
#64 April 1998

		ISEA,  P.O. Box 508, Succ. Desjardins,
		Montreal (Qc), H5B 1B6, CANADA

		Phone: (514) 281-6543, Fax: (514) 281-6728
		Email: isea@sat.qc.ca
		URL: http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea

ISEA Board Members: Peter Beyls, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Tapio Makela,
Alain Mongeau, Simon Penny, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Patricia Search, Wim van
der Plas. Ex-officio Board members: Shawn Decker (ISEA97), John Hyatt
(ISEA98), John Brady (ISEA98)
To subscribe, send a message to:
listproc@uqam.ca, no subject,  with the message in the body:
"subscribe ISEA-forum first name last name"
				* CONTENTS *

Check out the digital version of the Newsletter on our Web site


Dear ISEA Member,

++++  an important announcement ++++

CALL FOR  - ISEA  BOARD NOMINATIONS -    are now open until 12 June 1998

In this news bulletin you will find:
--+ Call for participation information+--
--+ ISEA's Board structure +--
--+ Indication of Board Members Tasks and Terms +--
--+ ISEA HQ Information +--
--+ Nomination Submission Form +--

--+ Call for participation +--

The current ISEA Board has served its agreed 1 year term and new elections
are on the horizon.
The deadline for nominations to the ISEA Board closes  --- JUNE 12 1998 ---

--- Please note ---
ONLY ISEA MEMBERS will be able to be elected for Board positions!!
Non-members interested in presenting themselves as nominees can register
and submit their application at the same time. Please see our web site for
information on how to become an ISEA member or email us the ISEA HQ.


--+ ISEA Board Structure+--

Up to 9 ISEA Board positions are available.
The outgoing board will recommend to the incoming board that, by a
gentlepersons agreement, 3 members resign at the end of a one year period
and three members resign at the end of a two year period.  This will then
ensure that at future Annual General Meetings, a number of board members
will be continuing and a number will be newly elected, providing for a
rotation of Board members offering new insight and perspectives for the
development of ISEA.

--+ Indication of Board Member Tasks and Terms +--

* Board members should act in the best interest of the ISEA network and its
* Persons nominated should consider their personal time and interests which
they will bring to ISEA
* Board members shall collaboratively and actively promote and shape the
future development of ISEA
* Board members should creatively assist in converging an interdisciplinary
art practice and technological developments.
* During the course of the next year, the ISEA Board and the ISEA HQ shall
keep regular contact by holding on-line meetings every 2 months to help
manage, plan and develop ISEA.

* ISEA98 would set the scene for the first new Board meeting to take place.

--+ ISEA HQ Information +--

* ISEA is a non-profit, international organization whose membership and
collaborators consists of a wide range of individuals and institutions
involved in the creative, theoretical and technological aspects of
electronic arts.

* Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, the ISEA HQ moved its Headquarters to
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at the end of 1996. In its first year of activity
in Montreal, the ISEA HQ focused on restructuring the organization. During
this period, ISEA acquired the status of international non governmental
organization (INGO).

* Since January 1998, the HQ has a dynamic, multilingual team of 5 part
time staff members who coordinate and administer ISEA's virtual and
physical presence. The HQ is committed to develop ISEA's international and
local presence by extending its networks and providing a diverse range of
benefits to the membership.  We look forward to the new challenges the
future will bring with a newly elected ISEA Board.

--+ Nomination Submission Form +--

Please print this form and fax or sent by mail only to the ISEA HQ office.

Mailing Address__________________________________________________________

ISEA member: ______yes	_______no
(please note: Membership application forms can be received via email:
isea@sat.qc.ca or on our web site http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea)

I, _______________________________________________ being a member of the Int=
Society for the Electronic Arts hereby agree to be nominated as an ISEA
Board member.

Signature  _____________________________date _____________________

Please submit these Personal Details with your nomination:
1. Short descriptive bio (max. 250 words)
2. How do you foresee your nomination to benefit ISEA and its
membership?(max. 250 words)
3. Briefly outline your past involvement in the field of Electronic Art
4. Please list 3 concerns you have regarding ISEA

Looking forward to receive your nominations !



LEONARDO, the leading journal for anyone interested in the application of
contemporary science and technology to the arts, is now available to
members of Inter-Society of Electronic Arts (ISEA) at a special discount
price of $57.60 This is 20% off the journal's regular rate and includes the
companion annual journal, LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL.

=46ounded in 1967, LEONARDO provides an international channel of
communication between artists and others who use science and technologies
in their creations. The journal covers media, music, kinetic art,
performance art, language, environmental and conceptual art, computers and
artificial intelligence, and legal, economics, and political aspects of art
as these areas relate to the arts, tools and ideas of contemporary science
and technology. LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL (including compact disc), features
the latest in music, multimedia art, sound science and technology.



WHAT'S NEW IN VIRTUAL AFRICA: http://cyberworkers.com/Leonardo

=46or further info contact Jocelyne Rotily : Jocelyne@cybermedias.com

Eliane DeConinck of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Bruxelles informs
us that two new collaborators are joining Virtual Africa: Dr Mohamed
Asahakia, Director General, National Museums of Kenya, and Dr D Munjeri,
Executive Director, National Museums and Monuments, Harare.

New on the Virtual Africa Web site: South African artist Malcolm Payne
presents his work around the Lydenburg heads   at


Nous sommes satur=E9s d'informations. Vous aussi sans doute...Le CICV propos=
un nouveau service destin=E9 =E0 se rep=E9rer rapidement et facilement dans =
jungle. Depuis le premier janvier 98, le site prospective du CICV propose
des synth=E8ses concernant l'actualit=E9 dans les domaines de l'art, de la
technologie, de l'entreprise, de l'=E9cole, de l'audiovisuel, de la soci=E9t=
de la politique...Ce service est gratuit.
Il est mis =E0 jour tous les soirs, du lundi au vendredi, =E0 18 heures.
Il est accessible =E0 l'adresse :  .
Contact : Pascale Ostermann .

