******************************************************************** THE INTER-SOCIETY FOR THE ELECTRONIC ARTS THE ISEA NEWSLETTER #60 December 1997 ___________________________________________________________________ ISEA, P.O. Box 508, Succ. Desjardins, Montreal (Qc), H5B 1B6, CANADA Phone: (514) 281-6543, Fax: (514) 281-6728 Email: isea@sat.qc.ca URL: http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea ___________________________________________________________________ ISEA Board Members: Peter Beyls, Janice Cheddie, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Tapio Makela, Alain Mongeau, Simon Penny, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Patricia Search. Ex-officio Board members: Shawn Decker (ISEA97), John Hyatt (ISEA98), John Brady (ISEA98) ___________________________________________________________________ *LISTSERV* ISEA LISTSERV: To subscribe, send a message to: listproc@uqam.ca, no subject, with the message in the body: "subscribe ISEA-forum first name last name" ___________________________________________________________________ * CONTENTS * * EDITORIAL * ISEA NEWS+ INFO * JOB POSTING * CALLS * EVENTS * ___________________________________________________________________ Check out the digital version of the Newsletter on our Web site HTTP://WWW.SAT.QC.CA/ISEA * EDITORIAL* By Cynthia Beth Rubin Now- just before the deadline for submissions for ISEA98 - is the time for EACH of us to take action to insure that ISEA continues to grow into a more diverse and inclusive organization. What can individual members do? We can start by simply getting the word out to people who might not otherwise participate: ask friends who have ties to traditionally under-represented groups to tell electronic artists about ISEA, even your contacts are not involved in the arts. This means both friends who are in countries that have not participated in ISEA and local contacts with ties to communities that are traditionally under-presented. And if your know of organizations that should be sent information about ISEA, please send their address to the ISEA98 office. But this is just a first step. Each of us has a special responsibility to think of those individuals that we know now who may think that ISEA is an exclusive event and not for them. People that we know casually who would never think of joining ISEA. Encourage these individuals to submit and participate. Share your experience with them. EVERYONE who has ever participated in an international event had doubts about submitting the first time (and especially the second time if they were not accepted the first time). Let people know that their submissions will be taken seriously, and that ISEA is an organization for them. Money is of course a big issue for many people. But ISEA cannot fund people who we do not even know exist. It is up to each of us to encourage people to make themselves known; only then can ISEA begin to work to find the means to bring a more diverse group into the conference. In the future, we hope to build an organization that can go further in being more inclusive by helping to bring diverse artists into the arena of electronic arts. But as we look to the future, we should not let another year slip by without taking some action. An ingrown organization is a stagnant one. ****************************************** ISEA NEWS ****************************************** In finalizing the ISEA97 Proceedings and CD-ROM, it would be most helpful if you could let us know whether you would be interested in obtaining these. Proceedings are a compilation of all of the papers presented at ISEA; the CD-ROM includes photography, audio and video documentation of the ISEA exhibition, performances and concerts. The price for the Proceedings alone is $30 and with CD-ROM $80, plus shipping. We are also offering full Video documentation of the ISEA exhibition held at 847 W. Jackson, priced at $60, plus shipping. This would not be a firm commitment to purchase, just an indication of your interest. Please reply as soon as possible. Let us know if you are interested in the Proceedings ($30), CD-ROM ($50), Video ($60) or the full package for $110, plus shipping. ISEA97 Organizing Committee School of the Art Institute of Chicago Department of Art & Technology 112 S. Michigan Avenue, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 312/345-3571 phone 312/541-8078 fax email: isea97@artic.edu URL: http://www.artic.edu/~isea97 ****************************************** JOB POSTING ****************************************** RPI School of Architecture FACULTY POSITION The School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute invites applications for a tenured or tenure track position beginning Fall 1998. For this position, candidates must have earned a masters or doctorate in architecture or related fields. Architectural Design, Theory and Computing: The successful candidate will be expected to give leadership to the application of computers in architectural design and simulation within the main program and to contribute to the development of post-professional master's programs in informatics and architecture. Also, a strong record of teaching, research and/or practice in the intersection between architectural design and the theoretical/practical implications of information technology and computing is desired. Please respond to Peter Parsons, chair of the search committee, at parsop@rpi.edu, and cc me (lonsway@rpi.edu). Questions regarding the position can be answered by Peter, questions regarding the IA program can be answered by me. www.rpi.edu/dept/arch/IA ****************************************** Kirklees Media Centre wishes to appoint a: Campaign Manager - £19 000pa (fixed term till December 1999) to run the CREATE! Project as part of the Huddersfield Creative Town Initiative. CREATE! Will be the flagship project of CTI and will consist of developing marketing and dissemination activities promoting the concepts of creativity and innovation. We are looking for a dynamic self motivated individual with strong marketing skills to undertake the management of this highly unusual project For further details on the application procedure please contact Kirklees Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL Tel 01484 431289 email mediacentre@architechs.com Specifications for the job can be found at www.architechs.com/mediacentre/create.htm This post is made possible by the European Regional Development Fund ****************************************** FELLOWSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SIMULATIONS