
#61 January 1998

		ISEA,  P.O. Box 508, Succ. Desjardins,
		Montreal (Qc), H5B 1B6, CANADA

		Phone: (514) 281-6543, Fax: (514) 281-6728
		Email: isea@sat.qc.ca
		URL: http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea

ISEA Board Members: Peter Beyls, Janice Cheddie, Amanda McDonald Crowley,
Tapio Makela, Alain Mongeau, Simon Penny, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Patricia
Ex-officio Board members: Shawn Decker (ISEA97), John Hyatt (ISEA98), John
Brady (ISEA98)
To subscribe, send a message to:
listproc@uqam.ca, no subject,  with the message in the body:
"subscribe ISEA-forum first name last name"
				* CONTENTS *


Check out the digital version of the Newsletter on our Web site


Belated Happy New Year to all of you from the ISEA HQ - Montreal. The New
Year has already seen us do battle with the elements of unforeseen natural
forces cutting us from the vital life line of electricity. This delayed the
early production of the first newsletter issue for 1998, but now we are
emerging from beneath the blanket of traitorous ice ready, for action.

*Reality Check up*

With a New Year already full in swing, the countdown towards the new
millennium is drawing closer.  The anticipation for the Year 2000 has
already seen an absorption of human imagination beyond a point of return.
However, putting all speculations aside, this new millennium will be shaped
by energetic and applied participation throughout the next two years .  So
how can ISEA take part in building and expanding on a culturally diverse
and creative digital environment? And, how can the ISEA HQ offer a voice
for its members and collaborators in the communications network towards the
year 2000?

For the next 2 years, plans are in place to develop the ISEA HQ web site
into an on-line super-market for choices beyond belief.  The development of
the interface will concentrate on transmitting international new media
information, on-line chat groups, tools for projects and  projection rooms,
editorial submissions, on-line competitions, members only benefits as well
as regular announcements by the ISEA HQ on what's new and what's coming.
We hope to revitalized an on-line presence that will see a revolution of
ideas that will mark ISEA's continuing maturity to facilitate a greater
convergence of cultural and artistic endeavors.

*Well enough alone but better together*

Input from our members is crucial for the immediate progress of the ISEA HQ
and our web site project.  So we are inviting you to send us your shopping
list of innovative ideas, suggestions and questions on how the ISEA HQ can
serve you more realistically. Tell us what you need and what is missing.
Don' t forget that you can also discuss your suggestions on the ISEA
listserv. (A single voice can echo through an infinite space and always
find a point of return).   To access this service see the email application
method following. The result of members submissions will be posted on the
web site for general visibility. So expect to see more announcements...
Just remember we are here for your benefits and we need to know what
motivates you in supporting ISEA.

*In a nutshell*

Of course most of you will know that ISEA98 titled Revolution-Terror will
be hosted in Liverpool and Manchester. Once again the listserv can provide
an exciting zone in which to broadcast your proposals and assist the ISEA98
team with suggestions and collaboration.  Although there were fears that no
ISEA bid had been made for the following two years the ISEA HQ can verify
that there are discussions with Brazil to collaborate on staging an ISEA99
event and that we could celebrate ISEA2000 in Paris.  But we shall keep you
posted on these developments.  So there is no doubt this is an exciting
time to uphold your New Years resolutions and revolutionized your
participation in shaping ISEA and future projects.

Thank you for your continuing support in 1998 and beyond...

Kind Regards
ISEA HQ Montreal


Leonardo/ISAST announces its participation in the Virtual Africa project, a
project that seeks to help make visible the work of artists, scientists and
scholars working within the African context. This will involve African and
European arts groups, music groups and museums. Leonardo/ISAST invites
artists, ethnologists, anthropologists, art historians, neurologists,
ethnopsychiatrists and archaeologists to submit related work and ideas for
this project. Leonardo/ISAST offers to artists working in Africa the
opportunity to exhibit works in the virtual gallery of the Leonardo
Observatory, the French-language LEONARDO web site.

Interested artists are invited to contact curator Jocelyne Rotily at
 or by regular mail at: 23 Avenue Guy de
Maupassant, 13008 Marseille, France.

