INL #57, September 1997

Editors: Alain Mongeau, Isabelle Painchaud,
Line Goyette - Design: jocool'97
         C.P. 508, succursale Desjardins
        Montreal (Qc), H5B 1B6, CANADA

        Phone: (514) 281-6543, Fax: (514) 281-7828

Members Coordinator: Isabelle Painchaud
ISEA Board Members: Peter Beyls, Theo Hesper, Roger Malina, Amanda McDonald
Crowley, Alain Mongeau, Simon Penny, Patricia Search, Wim van der Plas
Ex-officio Board members: Shawn Decker (ISEA97), John Hyatt (ISEA98)


As you all know, the ISEA HeadQuarters moved from Rotterdam to Montreal in
September 96.  The whole process proved to be more difficult than expected.
We initially tackled the idea with a lot of good will. But the reality of all
the work that was involved quickly caught up with us.

I'm happy to say that after a first 6 months of instability, things are now on
tracks and the ISEA HQ is up and running.  Thanks to the support of the Daniel
Langlois Foundation and the Ministere de la culture et des communications du
Quebec, we are able to have a staff that insures a permanency.

Isabelle Painchaud maintains her very valuable role as the coordinator of the
member's network and the main online voice/presence of the HQ.  Line Goyette
recently joined us and is working on different projects to help develop ISEA's
presence and relevancy.  And finally, Joseph Lefevre and Eric Mattson started
the upgrade of the official ISEA website.  Check it out: the TISEA (92),
ISEA94, ISEA95 and the old HQ sites are now integrated, as well as the catalog
for 92, the ISEA95 proceedings and all the newsletter that were archived on
Yoshiyuki Abe's (ISEA Japan) site.  And there's more to come yet!  Our main
focus now is obviously the upcoming symposium in Chicago.  Since it is near
Montreal, the whole HQ staff will drive there.  It should be a very stimulating
journey, enabling us to get a "refill" of what ISEA is really all about. The
Board of Directors will hold some important meetings to discuss ISEA's future
orientation.  And the ISEA yearly plenary will be held on Saturday morning
(September 27).

We'll keep you posted on developments regularly from now on, mainly through the
newsletter that will regain its former periodicity.

Hope to see you all in Chicago,

Alain Mongeau

                        ISEA NEWS


ISEA members, symposia participants, and other interested attendees gathered
on Thursday afternoon at SIGGRAPH 1997 (August 3- 8, Los Angeles).  This
year we were honored to be the guests of the International Center at
SIGGRAPH.  Alain Chenais, Chair of the International Committee of
SIGGRAPH, welcomed the group, and invited us to investigate ways in which
SIGGRAPH and ISEA can work together to create a stronger presence for
creative artistic work within the computer graphics community.

Although this year's meeting was smaller than in past years, the group size
facilitated a more informal discussion. Several participants in ISEA 1997
welcomed the opportunity to meet in advance of the symposium, and to ask
questions about what they might expect in Chicago.  Roger Malina and Paul
Brown offered an overview of what ISEA has done in the past, and what we
can anticipate for the future, including plans for ISEA 98 (Liverpool and
Manchester, UK).  We all enjoyed the speculation on where ISEA symposia
may be held in 1999, 2000, and 2001.  The group also briefly discussed ways in
which ISEA can continue the quest to be a more inclusive organization.

                INFO + WEB


DEAF, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival (and formerly Manifestation for the
Unstable Media) organised by V2_Organisation in Rotterdam, will be turned
into a biennial festival that will next be held in the autumn of 1998.
Last year's festival, DEAF96, was a great success. Organised in conjunction with
the ISEA96 symposium and the Rotterdam R96 festival, it had a large local as
well as international audience visiting its exhibition of interactive installations
and network projects, the symposium, concerts, performances and other public
The reasons to 'go biennial' are many. Funding conditions, the strain that such
a large event puts on the workforce of such a small organisation, and the
dominance that the festival was having in relation to the other projects V2 is
organising - these are just some of the reasons that brought us to this decision
which was in no way taken lightly. On the positive side, then, this change will
mean that we are better able to prepare the festival for next year. We are already
working on a series of projects with artists and international partner
organisations which will be presented during DEAF98.

