
Musicology (JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1996) College of Europe
at Brugge, Belgium

Retroacta:  The Joint International Conference is a follow-up of
the Third International Symposium on Systematic and Comparative
Musicology (Schloss Zeillern, Austria, 1995) and the First
International Conference on Cognitive Musicology (Jyvaskyla, Finland,
1993).  The aim of this conference is to offer a forum for the new
and rapid developments in musicology that are due to technological
innovations and developments in cognitive science. The conference
languages are english, german and french.

Organization and Location:  The conference will be organized by
the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Department
of Arts, Music and Theater Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium.
All activities will take place at the College of Europe in the
center of the historical city of Bruges, Flanders-Belgium.  There
is an accommodation for about 250 persons. Address: College of
Europe, Dyver 11, B-8000 Brugge (Tel.: +32 55335334, Fax: +32

Theme of the Conference:  1. Gestalt Concepts Revisited -- From
Metaphor to Cognitive Model:  this includes Gestalt-theoretic
foundations of music research, from a methodological, epistemological
as well as experimental and historical point of view.  2. Software
Engineering, Modelling, and Simulation in Musicology:  this includes
topics related to the application of Gestalt concepts in modelling
and computer music systems.

Deadlines:  15 march: arrival of extended abstracts (min. 2, max.
5 pages) 15 may: acceptance notification

Registration:  A charge of  about 2500 BEF/day will be asked for
the accommodation, meals and excursion.

Supporting Organizations:  Society for Systematic and Comparative
Musicology N.F.W.O. (Belgian Natinal Science Foundation) University
of Ghent

Scientific & Organizing Committee:  Antonio Camurri (Universita di
Genova, Italy), Marc Leman (Universiteit Gent, Belgium), Jukka
Louhivuouri (Jyvaskylan Yliopisto, Finland), Richard Parncutt
(University of Keele, UK), Albrecht Schneider (Universitaet Hamburg,
Germany -- Society for Systematic and Comparative Musicology)

Local Organization & Further Information:  Marc Leman Institute
for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music Dept. of Arts, Music and
Theater Sciences University of Ghent, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 GHENT,
Belgium Tel: +32 9 2644125, Fax: +32 9 2644196 Email: Marc.Leman@rug.ac.be

See URL=http://next.rug.ac.be/brugge/jic96.html for the most recent
information about the conference.

September 4 - 6  1996, Vienna, Austria 

First Announcement and Call for Papers

EFA '96 is hosted by the Vienna University of Technology in
collaboration with the Institute for Spatial Interaction and Simulation (ISIS).

April 15th 1996: deadline for extended abstracts.
Info: EFA-Conference Office, c/o Department for Spatial Simulation
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13/2561, A-1040 Vienna,  Austria
Tel.: 43-1-58801-3382, Fax: 43-1-5041147
E-mail: bmartens@email.tuwien.ac.at

August 19 - 22  1996, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Organized by: Computer Graphics Association, R.O.C and The Computer Society
of R.O.C

In Cooperation With: CCL, III, NCHC, NCTU, NTHU, Academia Sinica and
IEEE Taipei Section (tentative)

Pacific Graphics is an international conference on computer graphics and
applications. The conference will provide a forum for the researchers,
developers, and practitioners to exchange their ideas and discuss future
directions of computer graphics. The past three conferences were held in
Korea (1993), China (1994), and Korea (1995), and future conferences are
planned in Korea (1997) and Singapore (1998).

                                CALL FOR PAPERS

Papers presenting original research in computer graphics are being sought.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

Computer Animation, Real Time Graphics, Multimedia Modeling, Geometric and
Solid Modeling, Scientific Visualization, Virtual Reality Modeling, Rendering
Techniques, Texture Mapping, Physically-Based Modeling, Graphics Hardware,    
Oriental Fonts and Artificial Lives and Worlds Architecture Icons Design

Information for Authors: Original unpublished papers of up to 10,000 words in
length are invited. To  submit  a  paper,  send  five copies of double-spaced
manuscript in English. The first part of the paper should include a title, an
abstract,   keywords  and  phrases,  author's  name(s),  title,  affiliation,
complete  mailing  address, phone  number,  fax number,  e-mail address,  and
a  signed statement of commitment that "if the paper is accepted,  one of the
authors will present the paper at the Pacific Graphics '96 conference".

Important Dates: Five copies of full papers will be due February 2, 1996.
Notice of acceptance and reviewers' comments will be given by  March 30, 
1996. Camera-ready paper will be due April 30, 1996.

Address Submissions and Information to:
Shi-Nine Yang, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University,
300, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Email: snyang@cs.nthu.edu.tw, Tel: +886-35-731074, Fax:

April 1996, Iowa City, USA
THAW 96 will be an alternative festival, to be held in April,
1996, which is intended to acknowledge creative and artistic
expressions of the motion image. THAW 96 is also encouraging
artists to submit works produced using digital media, as well, in
an effort to represent the entire spectrum of contemporary works.
There are no restrictions based upon content, and awards will be
given based solely upon the merits of the work submitted.
Personal visions by independent producers, especially those which
challenge conventional standards through experimentation in form
and content, are strongly encouraged.