OF SOCIAL SYSTEMS Research Fellowship Opportunities at the Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory Central European University Budapest, Hungary The Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory at Central European University is seeking candidates to participate in our program of research. Our focus is on agent-based computer simulations of complex social systems. We study systems involving economics, sociology, history, political science, legal studies, environmental policy and related fields. We are seeking collaborators from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. We have several possible ways to bring candidates to our Laboratory: Doctoral Support Program -- candidates for the PhD at Universities in the region who will carry out social system simulations in the Systems Lab as part of their thesis research Doctoral Fellowships -- for candidates who apply and are admitted to PhD programs at CEU, who work jointly with the Systems Lab and the particular CEU Department. Post-Doctoral Fellowships -- candidates with recent PhD's who participate in the Systems Lab's research program in Budapest Visiting Faculty Research Fellowships -- faculty members at Universities in the region who participate in the Systems Lab's research program in Budapest Independent Researcher Fellowships -- we have the flexibility to bring outstanding researchers without current University affiliation, who have a clearly demonstrated abilities in the application of computation to simulation or visualization. We are looking for collaborators who can make effective use of the resources of the Lab to contribute to its research program. Our research is focused on (1) developing user-friendly modeling environments for the creation of agent-based models of social systems, including web-based interface with the simulation environment, very fast simulation engines utilizing massively-parallel virtual architectures, and advanced 3-D visualizations of the parameter space of the simulations. (2) collaboration with social scientists to work at the state of the art in creating agent-based models of social systems. These include systems of concern to economics, political science, sociology, history, archaeology, international relations, legal studies, environmental science and policy. An appropriate research collaborator would fall into one of two classes: (1) must possess demonstrated outstanding computer programming skills and experience along with education, interest and/or experience in a social system science. Applicants in this category must have strong abilities in C, C++ or Objective C, Java, and operating systems including Unix (Linux), Windows NT or Macintosh OS a plus. VRML and/or Silicon Graphics Visualization software experience is necessary for those interested in visualization. OR (2) must be currently active in social systems research, an interest and/or experience in computer simulation, and have good computer skills. Post-Doctoral and Independent Scientist applicants in this category should have recent publications of their work in social systems, PhD students should describe their thesis proposal in one of the social sciences. Research in this category explores the application of agent-based simulation to social systems, including using insights from cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, and related fields. We use the SWARM agent-based modeling environment in Objective-C. http://www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm/ and aCe, an architecture-independent extension of C for massively parallel computation. http://newton.gsfc.nasa.gov/aCe/ Application Procedure: Applicants should send by email or fax: 1 - Cover sheet with Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email and other contact information. 2 - A Curriculum Vitae including educational background, description of past research projects, work experience and computer experience. 3 - A two page (500 -750 words) statement describing your research interests in general, and the sort of research question you would like to pursue during your fellowship. Include appropriate bibliographic references. 4 - The names of two or three professional references with their contact information. A full CEU application form will be sent by postal mail to candidates who pass an initial selection. Stipends: The stipends for PhD students and Post-doctoral fellows are equivalent to the normal student stipend at CEU. In the case of Visiting Faculty higher stipends are provided. Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a revolving basis starting 15 January 1997. Applications are welcome after that date; earlier applicants will have greater likelihood of success. Submission of Applications: Applications and supporting material may be submitted electronically to: <fellow@syslab.ceu.hu> They may also be sent to our fax machine: ++ 36-1-327-3888 in Budapest Otherwise mail applications to: Dr. John B. Corliss Systems Laboratory - Fellowship Application Central European University Kerepesi ut 87 H-1106 Budapest, Hungary Further information about the Systems Lab and this program is available at: http://www.syslab.ceu.hu/fellowship.html ****************************************** CALLS ****************************************** "SOUND BOX" Web Broadcast Project * Acousmatic music -- Ambient music -- Audio art -- Computer music -- Electronic music -- Experimental music -- Sound art -- Tape music --Text-Sound * The Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Finland, is seeking works for possible inclusion for the upcoming web project. SOUND BOX is a RealAudio based experimental broadcast, opening its virtual doors on Friday March 27th 1998. Web broadcast will be online for a period of two months at the following address: <http://www.kiasma.fng.fi/soundbox/ . SOUND BOX is a countdown project for KIASMA, the new building of The Museum of Contemporary Art, keeping its opening ceremony on Friday May 29th 1998 in Helsinki. SOUND BOX will introduce different kind of works and aesthetics concerning electronic music. SOUND BOX is looking for fresh ideas, works in which sounds and electronic means are used in imaginary and interesting ways. SOUND BOX will give the web audience a versatile vision about the diversity and richness of international sonic art in the 90's. At least 20 works will be selected for SOUND BOX broadcasting. The selected works are broadcasted as a nonstop stream, including text information about every composer and work. Each selected composer