We receive too much information. As well as you, isn't it... CICV suggests
a new service. The aim is to get information easily and quickly in this
jungle. Since January 98, CICV gives you the opportunity to have up-to-date
summaries about art, technology, businessworld, education, audiovisual,
society, politics...
This service is free and only available in french at that time. It is
updated everyday, from Monday to Friday, around 6 o'clock.
To be connected, type the following address : .
Contact : Pascale Ostermann .

CICV Pierre Schaeffer Montbeliard Belfort
Tel 03 81 30 90 30
portable : 0680347906
=46ax 03 81 30 95 25

Revolutionary Art of Peru


The art displayed here was mainly created by imprisoned fighters and
supporters of the PCP. The materials to produce these artworks had to be
smuggled into the prisons by friends and family. The art has since made its
way around the world. Many of the artists were killed in the prison
massacres of June 1986 and September 1992.

Revolutionary Music from Peru

Panorama Ayacuchano. Featuring music from the struggle in Peru. Sample
music from the song "Combatiente Guerrillero" (280k AU file, 30 seconds).
Also, sample from the song "Presidente Gonzalo" (320k AU file, 30 seconds).

Julia Illanes of Peru sings "Shining Paths..." (550k WAV, 51 sec.) from the
IEC video "You Must Tell the World".

Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru


Instructor/asst. prof., salary commens. with qualif.& experience., Aug.
16,1998, MFA required, some teaching exp. helpful, teach b&w, color,
digital, non silver, multimedia, experience with studio lighting  helpful.
Send resume, 20 slides or disk, teaching philosophy, names of 3
references, to:
Anthony Lauro,
Dean Media Studies Division
The Columbus  College of Art & Design
107 N. Ninth St. Columbus
Ohio 43215.
Applications accepted until position filled.

L ' I M M A G I N E   L E G G E R A

will take place in Palermo, October 2-10, 1998.

- International Videoart Competition (the only one in Italy)
- International Competition for CD-Rom is on JULY 31st, 1998.

The same deadline is valid also for
- the Prix "Vulcano" (for an Italian Video)
- the Section Radio Plays (Italian spoken)

Starting from next Friday (27th March) you will find the new Competition
Rules as well as a downloadable Entry Form on our new Homepage:

We'll send entry forms by snail-mail to our mailing list as well.  If you'd
like to receive the catalogue of the past edition, or to be included in our
mailing list, please contact us (00253aaa@mbox.infcom.it).
3rd International Videoart, Film and Media Festival - Palermo
Casella Postale 136 (P.O.Box)
I-90133 Palermo
Tel: +39-(0)91-696.17.40
=46ax: +39-(0)91-611.16.82

=46estival staff: Alessandro Rais (director), Marcello Alajmo, Ignazio Plaia=
Maurizio Spadaro

old URL:		http://web.tin.it/iside/immagineleggera
next new URL:	http://www.imprese.com/immagineleggera

e-mail: 	00253aaa@mbox.infcom.it

(L'IMMAGINE LEGGERA is promoted by:  Citt=E0 di Palermo - Assessorato alla
Cultura - Festival di Palermo sul Novecento)

f e s t i v a l   l i m b o  o f  unconventional art
19, 20, 21 June 1998
Plasy Monastery, Czech Republic

With LIMBO we hope to evoke those "folk" summer celebrations of the recent
and distant past, if only because of late they have appeared so rarely. The
festival program will be diverse and out-of-the-ordinary, both "light" and
"challenging": concerts of experimental, festive, and unexpected music;
circus acts; inventive amateur theater & contemporary performance; video
projections and outdoor movies . . . . All in all, we hope that LIMBO will
hark back to (and towards) those old and new traditions and forms of art
that sweep boredom and mediocrity aside.

proposals are welcome for . . .
- CONCERTS of experimental, popular, acoustic, electric, Renaissance,
Baroque, gospel, folk, and non-European ethnic music
- FESTIVE and UNUSUAL performance & ceremony street & puppet & acrobatic
- humorous & fun VIDEO & FILM
- contests & games
- edible art
=2E . . and all else beyond our imagings

All events, performances, acts will be held on the grounds of the Plasy
Monastery ... a whole range of spaces is available - outdoor & indoor,
gorgeous & rotting, huge & intimate. Have a look at photos on the web site
("The Space" page under Center for Metamedia ... beware - the site
sometimes downloads slowly).

All participants will be housed at the monastery. Food & per diem will also
be thrown into the deal. If a modest honorarium is really needed on top of
all the fun you'll have participating, we can talk . . . international
travel costs will have to covered from other sources - we can help with

D e a d l i n e
just about now ... the program is filling up, so the earlier the better

W h e r e
letters/questions can come by email to -  hermit@pvtnet.cz - or fax - 00
420-182 2909 other materials by post - Center for Metamedia, P.O. Box 25,
331 01 Plasy,
Czech Republic questions can also be directed to - 00 420-182 2909 or 00
420-2 827 8815

We will be looking for your responses each and every day!
Milos Vojtechovsky, Jo Williams, Karel Sidorjak, Martina Tomaskova - Center
for Metamedia

Hermit Foundation / Center for Metamedia-Plasy
P.O. Box 25, 331 01 Plasy, Czech Republic
tel./fax 00 420 182 - 2909
email - hermit@pvtnet.cz




You are kindly invited to cooperate in a project "Megatronix" with your own
web creations.
Megatronix is an open online project, an interactive, social critical
theater, concept as an arcade game, where the player becomes the actor. The
"free choice" is just a fictive solution, because the game is leaded by a
random generator.

It is the continuation of the idea of a random leaded game, first used in
(http://www.teo-spiller.org/esmerlda/ ) (Esmeralda was presented on the art
festival OSTRANENIE 97 in the Bauhaus school in Dessau, Germany)

The open structure of the game lets every user of the web to add his own
action scene into the MEGATRONIX game.