University of Iowa, THAW 96 c/o Intermedia & Video Art
6 International Center, Iowa City, IA 52242-1802, USA
Tel: 1-319-354-0430, Email: thaw96@uiowa.edu
URL:  http://www.uiowa.edu/~interart



I have made a proposal to the International Sculpture Center, Washington, DC
to stage a 3-D FAX Art and interactive, collaborative virtual telesculpture
event at the biennial International Sculpture Conference, to be held 4-10
June, 1996 at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Although this proposal is not final, I am soliciting statements of interest
from CAD/CAM-literate artists around the world to participate in this 3-D FAX
Art Event.

Please see information on the International Sculpture Center and the 1996
Conference at http://www.dgsys.com/~sculpt

Please see documentation of INTERSCULPT '95, the telenetworked exhibition of
robosculpture, Philadelphia, USA and Paris, France with 3-D FAX Art by
Dickson at http://www.netaxs.com/~silicong

Please see information on my work at http://www.mathart.com

We will have CU-SeeMe and VRML Web presence at one of the above URLS and at
http://www.risd.edu several months in advance of the Conference.

We also hope to have participation from 5CyberConf, Madrid, Spain.

Thank you in advance for your interest and support.

Stewart Dickson
Tel: 1-302-731-2718, Fax: -7482 
Email: dickson@mathart.com 
http://www.wri.com/~mathart (mirror)


The International Digital Media Awards (IDMA) Competition is open
to individuals, companies and institutions that have participated
in or developed interactive multimedia products.  Application
areas include: sales & marketing, education & training, public
spaces, consumer enrichment, games and artwork.  Eligible product
formats include: CD ROM's, CDi's, CD+'s, diskettes, kiosks,
installations, interactive digital media performances, on-line
applications and World Wide Web sites.

Restrictions: Products that have been entered in previous IDMA
competitions are not eligible.  Commercial titles must have been
released after January 1, 1995.

The deadline for the 1996 IDMA competition is March 4, 1996.
Absolutely no late entry will be accepted!  The IDMA office
reserves the right to refuse any entry.  All incomplete entries
will not be accepted.

Main category finalists will be contacted by April 15, 1996.
Finalists' material must be forwarded to the IDMA office by April
30, 1996.  All finalists must notify in writing who will accept
the prize at the IDMA Gala Event.

1995 International Digital Media Awards
Design Exchange, 234 Bay Street
P.O. Box 18, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada   M5K 1B2

Info: Nathalie Leclerc
Tel: 1-416-2162134, Fax: 1-416-3685606, Email: thalie@idma.org.

Digital Wave Multimedia would like to bring to your attention the
upcoming 1996 Byron Bay Film & Multimedia Festival to be
overlapping with the Whale Festival in late July. 
Featuring works/pieces/creations by Australian and International
filmmakers and multimedia artists, the festival will stress
environmental awareness in socio/political/cultural themes
related to the protection of  our planet.

For further general information regarding the event contact:
Digital Wave - email: digiwave@om.com.au
For  Film - Dee Tipping - email: planetb@om.com.au
For Multimedia Digital Wave - email: digiwave@om.com.au
URL: http://www.om.com.au/festival


January 5 - February 3  1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gallerie Rene Coelho, Spuistraat 104, 1012 VA Amsterdam.
Tel: 31-20-6237101, Fax: 6244423, Email: info@montevideo.xs4all.nl
WWW: http://www.dds.nl/~mvideo 

Potsdammerstrasse 96, 10785 Berlin Germany.
Tel: 49-30-262-3039, Fax 8713

February 21 - 23  1996,  Monaco, France
Conferences on Virtual Worlds, Augmented Reality, Infohighways, 
Special Effects. Panels, Workshops, International Competition, 
Industrial Exhibition.
Info: INA-Imagina, 4 avenue de l'Europe, 94366 Bry-sur Marne cedex, 
France. Tel: 33-1-4983-2693, Fax: 3185, E-mail: imagina@imagina.ina.fr

February 23 - March 2  1996, Barcelona, Spain
3rd Alternative Film Festival
Info and Entry forms for both the Festival and the Grants:
La Fabrica de Cindema Alternatiu
Ms Silvia Capella or Karyn Riegel, CCCB, Montalegre 5, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: 34-3-4120-781/82, Fax: 520 or: 34-3-3180612

March 25 - 27 1996, Melbourne, Australia
The Simulation Technology and Training Conference. Info:
Dr. Sabina Sestito, SimTecT 96
Air Operations Division, AMRL
POB 4331, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia
Tel: 61-3-9626-7271, Fax: 7084, Email: jennifer.edwards@dsto.defence.gov.au
WWW: http://www.cse.rmit.edu.au/simtect