The Leonardo Observatory web site can be viewed at



Leonardo/ISAST announces an ongoing project to be published in regular
issues of the LEONARDO journal. The section, entitled "Art and
Consciousness Research," will be guest-edited by LEONARDO Honorary Editor
Roy Ascott.  The section focuses on the emerging field of creative practice
that is conceptually led, technologically empowered and scientifically
informed by new metaphors and models of life and reality. At the center of
this field are issues of consciousness, mind and identity.

To see more on Roy Ascott:

See the article "Technology and Intuition: A Love Story? Roy Ascott's
Telematic Embrace" by Edward A. Shanken at:


Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University

Hardy Internship in North American Collections will support a student in
anthropology or museum studies (or recent graduates) or museum officials
employed by tribal museums/cultural centers who intend to work or are
working in the field of collections research and management.

The internship is for three months and carries the equivalent of a monthly
stipend of $1,200 plus up to $500 for travel to Cambridge. The position
carries no benefits. Interns will be expected to work under the supervision
of Peabody Museum staff on an area of interest related to the Peabody's
archaeology/ethnographic collections or paper/photographic archives.

Applications should be directed to: Director, Peabody Museum, Harvard
University, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.  The internship will
begin June 1, 1998.  The deadline for applications is March 1, 1998.

Katherine Jones-Garmil
Assistant Director
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Harvard University
11 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02138
(617) 495-1969
(617) 495-7535 (fax)

The Department of Art History at the University of Chicago invites paper
submissions for our annual graduate student colloquium on April 4, 1998.

This year's topic is Masculinity and Representation. Topics might include:
masculine masquerades
masculinity in the media
masculine space
queer studies
Non-Western representations
gendering the artist genius
sexuality of the saints
etc, etc, etc. --In brief, anything to do with masculinity and visuality
would qualify.

We hope to stimulate dialogue with a dual format: 20 minute slots for paper
presentations and 10 minute slots for works in progress. Panels will be
formed around common themes, and presentations will be followed by response
and discussion.

To enter, send 2 copies of completed papers or 500 word abstracts. Enclose
an index card with your name, university affiliation, title of paper,
address and phone number. If you want your paper back, please include a

Reply ASAP to :
Graduate Student Colloquium
Department of Art
Cochrane-Woods Art Center
5540 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email  if you have any questions.

[temporary media laboratory]
Manchester, UK; Aug/Sep '98

REVOLTING will bring together Activism, Art and Theory concerned with media
in a social and productive environment. Throughout August and September '98
Manchester will offer  more or less informal locations providing a media
workspace  (at Salford University) and social interfaces (in the  Greater
Manchester Area) - as well as related events in  Manchester. This
event/workspace will provide the  opportunity of lively exchange and
collaboration, both in  the privacy of a dedicated environment and the
mayhem of the  public arena.


Attempts to define 'the' revolution have failed to produce a  universal
checklist of distinguishing characteristics. Where  does that then leave
the 'Digital Revolution'? REVOLTING  replaces the handset on the master
narrative and dials  again. Stepping outside the mere potential of
'revolutionary  technologies', REVOLTING shifts the focus to groups and
individuals within the field of media, who are applying  creative,
challenging, tactical and innovative ways to make  the most of the
'revolting' circumstances we live in. We  don't want to define the Digital
Revolution, we are  interested in knowing who attended!

Not understanding art as critical by 'nature', but stressing  the fact that
it could well be critical by definition, REVOLTING wants to focus on the
overlap between cultural  production and cultural theory. We 'mind the gap'
between  wanting to understand and being forced to act. REVOLTING will
provide the means of production as well as the social  setting within which
to present the processes.