The main concepts, united in this project are:

1) The critical relation to the violent, senseless action movies, arcade
games, brutal comics and cartoons, intensifying the violent behavior of the
wide public, specially by youth.
2) The concept of all different concepts, designing solutions, visual
presentations of web artist all over the world in one collective project.
3) The confusion, that contemporary subject is throw in, specially because
of the intensive attack of too many TV channels, newspapers and other
commercial institutions, which goal is mostly their own profit.
4) The possibility that web tools gives: that one project can load
different scenes from the servers all over the world into one collective
project (I find it very fascinating, that you don't even need to write the
URL of the megatronic random generator, but you only have to name the
frame, where it is positioned).
5) The concept of an anarchic piece without any direction, loading in a
confused order different scenes one after another (just like sitting by the
TV with 35 channels and clicking on the remote control unit from one
channel to another, looking for "something interesting").
6) The second phase of megatronix is to fully automatise the submitting of
the scenes, so it will become an independent, self developing organism, an
artificial life form on the web.

How to add your own scene:
( http://www.teo-spiller.org/megatronix/add.htm )

for any questions, please contact teo.spiller@fractal.si

Closing date: Friday 15 May 1998

Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN) presents

international festival of experimental digital film, digital video,
computer animation art Sydney, Australia, June 1998

* SIN / D.art
Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN) was established in 1981. It is a non-profit
organisation which promotes the development and critical discussion of
innovative film, video, sound and digital media arts in Australia, and
exhibits this work to audiences nationally and internationally. SIN has
replaced MATINAZE, its highly acclaimed annual survey of Australian screen
arts (1991-1997), with D.art, SIN's new annual international showcase of
experimental digital film, digital video and computer animation art. D.art
will premiere at the 45th Sydney Film Festival, Sydney, Australia, June
1998. (Next year's event will include CD-ROM and internet projects.)

- works should be innovative/experimental in aesthetic and 'narrative'. -
works must have been produced either entirely or primarily within the
digital domain

OR at least involve some form of digital manipulation.

- works must have been completed after January 1997 (ie, within the past
fifteen months).

AUS$20 - or free to current members of SIN (support screen arts, join SIN
now! AUS$30).
Method of payment: overseas entries - international bank cheque only in AUS
dollars; Australian entries - bank cheque or money order.

SIN will pay artists whose works are selected for screening AUS$50 for each
work. Some or all works selected for screening in D.art might also be
included in the D.art touring program which will be exhibited throughout
Australia. If so, an additional once-only fee of AUS$100 will be paid to
the artist.

Please submit works in ONE of the following formats (in order of preference)=
- SP Betacam PAL only, or
- high-grade SVHS PAL, or
- high-grade SVHS NTSC.
Works submitted in other formats will not be eligible for consideration.

Please contact Simone O'Callaghan, SIN, to obtain a fax or email copy of
the entry form,

or for information about other SIN activities and membership details.

Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN)
PO Box 306 Paddington
NSW 2021 Australia
tel (+61 2) 9380 4255
fax (+61 2) 9380 4311
email sinsite@ozemail.com.au

Thank you for your interest.
Alessio Cavallaro
Director, Sydney Intermedia Network

SINevents 98 include:

Electronic Theatre program direct from the world renowned festival of
computer animation art Tuesday 26 may 6pm
Chauvel Cinemas, cnr Oatley Rd and Oxford St Paddington

June	D.art
SIN's new annual international showcase of experimental digital art
premieres at the 45th Sydney Film Festival

June	Current Media Art:
Video Art, CD-ROM and Internet projects from Germany introduced by Rudolf
=46rieling, ZKM, Germany presented in association with Goethe-Institut, Sydn=

July	Synthetics: video synthesis to computer graphics
The electronically generated image in Australia presentations by some of
the pioneers of Australian electronic media art curated by Stephen Jones

Aug	Peter Callas: Initialising History
A three-component program centred around and curated by Peter Callas, one
of Australia's most celebrated electronic media artists

Oct	futureScreen
SIN's inaugural annual event investigates and critiques the future of
screen arts as defined by the confluence of new media art theories and
practices, and scientific and technological  developments

Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN) Inc encourages and promotes the development
and critical discussion of innovative film, video, sound and digital media
arts in Australia, and exhibits this work to audiences nationally and

SIN Director: Alessio Cavallaro
SIN Administrative Assistant: Simone O'Callaghan
SIN President: Kathy Cleland
tel +61 2 9380 4255   fax +61 2 9380 4311
upper level, Sydney Film Centre, Paddington Town Hall
PO Box 306 Paddington 2021 NSW Australia

SIN gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the Industry &
Cultural Development Branch of the Australian Film Commission, the Visual
Arts & Crafts Program of the NSW Ministry for the Arts, the NSW Film and
Television Office, and the Visual Arts/Craft Fund and the New Media Arts
=46und of the Australia Council - the Commonwealth Government's arts funding
and advisory body. SIN also gratefully acknowledges the ongoing cooperation
of The Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Sydney Intermedia Network is a member of the Australian Screen Culture
Industry Association (ASCIA).

ETNA Foundation

ETNA Foundation is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit
organization, established by UTO Gusztav  in Sepsiszentgyorgy/Sf. Gheorghe,
Transylvania region, Romania. The goal of  the ETNA Foundation is to
support alternative art,  facilitate  personal contact among artists in the
country and abroad;  in a larger sense, to contribute to the shaping of a
social  environment which favours the development of experimental arts.

ETNA Foundation  regularly organizes international exhibitions,  festivals,
meetings and evenings, such as

- MEDIUM Exhibition (every three years, in Sf. Gheorghe; the last  edition
organised in 1997 as MEDIUM 4 International Exhibition of Living Art

- AnnART Festival (annually in July, St. Ann Lake; since 1990 eight
editions have been organized, with the participation of 104 artists  from
25 countries)

- SEPSI Living Art Meeting (annually in April, Sf. Gheorghe;  each year
with the participation of 10-12 artists from Romania)

- ARES artist-in-residence project (every two-three months; the  project
has been started this year; for the moment we can provide  board and
lodging at host families; the first invited artist,  Julie-Andree T. from
Canada elaborated and presented two performances  and a project with
children in February)

- ELO-TEKA (Living-Archives) video-evening (weekly; presentation  of the
Etna Documentation Center s video material)

 Near future projects:

SEPSI 4 Living Art Meeting
25 April 1998, 3 p.m. Central Park, Sf. Gheorghe
Invited artists:
ANTIK Sandor, Olimpiu BANDALAC, BARTHA Sandor, BOB Jozsef, KONYA Reka,
MIKLOSI Denes, Cosmin POP, SZABO Zoltan (Judoka), TORO Attila, UTO Gusztav,
VERES Szabolcs

AnnART 9 International Living Art Festival
24-26 July 1998, St. Ann Lake
Invited artists: Richard MARTEL, Sandy MCFADDEN (Canada), KOVACS Istvan
(Hungary), YASUNORI Shiobara, SHIMODA Seiji (Japan), Elvira SANTAMARIA
(Mexico), Jaap BLONK (Netherlands), Fernando AGUIAR (Portugal), BARTHA
Sandor, Adrian GUTA,Cati ORBULESCU, TOTH Tamas (Romania), Bartolome
=46ERRANDO (Spain), Catherine WELLER, Cate ELLIS (UK), Nenad BOGDANOVICI,
SZOMBATHY Balint (Yugoslavia).
Information regarding the program should be obtained from the second part
of June 1998.

The Foundation welcomes every contribution to the Documentation Center's

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

contact: UTO Gusztav - KONYA Reka
ETNA Foundation
Korosi Csoma Sandor 24
4000 Sf. Gheorghe
tel/fax: 40-67-352-124
e-mail: office@etna.sbnet.ro
The Center for Computer Arts which acts within the framework of the Soros
Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje, Macedonia will feature in the
program of the

Skopje Electronic Arts Fair '98

COMMUNING * V.R. - WWW - Net-Linked - CD-ROM  exhibition

SEAFair is the first manifestation of this kind on the Balkans, bringing
together International  web  artists, multimedia artists, media critics,
theorists, and philosophers, as well as the interested audience.  SEAFair
is conceived to be a serial of international events, exhibitions/video
conferences,  workshops, and meetings which will explore the creation and
existing of new media and electronic arts and venues.  SEAFair assists the
communication within the European emerging electronic art&media scene.
SEAFair urges the discussions about the artistic, philosophic, educational,
and other aspects of  the emerging media. SEAFair serves as an
international and intercultural meeting point of arts and technologies.

The web site of CefCA [Center for Computer Arts]  which acts within the
frameworks of the  Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje
[http://www.scca.org.mk]  will be updated frequently and will contain full
information on these events. Also see SEAFair '97 on:

Chief Aims of the project SEAFair 98
- to present the most current international projects in the field of
electronic arts.
- to enable a critical discourse towards the diverse emanations in the
electronic arts.
- to enable a historization and theoretical platform of different aspects
and expressions in the electronic arts.
- to serve as a bridge and enable a communication between the international
and Macedonian artists, curators, and theoreticians in the field of
electronic arts.

Call for Contributions

V.R., WWW, Net-Linked, and CD-ROM Art Exhibition Venue: Skopje Museum of
Contemporary Art
October 02 - 09, 1998 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

An international call for V.R., WWW, Net-Linked, and CD ROM Art projects.
The exhibition Communing addresses the theme of the visions of the artists
including the processes of Imagining, Meditation, Dreaming, Reflection and
Visualization, during the process of art creation.  The exhibition will
feature the result of the Communing i.e. the digital language of different
international artists that express themselves in V.R., the WWW, Net
-Linked Installations, and CD-ROM.
The exhibition is conceived as an encounter of artists, technologies and
visionaries. Communing is especially interested in original innovative
projects.  The exhibition welcomes all projects using information
technology and different multi-media  applications, hypertext, vrml.
The selected international projects will be presented in the Skopje Museum
of Contemporary Art,  accompanied with a lectures of the invited artists,
and a workshop directed at qualifying the local artists and audience for
complex media projects. The submitted projects will pass through a juried
election process. The authors of the projects retain all of the copyrights.

=46or the V.R. projects
- title of project
- abstract
- technical equipment requirements for the presentation
- curriculum vitae

=46or the web projects the proposals should contain:
- title of project
- abstract
- URL addresses of projects (or CDs)
- technical equipment requirements for the presentation
- curriculum vitae

* The selected artists will be contacted and will be provided with the
guidelines and an FTP address where the projects can be uploaded. When
sending the projects please send description of any additional changes that
have to be done locally.

=46or the Net-Linked Installations the proposals should contain:
- title of project
- abstract
- URL addresses of projects (if already existing)
- detailed technical equipment requirements for the presentation
- curriculum vitae

=46or the CD ROM projects the proposals should contain:
- title of project
- abstract
- technical equipment requirements for the presentation
- curriculum vitae
- video tape
- the actual CD ROM
(If CD - ROMs have already been sent for the project Interactive
Narration they do not have to be re-sent).

Deadline for submission: July 15, 1998

Notification of acceptance: July 25, 1998

International Web Art and CD ROM Art exhibition Venue: Skopje Museum of
Contemporary Art Date of exhibition: 02.- 09.October 1998

Submit  proposals for the event to:
Melentie Pandilovski, Curator of SEAFair '98
Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje, Macedonia
Orce Nikolov 109, 91000 Skopje
tel/fax:	389.91.133.541
47th Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia, 23rd July - 9th
August 1998

DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 1998 (preview material must be received by
this date)

*** Computer animation, cd-roms, digital video ***

The Melbourne International Film Festival is including a special program on
interactive CD-Roms, and digital works as part of this years program
specially coordinated by artists Martine Corompt and Ian Haig.

The Festival plans to include an exhibition of interactive CD-Roms and a
screening program of new computer animation shorts and videos, along with a
number of artists talks and forums on digital filmmaking and interactive
media and it's impact on screen culture.

Submit works preferably on SP Betacam (PAL only) or send a preview tape on
VHS (PAL or NTSC) and CD-Roms, also work on Zip/Jazz drive for Preview

Note: We are particularly interested in exhibiting/screening works that
have not yet been seen in Australia.