March 26 - 30  1996
Videoformes, Laurent de Bussac, BP 71, 63003 Clermond-Ferrand Cedex 1,
Tel: 33-73-906758, Fax: 924418 

March 29 - April 3  1996, Stuttgart, Germany.
Competitions. One prize of DM 35.000, 2 of DM 15.000 and several other
amounts to be won. Info:
Internationales Trickfilm-Festival, Teckstrasse 56, D-70190 Stuttgart,
Germany. Tel: 49-711-262-2699, Fax: 4980

April 9 - 13  1996,  Sydney, Australia
Info: Werner Hammerstingl, Convener, President, C.A.T.
P.O. Box 1545 P, G.P.O. Melbourne 3001 Australia.
Tel/Fax: 61-3-7281162, E-mail: cat@netspace.net.au

April 18 - May 5 1996,  San Francisco, USA
SFIFF, 1521 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA 94115-4102 USA.
Tel: 1-415-929-5014, Fax: 921-5032, Email: sfiff@sfiff.org
WWW: http://sfiff.org/sfiff 

April 26 - 30 1996, Den Haag, The Netherlands
The 14th World Wide Video Festival will focus on Video, CD-Rom and CD-i
presentations, Installations, Interactive works, Internet projects,
Performances, lectures.
Entry-forms of the 14th World Wide Video Festival 1996 will be
available from early January 1996 onwards.
Information about the World Wide Video festival on the World Wide
Web will be available January 1996.
A programme brochure will be available March 1996.
Spui 189, 2511 BN Den Haag, The Netherlands
Tel: 31-70-3644 805, Email: wwvideo@bart.nl

May 8 - 11  1996, Geneva, Switzerland.
An international exhibition in the field of communication and high technology
Info: Secretariat Transcom, 7 Rue de berne, PO Box 1731, CH - 1211 Geneva 1,
Switzerland. Tel: 41-22-908-1811, Fax: 1835.

May 22 - 25  1996, Toronto, Canada
Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre. Conference and Trade Show.
Info: Multimedia Trade Shows Inc, 7-70  Villarbot Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 4C7, Canada
Tel: 1-905-660-2491, Fax: 2492, WWW: http://multimedia.magic.ca

June 6 - 9  1996, Madrid, Spain
Fifth International Conference on Cyberspace
Info: 5Cyberconf, Gran Via, 28. 2 planta, 28013 Madrid, Espana
Tel: 34-1-542-9380, Fax: 34-1-521-0041, E-mail: 5cyberconf@ceai.telefonica.es

June 17 - 22  1996, Boston, Mass., USA
World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Papers, Panels, Roundtables, Tutorials/Workshops, Posters/Demonstrations
Info: AACE, PO Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA.
Tel: 1-804-973-3987, Fax: 978-7449, Email: AACE@Virginia.Edu

August 26 - 30  1996, Futuroscope Poitiers, France
Info & Call: Eurographics'96, INRIA Rocquencourt, POB 105, 78153 Le
Cedex, France. Tel: 33-1-396356-00, fax: 38, E-mail: eg96@inria.fr

CADEX '96  
International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Aided Design
September 9 - 12 1996, Hagenberg Castle, Hagenberg, Austria.
General Organizer and Chairman :
Harold P. Santo, GRASP - Cadex '96, PO Box 4076, Massama, 2745 Queluz, 
Portugal. Tel/Fax : 351-1-439-2571, E-mail: chpsanto@beta.ist.utl.pt

September 16 - 20  1996, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Including DEAF96 (Dutch Electronic Art Festival, September 17-22)
organized by V2) and in cooperation with R96 (City-wide festival on New
Media, September 16-29, organized by Rotterdam Festivals).
ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR, Rotterdam
Tel/fax: 31-10-4778605, Email: ISEA96@HRO.NL
URL: http://www.xs4all.nl/~isea or http://www.eur.nl/ISEA96

The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scien-
tists and their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and
individual members to share expertise with each other. The aims of the
Inter-Society are to promote a structured approach to electronic art and
to help finance worthy electronic art projects. For membership information
contact ISEA at the address on the front page.

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep
its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members
can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this
Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: Erasmus University Rotterdam (Law Dept),  Amsterdam University,
V2 Organisation,  YLEM,  ISAST,  Media Research, Museum der Stad Gladbeck,
The Council for the Int. Bienale in Nagoya,  KITT Engineering,  Viking
Eggeling-Salskapet,  Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts & Design,  Softimage
Inc,  Lokman Productions, ARTCOM in Deutschland e.V., Painatuskeskus Oy,
Tallinn Art University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, BSO Medialab,
Koln Academy for Media Arts, Monitor Information Systems, Nordiska
Konstkolan, Centre Georges Pompidou, Rotterdam Academy of Art & Design .

End of Newsletter