Thanks to the changes, we will also have more time to prepare upcoming
projects like:

*.- Parasounds, a new series of four programmes dealing with unusual sound
phenomena and the use of such 'parasounds' by artists (first dates: 11-12
October, 21-22 November)

*.- a conference project by the Virtual Platform -- an association of Dutch media
institutes -- in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the Dutch Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), called "European Media Culture -
from Practice to Policy" (November 97)

V2 is also producing two book publications (Machine Aided Nature and
Interfacing Realities), both of which will come out in the summer and will be
presented during special book-launch events.

The Wiretap series of monthly programmes continues throughout the second
half of 1997 with programmes about database memories & forgetfulness,
intranets, art & copyright, and religion.

And finally, we hope to be able to move forward a good deal in setting up a
Media Lab in Rotterdam in the autumn and winter, as well as doing some
structural work on the V2_Building, which should, amongst other things,
improve public accessibility to our shop, the V2_Archive.

Looking at this year's international festival calendar, we assume that regular
festival goers will not be too unhappy about being relieved of the trip to
Rotterdam this autumn. The number of old, new, renamed and reframed
media festivals suggests that to do less rather than more, to reduce rather than
to speed up the hype, might actually not be such a bad thing.

We trust that our decision to organise DEAF98 as our next big festival will have
a positive effect on the quality of the event. Those of you who come to V2-
organised events regularly will probably notice that there is a string of
interesting programmes coming up which you will be able to visit
individually, rather than in the concentrated festival form. And for those of
you for whom the big festival is the reason for coming to Rotterdam, get ready
for November 1998.



Year Zero One is pleased to present 'random excess memory' a group
exhibition of international web specific art projects. The three sites; JODI, Can
you see me through the Computer ?,and Bodies Inc., shift the boundaries of art
making by using the web as an aesthetic element, redefining the concept of
visual art as we enter the new millennium.
'random excess memory' relies on the viewers participation -  each experience
unique - reflecting the individuals moods, curiosity and willingness to explore.

Year Zero One is an innovative Toronto based visual art site designed to offer
an on-line venue for artists, galleries, and arts related organisations. Our site
features a valuable resource guide for artists, a directory of international and
local on-line galleries and artists web projects, and a forum with art reviews
and essays.


04-11 September 1998
Liverpool  : the revolution / Manchester : the terror


ISEA [The International Symposium on Electronic Art] is one of the most
significant events in the global electronic arts calendar.  Staged in a different
world city each year its presentation in Liverpool and Manchester in 1998
represents the first time that Britain has hosted this prestigious cultural event.
ISEA has come to represent a key international forum for debate, discussion,
exchange, critique and celebration of electronic art.

ISEA98 is partnership between the Liverpool Art School at John Moores
University, The Department of Fine Arts at Manchester Metropolitan
University and the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology (organisers of
the Video Positive biennale). The Universities will be responsible for
developing and delivering the symposia and associated strands whilst the
Foundation for Art & Creative Technology [FACT] will curate, co-ordinate and
organise a wide ranging exhibition and events programme.

ISEA98 will enjoy the co-operation and partnership of many of the leading
cultural institutions in Liverpool and Manchester and will therefore be
amongst the most expansive and imaginative events of its kind ever staged in

Developments in new technologies appear to be revolutionising every aspect of
our daily lives.  The metaphors of 'revolution' are often applied to the speed of
exponential change that the world is experiencing, in part through
developments in computing and its applications.  ISEA98 will seek to unpack
the metaphors of revolution. It is appropriate that we do so in the north west of
England as many new metaphors relating to technology [speed, progress] have
been appropriated and reworked from the experience of the First Industrial
Revolution which had Manchester at its centre and Liverpool as its trading

ISEA98: REVOLUTION will be staged in Liverpool and Manchester.  It will
consist of one conference with two strands set in two locations.  Alongside this,
a major series of exhibitions, entertainments and events will take place in
many of the leading visual and performing arts venues in each city.  Liverpool
will identify, explore, assert and critique ideas and metaphors associated with
the theme 'REVOLUTION'.  Manchester will stage 'THE TERROR' in which
these ideas, concerns and assertions will be dissected, deconstructed and re-
ordered.  The conference will conclude with an electronic global summit in

We are calling for papers, proposals and projects for a series of critical and
practical investigations.  At the same time we are particularly interested in
contributions which address gender, cultural diversity and the developing
world.  A special Diversity Fund is being established to encourage, support and
resource contributors from under-represented communities.