>From March 98, we hope to put in place a public access  server for the
Greater Manchester Area. This server will  provide audio and video
facilities and be devoted and linked  to many local initiatives and
activities in the area. This  practise will also playfully explore the
link-up of old and  new media. Currently Manchester has very limited
possibilities in terms of public access channels for radio  and TV - at the
same time, Manchester has a lively scene of  pirate radio and video
practise, which will be channelled  through the public access project. In
collaboration with  these initiatives, REVOLTING will bring together local
activity and global discourse. For the period of August,  September 98
there will be a series of co-productions  between international guests and
local projects, to produce  an ongoing archive of material, to test run
concepts on the  web and to experiment with the interfacing of old and new


REVOLTING will also print a bi-monthly newspaper/letter, the  first issue
to be published in March 98. This publication  understands itself as an
intermediate balance sheet for the  off-line public and features
information, opinionated  journalism and manifestos which address pressing
economic,  political and cultural topics. As mentioned above, this
publication attempts to extend the possibilities of new  media by
experimenting ways in which news groups, web pages  and mailing lists can
alter the impact of print publications  - and vice versa... SEND YOUR


REVOLTING hopes to amplify the close collaboration of the  temporary media
laboratory with the community within which  it is situated. We also want to
situate the media lab and  the social interfaces at two nearby but separate
locations  to maintain a focused workspace while encouraging active
participation of the public at the other end. The public  interface will be
equipped with sufficient access points,  computers and consumer electronics
to produce material in  the semi-public environment as well as being a
constantly  changing archive and social space.

The media lab (at Salford University) will be equipped with  extensive
audio, video and internet facilities - as  Universities are. The "social
interface" (in Manchester)  will feature essential equipment: workstations,
beams, projectors and the obligatory sound system to allow anything  from
focused presentation, screenings, via semi-public  debates, improvised
exhibitions, spontaneous interviews, to well earned leisure times.

At the same time, REVOLTING can be expanded into the city of  Manchester,
using locations and facilities to screen movies, celebrate, host
presentations and stage demonstrations. Being located in a lively city like
Manchester - with its  strong profile of popular culture situated amongst
the  archaeological relics of the industrial revolution - there  seems no
need to implant an infrastructure which is already  available and
extensively accepted. In this way we hope to  make the most of the city for
what it was and is.

We want to encourage participation - remote and on-site. We  expect that
the participants will all have enough social,  political and cultural
commitment to use this space in a tactical and productive manner. REVOLTING
should be more  than an editorial office and more than the extension of
your  working environment at home. REVOLTING wants to be an  experimental
social interface to the many realities we will  bring to Manchester and to
the ones already forming and  performing in the area.

Attention: this is all construction!

Watch your usual channels for further information...

[REVOLTING is currently in dialogue with Salford University;  Hypermedia
Research Centre, Westminster University; Mute  Magazine; Hybrid WorkSpace;
Telepolis; North West Arts  Board; Foundation for Art and Creative

Micz Flor (micz@metamute.com)

[t/f]+44.171.7395331 [t]+44.161.2956157 [a]http://www.art-bag.net
[b]http://www.icf.de/workspace [c]http://www.metamute.com
[q]"There is no administrative production of meaning."


I am in the process of researching for the Australian Network for Art &
Technology's forthcoming quarterly newsletter.

I would like to invite you to submit information on the forthcoming
activities of you or your organisation if you would like us to include a
short listing to help with your promotion.  Any notices on events with an
art & technology focus, commencing during or after early February, will be
gratefully accepted.

Appropriate notices may include:

* events
* exhibitions
* conferences
* calls for proposals/papers
* workshops
* symposia etc

Bear in mind that, as always, our deadline is approaching fast, so if you
could submit this information by the end of the week, it will have more of
a chance of being included.

Thanks a lot.

Kind Regards

Honor Harger

Australian Network for Art & Technology
PO Box 8029 Hindley St, SA 5000, Australia
wk: 61 8 82319037
hm: 61 8 82320142



We are working on a definitive database of artistic interventions which use
the internet as a media. We are interested in artworks initiated or
completed up until December 1997. This project will culminate in the
publishing of a book and a CD-ROM.

Please fill in this form and send it back to Kepa Landa 


Title of work : _______________

e-mail or postal address: _______________

URL: _______________

Start and conclusion of the project: _______________

Brief description of the work (less than 100 words): _______________

In case it is not accessible on the Internet, we would appreciate if you
could send us as much in formation as possible about it.