will receive a fee of 500 FIM (= ca. 95 USD = 167 DEM = 555 FRF = 57 GBP). Please be sure that you own the copyright of the piece before submitting it. There will also be a possibility that The Museum of Contemporary Art will buy a few of these works for its collection. SOUND BOX project is curated by composer Petri Kuljuntausta (http://muu.autono.net/artists/kuljuntausta/), chairman of the Charm of Sound association. Formats for submission: - DAT, CD/CD-R, Minidisc. Please include: - Written artistic statement about the submitted work and bio about yourself and your previous work in diskette (PC/Macintosh). DEADLINE for submissions is January 30th 1998. Submit your work and diskette to: SOUND BOX The Museum of Contemporary Art Kaivokatu 2 FIN-00100 Helsinki Finland. The SOUND BOX Website at: <http://www.kiasma.fng.fi/soundbox/> The Charm of Sound association (Aanen Lumo ry) is collaborating on this project, so there will be an opportunity for your work to be performed in an electronic music concert in Helsinki. After the SOUND BOX web broadcasting period we will return all submitted sound material, but if you would like your work to be performed in a live concert we will forward your material to Charm of Sound's collection for consideration of future projects. Please mention if you prefer that possibility. For further information about SOUND BOX or the Charm of Sound association, contact: Petri Kuljuntausta c/o Charm of Sound Association P.O.BOX 353 FIN-00131 Helsinki Finland. Email: <petri.kuljuntausta@muu.autono.net ****************************************** EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR THE COGNITIVE SCIENCES OF MUSIC ECONA INTER UNIVERSITY CENTRE FOR THE RESEARCH ON COGNITIVE PROCESSING IN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS ROME: UNIVERSITY OF ROME [LA SAPIENZA Aula Magna Symposium, MAY 28-30, 1998 MUSICAL COGNITION AND BEHAVIOR: RELEVANCE FOR MUSIC COMPOSING Scientific Committee: Marta Olivetti Belardinelli (President), Mario Baroni, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Luca Francesconi, Egidio Pozzi. Invited lectures: Rita Aiello (New York); Jamshed J. Bharucha (Hanover, N.H.); Helga de la Motte (Berlin); Irhne Delihge (Bruxelles); Michel Imberty (Paris); Carol Krumhansl (Ithaca); Giovanni B. Vicario (Padova). Internationally known composers of contemporary music are invited. Special events: 2 concerts of contemporary music. Call for papers: Three types of sessions are scheduled: reading sessions (20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion), poster sessions, demonstrations (25 minutes oral and musical presentation). Cognitive scientists and composers are invited to submit abstracts, on a single side of paper, with the author's name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone and e-mail at the top, before January 31, 1998. Abstracts in English, French or Italian, clearly indicating on the right top: reading session, poster session or demonstration, should be sent directly to the organiser: Prof. Marta Olivetti Belardinelli ECONA c/o Dipartimento di Psicologia via dei Marsi 78 I 00185 Roma e-mail: belarditecona@iol.it Tel: 0039-6-49917533 Fax: 0039-6-4462449 Acceptation will be communicated by e-mail or fax before March 20, 1998. An extended abstract of 6 pages, camera-ready for publication in the abstract-volume must be sent to the organisers before April 15, (norms will be supplied with acceptation). REGISTRATION FORM: 1.Delegate Last Name: ______________________ First Name: _____________________ Affiliation: ______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Tel.:___________________ Fax: __________________ e-mail: _______________ 2. Registration Fee before March 31, 1998 after March 31, 1998 ESCOM Memb.: 120.000 It. Lire ESCOM Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire non-Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire non-Memb.: 200.000 It. Lire to be paid by international bank cheque. Please return this form by hard mail along with registration fee to: Prof. Marta Olivetti Belardinelli ECONA c/o Dipartimento di Psicologia via dei Marsi 78 I 00185 ROMA Students fees (one session: 10.000 It. Lire; the full Symposium: 50.000 It. Lire) payable on place, against document proving student position. ****************************************** Shared Visions - Cyberstar 98 International competition for interactive media environments In 1998, the WDR Cologne and the GMD - Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Sankt Augustin, will present the Cyberstar. This international competition honours innovative concepts for audiovisual interactive media. The competition was first held in 1995. Cyberstar represents a contribution to media culture in view of progressing technological changes. Whereas the discussion about interactive media techniques mainly focuses on economic aspects, WDR and GMD support cooperation between * artists, * designers, * media specialists, * computer experts. Cyberstar aims at creating new interactive ways of communication which reflect and utilize today's state of technology from an artistic and creative point of view. Concepts for interactive scenarios in the categories * television * internet * stage will be awarded with prizes of totally DM 35.000. Summaries and video outlines which illustrate projects not yet realized may be applied as entries. The first prize includes a work term of six months at the GMD where the submitted concept will be developed. Submission deadline for Cyberstar 98 is March 31st 1998. The award ceremony will take place at the Medienforum Nordrhein-Westfalen in Cologne in June 1998. For further information, competition rules, bodies responsible & partners, check: http://www.wdr.de/cyberstar/english_von_wettbewe.html Information / Entries should be sent to: WDR Cyberstar 50600 Cologne Germany Tel. 49/221/220-6728 Fax: 49/221/220-6252 E-mail: cyberstar@WDR.de ****************************************** IMPAKT FESTIVAL The 9th Impakt Festival will be organized from May 13 to 17, 1998 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Impakt is an international festival for audiovisual arts. The festival is a showcase for innovative film, video art, music, installations, new media and performances. Lectures and exhibitions complete the programme. With its unique approach to the audiovisual arts Impakt clearly distinguishes itself from other festivals. We believe that the similarities between art forms are more important than their differences and we try to stimulate the interaction between different