* For more information and application forms please contact Martine Corompt
or Ian Haig

P.O Box 1049
Collingwood, VIC,

=46ax: (61-3) 9417 3804
Tel: (61 3) 9416 1996
email: Martine@rmit.edu.au  or  I.HAIG@rmit.edu.au

website: http://cs.art.rmit.edu.au/media_arts/Ian_Haig/fest.html

The Melbourne International Film Festival is one of the country's oldest
running arts events and the oldest established film festival in the
Southern Hemisphere. It is a major event on the Australian arts calendar


on the archaeology of new media for the special issue: * * "Before and
After Cinema"* *

Submission deadline for this issue is 30 October 1998

=46or Volume 5, No. 2 of the Journal (1999) we are seeking papers relating t=
research projects or case studies on the archaeology of new media. This
special issue is prompted by the question: Is it possible to analyse and
"historicise" the study of digital media in the same way that cinema
scholars and art historians have revised certain teleological accounts of
cinema's evolution?

In particular, we are looking for papers that deal with the possible
parallels that might be drawn between the two areas of research -- cinema
and new media:

*  historical accounts of cinema, radio, music, television, video and other
electronic artforms that throw light upon and draw relation to current
developments in the field of new media

*  case studies of corporate and/or aesthetic strategies dealing with the
impact of new technologies on "old" (existing) media

*  theoretical and/or historical articles that deal critically with the
evolution of new media forms, from the 19th century to the present

*  analyses of the convergence of the institutions of cinema with new
formations of media enterprises in the digital age

*  analyses of specific artworks or products in light of the complex
historical, technological and economic forces that influence them

This issue will be guest-edited by Ross Rudesch Harley, lecturer in
Theatre/Film Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

All inquiries about, proposals for articles or completed papers for the
"Before and After Cinema" issue should be sent to:

Ross Rudesch Harley
Theatre/Film Studies
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia
tel: 61.2.9385 4867
fax: 61.2.96622335
email: r.harley@unsw.edu.au

All other editorial inquiries, general proposals and submissions to:
Julia Knight or Alexis Weedon, Editors, Convergence, School of Media
Arts, University of Luton, 75 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AJ, United
Kingdom.  Tel: +44 1582 34111, fax: + 44 1582 489014

Moving Image Centre, NZ
Call for proposals for Interdigitate, biennial videowall and live
performance event

The Moving Image Centre is currently seeking proposals for Interdigitate.
Interdigitate is a biennial videowall and live performance event
unparalleled in New Zealand. It provides an important opportunity for
innovation between moving image, sound and performance disciplines. We are
also seeking entries for short films and videos for the New Zealand Film
=46estival's short film programme.

The Moving Image Centre is also staging a 16mm filmmaking workshops in late
April. Details can also be gained by referring to the website or by
contacting the Centre.

=46or information regarding the above projects please refer to our website o=
contact the centre via the details below.

Deborah Lawler-Dormer
Moving Image Centre
Phone 64-9-3732772
=46ax 64-9-3734830
P.O. Box 106097
Auckland     Website: http://www.mic.org.nz


Canon's ARTLAB presents "LOVERS" by Teiji Furuhashi and "frost frames" by
Shiro Takatani

ARTLAB holds an exhibition from May 10 to 21, 1998 at SPIRAL, Tokyo,
consisting of "LOVERS," 1994 collaborative work by artist Teiji Furuhashi
with ARTLAB, and a new work by Shiro Takatani, leading member of the art
group Dumb Type.

After shown at ARTLAB4(1994), "LOVERS" has been invited and shown at 11
venues in 7 countries in U.S. and Europe from 1995 to 1997, starting from
"Video Spaces" at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). "LOVERS" to be
shown this time is its international version, renovated from the original
version, for the first time in Japan.

=46uruhashi was the leading member of Dumb Type, and gave numerous
outstanding performances and installations before he passed away three
years ago. LOVERS is his first full-scale solo and posthumous work at the
same time. Since there were many requests to exhibit the work again, ARTLAB
planned a special exhibition to show the installation along with a new
video installation by Shiro Takatani, who is one of the collaborators in
the production of LOVERS.

The theme of LOVERS is a relationship of love, generated along the borders,
for example, between humans, human and body, and humans and information. In
the work, filmed images of life-size humans appear in a dim space. The
movements of visitors in the space are perceived by sensors and affect the
course of movement of the images. On the other hand, "frost frames,"
depicts a world where the contrast of projected images mutually turn

date: May 10 - 21, 1998   11:00-20:00
location: SPIRAL, Tokyo(5-6-23 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
*free of charge

Organized by Canon ARTLAB
cooperation: Wacoal Art Center

-ARTLAB4, Hillside Plaza, Tokyo(original version)
1995(from here with International version)
-"Video Spaces," The Museum of Modern Art, New York
-"Age of Anxiety," Power Plant, Toronto
-Biennale de Lyon, Lyon
-Festival International EXIT, Creteil
-Festival International VIA, Meubeuge
-"SONAR96," Barcelona
-Theater am Turm, Frankfurt
-Marstall Theater, Munchen
-Tramway, Glasgow
-Wood Streeet Galleries, Pittsburgh

CAST (Canon Art Support & Traffic)
Tel: +81-3-5410-3611 Fax:-3615

- Web Broadcast Project

-- a countdown project for KIASMA - Museum of Contemporary Art (Helsinki

Almost 40 works has been selected for the SOUND BOX broadcasting, which
means 6,5 hours of broadcasting time. We are very proud of the success that
the project reached -- we received 250 works, over 46 hours(!) of sound
material from 23 countries. The quality of the works was very high, and
selecting these works was not an easy task to do.

SOUND BOX introduces different kind of works and aesthetics concerning
electronic music. Our main purpose was by means of the SOUND BOX to give
the web audience a versatile vision about the diversity of international
sonic art in the 90's and I think we succeeded in that aim. I was
particularly pleased to notice how environmental sounds and speech/voice
sounds were used so differently and in such interesting ways in these works.

The SOUND BOX works are broadcasted as a RealAudio nonstop stream,
including text information about every composer and work. Visitors can also
make their own choices and select whatever pieces they like. It is also
possible to leave comments to us or the composers.
SOUND BOX will open its virtual doors on Wednesday April 1st 1998.