Also we would be grateful if you send us information (URLs, e-mails,
Bookmarks) about other projects or artists

Thank you.

Estamos trabajando en una archivo completo de intervenciones artisticas que
emplean internet como medio. Estamos interesados en obras iniciadas o
completadas hasta Diciembre de 1997.
Este proyecto culminara con la publicaci…˜?de un libro y un CD-ROM.

Por favor rellene este formulario y envielo a Kepa Landa


Titulo de la obra : _______________

e-mail o direccion postal: _______________

URL: _______________

Inicio y conclusion del proyecto: _______________

Breve descripcion de la obra (menos de 100 palabras): _______________

En caso de que no sea accesible en Internet, le agradeceriamos nos enviase
informacion tan completa como sea posible.

Tambien agradeceriamos nos enviase informaci…˜?(URLs, e-mails, Bookmarks) a
cerca de otros proyectos y artistas.


Kepa Landa
Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts
CAiiA - NSAD, University of Wales College Newport,
PO Box 179,   Newport,  NP6 1YG     UNITED KINGDOM-REINO UNIDO
tel/fax: 44 (0)1633-4321 68      tel: home/casa 44 (0)1633-423 993

The Western Australian Academy Of Performing Arts and the Imago Multimedia
Centre Arts Program invite applications from international, national and
local artists.

An exhibition of the selected works will be held at the Art Gallery of
Western Australia during April-May 1998. The prizes are: $5,000.00 (AUD)
and an Apple Computer. Twelve interactive works will be exhibited with an
acquisition fee of $240.00 (AUD).
PRIZES: $5000 (AUD) and or an Apple Macintosh. The 12 selected entries
receive an exhibition fee of $250.00.

There will be no theme as such other than works that emphasise innovation
and conceptual skill.

All selected works archived at ECU library and Imago Multimedia Center
after the exhibition. Artists rights remain. ie if after 12 months the show
goes up again or travels the artists will be paid a further $250.00 for
each exhibition location.

Works for the web need not use a commercially available browser. It should
be noted that the web works may have to be offline on an internal hard
disk. If this presents a problem then please fill out the entry form and
state your special technical requirements in the labelled text box.

Works can be submitted on floppy disk, cd-rom or FTP.  Please request FTP
address via email to:    It is expected the works
will be for web or desktop use.

Works must be fully interactive.

Apple PPC's (9700's or G3) will be used for the exhibition.

Should your work be selected you will be notified by airmail after March 16

derek kreckler
western australian academy of performing arts
phone: 61-08-9370-6111, facsimile: 61-08-9370-6555


(The English version is after the Italian version)

Le Edizioni Musicali Taukay e l'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di
Udine bandiscono la seconda edizione del Concorso di Musica Contemporanea
"Citta' di Udine".

La Giuria e' cosi' composta:

Michele Biasutti (Compositore e ricercatore all'Universita' di Padova),
Bernardino Beggio (Compositore e Direttore di Interensemble), Bernard Fort
(responsabile del "Groupe de Musiques Vivantes de Lyon" e docente alla
"Ecole Nationale de Musique ą Lyon"), Lucio Garau (Compositore ed
Etnomusicologo), Marco Stroppa (Compositore e ricercatore all'IRCAM di
Parigi), Jesus Villa-Rojo (Compositore e direttore del "Laboratorio de
interpretacion Musical" di Madrid) .

La manifestazione si concludera' nell'autunno del 1998 all'interno di una
rassegna che vedra' protagonisti Compositori ed Esecutori provenienti da
tutto il mondo. Il Concorso e' diviso in due sezioni: Composizioni per
Gruppo orchestrale da Camera e Musica elettroacustica analogica e digitale.
Sono ammesse composizioni inedite create da Musicisti di qualsiasi
I lavori dovranno essere spediti al Comune di Udine -  U.O. Coordinamento
Segreteria Attivita' Teatrali - via Savorgnana 12 33100
UDINE,  entro e non oltre il 30 aprile 1998.  Fara' fede la data del timbro
postale di partenza. Le decisioni della giuria saranno rese pubbliche entro
il 30 giugno 1998.
Le partiture dovranno essere inviate in sei copie assieme alla domanda di
iscrizione allegata e alla ricevuta del versamento di L.50.000 effettuato a
mezzo vaglia postale intestato a:

Comune di Udine Servizio tesoreria
Conto corrente postale n. 14372338

Le partiture verranno eseguite dall'insieme orchestrale "Interensemble"
diretto dal Maestro Bernardino Beggio e dal "Taukay Ensemble" diretto dal
Maestro Paolo Longo.