Each element of ISEA98 will be formed and tempered in relation to an
interrogative template of the following ten questions:

Are we witnessing or making a revolution?

Is there a digital aesthetic?

Is electronic art revolutionising the terms 'artist' and 'audience'?

Do new technologies revolutionise bodies?

Is electronic media art a democratising, revolutionary or colonial force?

Are we engineering the future, or is the future engineering us?

Do subjectivities revolutionise new technology or vice versa?

Are there revolutionary electronic ethics?

How do we revolutionise materials and metaphors?

Have notions of 'public' and 'private' been revolutionised by the shift
from mass-audience media to domestic leisure?

For further details and application forms please contact :

ISEA98: Revolution                           ISEA98: The Terror
John Brady                                   Graham Parker
Research Coordinator ISEA98                  Research Coordinator

Liverpool Art School                         Dept of Fine Arts
Liverpool John Moores University             Manchester Metropolitan                                                                 University
68 Hope Street                               Grosvenor Building
Liverpool L1 9EB                             Cavendish Street
tel: +44  [0]151 231 3110                    Manchester M15 3BR
fax: +44 [0]151 231 5096                     tel: +44 [0]161 247 3622
e-mail:                   fax: +44 [0]161 247 6818





'True art is unable not to be revolutionary, not to aspire to a complete and
radical restructuring of society.  The opposition of writer and artist is one of the
forces which can usefully contribute to the discrediting and overthrow of
regimes which are destroying, along with the right of the proletariat to aspire to
a better world, every sentiment of nobility and even of human dignity.'

Pour un art revolutionnaire indépendent.  André Breton & Diego Rivera, 1938.
(For security reasons Rivera's name replaced the real co-author Leon Trotsky)

revolution 98 will be a major international series of exhibitions,
entertainments and events staged in Liverpool and Manchester during
September/October 1998 presented in association with the ninth International
Symposium on Electronic Arts [ISEA98].

revolution 98 will investigate the contemporary cultural response of artists,
filmmakers, performers, writers, computer programmers, musicians, designers
and provocateurs to one of the most powerful concepts in modern history.

revolution 98 exhibitions, entertainments and events will be distinguished by
three complimentary areas of artistic investigation which underlie the term
'revolution' as it has been used historically and as it might be imagined in the

        * preparing the ground
the investigation and examination of the raw material of social, economic and
psychological reality as a foundation for the development of new theoretical

        * provocation and collective action
work that seeks to undermine the status quo, artistically, technologically and

        * overload
the exploitation and /or celebration of electronic and moving image media as a
revolutionary tool and a new means of communication, concentrating on
work that references popular culture and the so-called 'information

revolution 98 requests calls for proposals of new or existing work in the
following categories:

        * installation [video, electronic, interactive object, film etc]

        * performance [live event for any context]

        * sound [for installation, public spaces etc]

        * internet and networked projects [in any context]

        * cd-rom [for presentation]

        * site-specific projects [in Liverpool or Manchester]

        * other [please specify]

(a limited number of new works will be commissioned by FACT for revolution 98)

For further information and application forms for revolution 98 please contact:
Bluecoat Chamber,
School Lane
Liverpool L1 3BX
tel: + 44 [0]151 709 2663
fax: + 44 [0]151 707 2150



October 1-6, 1998
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA


ICMC98 seeks papers, demos, presentations and posters in all  aspects of
computer music.  All submissions are subject to peer review according to the
following categories:

Long Paper - 8 pages published in the Proceedings and 30 minutes presentation time
Short Paper - 4 pages published in the Proceedings and 20 minutes presentation time
Demo/Presentation - 4 pages published in the Proceedings and 30 minutes presentation time
Poster - 4 pages published in the Proceedings and 20 minutes presentation time

 For submission guidelines, please see the ICMC98 WWW site after September
1, 1997 or the ICMC98 Brochure (initially available at ICMC97).

All paper, poster, demo and presentation proposals should be submitted

by e-mail to:

no later than December 1, 1997. Notification of papers, posters, demos and
presentations acceptance/rejection is May 1, 1998.