The Web broadcast will be online at the following address:

Petri Kuljuntausta
- composer, Sound Box curator

SOUND BOX  -- Selected Works

Appleton, Jon
	- San Francisco Airport Rock
Baun, Steven
	- I'll Make It Right
Biasutti, Michele
	- Tavola VII
Burt, Warren
	- Scraps from the Lab Floor
Bertels, Lieven
	- Paper Mate 2000 Nylon
Bestor, Charles
	- Into the Labyrinth
Biasioni, Massimo
	- Nell'inevitabile e profondo tedio del cristallo
Chasalow, Eric
	- Left to His Own Devices
Chen, Chin-Chin
	- Points of No Return
Crawling with Tarts / Gendreau, Michael
	- Motors
Drever, John Levack
	- Butterfly Lovers
Garro, Diego
	- Voci dall' Aldiqua
Giomi, Francesco
	- That's all folks!
Hartman, Hanna
	- Are You Going Up These Hills?
Hwang, Sung Ho
	- TV Scherzo
Joy, J=E9r=F4me
	- M=E9gaphonies
Justel, Elsa
	- Au Loin... Bleu
Kitahara, Keiichi
	- metamorphosis
Laronde, Claire
	- M=EAme les pierres parleront
Metzner, Jim
	- Sound Memories
Normandeau, Robert
	- Spleen
Osborn, Ed
	- Nocturne
Parry, Nye
	- Grand Junction
Patella, Gianantonio
	- radio viaggio
Prior, David
	- Hymne an die Materie
Rebelo, Pedro
	- Forking Paths Virtual Mix
Rothenberg, David - Quin, Douglas
	- Toothwalking
Rudi, J=F8ran
	- Planet (Terra)
Samartzis, Philip
	- Dark Woods
Santoboni, Riccardo
	- Clarix II
Schryer, Claude
	- El Medio Ambiente Acustico de Mexico
Sermil=E4, Jarmo
	- Incubo di Orfeo
Stollery, Pete
	- Altered Images
System Error (Bird, Bobby - Duffy, Brian)
	- enough already & nextone
Teller, J=F8rgen
	- 14 trax and a hut
Turnbull, Michael
	- Wall goes a Shadow
Verandi, Mario
	- Fr=E9quences de Barcelone
Wiernik, Neil
	- Aural Snapshots #3: Quebec City
Wynne, John
	- James Kamutho Kimani

KIASMA - Museum of Contemporary Art
Mannerheiminaukio 2
=46IN-00100 Helsinki

Petri Kuljuntausta
c/o Charm of Sound Association
P.O.BOX 353
=46IN-00131 Helsinki
tel: +358-9-7545407
email: petri.kuljuntausta@muu.autono.net

LOCUS+ projects:


NATURAL HISTORY, a public art project Ukrainian Education and Cultural
Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba


MULTIPLES, Art Metropole, Toronto, Ontario

April - June 1998

Nine years ago, on April 26 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power station
disaster occurred in the Ukraine. Soviet fire-fighters were allocated three
minutes each by the authorities to physically clear radioactive debris from
the roof of the power station. For this task, they were issued with basic
protective clothing which was insufficient to block out the effects of the
radiation. Since then, many have died.

On April 26 1998, the twelfth anniversary of the disaster visual artist
Stefan Gec will present "Natural History", consisting of six 4.5 metre x 3
metre portraits of the first six fire-fighters - Nikolai Vasilievich
Vashchuk, Vasilii Ivanovich Ignatenko, Victor Nikolaevich Kibenok, Vladimir
Pavlovich Pravik, Nikolai Ivanovich Titenok and Vladimir Ivanovich
Tishchura - to have died. These scanachrome portraits (photographic
reproductions on vinyl), measuring a total length of 18 metres, will look
down from the roof of the Ukrainian Education and Cultural Centre in

According to Gec, "this piece will work on several levels. Firstly, as a
memorial to the firemen, which attempts to identify such a large-scale
tragedy with individuals and members of their families. Secondly, the work
will attempt to unite the two fire brigades [Soviet and Canadian] through a
public display of sympathy and reverence. It will not only look back at the
accident, but will also reflect on the ever present possibilities of death
which every fire-fighter faces on a daily basis."

Stefan Gec, a second-generation Ukrainian, has examined, through his work
as an artist, links between his ancestral homeland and Britain since 1988.
This work "Natural History" has been seen in Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
Bracknall, Ottawa and Derry. Details from Shirley Madill, Winnipeg Art
Gallery (204) 786 6641.

In addition to this there will be an exhibition of Stefan Gec's multiples
and Locus + publications at Art Metropole in Toronto (April - May). The
multiples include the Ukrainian Firemans Tunic Button (22ct gold. Ed 10),
the Childrens Mathematics Exercise Book (ed 10) and a selection of Falconry
Hoods. Details from Anne Dean (416) 703 4400.

Stefan Gec's catalogue, Trace Elements (ISBN 1 899377 05 0), contains
details of his work since 1988 as well as details of his journey  to the
Ukraine and Chernobyl to compile a diary of photographic images and oral
histories of people affected by the disaster.

Other Locus+ projects in development Anya Gallacio, Laura Vickerson, Lloyd
Gibson and Mark Little, Jonty Semper.

Locus+ is an arts organisation based Newcastle upon Tyne, England that
develops new strategies with visual artists for different contexts and
across formats.

Jon Bewley or Simon Herbert
17, 3rd Fl Wards Building
31 - 39 High Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1EW UK
t +44 191 233 1450
f +44  191 233 1451
e locusplus@newart.demon.co.uk

HyperTribes - The Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival  23 - 25 April, Sheffield

Programme Summary and Highlights

The Lovebytes Festival returns 23 - 25 April with 'HyperTribes' - a
programme that aims to bring 'Digital Arts' to the people. This year's
festival focuses on music and the relationships between art, popular
culture and commerce in the digital world. You can join the 'HyperTribes'
by visiting Sheffield's 'Cultural Industries Quarter', home to the newly
refurbished and expanded Showroom Cinema where festival seminars, workshops
and parties take place. The neighbouring media production centres also open
their doors with special exhibitions running throughout the festival at the
Workstation, Forced Entertainment Studio, the Northern Media School and
Sheffield Independent Film.