I lusinghieri risultati conseguiti nella passata edizione, fanno ben
sperare in una numerosa partecipazione.
Il bando di concorso e' disponibile presso gli uffici dell'assessorato alla
Cultura del Comune di Udine e su internet nel sito delle Edizioni Musicali
TauKay al seguente indirizzo:
E' possibile ricevere ulteriori informazioni all'indirizzo:
oppure presso la nostra sede in via Fiume 13 a Udine (33100)
tel.0432/506677, fax 0432/25021 chiedendo del responsabile delle Edizioni
Vittorio Vella.

Certi di fare cosa gradita nell'informarvi delle nostre attivita'
Vi porgiamo i nostri pi‘cordiali saluti.


The TauKay Music Publishing  House, together with City Council of Udine,
announces the Second International Contemporary Music Contest "Cittą di

The Jury:

Michele Biasutti (Composer and researcher at the University of Padua),
Bernardino Beggio (Composer and "Interensemble" Conductor), Bernard Fort
(responsible for "Groupe de Musiques Vivantes de Lyon" and teacher at the
"Ecole Nationale de Musique ą Lyon"), Lucio Garau (Composer and ethnic
Music researcher), Marco Stroppa (Composer and researcher at IRCAM -
Parigi), Jesus Villa-Rojo (Composer and director of "Laboratorio de
interpretacion Musical" di Madrid) .

The event will come to an end in autumn 1998, in an assembly of Composers
and Performers from all over the world.

The contest is divided into two sections: instrumental compositions for
chamber instrumental group and electro-acoustic, analogical, and digital
music. Only unpublished musical compositions will be admitted into the
contest. The pieces may have been already performed. Composers may be of
any citizenship.

All works must be submitted - no later than April, 30th 1998 - to:
"Comune di Udine -  U.O.  Coordinamento Segreteria Attivitą Teatrali - via
Savorgnana 12 - 33100  Udine ITALIA"
The postmark will bear witness to the date. The jury's decision will be
made public on June, 30th 1998.
The scores must be sent in six copies attached to the application and
together with the receipt for 35 USD payment made by a international postal
order to:

Comune di Udine Servizio tesoreria
Conto corrente postale n. 14372338

The scores will be performed by "Interensemble", conducted by Bernardino
Beggio and by "TauKay Ensemble", conducted by Paolo Longo.

The high turnout of the last edition leaves one to hope that participation
will be successful. The announcement of competition can be found at the
City Council of Udine or on Internet, TauKay Musical Editions at the
following address:
It is also possible to receive further information at this address:
or at our office in via Fiume 13, 33100 Udine,
tel +39-432-506677, fax +39-432-25021
asking for Mr. Vittorio Vella, the person in charge of the editions.

We trust this information about our activities will be of interest. At the
same time we send our best regards.

Edizioni Musicali TauKay
TauKay Music Publishing House
via Fiume 13 - 33100 Udine - Italy
tel.   +39-432-506677
fax   +39-432-25021
WEB site   http://www.nauta.it/taukay/
Responsabile editoriale/Editor: Vittorio Vella

School of Journalism, St.Petersburg State University


29 June - 10 July 1998
St.Petersburg, Russia

Scholars, educators,  journalists and students in media and mass
communication  are invited  to participate  in  this  two week summer
course. This is the excellent opportunity  to  widen your view on media
studies studying Russian media and journalism in a political, economic,
legal, ethnic,  cultural  and environmental perspective.

"Journalism and Power" is the main subject of  the Third  Summer School.
Political   journalism,   the    relationship   between journalists and
politicians,  federal   and  local  government influence on  journalism,
media   regulation,   and pressure to journalists from   the  outside and
from the inside, elections coverage,  information  wars,  public relations
are among  the topics. Alternative   sources of  information   for
journalists, Internet facilities,  separation  of  news   and  opinion,
fair journalism,   ethics,  ethnic   or  other  minorities   problems
coverage,  political and ethnic  conflicts,  press  freedom  and
independence,    international     journalism,     environmental
journalism, research of mass media market and  audience will  be also
included to the programme.

Courses are given by the best faculty and staff    of the School of
Journalism at St.Petersburg State University and experienced professionals
from a wide variety of St.Petersburg media.  Working languages: English and
Russian (during the  course  Mass Media Center will provide participants
with interpretation).

Registration until 15 June 1998.

Mass Media Center  will  provide  participants  with  acceptable dwelling
in dormitory of  the  University,  lunches,  visits  to St.Petersburg
editorial boards, information package,  video film on  the  1998 Summer
School, group  photograph  and  sightseeing programme during the White
Nights Season.
According  to  our  agreement  with  the Centre of International Exchanges
of the University, housing will be in bedrooms of  the hostel of
St.Petersburg  State  University. The address  of  the University dormitory
is:  ul.  Korablestroiteley,  20, block  2, floor 6.  ("Primorskaya" metro
station). Students will be living in rooms for two or  three  persons. The
dormitory is very good and  secure and  is not  far from  our journalism
building (one stop of   "Metro" subway to "Vassileostrovskaya").  Students
can live in dormitory from Saturday, June 27, till Sunday, July  12, 1998.

The representative of the Centre of  International Exchanges can pick up
the students  in the  International Airport  or  Railway Station after
confirmation of  the  exact  time  of  arrival  to St.Petersburg.

Tuition  fee (including  dwelling,  lunches,   information  kit, video
film,  group photograph,  visits  to   media and cultural programme) is
630   USD  for foreigners and 400 USD (in Russian Roubles) for Russian and
CIS participants. Participants can  pay money in Russian Roubles directly
in St.Petersburg.

For more  information and registration,  please contact:
Ms Nina G. Boykova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director  of Mass
Media Center;
Mr Dmitry A. Ruschin,  Ph.D.,  Associate Professor,  Head  of the
International Department,  Director of  the  International Summer
School on Russian Media.

School of Journalism, St.Petersburg State University
1-aya Liniya V.O., #26, room 606. St.Petersburg. 199034. Russia
Tel/Fax: (7-812) 213-00-67.
E-mail: mmc@mmc.jur.pu.ru

for the Third International Summer School on Russian Media at St.Petersburg
State University

First name:
Passport No:
Working (studying) place:

Scholar interests:

What are your expectations of studying in the Summer School:

Languages.	 English:
Private Address:

Telephone work:
Telephone home:

Please return  this  form to the Director of the Summer School as soon as

TEL/FAX:  (7-812)  213-00-67
E-MAIL:  ruschin@mmc.jur.pu.ru
Dmitry A. Ruschin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the International
Department. MASS MEDIA CENTER. School of Journalism. St.Petersburg State
University. Room 606. 1-ya Liniya V.O., Dom 26. St.Petersburg. 199034.
RUSSIA. Tel./Fax: (7-812) 213-00-67. E-mail: ruschin@mmc.jur.pu.ru

3rd Palermo International Videoart + Film + Media Festival, taking place 2
through 10 October 1998, (submission deadline: 31 July).
More infos after January on our festival's web page:

As you probably know, the ex-aequo winners of the International Videoart
Competition '97 have been the following videos:
- Elisabetta Filocamo (I), "Inside Outside"
- Diane Nerwen (USA), "Under the Skin Game"
- Cathy Vogan (F), "The Synchronizer"
The Award of the Public has been tributed to:
- "Nuevas Aventuras del Capitan Cardozo" by Pablo Rodriguez Jauregui and
Gabriel Yuvone (Argentina).

The Festival Team (alessandro rais, marcello alajmo, ignazio plaia,
maurizio spadaro)

Casella Postale 136 (P. O. Box)
I-90133 PALERMO - Italy
tel. +39-91-6961740
fax  +39-91-6111682
email: 	00253aaa@mbox.infcom.it,
http:		//web.tin.it/iside/immagineleggera


An ITA Conference on Entertainment Design, Narrative Architecture, and
Virtual Environments

Saturday, April 18th, 1998 | 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM |Ahmanson Auditorium Art
Center College of Design | 1700 Lida Street | Pasadena, CA 91103

Art Center's Institute for Technology and Aesthetics (ITA) hosts SCRIPTED
SPACES, a discussion about how space can be designed to tell a story,
moving from malls (think Universal City Walk) to theme parks (Disneyland as
the granddaddy of them all), from special effect-driven blockbusters to the
latest in computer games like Riven. Panelists include Rocket Science Games
co-founder MICHAEL BACKES, Academy Award winning visual effects supervisor
JOHN DYKSTRA, Disney Imagineer BRAN FERREN, architects CRAIG HODGETTS and
MING FUNG, cultural critic NORMAN KLEIN, architectural historian SYLVIA
LAVIN, new media theorist PETER LUNENFELD, interactive artist MICHAEL
NAIMARK, and Virtual Reality Modeling Language co-creator MARK PESCE.

For reservations contact: peterl@artcenter.edu or 626.568.4710
By post: Scripted Spaces c/o Peter Lunenfeld
Art Center College of Design | 1700 Lida Street | Pasadena, CA 91103


The SCRIPTED SPACES conference is a one day, single track event, but it is
part of the  larger SCRIPTED WEEKEND. On Friday night, April 17, Norman
Klein, the Chair of Scripted Spaces, and Peter Lunenfeld, the Director of
the ITA, will present SCRIPTED SCREENS, a selection of film clips,
animations, VRML sites, virtual environments, computer games, and other
screen-based scripted spaces. All day Saturday, E.D./A.C., a show of
Entertainment Design projects by Art Center students will be open in
studios and galleries around campus. On Sunday afternoon, April 19th, Klein
will lead SCRIPTED SITES, a bus trip to four scripted spaces in Southern
California. SCRIPTED SPACES, SCRIPTED SCREENS and E.D./A.C. are free of
charge, but require registration by email, phone, or post [please send full
contact information]. Seats on the SCRIPTED SITES bus must be ordered in
advance by mail: checks for $20.00 payable to "Art Center/Scripted Spaces"
at the address listed above [the 35 seats are available on a first come,
first served basis].


* Friday, April 17:  SCRIPTED SCREENS | 7:30-9:00 | Ahmanson Auditorium *
An illustrated lecture by NORMAN KLEIN and PETER LUNENFELD

* Saturday, April 18: SCRIPTED SPACES | 9:30-6:30 | Ahmanson Auditorium *

9:30-12:30 | Morning Session
A welcome from DAVID BROWN, President of Art Center College of Design
NORMAN KLEIN, Chair, Scripted Spaces Conference
CRAIG HODGETTS and MING FUNG, Hodgetts + Fung Design Associates
MICHAEL BACKES, Games Designer and Visual Effects Supervisor
BRAN FERREN, Walt Disney Imagineering

12:30-2:30 | LUNCH | Art Center Cafeteria

2:30-5:30 | Afternoon Session
SYLVIA LAVIN, Architecture and Urban Planning, UCLA
MICHAEL NAIMARK, Interval Corporation
JOHN DYKSTRA, Visual Effects Supervisor
MARK PESCE, blitcom

5:30-6:30 | Open Forum

E.D./A.C. | 9:00 AM-7:00 PM | Studios and Galleries
A show of Entertainment Design projects by Art Center students.

* Sunday, April 19: SCRIPTED SITES | 11:00-5:00 *
NORMAN KLEIN's bus tour leaves from and returns to the Art Center Student
Parking Lot



"SCRIPTED SPACES: An ITA Conference on Entertainment Design, Narrative
Architecture, and Virtual Environments" is supported by the Graduate
Programs at Art Center. Other support from the Office of the Vice President
for Institutional Advancement, and the Departments of Illustration,
Environmental Design, and Product Design. All speakers, times and venues
subject to change without notice.


An Exploration of New Technologies and New Physics and their Impact on the Arts

A City Arts - Portsmouth City Council Leisure Service initiative in
association with Portsmouth Media Development, ppARTnerships, the
University of Portsmouth,
and Southern Screen Commission Portsmouth

Introductory Programme : 2 - 29 March 1998

SHOCK WAVES is an exploration of creative expression which informs,
challenges and excites new audiences and participants about the
relationship  between the arts, technology and science.  The March event is
the  introductory programme to a three year initiative project which
concentrates  on four discrete but interrelated areas, media provision in
Portsmouth;   creative approaches in the use of new technology;  an
exploration of sound; and the cultural impact of New Physics.  The three
year programme will  incorporate newly commissioned and existing
exhibitions and installations,  performances, media events, residencies,
conferences, seminars, talks,  workshops, community events, and training
programmes.  It will also create  opportunities for investigating and
implementing newer forms of distribution  including CD-ROM and the Internet.

SHOCK WAVES aims to contribute to the establishment of Portsmouth as a
dynamic urban centre for a wide range of cultural and media industries and
to provide a long term platform for the city to advocate and realise its
potential pre-eminence in exploiting the convergence of arts, technology
and  science.

SHOCK WAVES will engage a wide cross section of artists, producers,
participants and audiences by age group, gender, location, and
socio-economic group. It will encompass the public and private sectors,
media artists and scientists, Portsmouth City Council and Southern Arts
Board, the University and the education sector, the arts community and
individual artists, the multinational technology industries of Portsmouth
and the individual producer. Special emphasis will be placed on the needs
and demands of young people and access. It will cater for the beginner as
well as for the specialist.

SHOCK WAVES is a major initiative which will help attract regional,
national  and international profile for the city. It will showcase the
skills,  facilities and resources available within the city, highlight
areas for investment and development, and encourage collaborations,
networking and  accessibility. It also incorporates the first public
outcome of an  extensive Media Development project for the city, following
collaboration  between Portsmouth City Council, the University of
Portsmouth, Southern Arts  Board, Southern Screen Commission and the
British Film Institute.

For more information:


Peter Luxton, ppARTnerships, PO Box 2772, Brighton BN1 6FW UK
Tel:   44(0) 1273 330 464
Fax:  44(0) 1273 330 533
E Mail:  pparts @ easynet.co.uk

Ron Geesin (Mon - Wed),  Headrest, Broadoak, Heathfield, E Sussex TN21 8TU
Tel: 44(0) 1435 863994
Fax: 44(0) 1435 867027
E Mail:  ron @ geesin.demon.co.uk
(Thur - Fri)
School of Art, Design and Media, University of Portsmouth, Lion Gate, Lion
Terrace, Portsmouth, Hants PO1 3HF
Tel:      44(0) 1705 842282
Fax: 44(0) 1705 842077
E Mail:  geesin @ desn.port.ac.uk

New Physics:
Chris Carrell, City Arts, Portsmouth City Council,  Civic Offices, Guildhall
Square, Portsmouth PO1 2AD
Tel:   44(0) 1705 834182
Fax:  44(0) 1705 834904
E Mail: ccarrell @ portsmouthcc.gov.uk

SHOCK WAVES Consultant : Peter Luxton (see above)

General Enquiries :      Chris Carrell (see above)
Claire Looney E Mail:  clooney @ portsmouthcc.gov.uk

SHOCK WAVES Website can be accessed through:
http://www.portsmouth - arts.demon.co.uk


Carla Driscoll, Publicity & Communications Officer, The Press Office, Civic
Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth Hants PO1 2BG.
Tel:      44(0) 1705 834329
Fax: 44(0) 1705 834938
E Mail: cdriscoll @ portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Website:  on line late February (details to follow)
Contact hours:  9 am - 5.30 pm, 24 hour answerphone available out of office