ICMC98 is particularly interested in electro-acoustic music that includes some
aspect of human real-time performance.
University of Michigan Ensembles participating in ICMC98 include the
Symphonic Band (woodwinds, brass and percussion), the Contemporary
Directions Ensemble (ensemble committed to the performance of new works),
Percussion Ensemble (electronic and acoustic percussion), the Digital Music
Ensemble (electronic and acoustic instruments) and the University Dancers.

Since the University of Michigan School of Music offers studio instruction in
virtually all traditional Western instruments, small ensembles can easily be
created as required by the ICMC98 program.

A number of architecturally-interesting spaces are available for installations.
These spaces are in close proximity to ICMC98 sessions.

For a submission form, please see the ICMC98 WWW site after September 1,
1997 or the ICMC98 Brochure (initially available at ICMC97).

Submission Fees:

ICMA members may submit up to two works (installations and/or music) at no
charge. Each additional submission must be accompanied by a $20.00
submission fee.
Each work submitted by a non-ICMA member must be accompanied by a $20.00
submission fee.

Musical scores must be professionally prepared to receive a performance.

All fees are in US dollars.

All music and installations must be POSTMARKED by December 1, 1997.  Mail
        ICMC98 - Conference Management Services
        600 E. Madison, Room G-121
        University of Michigan
        Ann Arbor, MI

Notification of music/installation acceptance/rejection is March 15, 1998.

Telephone:      +1 (313) 764-5297
Fax:            +1 (313) 764-1557
Address:        ICMC98 - Conference Management Services
                600 E. Madison, , Room G-121
                University of Michigan
                Ann Arbor, MI
Conference Chair:  Mary Simoni



The Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival invites proposals for multimedia art
installations to form a ground breaking exhibition of public art in Sheffield's
city centre.

Four new works will be commissioned for HyperTribes and shown for
six/seven weeks at sites in Sheffield city centre. Artists may use any
combination of video, sound and light incorporating multimedia computers
and disc based media, video projectors, cameras, monitors, touch screens,
loudspeakers, telecommunications, internet connections, programmable lasers
and triggering devices such as sensors and proximity detectors.

HyperTribes invites artists to consider modern day tribes and territories. We are
particularly interested in commissioning work which explores and celebrates
cultural diversity, representing the perspectives of alternative lifestyles and

Proposals are encouraged from individuals, groups of artists and collaborations
between artists and media practitioners, designers, musicians, crafts people
and/or computer programmers.

DEADLINE 22nd AUGUST 1997. Photos of proposed sites, budgets and
application forms are available on our website  We can also email
this information to you on request.

HyperTribes is part of the Public Sightings programme in Photo98 - the Year of
Photography and the Electronic Image. Public Sightings is a major celebration
of photography and digital imagery which will introduce creative photography
to people in new ways and in surprising places, generating debate outside of the
usual art gallery audience.

For more information about Public Sightings and other opportunities for artists
within Photo98 - The Year of Photography and the Electronic Image please
telephone +44 (0) 1484 531 201
Photo98. Kirklees Media Centre. 7 Northumberland Street. Huddersfield. HD1 1RL. U.K.

INM - Institut fuer Neue Medien is granting Stipendia for Media Art/Media
Theory starting 1.11.1997

The INM-Institute for New Media is granting half-year "Vireality" stipendia.
Interested parties can apply with complete project proposals until 15.9.1997.
Requirements are a college degree and experience in dealing with new media.
The stipendia recipients will receive DM 1.250- a month as well as the use of
the technical facilities at the Institute that their work requires (video, audio,
computer and web studios). Final projects will be published and/or exhibited by
the Institute.
Theoretical work can also be done externally. The projects are tied into the
research program of the INM-Institute for New Media (see below).

Further information available at:

 INM-Institute for New Media - Gabriele Gramelsberger
 Daimlerstra=DFe 32 - D-60314 Frankfurt/Main
 Tel: ++49 69 941 963-10 - Fax: ++49 69 941963-22 -

"Vireality" - The Intertwining of Reality and Virtual Worlds

Is it still so easy to make such a clear distinction between reality and virtual
worlds? Or don't different states of our perceptions intertwine with one
another? What is real, what is virtual? The borders between the two worlds are
becoming increasingly blurred in our information society.