Highlights include: On the 23rd April A Guide to Opportunities for Cultural
Producers in Electronic Arts - An opportunity for artists and cultural
producers at all stages of their career to make contact with the UK's
electronic arts agencies. On 24th April Sound and Space workshop with Audio
Rom. The 'Cybercircus' is an insurrectionist workshop with invited
participants including Heath Bunting (irational.org) and Steve Kurtz
(Critical Arts Ensemble). On the 25th April the ongoing HyperTribes Public
Art exhibition is featured in a presentation and debate Public Art and
Electronic Media including Susan Collins, Lulu Quinn and Housewatch.

Special events include Shallow Water a performance by Third Angel. Paradise
- a web site by Forced Entertainment commissioned by Lovebytes as part of
the Channel/Metropolis project. Test 1 electronic music event at Kelham
Island Museum. There is also an extensive exhibition of Multimedia art at
the Multimedia Gallery in the Workstation and an exciting programme of
Digital Films at the Showroom. The festival concludes with a multimedia
night with NY Sushi at the Music Factory featuring David Holmes and Anti

Three day festival passes are =A328/18, Thursday passes are =A37.40/5 and
=46riday and Saturday passes are =A312/8 each.  Concessions apply for OAPs,
Students and Unemployed.   Please call Jane Wilkin on 0114 221 0393 to
Individual sessions are =A32.50/1.50 and are booked via the Showroom Box
Office, please
call them on 0114 275 7727 for availability.

=46or more information about Lovebytes, events or artists please browse:



or mailto:info@lovebytes.org.uk

artists wanted for site-specific art projects in ultra-modern factory sites
near Berlin.

The  KUNSTPLUG e.V. ("Art plow e.V.") is a non-profit arts organization
that runs an international festival each year near Berlin. It is based in a
small village -- Baitz-- near the city of Belzig/Brandenburg (one hour
southwest of Berlin) . This festival is oriented towards media arts, sound
installation, performance, light projections and installation art. Next
year the theme will be Art and Industry: we are currently seeking project
proposals where artists work with building supplies and  deal with the
theme of art and modern industry. Here in the ex-East Germany there are
many ultra-modern robot-run factories that have been established in new
industrial zones: mostly building supply companies (bricks, concrete canal
pipes, roof tiles, pre-fabricated houses, freight companies) that all want
to get onto the bandwagon of the building boom in Berlin and its suburbs.
The installations, actions, performances will take place both in-and
outdoors (but mostly outdoors). If you know anyone that is involved with
working large-scale with such materials please let us know and send this
Susken Rosenthal at the following email address:
Susken Rosenthal
Bahnhofstr. 47
14806 Baitz Germany

Web Site is under construction.

6-10 May 1998
in Osnabrueck

INFO 2 '98

Between 6th & 10th May, the 11th European Media Art Festival (EMAF) will
again be presenting innovative works from the world of film, video,
installation, performance, CD-Rom and the Internet.

This year we have received a total of 845 entries from 33 different
countries for the various sections of the festival. Next to Germany, both
the USA and Canada, as well as Great Britain and the Netherlands are
traditionally well represented. In addition, and among entries from other
countries, productions from Brazil, France and Russia will be seen, all
representing a broad spectrum of creative ideas and visual aesthetics.

=46ilm & Video
Some 135 productions will be presented in the international film and video
programme; from animation film to video employing advanced electronic image
processing. What is striking this year are the nearly equal number of films
and videos that have been sent in: compared to former years where the
number of video productions have always been predominant. This development
and the trend towards longer works is reflected in this year's programme,
which includes no less than eight feature-length productions.

In the tradition of former years, the working circle of film journalists
will be presenting the German Film-Critics' Prize for the year's best
German experimental film or video production.


Over the course of the last 25 years, Pat O'Neill (USA) has made a name for
himself in Hollywood as a leading specialist for visual effects and
animation techniques (POLTERGEIST, RETURN OF THE JEDI etc.). However, he
sees his own artistic focus moreso in the development of a personal visual
language, the expressive power of which is created through the composition
and layering of the broadest variety of image planes. In Osnabrueck,
O'Neill will be presenting a complete show of his artistic works. This
extends from his early films, which he made as a student at the UCLA, to
his most recent piece of work HORIZONTAL BOUNDARIES. Pat O'Neill will be in
Osnabrueck to present his films at the festival.

Electronic Lounge
New CD-Roms, Internet projects and technologically advanced productions are
to be presented in this section of the festival. With THE LAST COWBOY from
Nomad Productions (Potsdam), one of the first DVD productions will be shown
which impressively demonstrates the artistic potential of this new medium.
A virtual health resort visit is promised by the CD-Rom KYBERKUR from the
Systema-Verlag (Munich). The Cologne Academy for Media will be presenting
the Australian Suzanne Treister, we set off on a journey in time into the
21st Century.

David Blair (USA), one of the pioneers of the interactive media will be
which tells the bizarre story of the Manchu Edison Film Studios in Shinkyo
(China), which planned the production of telepathic cinema films.

2B OR NOT 3D is the title of a new time+motion Production (Berlin) for the
cultural television channel arte. On a trip through chosen virtual worlds,
the innovative 3D visualisation technique INVISIBLE SHAPE from art+com
(Berlin) is brought into action.

=46aces: grrl power
In an open workshop, Kathy Rae Huffmann (Vienna), Diana McCarty (Budapest),
Sabine Seymore (NY), Margarete Jahrmann (Vienna) and Vali Djordjevic
(Berlin) will be offering guided technical information, organising Web
tours, initiating Chats and providing information about a wide variety of
female Web environments, including: the fe.mail.data-set; a server theory
in the form of a SUperFEMper4MANce from Margarete Jahrmann (A), to take
place at the festival as a live event.

Special: Sweden
In a country-specific special, filmmaker and curator Claes Soderquist will
be presenting experimental Swedish films from between 1950 and 1990. Recent
film and video works will be presented by Monica Nickels, professor for
video at the Stockholm Art Academy.