audiovisual arts as much as possible. Also we put great effort into presenting contemporary art in a historic perspective or theoretic context. The film and video section of the festival consists of thematical programmes, retrospectives and the Panorama programme. In the Panorama programme we show a high quality selection of recent film and video productions. The programme gives an impression of the current state of the audiovisual arts world wide. Send in your film or video and follow in the footsteps of Jacky Farkas, Merel Mirage, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Jennifer Reeder, Edgar Pêra, Bea de Visser, Karola Schlegelmilch, Barbara Meter, Sluik/Kurpershoek, Dominic Angerame, Tony Hill, Martin Arnold, Nelson Henricks, Cordelia Swann, Mike Hoolboom, Jürgen Reble, Jo Pearson, Alison Murray, Joe Gibbons and many more. The thematic programmes in the Impakt Festival deal with important issues and trends in art or society or with issues we feel should be brought to the attention of a wide audience. In previous festivals we have presented such programmes as: the influence of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze on contemporary art; artists integrating destruction into their work; the Pixel Vision Camera; the concept of authorship in digital culture. In the retrospectives we present artists or movements we consider relevant for present developments in contemporary art. We have devoted special programmes to the works of such artists as Jay Rosenblatt, Bruce Conner, Derek Jarman, Gary Hill, Matthias M¨ller, Marcel Broodthaers, William Wegman as well as to the American Avantgarde film from 1921 to 1944. An exhibition of installation pieces is also part of the Impakt Festival. The installations will be exhibited in various gallery spaces in the centre of Utrecht. In the past David Rokeby, Christina Kubisch, Michael Curran, Bill Spinhoven, Liza May Post, Federico D'Orazio, Chris Hales, Horst Rickels and others have presented their work. In the music section of the Impakt Festival, young talented musicians are presented alongside pioneers of the avantgarde. The scope of the musical programme is varied and ranges from electro-acoustic music to experiments in popmusic and from multi-media performances to contemporary carillon music. Sometimes musical events refer to each other within the framework of a theme. 'Radio Waves', a programme curated by Robin Rimbaud, for example dealt with the use of radio as source material for music. In the past, our music programme has featured David Toop, Scanner, Bruce Gilbert, Charlemagne Palestine, Max Eastley, Michel Waisvisz, Tony Conrad and Ensemble, Lee Ranaldo and Frances-Marie Uitti. Call for entries to the Impakt Festival If you wish to participate in the Impakt Festival please ask for an entry form. Our deadline for contributions is January 1st, 1998, but we would appreciate it if you could send us your work as soon as possible. Impakt Festival P.O. Box 735 3500 AS Utrecht The Netherlands Phone: + 31 30 2944 493 Fax: + 31 30 2944 163 E-mail: impakt@xs4all.nl URL: www.xs4all.nl/~impakt ****************************************** SCI-ART Can you bring the insights of science and art closer together with an idea that captures the public's imagination? The Wellcome Trust is providing funds ranging from GBP 5,000 to 25,000 to scientists and artists working in partnership. Approximately 6 projects will be funded with the emphasis on art and bio-medical sciences. For details on how to apply tel. 0171 611 8586 e-mail: s.pearson@wellcome.ac.uk website http://www.wellcome.ac.uk Closing Date February 16th 1998. ****************************************** EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL 1998 6-10th May 1998 You are warmly invited to send contributions to the eleventh European Media Art Festival. An international forum for contemporary media art, this festival will gather together artists, theoreticians, journalists and a young engaged public in Osnabrueck from 6 to 10 May 1998. CALL FOR ENTRIES Experimental and innovative works can be submitted on film, video, CD-Rom and the Internet, as well as in the form of installations or performance pieces. The deadline for submissions is 2 March 1998.!!!!!!!! We welcome contributions such as discussion topics and essays on themes relating to specific media. Selected contributions will be published in the festival catalogue and on our web-site. At the festival a jury of film critics will present the German Film Critics award for the best German experimental film or video production of the year. SPECIALS The EMAF programme has been extended to include featured artists, retrospectives and presentations on specific countries. Hong Kong, South America and various countries of Eastern Europe have been the subject of previous festivals. The series will be continued in 1998 with a comprehensive programme from Sweden. RETROSPECTIVES The subject of this year's presentation will be the films and installations of West Coast filmmaker Pat O'Neill, whose films are created on an optical printer, combining the functions of camera and projector. O'Neill has developed and perfected this tool for the manipulation of images since the early 1970s. The results, which can often surprise, are a combination of technically brilliant images and a new kind of film language. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FORUM The International Student Forum is an integral component of EMAF, giving students from the various European film and media colleges the chance to present their current productions. An important focus is the exhibition of video and computer installations. Students working in all fields are invited to send in their current productions to the festival! INTER NET(Z)WERKE The Virtual Festival Forum is a new EMAF project in which new ways of exhibiting film, video and the digital media are explored, and experiments are developed using the various systems. In co-operation with the Berlage Institut Amsterdam and the Festival film+arc Graz, EMAF has organised Dialogue Spaces, a project in which the new forms of communication provided by the Internet are brought together with modern architectural conceptualisations of real and virtual spaces. Net-Culture Projects, strategies, and constructions are the focus of the symposium Net-Culture, which will throw light on current artistic and philosophical developments in the media. EXHIBITION 6th - 24th May, 1998 As in previous years the Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche will be central venue for the Electronic Cafe, the seminars and the international exhibition of film, video and computer installations. This newly renovated building offers an ideal space for realisation of artistic concepts which span sculpture, projection and networking. For further information visit our website or contact: ( Application forms are available on our web site.) European Media Art Festival PO Box 1861 D-49008 Osnabrueck Tel: 49/(0)541/ 21658---25779 Fax: 49/(0)541/ 28327 email: emaf@bionic.zerberus.de http://www.emaf.de ------------------------------------------------------------ Festivalboard: Alfred Rotert, Hermann Noering, Ralf Sausmikat ------------------------------------------------------------ Funding by: Niedersaechsisches Ministerium fuer Wissenschaft und Kultur; Hannover Stadt Osnabrueck, Auswaertiges Amt, Bonn, Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, European Commmission, Brussels and contributions made by other supporters The EMAF is member of E.E.I.G. and E.C.F.F. the European Coordination of Film Festivals. ****************************************** NOVA Participate in a Moscow TV programm called Nova (Incipit Vita Nova.[Dante]). Our program will serve as an introduction to modern independent and experimental art works for Moscow and ten other Russian cities. Currently, we are close to the end of our training period, and are planning to produce Nova during the beginning of January '98 on Muz TV Channel. There's no any other TV programme like Nova in Moscow at the present time. We intend to include examples of every genre of independent video art all over the world. The Nova production team is an experienced group, consisting of the most progressive video designers, experts and artists working on the Russian independent scene. Nova has been working with the following organizations as initial sources of information: Soleilmoom, Staalplat, Holger Czukay, Knitting Factory, Asphodel/Sombient, Cortical Foundation, Eerie Materials, Rephlex, Cold Spring, Earthly Delights, WARP, Ninja Tune. These organizations have been very generous in their support. It is now clear that we need to expand the number of our partners and sources for our production. We request that you send us some videos samples of your work and the work of your friends. You may include any form of non commercial video art works- music videos, live videos, short narratives, interviews etc. Selection will not be limited in to any one style, genres or form. We would like to become familiar with all of your work. We promise to use all your materials in promoting the evident. With your support, we can produce a special trailer to advertise this event. We hope that this will be the beginning of an ongoing cooperative effort. Nova production team. For further contacts: Andrei Makarov 095 - 7857776. <substa@sonnet.ru <detkina@openweb.ru Kazakova st. 16, Moscow 103064 Russia ****************************************** International Laboratory: CLOSING THE LOOP Time's Up Research Department, AUSTRIA and European Cultural Month, Linz, AUSTRIA May-September 1998, Linz Hafen, Austria Overview: The Time's Up Research Department is issuing a call for participation in a series of experiments to take place between May and September 1998 as a part of the program for the "European Cultural Month Linz". The control direction from actor to device is a well-investigated one, the development of devices to act upon the biomechanical unit is long under way. This program of experimentation is aimed at the loop--closing properties inherent in the mutual development of these two directions. Hence the title, Closing the Loop. This call is open to Biomechanics, Pseudo- and Popular Scientists, Artistes and Artists, Perceptual Engineers and other interested parties. The call is being made very widely, and aims to attract a variety of proposals that incorporate a range of tools and methodologies. Publication: It is intended that papers of both the invited and contributed experiments will be published after the conclusion of the series, and will be made available to participants. Laboratory Details: Time's Up is interested, amongst other things, in the interplay of three elements upon the public person: Perception, Control and Biomechanics. In the absence of well-defined dividing lines between these elements, almost any involvement in any of the three is an involvement in all three. The particular configuration which is of interest in the Laboratory is the use of biomechanical effects to adapt or adjust perceptional parameters. These biomechanical effects are of the personal and single-person orientation, the perceptual effects are more to do with direct manipulation of perceptual input rather than the construction of such input from nothing. The possibility of direct control of or by the biomechanical unit is then observed and investigated. The tools that Time's Up is bringing to bear on this Laboratory include tools for the automated control of video and audio signals, biologically inspired computational metaphors, simple EEG and EMG interfaces, mathematical models and small customised electronics. We are looking for expert and lay knowledge on both the theoretical and practical level. Medical technicians and practitioners, performance/body artists, mathematicians, biologists, ethologists, musicians, programmers, theoreticians of all stripes, engineers, sculptors and perhaps the odd Renaissance woman. Collaboration is essential, though monomanic specialists need not be deterred. Details of Participation: We envisage a number of experiments over the period of the laboratory. We thus welcome proposals for experiments from contributors. A contributor should be able to offer some technical as well as informational assistance to the project, do not expect us to be your technicians, and we do not expect you to be ours. It is possible that some experiments will be conducted remotely, or that a contributed experiment will be carried out locally without further effort from the contributor. We are flexible. Please note that this is not a Workshop, that there is no desire nor pressure for products to be created The results of the experiments will be the common property of the contributor and the Time's Up Research Department. The results should be published and become part of the scientific literature. Contributed Experiments with a duration of between one hour and seven days are warmly welcomed. We are also looking for perhaps another person or small group to invite for a longer period, for a series of experiments over a 2-4 week period. We are looking for suggestions; please do not hesitate or be unduly modest. Accommodation for a few people can be provided, as well as a per diem and transport costs where necessary or preferable. Further Details: See the CTL'98 conference home page at: http://www.timesup.org/ctl98.html for more information about registering, which includes accommodation and facilities information and restaurant guides for Linz. ****************************************** XII CIM 1998 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics September 24-26, 1998 Gorizia, Italy AIMI - Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana Diploma Universitario per Operatore dei Beni Culturali (Gorizia) Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia Facolta' di Scienze M.F.N. University of Udine Italy The Italian Association for Musical Informatics, AIMI, in cooperation with the University of Udine, organizes the twelfth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, which will be held in Gorizia (Italy) from September 24 to September 26, 1998. This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE CS Technical Committee on Computer Generated Music SCOPE The Colloquium on Musical Informatics is an international meeting of researchers interested in musical applications of computer science. The previous editions showed an increasing interest in this area, as proved by the number and quality of scientific contributions as well as by the development of new tools to be used by composers, musicians and musicologists. TOPICS The special theme of the conference is: * Restoration of Audio Documents The other topics to be covered include, but are not limited to * Computer Music and Other Digital Art * Artificial Intelligence * Aesthetics, Philosophy, Criticism * Acoustics of Musical Instruments and Voice * Audio Analysis and Resynthesis * Audio Hardware * Audio Signal Processing * Composition Systems and Techniques * History and Analysis of Electroacoustic Music * Interactive Performance Systems * Machine Recognition of Audio * Machine Recognition of Music * MIDI Applications * Music Analysis * Music Data Structures and Representations * Music Education * Music Grammars * Music Languages * Music Notation and Printing * Music Workstations * Performance Interfaces * Psychoacoustics, Perception, Cognition * Realtime Systems * Room Acoustics * Sound in Multimedia * Sound Synthesis Languages * Sound Synthesis Methods * Studio Report * Other SUBMISSIONS XII CIM invites submissions of papers, demos, presentations and posters covering all aspects of computer music. The official language is English. All submissions are subject to peer review. The accepted contributions will be published in the Proceedings of the Colloquium and each contributor is expected to give a talk/demonstration which will be scheduled according to the timing below: Paper: 4 pages (A4) in the Proceedings about 20 minutes for presentation Demo/Presentation: 2 pages (A4) in the Proceedings about 10 minutes for presentation free time for demonstration Poster: 2 pages (A4) in the Proceedings about 10 minutes for presentation free time for discussion Submissions should be received by March 1, 1998. The contributors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by May 1, 1998. Camera ready papers are due by July 31st, 1998. The submission guidelines appear in the XII CIM Brochure and in the XII CIM Web site: http://www.sci.uniud.it/~ciminfo/ We encourage electronic submissions to the address: XIICIMpapers@canin.sci.uniud.it Information on how reaching Gorizia and on local arrangements will be made available through the Web URL: http://www.sci.uniud.it/~ciminfo/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT E-mail: XIICIMinfo@canin.sci.uniud.it WWW: http://www.sci.uniud.it/~ciminfo/ Mailing Address: CEGO - Centro Polifunzionale di Gorizia Via Italico Brass, 22 34170 Gorizia - Italy Telephone: +39 481 33869 Fax: +39 481 33981 ****************************************** CALL FOR ELECTRONIC ART SUBMISSIONS Touchware SIGGRAPH 98 Art Show, July 1998 Submission Deadline: January 14, 1998 This exhibit will probe the physical, conceptual, and psychological issues of touch -- the tactility of the image, the responsiveness of an artwork through the sense of touch, or the ephemeral sensation of touch and connection through the Internet, VR or telecommuni-cations. This exhibition will focus on rematerializations of digitized experiences. Artists are challenged to explore the tactility of materials in the electronic or printed page, touch-based responsive processes in the interface, or the extension of physicality to the ephemeral emotion of being in-touch via the internet. This exhibition will highlight the contemporary aesthetics of the electronic image: as visual image, interactive image, animated image, virtual image, Web image. This exhibition will include 2D prints, drawings, photographs, mixed media and artists' books, 3D sculpture and kinetics, interactive installations, ARTSITE Web projects, live telecommunication events, and performances. A catalog will be published. Joan Truckenbrod SIGGRAPH 98 Art Gallery Chair The School of the Art Institute of Chicago art-s98@siggraph.org For submission information: www.siggraph.org/s98/cfp/art/ Or contact: SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Management Smith, Bucklin and Associates 401 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 +1.312.321.6830 +1.312.321.6876 fax siggraph98@siggraph.org ****************************************** AVATAR Of postmodern times and multiple identities EXHIBITION & SYMPOSIUM organized by: Axis, De Balie, Maatschappij voor Oude en Nieuwe Media and Paradox. Amsterdam, 18/4-3/5/98 OUTLINE Intensive users of the Internet are familiar with the concept of the Avatar. An "Avatar" is an "Alter Ego," a disguise that an Internet user puts on in "Cyberspace" when communicating on "websites," "chatboxes" or "MUDS" (Multi-User Dungeons or Domains). Because of the deceptive play of "Avatars," no one actually knows with whom he or she is really in contact. The form of the "Avatar" is to a great extent determined by how creative the user is. At the simplest level, you can pose as a man when you are a woman, or vice versa, pose as old while being young, assume an entirely different profession, etc. But at the same time you can also make use of multiple personalities, something that "users" appear to be doing more and more frequently. Ever advancing technological possibilities allow these guises to take on increasingly detailed forms, thereby more closely approximating reality. Where formerly the communication in chatboxes took place entirely through typed text on the screen, it is now possible to give avatars a photographic "face" and, with "text to speech" software, to convert typed text into audio communication. Popular commercial websites such as The Palace, for instance, are already making use of these possibilities. These developments mark the beginning of a "new life-form" in electronic space. Taking on various roles or guises has come to be almost routine for us, not just in cyberspace but also in physical reality. It is the consequence of social and professional pressures requiring top performance in any area of our lives. The growing anonymity of urban society enables people to more easily maintain these multiple, parallel aspects than previously would have been the case. It goes without saying that the possiblities the electronic society offers in this respect, are unparallelled. These developments have recently given rise to questions, particularly psychological in nature. Illnesses such as MPS (Multiple Personality Syndrome), schizophrenia and other identity problems might increasingly be lying in wait for us, if we are not able to cope with the demands of modern society. This implies keeping control over the identities connected to the different roles we have (or want to play) in it. But although the threat with regard to this phenomenon is primarily attributed to cyberspace, such developments took (and take) place in the "real" world as well. Roll playing which breaks through identity, such as "gender-bending," transvestitism (theatrical and otherwise) and the "alter egoism" of the personae behind certain amusement, chat and sex telephone numbers, however, have become completely accepted. One can thus say that this is a rather general (and older) social phenomenon; people no longer unthinkingly accept the limits laid on them by a single identity. Through these deceptive exhibitionist games people consciously flout social control. BACKGROUND The theme of "multiple personality" has had a history of legitimacy as a source of inspiration for visual artists which goes back much further than its history as a social phenomenon. One of the pioneers in this field in the visual arts was Marcel Duchamp, who in the 1920s attained notoriety with his female "avatar" Rose Sélavy. Since the 1980s the theme has been related primarily to identification with media personages as e.g. in the early work of Cindy Sherman. In the present decade, the increasingly indistinct border between male and female identity has become an important point of departure. In her photographs, Catherine Opie (USA) soberly documents Lesbian women who move in transvestite circles. Her gallery of portraits is a peculiar inventory of a subculture in which the right to determine one's own identity predominates over gender conventions. For the interactive installation Genderbender, Greg Garvey (USA) was inspired by the anonymity those who use chatboxes, MUDS and MOOS. Proceeding from this, he investigated psychological tests in the field of sexual identity. Genderbender challenges users of the installation to undergo a personality test themselves. On the basis of the users' questions, the computer gives a definitive answer about their identity ("You are a man!" "You are a woman!" "You are androgynous!") An initially androgynous individual, who becomes more masculine or feminine depending on the questions asked, appears on a monitor. Users are themselves responsible for the end result. Another component is the process of observing in contemporary technological culture, a subject that is being investigated by artists chiefly through the use of new media. Based on this process, Lynn Hershman (USA) shapes various different female characters in her interactive video installations. In addition, she has made a pair of video films about how relationships arise through the internet, by means of assuming a different self. Avatar intends to bring together projects from artists who are investigating the phenomenon of "multiple personality." In addition to photography, video and installations, projects which make use of new media will be at the heart of the project. --------------------------------------------------- DATES The project will take place from April 18 through May 3, 1998, and will take place at a number of different locations in Amsterdam. Main location for the exhibition, however, is the Oude Kerk (a 12th C church in Amsterdam's red light district). PROPOSALS The deadline for submitting proposals is January 15, 1998. SHORTLISTED ARTISTS (subject to change) Jeanine Antoni (USA), Bea de Visser (NL), Jake & Dinos Chapman GB), Lynn Hershman (USA), Cindy Sherman (USA), Hamish Buchanan (CDN), Tony Oursler (USA), Gillian Wearing (GB), Ken Feingold (USA), Vibeke Tandberg (Norway), Cathie Opie (USA), Paulina Wallenberg-Olsson (S), Lawrence Weiner (USA) and others. PROGRAMMING Bas Vroege (Paradox), Deanna Herst (Axis), Martine Brinkhuis (De Balie) FUNDING Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, Mondriaan Stichting CONTACT Axis Oudezijdsvoorburgwal 72 1012 GE Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)20 4655530 F 4654290 E axisvm@xs4all.nl De Balie Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10 1017 RR Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)20 5535151 F 5535155 E brink@xs4all.nl Paradox PO Box 113 1135 ZK Edam The Netherlands T +31 (0)299 315083 F 315082 E paradox@knoware.nl ****************************************** EVENTS ****************************************** AURORA UNIVERSALIS EXHIBITION January 30-February 28, 1998 Our world is filled with silent, invisible, odorless, tasteless electromagnetic radiation. It exists in various naturally occurring and manufactured forms: terrestrial magnetism, electrical storms, radio waves, microwaves, television signals, and computer generated radiation. In January 1998 InterAccess will be presenting Aurora Universalis, an exhibition that taps into the atmosphere of electromagnetic information to make it visible, audible or tactile. The show includes Catherine Richards' Curiosity Cabinet, as well as works by Doug Back, Victoria Scott, Neil Wiernik and Paul Davies. The Aurora Universalis exhibition highlights the relationship between the free radiance belonging to organic entities and phenomena, and the invisible network of manufactured energy that emanates from communications technology and animates the data sphere. The themes of the exhibition include: the role of repetition in human, natural and technological processes and actions; the cultural significance of the detection of radioactivity; the allure and possible danger of living in an environment that is alive with information and seems to demand constant connectivity. Aurora Universalis is curated by Nina Czegledy. For further information, visit our web site at: http://www.interaccess.org/aurora or Kathleen Pirrie Adams InterAccess Program Director (416) 599-7206 ****************************************** <<<A r t S c i 9 8: SEEDING COLLABORATION (Panel discussions & visual presentations) Sat. April 4th & Sun. April 5th 10am - 6pm each day The Great Hall at Cooper Union, New York City (huge discount for Pre-Registration) Full Details: http://www.asci.org/ArtSci98 ASCI can be reached at: 718 816-9796 Cooper Union: 212 353-4197 Technology it's the social, political, and economic buzzword of our time. But what about the creativity of the minds working at the forefront of "pure science" that underlies it all? And how is their discovery and innovation affecting contemporary art and aesthetic thought? This is the theme of ArtSci98, a two-day symposium to be held in the Great Hall at Cooper Union on April 4 & 5, 1998. There, 40 of our nation's most curious minds: research scientists, artists, educators, writers, and science and technology professionals, will present their work in relation to issues of discovery, creativity, innovation, invention, and current career challenges. The goals of Art/Sci'98 are to dispel misconceptions, confirm suspicions about the advantages of multi-disciplinary learning, and take an affirmative step in the direction of narrowing the personal and professional schisms between scientists and artists and the general public. This event is SPONSORED BY: Discover Magazine and Leonardo Journal; with additional support from AT&T. The special web-segment created for ArtSci98 was donated by Roy Harrison and includes: Program, Topic Premises, Short Bios, Registration Info, Hotel info, and info about producers and sponsors. KEYNOTES: Agnes Denes...... pioneer environmental artist; 1997 Prix de Rome Roger Malina...... astro-physicist & Editor of Leonardo Journal PANEL FORMAT: (75min. each) - Introduction of each panelist (1min.) by moderator - Each panelist talks about & shows (A/V) the conceptual framework of their current career challenge (5min.) - Followed by a moderated discussion of specific panel topic (30min.) - Questions & Answers from the audience (15-20min.) EACH PANEL CONSISTS OF: a scientist, artist, educator/ theorist/ or writer, science or technology industry representative, and moderator. PANEL TOPICS I. Creativity - its meaning and function in science and art. II. The Transformative Functions of Science & Art III. The Dialectics (Cybernetics?) of Art and Science IV. The Artist and Scientist in Society V. Technology & Creativity VI. Problem Solvers & Mythmakers VII. Science in Art, Art in Science: Influence and Integration VIII. Literal & Actual Collaborations LOUNGE/ GREEN ROOM: Comfortable furniture with coffee tables to provide a quiet, thoughtful place for participants and speakers to meet one another informally. Lite food and beverages will be available for sale. For between panels and during the lunch-break, especially if it rains. ((((SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY)))) CD-ROM GALLERY/ SPONSORS ROOM: Just before you enter the Great Hall, there is a gallery area for Sponsor booths/ info tables /displays. Also, situated along one wall, 4-5 computer stations will showcase some of today's hottest art and/or science CD-ROMs. (((SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY))) SCIENCE AREAS: -materials science -computer & math science -sound -astro-physics -bio-technology -geo-science -digital imaging -science fiction Cynthia Pannucci Founder/Director Art & Science Collaborations Inc. PO BOX 358 Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 816-9796 pannucci@asci.org http://www.asci.org Yayoi Uno CB 301 College of Music University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0301 USA (303) 492-4337 DIGITAL STUDIES: BEING IN CYBERSPACE http://www.altx.com/ds/ an online event for estudios digitales: un evento new media art and theory en linea sobre el arte y at altx (www.altx.com) la teoria de los nuevos co-organized by medios, con un mirror mark amerika and en espanol alojado en aleph alex galloway (aleph-arts.org/ds) ************************** DIGITAL STUDIES: BEING IN CYBERSPACE http://www.altx.com/ds/ an online event for estudios digitales: un evento new media art and theory en linea sobre el arte y at altx (www.altx.com) la teoria de los nuevos co-organized by medios, con un mirror mark amerika and en espanol alojado en aleph alex galloway (aleph-arts.org/ds) The Alt-X Network announces the opening of DIGITAL STUDIES: BEING IN CYBERSPACE, an international independent network art show featuring 20 artists from 7 countries--who needs museums ? With keynote addresses by Roy Ascott and co-organizers Mark Amerika and Alex Galloway, DIGITAL STUDIES challenges net.art surfers to investigate exciting new artistic questions, while revealing some of the problematic issues faced by curators, writers, artists and publishers in the age of the telematic interface. DIGITAL STUDIES includes material from: Richard Allalouf Mark Amerika Roy Ascott Torsten Zenas Burns Claire Cann Vuk Cosic Ricardo Dominguez Alex Galloway Dr. Hugo Intima Shelley Jackson Tina LaPorta Lev Manovich Juliet Ann Martin Jennifer Bozick McCoy Kevin McCoy Knut Mork Poem by Nari Melinda Rackham Erwin Redl Nino Rodriguez La Societe Anonyme Jeff Zilm Why should 'art' still designate that which already breaks away from art--away from what has always been conceived and signified under that name--or that which, not merely escaping art, implacably destroys it ? The work featured here asks this important question by creating formally innovative hypertext narratives, language-morph java applets, transdisciplinary shockwave animations, and image+text "digital apparitions" where the author/artist function has transformed into what Vilem Flusser called a "dense distribution of point elements." CONTACT: Mark Amerika (amerika@altx.com) Alex Galloway (arg2@duke.edu) SITE ADDRESSES: http://www.altx.com/ds/ [english interface] http://aleph-arts.org/ds/ [spanish interface] * ISEA- 307, Ste-Catherine O # 760.- C.P.508, Succ. Desjardins - Montreal Quebec H5B 1B6 Canada - Tel:1-(514) 281-6543 - Fax:1-(514) 281-6728 - email: isea@isea.qc.ca - http://www.isea.qc.ca