"Vireality" - a new term as well as a new concept - shall make the defining of
an experience category possible, that up until now only could be experienced,
not articulated. The tasks that present themselves are concentrated in the
research of "vireal" objects, states and experiences - in the artistic, theoretical
und scientific sense.
Philosophically expressed it is the research of the "somethingness" of vireal
objects, states and experiences. What will be researched is if and how self-
intertwined states portray real and virtual beings. Therefore not a dualistic
approach, rather the intertwining of reality and virtual worlds will be accepted
as axiomatic. Vireal examples are easy to find: the idea of "things that think" in
the application field, of vireal information management,  of computer
simulations with vireality, of cyberspace as a vireal-experience space, or even of
the human as a vireal being, i.e. as Avatar.

Vireality: Art, Theory, Science - INM Research Program 1997-1998

* Stipendia: Media Art and Media Theory Half year stipendia, starting
November 1997, on the subject of Vireal Objects.
* Open Internet project on the subject of INM Server for New Media,
* Being planned: Guest lecture Virtuality, Fiction and Vireality
during the winter semester of 1997/98 at the Institute for New Media - Art,
Architecture and Philosophy  Exhibit '98

The stipendia are made possible by the Siemens Kultur Programm

Opportunities for Digital Artists

Experimenta Media Arts is looking for disk-based works for the 1998 program
of e~Media CD-ROM Gallery. Send disks (Macintosh), a short artist's statement
and C.V., to Experimenta before November 1 1997. Please note that whilst we
are more than happy to consider prototype and demo material we will need an
indication of the completion date of the work.

For further information contact Project Coordinator Sally Tulloch
Address: PO Box 1102, St Kilda South Victoria 3182, Australia.

Experimenta Media Arts
Exhibiting and promoting media arts that explores new aesthetic, conceptual
and technological boundaries.

Forthcoming events and projects:

'Altered States', @ Interact Asia/Pacific Multimedia Festival, October 30-
November 2, Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Interactive environments,
multimedia and screening program exploring 'dreams, psychotropic visions
and the digitally manipulated gaze'.

'e~Media Gallery', @ Centre for Contemporary Photography, showcasing new
interactive multimedia, December 1 deadline for 1998 entries
June 20-July 19 Bronwyn Coupe 'The Inside of Houses'
July 25-August 23 Megan Heyward 'I Am A Singer'
August 29-September 27 Alyssa Rothwell 'Three Mile Creek'
October 10-November 8 Sally Pryor 'Postcard From Tunis'
November 14-November 29 Gwyn Wethereld 'Travels with C.O.D'
December 5-20 Paul Thomas 'The Poetics of Thresholds'

MESH film/video/multimedia/art journal, Issue 12-13, exploring
'psychotropic visions and digitally corrupted gaze',proposals deadline
April 30, copy deadline July 31

'Domestic Disturbances' National Tour, showcasing female digital artists,
Next venue: Benalla Regional Gallery, 10th Oct - 16th Nov 1997.

'Nothing Natural' National Tour, works by Martine Corompt, Ian Haig,
Patriccia Piccinini, Christopher Langton.
Confirmed venues: Latrobe Regional Gallery (Morewell) 9 May - 22 June 1997,
Gippsland Art Gallery (Sale) 17 October - 16 November 1997, Ararat Gallery
5 December 1997 - 22 February 1988, Featival Centre Artspace, Adelaide 27
March - 9 may 1988, Riddoch Art Gallery (Mt Gambier) 22 May - 4 July 1998,
Millicent Art Gallery 10 July - 15 August 1988, Riverland Gallery (Berri)
22 August - 4 September 1998, Pt Pirie Arts & Tourism Centre 28 September -
23 October 1998

General manager: Amelia King
Program Director: Shiralee Saul
Project Coordinator: Sally Tulloch

Contact Details
Tel. 61 (0)3 9525 5025
Fax. 61 (0)3 9525 5105
PO Box 1102 St Kilda Sth, VIC, 3182

C A L L   F O R  S U B M I S S I O N S

Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), is Leonardo/ISAST and MIT Press'
electronic journal dedicated to providing a forum for those who are interested
in the realm where art, science and technology converges. This World Wide
Web hypermedia publication includes Profiles of Media Arts Facilities and
Projects; Profiles of Artists using new media; Feature Articles comprised of
theoretical and technical perspectives; the LEA Gallery exhibiting new media
art work by international artists; detailed information about new Publications
in various media; Reviews of publications, events and exhibitions;
Announcements of events intersecting with concerns in new media art; and
Job/Educational Opportunities.

LEA has undergone a complete redesign, and is currently embarking on a
redesign of the LEA gallery. We are interested in receiving proposals for both
existing and in-progress new media works that explore the boundaries of art,
science and technology. In addition to presenting new work, the Almanac will
present and document works existing elsewhere on the web, as well as works
that exist outside of the internet.

Please send a project description, C.V.'s of the main developers, and examples
of past web and non-web works. If the proposal is for a project that exists or will
exist outside of the internet, please contact the gallery curator for our mailing
address and submit materials via snail mail.

Gallery Curator
Leonardo Electronic Almanac



Leonardo Electronic Almanac has undergone a complete redesign and is
redesigning the LEA gallery. We are interested in receiving proposals for new
media works that explore the boundaries of art, science and technology.
In addition to presenting new work, the Almanac will present and document
works from elsewhere on the web and those from outside the Internet.

Please send a project description, c.v.'s of the main developers, and examples
of past works (web and non-web). If the proposal is for a non-Internet project,
please contact Patrick Maun, the gallery curator, for our mailing address and
submit materials via snail mail.

Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), is Leonardo/ISAST and MIT Press'
electronic journal dedicated to providing a forum for those interested in the
realm where art, science and technology converge. LEA includes profiles of
media arts facilities and projects, profiles of artists using new media, theoretical
and technical perspectives, the LEA Gallery exhibiting international new media
art work, information about publications in various media, reviews,
announcements of events and job/educational opportunities.

For submissions, contact Patrick Maun, Gallery Curator:;

Go to the LEA web site at:

Non-LEONARDO subscribers/ISAST members: $30.00 (Canada $32.10)
LEONARDO subscribers/ISAST members: $15.00 (Canada $16.05)

Send check or money order (made out to
payment to:
MIT Press Journals
5 Cambridge Center, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142-1493
fax: (617) 577-1545

18/19 October 1997, 6pm: Opening of new ZKM site

P e r m a n e n t   E x h i b i t i o n

+ ZKM|Media Museum +

Interactive, 'hands-on' installations that solicit spectator participation were
collaboratively developed for the museum by artists and researchers.
Artistically and technically sophisticated commentaries on the fascination and
hazards of the media world introduce the user to the 'world of games' or
investigate the relationship of media to body and space. An
'AcousticWorldAtlas' invites visitors to compose and experiment with
soundscapes derived from all corners of the globe. An 'interactive art gallery'
brings together pioneering works and current output in the field of media art.
Here, the actions of the visitors call into being artworks that are invariably new
and different according to the manipulation of the individual. The 'Salon
Digital' takes up its activities as a forum for discussion and virtual museum
both locally and on the global network. The individual installations will be
opened by small-scale performance events during the inaugural weekend.

Including works by: Agnes Hegedues, Lynn Hershman, Perry Hoberman, Jill
Scott, Jeffrey Shaw, Christa Sommerer/ Laurent Mignonneau

+ ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art +

The Museum of Contemporary Art houses one of the world's largest media art
collections. 'Classics' of the young genre, such as Bill Viola's 'The City of Man'
and Nam June Paik's 'Passage', are displayed alongside distinctive pieces by
famous video artists like Gary Hill, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Bruce Nauman and
Fabrizio Plessi. While the Media collection sets the tone in the Museum of
Contemporary Art, all artistic fields are included - with painting, graphics and
sculpture figuring as prominently as contemporary photography. This direct
confrontation between the different art forms can open up new prospects for
the future. The first wing of the museum will open to the public concurrently
with the inauguration of ZKM. Public access to the full collection of the
Museum of Contemporary Art will be granted from 1999 onwards.
Supplemented by the contributions from Baden-Wuerttemberg's leading
private collector, the museum will then be Germany's most important forum
for contemporary art.

*Permanent Service*

+ ZKM|Media Library +

Awaiting visitors are more than 10,000 contemporary music titles, a
comprehensive collection of the major positions in video art, and literature in
the fields of contemporary art, architecture, theater and design: a treasure-trove
for the researcher, but also a place where the general public is welcome to
browse and learn.

+ Multimediale Exhibition 18 Oct to 9 Nov +

On the occasion of the Multimediale 5, the ZKM Institute for Visual Media will
open its production facilities in the new building, and present selected works of
its artists-in-residence.  Created between 1995 and 1997, these works show how
new technologies, methods and materials can be embodied for artistic purposes.
Their interactivity also calls for an engaged and critical involvement of the
viewer.  Works by artists including Luc Courchesne, Larry Cuba, Marina
Grzinic & Aina Smid, Dieter Kiessling, Bill Seaman and Bill Viola invite the
public to be explorers in a territory
of digital expression.


        Advance sales for events on the inaugural weekend:
        1 September to 16 October 1997
        ZKM|Schaufenster, LammstraKe 7a, Rathaus-Passage, Karlsruhe
        (Mon to Fr 12pm to 6pm, Thurs up to 8pm)

        As of 19 October 1997:
        Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe
        (Wed to Sat 12pm to 8pm, Sun 10am to 6pm)
        tel. +49.(0)721.92 03 79-1
        fax +49.(0)721.92 03 79-2

ZKM|Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Postfach 6909
D - 76049 Karlsruhe
tel. +49.(0)721.8100-0
fax +49.(0)721.8100-1139

DEADLINE: September 1st, 1997

This years 14th Kasseler Dokumentarfilm & Videofest will be presented 19 -
23 November 1997.

The Kasseler Dokumentarfilm & Videofest is a regional festival, which aims at
providing insight into current international documentary filming and video work.
We intend to present critical, ambitious and entertaining documentary films
and videos committed to both reports on current affairs and private subjects.

This year, the main emphasis will be social changes of the 90s. We are
especially interested in productions dealing with the progressing
impoverishment in industrial countries. Focus can be depressing effects or
individual strategies to cope with those changes.
Another point of interest will be documentary and artistic work about
consequences, risks and chances of genetic engineering and reproduction

Apart from these special sections we are searching for current video art works
and experimental videos of all kinds, provided mediaspecific means are applied.

The video section of the Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest will also
present installations and sculptures. Suggestions are welcome.

Please send your works (VHS or U-matic-copy) for the preselection not later
than September 1st, 1997 (the contributions shall be productions from 1996 or

We will inform you whether your contribution has been accepted until October

This year, the Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest will cooperate with oVid
- an internet database.
For further informations:


Filmladen Kassel
Goethestrasse 31
34119 Kassel

fax: ++49-(0)561-7076441

Imi Scheuer (++49-(0)561-7076415)
Sabine Breidenbend (++49-(0)561-7076415)
Frank Thoener (++49-(0)561-7076413)

video/new media:
Gerhard Wissner (++49-(0)561-7076421) /
Wieland Hoehne (++49-(0)561-7076421) /

!!! new email !!!

!!! new number !!!
phone: ++49-561-774911


Kino Film '97 presents -
The 3rd Manchester International Short Film and Video Festival

October - November 1997

this year's focus:

Women In Film
Leftfield Media
American Underground
Young Eastern European
Australian New Wave

in the categories:

Low/No budget
Super 8
Music promo's
Animation *
Digital Media *
Experimental *
Lesbian and Gay
Scottish, Welsh and Irish

Applications welcome from all quarters.
Any subject.
Work must have been produced in the last 18 months.
No longer than 30 minutes.
Work must not have been previously submitted to KF.
Submission deadline 8th August [except * see beleow]
All film and video formats can be screened BUT

KinoFilm '97
48 Princess Street
M1 6HR

T: +44 [0]161 288 2494
F: +44 [0]161 237 3423
E: [until september]

- leftfield media -

Weekend / 7-8-9th November '97

Submissions especially invited for the Leftfield Media focus.
Submission deadline extended to FRIDAY 12th SEPTEMBER.

Works can include Multichannel / AV / Multimedia
World Wide Web / CD-ROM etc..

please call / mail for further info:

Accidental productions
51 Old Birley Street
M15 5RF

T: +44 [0]161 226 9803
F: +44 [0]161 226 9579
E: [until september]

                CONFERENCES & SYMPOSIA
'97 - Digital Dialects
Crossing Borders - Art, Computer and Culture
Cologne: Cinemathek, October 1 - 3, 1997

Cologne in June of 1997. Digital technologies have been increasingly dictating
the conditions of producing art. Numerous partnerships between computers
and film have long been made. International filmmakers, "artists/developers"
and managers will be coming together in the Cinemathek at the 4th DIGITALE
on October 1 - 3, 1997 to discuss the changing influences of art and economics,
technique and aesthetics plus universality and individuality.

The main focus of the DIGITALE '97 will assess the possible existence of
"Digital Dialects". What influences do regional characteristics have on the
production of moving pictures? Is more hidden behind digital technologies
than their universal applicability? The participants of the DIGITALE '97 will
discuss if modern computer technology allows different cultures to speak a
uniquely jargonized audio-visual language. In order to explain this
phenomenon three global regions with large socio-cultural, economic and
political discrepancies were selected: Brazil (Sao Paulo), Japan (Tokyo) and
Russia (Moscow). Each day of the DIGITALE '97 will be dedicated to one of
these countries.

On the mornings at the DIGITALE '97 a forum will be established under the
title Operating Systems. Between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., discussions will
focus on the connection between art and economics. Company managers and
employees from independent development firms will discuss relations of
power in the world of audio-visual production.

As in previous years, the "workshops" will take place in the afternoons
between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. A selected panel of specialists will present
projects, hold lectures and support discussions.

Each day between 8:00 p.m. and approximately 11:00 p.m. a broader audience
will be invited to attend the "events" . Here presentations to the expanded
cinema will be held, which will be associated with the previous topics.

The DIGITALE '97 is organized by the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in co-
operation with Media Kultur Koeln and commissioned by the Ministry of
Economics, Technology and Transport of North-Rhine Westphalia.
Responsible for concept and realization are Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski and
Nils Roeller.

For editorial questions please contact:
Ulrike Erbsloeh Tel.  +49 (0) 221 - 454 3202
Sabine Jansen   Tel.  +49 (0) 221 - 454 3205
                Fax. +49 (0) 221 - 454 3209
                e-mail: 106212,
Electronic Forum of Ideas and Creativity.
From October to December 1997.


"The effects of the individual's potential to consume images and information
have not yet been established. Social practices are giving way to the gadgets for
solitary interaction which are attracting both minorities and majorities,
whether they are silent or not. Free, quick and open communication on the
internet has already seduced more than 50 million (?) avid consumers. CD-
Roms are still multiplying banalities in shop windows and on newstands.  As
soon as new computer possibilities appear they become obsolete. Concepts are
out-of-date  before they become feasible as a work of art or a product. The
citizen of today runs the risk of being trampled down not only by the future but
also by the present. In this context, where can art be found?"  - it is such an old question...

The next activity of the Casa das Rosas is "Arte Suporte Computador - The
Electronic Forum of Ideas and Creativity", an exhibition which will investigate
adventures and experiences with new media which are introducing new forms
of art at breakneck speed.

By visiting new frontiers between cultures, processes, media and artistic genres
we intend to bring subversive experiences together and demystify differences,
temporarily capturing the challenges of the new types of media on our web.
How much is an insight into this planetary network worth?

The Casa das Rosas will be virtually and physically holding activities of various
types. In a few days  we are planning to start our WebChannel, with live
performances/transmissions on the web (audio+images), where people from
all around the world are invited to participate and send suggestions. Also, there
will be a worldwide WEB ART CONTEST and so many activities using the
web.  Physically, Casa das Rosas will hold an exhibition of electronic art works
which use technological resources to subvert the utilitarian functions of the
means of communication.

lucas bambozzi
media arts curator
Casa das Rosas

In time: Casa das Rosas is a new art-place located in Sao Paulo -
Brazil. It is directed by the artist J.R. Aguilar.

Opening: October, 20 1997
Where: Avenida Paulista 37, Sao Paulo
Tel/fax: +55 11 251 5271

The Inter-Society aims at joining a world-wide network of artists, scientists and
their institutes, making it easier for the institutes and individual members to
share expertise with each other. The aims of the Inter-Society are to promote a
structured approach to electronic art and to help finance worthy electronic art
projects. For membership information contact ISEA at the address on the front

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its
members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members
can, if they desire, get in touch with the Email addresses mentioned in this
Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: Fondation Daniel Langlois, Ministere de la culture et des
communications du Quebec, Montreal International, School of the Art
Institute of Chicago,  ANAT, FACT, Leonardo, EMAF, Ars Electronica,
University of Vermont,  SAT, McGill University, Universite du Quebec a
end of newsletter