As a way of keeping memories of the dead alive, Buddhist monks float
lanterns out onto water during the Japanese celebration of Spring. In
=46loating Memories, the Japanese woman artist Keiko Ichii carries over this
ancient tradition onto modern media. Memories, impressions and visual
experiences which she collected in her home town of Kobe, and during her
stay in Osnabrueck, are to be stored on notebooks. In a ceremony these will
be given over to the river, unfolding as a spectacle of softly flowing
islands of light.

The Dante Organ - Hot Hardware

Staged using eleven computer controlled flame-throwers, Eric Hobijn (NL)
will present an optical and acoustic firework display. The Dante Organ: a
martial, seemingly threatening machinery belches out huge flames with
infernal volume. Hobijn plays with the observer's secret wishes and hidden
desires for spectacular images; his desire for kicks. The familiar security
of the monitor screen is dissolved by the immediate intensity of the
performance. Different than other media however, where violence and danger
is concealed from the viewer behind the television screen, a form of
technology called HOT HARDWARE has been used here which via an immediate
intensity removes any sense of distance.

Cut to the chase
In the multimedia performance CUT TO THE CHASE, the knob- twiddler and
composer Steve Gibson (CDN) brings a mixture of hard-core techno, warm
ambient and cool classic onto the stage together with Bert Deivert 's (S)
video animations"performed on MIDI guitar.


In cooperation with the editorial department from TELEPOLIS- MAGAZINE FOR
NETWORK CULTURE (www.heise.de/tp/) a series of lectures and discussions
will take Net culture as their theme, critically reflecting developments in
the area of networks and AV media from a variety of perspectives.
Moderation: the curator and telepolis editor Armin Medosch (Munich/London).
Participants: the artist Cornelia Sollfrank (Hamburg), sociologist Frank
Hartmann (Vienna), and the Networkers Rena Tangens and padeluun (Bielefeld)
have been invited.

Media Bodies

The role of the body in a world defined by the media is the subject of
lectures by Gerhard Johann Lischka (CH) and Hartmut Winkler (D)
respectively titled Everybody is a Mediator and Pain, Perception,
Experience, Pleasure. Here they examine developments in a society
increasingly governed by the media in an art historical and media critical
With the presentation of their project 3 ROUBLES AND 62 KOPEKS, Tanya
Moguilevska (RUS) and Gilles Morel (F) will provide us with information on
and an insight into the development of the art and media scene in Russia,
the Ukraine and Moldavia.

International Student Forum

The Student Forum has discovered the recipe for life after death!!
In the programme as well:
In the face of the phantom!
Birth (Day) of horror!
Artificial creatures orbit the world!
Imprisoned in immaterial space...

An artistic menagerie of video, light and sound installations are to be
presented in the Buergergehorsam Tower and the Haus der Jugend.

The film and video programme at the Student Forum promises further
stimulating high spots: burning hearts, roaring tigers and an electric
panacopia of crashing encounters!

=46estival TV

With his programme LOOP UND LITANEI, Egon Bunne - video artist and
professor at the media academy in Cologne - and his team will be reporting
daily from the European Media Art Festival. His 'participatory' TV event
will provide up to the minute insights into the happenings at the festival.

>From 6th - 24th May at the art gallery in the Dominican church, kinetic
>art objects, interactive installations, and works of art employing light,
>video and computers can be experienced inviting observation, touch and

In the interactive spatial installation THE FUGITIVE from Simon Penny
(AUS), the images are constantly in motion, fleeing the attentions of the
viewer. No matter how hard the visitor tries to approach the pictures,
tries to reach them with a jump or even creep up on them, the projections
are always quicker and move out of the field of view.

Peter Bogers (NL) thematises the presence of surveillance systems in public
spaces and the brutality of our every day media in his TV circle RITUAL
1&2. A second for second orgy of violence hammers itself into the minds of
the viewers while cameras keep the landscape under surveillance from a
variety of perspectives.

Anne Quirynen, Peter Misotten and An Marie Lambrechts (B) will transform
the art gallery at the Dominican Church into an enormous experiential
space. In their most recent video space-installation EVERYTHING WILL BE
ALLRIGHT, human bodies float in a water tank flooded with light in an
atmosphere strangely removed from the real world. From time to time, a wave
of movement spreads through the container disturbing the gentle peace.

Thick glass layers conceal the films of the objects PILLAR and GLASS OBJECT
from Sweden's Peter Svedberg. Broken up by mirrors and facets and eluding
the direct gaze of the viewer, scenes from TV channels melt to abstract
forms and meditative impressions in a spatial interplay of colours and

In addition to the installations mentioned here, Thomas Bartels (D),
Dalibor Martinis (CRO), Candela2 (D) and Nigel Johnson (GB) will be
presenting their most recent works.

More information and updates in our programme, which will be published by
April or on our website.

European Media Art Festival
Postfach 1861
Lohstrasse 45A
D-49008 Osnabrueck
Tel: +49/(0)541-21658 /25779
=46ax: +49/(0)541-28327

=46estivalboard: Alfred Rotert
		Hermann Noering
		Ralf Sausmikat
=46unding by: Niedersaechsisches Ministerium fuer Wissenschaft und Kultur;
Stadt Osnabrueck,  Auswaertiges Amt, Bonn Bundesministerium fuer Bildung,
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, European Commmission,
Brussels and contributions made by other supporters.

ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep
its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members
can, if they desire, get in touch with the email addresses mentioned in
this Newsletter by contacting ISEA.

Support: La Fondation Daniel Langlois, Ministere de la culture et des
communications du Quebec, Montreal International, ANAT, FACT, Leonardo,
SAT, McGill University, Universite du Quebec a Montreal.
=============================================end of newsletter

- ISEA- 307, Ste-Catherine O # 760.- C.P.508, Succ. Desjardins
- Montreal Quebec H5B 1B6 Canada - Tel:1-(514) 281-6543 - Fax:1-(514) 281-6728
           - email: isea@sat.qc.ca - http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea