******************************************************************** THE INTER-SOCIETY FOR THE ELECTRONIC ARTS THE ISEA NEWSLETTER #65 May 1998 ___________________________________________________________________ ISEA, P.O. Box 508, Succ. Desjardins, Montreal (Qc), H5B 1B6, CANADA Phone: (514) 281-6543, Fax: (514) 281-6728 Email: isea@sat.qc.ca URL: http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea ___________________________________________________________________ ISEA Board Members: Peter Beyls, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Tapio Makela, Alain Mongeau, Simon Penny, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Patricia Search, Wim van der Plas. Ex-officio Board members: Shawn Decker (ISEA97), John Hyatt (ISEA98), John Brady (ISEA98) ___________________________________________________________________ *LISTSERV* ISEA LISTSERV: To subscribe, send a message to: listproc@uqam.ca, no subject, with the message in the body: "subscribe ISEA-forum first name last name" ___________________________________________________________________ * CONTENTS * * EDITORIAL(English and French) * ISEA NEWS * INFO * JOB POSTINGS * CALLS * EVENTS * ___________________________________________________________________ * EDITORIAL* ENGLISH VERSION ************************** ISEA HQ UPDATES ************************** ISEA Board Elections Update ! In the last Newsletter, we made an important announcement regarding the ISEA Board Nominations still open until June 12, 1998 We would like to inform you of how the ISEA Board Elections will take shape: * We wish to have the elections outside the AGM, in order to reach as many people as possible. Every member will therefore be entitled to have a voice. -The deadline for submission for ISEA Board nomination closes June 12. -You will then be sent a voting ballot on June 19. - Your votes must be received at the HQ office by August 1. Right now is a time when ISEA's membership has the chance to make significant difference in the direction of our organization. We hope that our membership cares enough to cast their voting ballots. Your participation assures us that you continue to care about our future. Don't hesitate to send us your feedback, comments, etc... ** Call for CONTRIBUTIONS - for your ISEA eyes only- ** Over the past few months, the ISEA HQ team has worked hard to re-develop our web site and newsletter to reflect not only ISEA's international news but more importantly to reflect the interests of our membership and make a space available for your participation in the exchange of information and ideas. The newsletter will re-introduce the *ISEA members' corner*, a designated space for your voice and on the ISEA web site we have launched new five ISEA zones for easier navigation. We now are ready to receive ideas and content for their rigorous development and animation. This call for submissions, for both the web site and the monthly newsletter, is opened to web projects, work in progress and abstracts, photographic material, articles, critics, reviews and any other information about events you are involved in focusing on art & technology. The ISEA HQ is committed to support and help with the promotion of your work and your specific interests. Our editorial team is standing by to receive all submissions. If you have any other artistic material or publications such as CD-ROM's or video material, we may also be able to assist you with more global visibility. ** ISEA launched its web site at the 5th Multimedia and Info-Highway International Market of Montreal ! ** ISEA and our two Montreal partners, the Technological Art Society (SAT/TAS) and the Montreal International Festival of New Cinema and New Medias (FCMM) got together under a common banner for the MIM98, held in Montreal, from May 13 to 15, 1998. This joint artistic presence during an international convention, whose colors focus on a corporate market, had a real impact on the general public, the milieu's professionals and government representatives. ISEA still lacks recognition as an international functioning organization outside our annual Symposium, our participation surely contributed to attract new interest, establish dialogue with local and international representatives ... and draw new partnership on potential projects. The ISEA web site was submitted to the official "Golden Web" MIM competition . We did not win but the important thing was to participate and officially launch our site in Montreal !! * EDITORIAL* VERSION FRANCAISE ****************************** Mise =E0 jour du Secretariat D'ISEA ****************************** Elections du Conseil d'Administration d'ISEA ! Dans le dernier bulletin d'ISEA, nous avons fait une importante annonce concernant l'appel de candidatures pour le conseil d'administration d'ISEA. La date limite pour les appels demeure le 12 juin, 1998. Nous aimerions vous informer des proc=E9dures de votes pour ces elections. * Nous d=E9sirons tenir les elections avant l'assemblee generale annuelle prevue en septembre, dans le but de rejoindre le plus grand nombre de membres possible. Nous tenons a ce que chaque membre ait son droit de vote. - La date limite pour l'appel de candidatures est le 12 juin. - Nous vous enverrons un bulletin de vote le 19 juin - Nous devons recevoir vos votes au Secretariat au plus tard le 1er aout. Il est temps pour nos membres de prendre cette chance et de faire une difference dans la direction de notre organisme. Nous esperons que notre membership votera sans hesiter. Votre participation nous assurera que vous tenez =E0 ISEA et son futur. N'h=E9sitez pas =E0 nous envoyer vos commentaires, opinions, etc.... **Appel =E0 la participation - pour vos yeux "ISEA" seulement-** Dans les derniers mois, l'=E9quipe du secretariat d'ISEA a travaille tres fort au "re-developement" de notre site Web et du bulletin. Ces derniers refletent non seulement les nouvelles internationales d'ISEA, mais aussi les interets de notre membership dans le but de creer un espace pour l'echange d'information et d'idees. Le bulletin re-introduira le "Coin des membres", un espace dedie aux travaux et opinions des membres, nous avons egalement lancer nos cinq nouvelles sections pour faciliter la navigation. Nous sommes maintenant pr=EAts =E0 recevoir vos id=E9es et contenu pour le bon developement et une animation vivante. Cet appel =E0 la participation pour le site Web et le bulletin, est ouvert aux projets Web, aux travaux en cours et soumissions, photographies, articles, critiques et toutes autres information sur les =E9venements dont vous faites partis et qui se concentrent sur l'art et la technologie. Le secretariat d'ISEA tient a vous supporter et a vous aider dans la promotion de vos oeuvres et des vos interets. L'=E9quipe de l'editorial du bulletin attend vos soumissions. Si vous avez toutes autres publications ou materiel artistique, tel que CD-ROM ou video, nous pouvons aussi vous supporter avec une visibilite plus globale. **ISEA lance son site internet au 5=E8 March=E9 international des inforoutes= et du multim=E9dia de Montr=E9al !** ISEA et ses deux partenaires montr=E9alais, la Soci=E9t=E9 des arts technologiques (SAT) et le Festival international du nouveau Cin=E9ma et des nouveaux M=E9dias de Montr=E9al (FCMM) se sont r=E9unis sous une m=EAme= banni=E8re =E0 l'occasion du MIM 98, tenu =E0 Montr=E9al, du 13 au 15 mai 1998. Cette pr=E9sence artistique dans un salon international aux couleurs plut=F4= t corporatives a eu un impact certain aupr=E8s du grand public, des professionnels du milieu et des repr=E9sentants gouvernementaux. Si ISEA est encore m=E9connue comme organisation internationale en dehors des symposiums annuels, cette participation a contribu=E9 assur=E9ment =E0 attirer de nouve= aux partisans, =E0 dialoguer avec divers intervenants locaux et internationaux e= t =E0 =E9baucher de nouveaux projets de partenariat. Mentionnons =E9galement que le site internet d'ISEA =E9tait inscrit =E0 la comp=E9tition officielle des =ABWeb d'Or=BB du MIM. Nous n'avons pas gagn=E9= mais l'important c'=E9tait de participer et d'inaugurer officiellement notre site =E0 Montr=E9al !! ****************************************** ISEA NEWS ****************************************** LEONARDO SUBSCRIPTION DISCOUNT FOR ISEA MEMBERS LEONARDO, the leading journal for anyone interested in the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts, is now available to members of Inter-Society of Electronic Arts (ISEA) at a special discount price of $57.60 This is 20% off the journal's regular rate and includes the companion annual journal, LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL. =46ounded in 1967, LEONARDO provides an international channel of communication between artists and others who use science and technologies in their creations. The journal covers media, music, kinetic art, performance art, language, environmental and conceptual art, computers and artificial intelligence, and legal, economics, and political aspects of art as these areas relate to the arts, tools and ideas of contemporary science and technology. LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL (including compact disc), features the latest in music, multimedia art, sound science and technology. TO RECEIVE THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM, PLEASE EMAIL US AT: ISEA@SAT.QC.CA ****************************************** INFO ****************************************** I am working with an outdoor theatre/arts project called "EXIT98- Transit Hall Runways in the south east of Sweden, this our fourth year and we are a part of "Stockholm European Culture Capital 98". New for this year is our virtual stage, a large format (5mtr), high quality, video screen, standing alone on a rise, with the baltic sea as background. Here will be shown, via split-screen the products of our multimedia experiments with input from live cameras, internet, digital photography, weather satellite, digital art, 3D and video art etc. What we need are contributions from video artists who wish exposure for their work. Unfortunately we cannot pay anything but we will see that credit is given and if possible and wished for by the author, further exposure and distribution. Films will not be tampered with and will be shown in their entirety. We require videos up to 5 minutes long and preferably silent, but this is not written in stone. Another wish is for out-takes and rejected sequences which could find a place in a video metaphore of Transit Hall. Would appreciate all help and tips. Mark Goldsworthy, EXIT98 exit@odata.se ****************************************** The euroARTchannel has substantially updated its Web System and has extended its coverage also to EUROPEAN DESIGN, CRAFTS and ANTIQUES. You may submit your own URL in the corresponding category or update your existing at http://www.eurochannel.de/art Your euroARTchannel http://www.eurochannel.de/art ****************************************** Electronic Music Foundation and Sigma6 Announce a New EMF Website ALBANY, NEW YORK -- Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) and Sigma6 have collaborated in a new design for the EMF website. The new EMF website is divided into two parts. The primary EMF site contains The EMF Guide to the World, Our Electronic Music Heritage, and About EMF. The second site is a new site dedicated to CDeMUSIC, through which culturally important materials such as compact discs, books, and other items are available worldwide. With this collaborative design project, Sigma6, an interactive web design company located in Detroit, Michigan, becomes an EMF Corporate Partner. Joel Chadabe, EMF's President, said, "We greatly appreciate the creativity, skill, and support of the Sigma6 team. Their work is contributing in a significant way to our growth and progress. We are delighted to welcome Sigma6 as a Corporate Partner." Rodrigo Sanchez, Director and founding member of Sigma6, said: "EMF is leading the way towards making visible the basic work of the pioneers in creative musical technologies. EMF is an extremely important organization and we are very pleased to be able to contribute to its efforts. As a Corporate Partner, we look forward to an ongoing role in EMF's development." To draw attention to the collaboration between EMF and Sigma6, Sigma6 has created an EMF screensaver, available for download at: www.emf.org =46or further information on Sigma6, refer to: www.sigma6.com. =46or further information on EMF's programs and services, refer to: www.emf.org www.cdemusic.org =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Electronic Music Foundation CDeMUSIC 116 N. Lake Ave. Albany, NY 12206 USA (518)434-4110 voice (518)434-0308 fax emf@emf.org cde@emf.org http://www.emf.org http://www.cdemusic.org ****************************************** NEWS ABOUT VIDEOART FESTIVAL XVIII VideoArt Festival Locarno - Lago Maggiore Locarno, Monte Verit=E0 du 30 avril au 2 mai 1997 Locarno, Bellinzona du 7 au 17 ao=FBt 1997 Cannobio du 2 au 5 octobre 1997 Roma du 11 au 16 octobre 1997 Lugano du 21 au 22 novembre 1997 Prix Laser d'Or 1997 Luigi Dadda, CH-I Marc Andreessen, USA Laser d'Or 1997 Marc Andreessen, a pioneer of the Web, as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Marc Andreessen created in 1993 the NCSA Mosaic browser prototype for the Internet with a team of students and staff at the university's National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). With a friendly, point-and-click method for navigating the Internet and free distribution to network users, NCSA Mosaic gained millions of users worldwide and opened the way to all browsers. Laser d'Or http://www.tinet.ch/videoart/va18/prix97.html ****************************************** JOB POSTINGS ****************************************** I am looking for a hands-on creative person to help develop products related to the equipment which we manufacture. We manufacture products which accurately feed and cut flat, flexible materials, using servo and stepper motors. We have our own CPU and driver modules based on the Z-80 chip. The person we need must enjoy building prototypes, troubleshooting, testing and working hands-on to develop and integrate new products and components, have some experience in the packaging and converting industries and a basic knowledge of C,C++ and Assembler to program our Z-80 processor. If you know of anyone that might be interested, please have them contact me.(50C) Barbara Azco Corporation 385 Falmouth Ave. Elmwood Park, NJ 07403 azco@chase25.com ****************************************** Position Title : Technologist =46aculty of Arts Department of Music Job reports to : Chair, Department of Music Salary Minimum Standard Maximum $33,708 $39, 656 $46,001 Job Summary Under the direction of the Chair and in collaboration with the Administrative Assistant and the Coordinator, Cultural Activities, acts as technical director for lighting, stage management and recording of all concerts, recitals and other major events presented by or in collaboration with the Department. Acts as technician for the computer music laboratory and studio. Teaches one technical course per semester, including a course in computer applications in music. Oversees the maintenance and operation of the Department's electronic equipment and musical instruments. Qualifications - Knowledge of music normally acquired through a university education program or equivalent experience - Knowledge of the various concerts and recitals techniques (lighting, recording, etc.) - Knowledge of the computer and electronic music applications - Teaching experience - Experience in the verification and maintenance of electronic equipment and music instruments - Ability to supervise staff and manage lab - Bilingualism, spoken and written Interested parties should submit a CV to : Lise Desjardins Administrative Assistant Department of Music =46aculty of Arts, University of Ottawa 50 University, P.O. Box 450, Station A Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 ****************************************** The Media and Democracy Programme of the European Institute for the Media is looking for interns. The Media and Democracy Programme offers three to four-week work placements with German media organisations to junior level journalists and media professionals from central and eastern Europe. Applicants need to have some working experience and must have both an oral and written knowledge of German. =46or the months August and September 1998, the Media and Democracy Programm= e offers several work placements in the areas of media management and media law. =46or more information, please contact Ms. Eda Arer or Dr. Elena Chernyavska= y at the EIM. Interested applicants can send, fax or email their applications including a CV and a picture to: The European Institute for the Media Media and Democracy Programme Kaistrasse 13 D-40221 Duesseldorf tel: +49 211 9010480 fax: +49 211 9010456 email: 100443.1706@compuserve.com ****************************************** CALLS ****************************************** Demanding the Impossible - An exhibition of Mail/E-MAIL Art at the Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, June 1998 " Be realistic: demand the impossible" Situationist Slogan, Paris 1968 Demanding the Impossible is a Mail Art exhibition that will be held at the Temple Bar Gallery in Dublin and will run from 4 to 19 June 1998. Details are as follows: it is a non-curated exhibition - all work received will be included in the s= how all contributed work will be given away when the show ends - at an official closing and through the gallery itself all contributors will receive illustrated documentation after the exhibition. This will include samples of work from the show and the names and addresses of all participants. the theme of the exhibition is the exploration of the relationship between art, anarchy and protest. However, the first rule of anarchy being that there are no rules, this needn't be too literal. The scope of the exhibition is international, to date works have been received from (to name a few): Montevideo, Serbia, Italy, Spain, France, Britain, USA, Germany, Japan, Russia, Ireland, Belgium, Australia, Finland, Brazil, Hungary, and Denmark. So, what is Mail Art? Mail art is any artwork sent through the postal system (or, in recent times, e-mail). It is usually disposable (photocopies, handmade postcards, small works etc.) and is sent on the basis of no-return. It is an international network (as reflected in the contributors to this exhibition). For a more in-depth introduction please read the attached article Surfing the Postal System. Submissions to Demanding the Impossible must be posted to: Demanding the Impossible 66 Blessington Street Dublin 7 Work may also be e-mailed to: crighton@bigfoot.com Deadline: 31 May 1998 (although works received during the exhibition will also be included). On the Internet A website for the show which includes a handful of work submitted so can be seen at: http://www.dmc.dit.ie/gary/demand All Enquiries to Gary Crighton: E-Mail: crighton@bigfoot.com Telephone: 01-4023278 (daytime) ****************************************** MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND NEW MEDIA (FCMM) 27th EDITION: OCTOBER 15 to 25, 1998 CALL FOR PROPOSALS (Version fran=E7aise ci-bas) Regulations and entry forms are also available in PDF format (ACROBAT) on the Festival's web site: http://www.fcmm.com PRESENTATION AND RULES The oldest (and youngest!) international event in Canada dedicated to independent cinema, video and new media. Visionary, challenging, provocative and pioneering, the Montreal International Festival of New Cinema and New Media is a unique discovery place that encourages the fusion of genres as well as a dynamic promotion of the selected works to promote their distribution and broadcasting. =46ILM Since its very beginning in 1971, the Festival has focused on independent cinema by revealing the bold vision of contemporary authors. All-out, no-limits exploration stands out as the programming's main characteristic. =46urthermore, the Festival has held spectacular outdoor screenings in unusual public places and even under-water. At the crossroads of cinema in the Americas, the Festival has contributed to the emergence of numerous filmmakers who have since made a name for themselves. The Festival's eclectic and creative selection is composed of fictions, documentaries and experimental works, as well as short and medium-length films that challenge - a tradition of research and renewal. VIDEO The essays, portraits, documentaries and eclectic mix of video works presented to the Montreal public over the past seventeen years in the video section have been incomparable. Promising newcomers rub shoulders with seasoned veterans. The Festival video program gathers, rearranges and provokes reflection, but most important, it bridges the gap between genres and forms, as well as styles and ideas, to offer a feast of images destined for the curious mind. NEW MEDIA Diving head first into the diversity and growth synonymous with new media, the Festival promotes the progressive convergence of cinema, art and new technologies. By constantly seeking new experiences, the Festival blends technological innovation with emerging forms of creation. The new media program is a true multidisciplinary happening at once stimulating, bewildering and always surprising. The festival for the second century of cinema - the breadth of its programming makes this assertion ring true. - Jerry White AFTERIMAGE, New York REGULATIONS Objectives As a strong supporter and promoter of bold and innovative artistic endeavours in the fields of cinema, video and new media, the Montreal International Festival of New Cinema and New Media is dedicated to the discovery and development of new talents and new tendencies. Pursuing a twenty-six-year-old tradition, the Festival is still best defined today as a springboard for original and innovative works, a forum for research and creation. Above all, it is a common meeting ground bringing together the public, industry professionals and artists from Quebec, Canada and all over the world in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere favorable to the exchange of ideas and the joyous revelation of artistic expression. The Festival's market, as well as diverse conferences, debates and a number of less formal events, allow the selected works to benefit from the best possible exposure in terms of local and international promotion and distribution. Explosive and inspirational, visionary and challenging, provocative and pioneering, the Festival has always been a unique showcase where wide-ranging, eclectic forms of moving images merge and converge. VENUES AND DATES Spread over eleven days, from October 15 to 25, 1998, the Festival's programme will take place in various theatres located in downtown Montreal. Sections =46eatures (All genres. Film and video formats). Medium-length and short works (All genres, under sixty minutes, film and video formats). New Media (All genres. Performance, installation, multimedia, network projects). Special programmes Retrospectives and portraits: Various events pay tribute to renowned creators in the fields of cinema, video and new media for their exceptional artistic contribution. Conditions of participation Only works produced after January 1st, 1997 are eligible. Works must not have previously been shown in Quebec. All selected entries must be in their original language, preferably subtitled in French, or in English. Submitted documents will not be returned. Entry procedures All entries must be received by June 15, 1998 at the latest. Results will be mailed out in mid-August. Each entry must include: - one duly completed application form - one VHS video copy of the submitted work, or the equivalent for a piece submitted in the new media section - one still photo of the submitted work (black and white, horizontal format) - one still photo of the director or author of the piece - payment of the entry fee Entry fee A standard entry fee of CAN$25 is required for all submitted works (foreign works: US$20). Methods of payment: Canada/United States (cheque or money order); other countries (international money order in US dollars; please note that cheques are not accepted). Promotional Material =46or each piece selected by the Festival, the following publicity material must be submitted for press, promotional and marketing purposes: - 20 press kits - 3 sets of 5 different still photos - 5 posters - one VHS NTSC video tape of the selected work for the press office - one Betacam SP NTSC video tape of excerpts (for television) The Festival reserves the right to authorize broadcast and publication of excerpts or other appropriate segments of selected works as part of the overall promotion of the event (web site, television, newspapers, magazines, etc.) Shipping and Insurance Shipping, customs and insurance costs for the selected works must be paid by the applicant (including return costs). The Festival will cover insurance costs only while the material is in its possession. In case of loss or damage during this specific time, the Festival is only responsible for the replacement cost of the material. To avoid problems clearing customs, only indicate the replacement value of the actual tape, film stock or other medium submitted on the pro forma invoice. Also, please take note that it is important to write the following statement on the air waybill: "FILM/VIDEO/MULTIMEDIA FOR FESTIVAL PURPOSES ONLY - NO COMMERCIAL VALUE" Awards Independent juries of professionals will award money prizes to the most distinguished works in all three sections. Prizes include: Best feature - Louve d'or - (film or video), Best short or medium-length work - Loup argent=E9 - (film or video), Best new media piece (performance, installation= , multimedia, network project), Best Canadian work (all categories), as well as an Audience Award (all categories). Conferences and Debates In order to encourage exchanges between creators, professionals and the public, the Festival offers a series of conferences and debates proceeding >from the presented works and with the participation of Festival guests. Market In order to promote the development of projects and encourage the creation of a network of contacts while supporting the distribution of the selected works, the Festival invites all individuals and companies active in the fields of cinema, video and new media in Quebec, Canada and abroad to participate in its first official market. Various professional activities will be organized and a meeting place, an information center and screening area will be at the participants' disposal. Video library Video screening booths will be made available to all professionals and =46estival guests. The video library will include all works participating in the Festival. Press A press bureau offering a complete promotional service will make documents, photos and video excerpts of selected works available for accredited members of the national and international press. Special press screenings can be arranged by request. Please note that the Festival offers only a general promotional service and cannot cater individually to every film, video or new media piece presented. The Festival encourages participants who desire a more extensive media coverage to hire their own press agent. =46estival organizers have the final decision in all matters not specificall= y dealt with in these regulations. In signing the application form, the participant implies acceptance of these regulations. Entry forms are available on the Festival's web site (www.fcmm.com) or send a demand by fax at (514) 843-4631. 3668, boul. Saint-Laurent, Montr=E9al (Qu=E9bec) Canada H2X 2V4 T +1 514.843.4725 F +1 514.843.4631 - montrealfest@fcmm.com ************************************************************ VERSION FRAN=C7AISE =46ESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU NOUVEAU CINEMA ET DES NOUVEAUX MEDIAS DE MONTREA= L (FCMM) 27e EDITION: 15 AU 25 OCTOBRE 1998 APPEL DE PROPOSITIONS Les r=E8glements et le formulaire d'inscription sont aussi disponibles en format PDF (ACROBAT) sur le site internet du Festival. http://www.fcmm.com PR=C9SENTATION ET MODALIT=C9S DE PARTICIPATION Le plus ancien ( et le plus jeune ! ) =E9v=E9nement international au Canada consacr=E9 au cin=E9ma ind=E9pendant, =E0 la vid=E9o et aux nouveaux m=E9dia= s. Visionnaire, exigeant, provocateur et d=E9fricheur, le Festival internationa= l du nouveau Cin=E9ma et des nouveaux M=E9dias de Montr=E9al est un lieu de d=E9couverte unique qui favorise la fusion des genres et la promotion dynamique des oeuvres s=E9lectionn=E9es afin d'en encourager la diffusion et= la distribution. Ce qui est int=E9ressant dans ce festival, c'est le c=F4t=E9 =AB t=EAte= chercheuse =BB, l'envie permanente de d=E9couvrir de nouveaux auteurs. La liste des cin=E9as= tes pass=E9s par Montr=E9al depuis 1971 est grandiose. - Serge Toubiana, LES CAHIERS DU CIN=C9MA, Paris =46ILM Depuis ses d=E9buts en 1971, le Festival se consacre au cin=E9ma ind=E9penda= nt en r=E9v=E9lant la vision d'auteurs contemporains et audacieux. L'exploration s'impose comme la ligne ma=EEtresse de la programmation. Au-del=E0 des limit= es et des normes, le Festival s'est notamment illustr=E9 avec ses projections-=E9v=E9nements dans des lieux publics inusit=E9s, en plein air e= t m=EAme sous l'eau. Plaque tournante cin=E9matographique en Am=E9rique, le =46estival a contribu=E9 =E0 l'=E9mergence de nombreux cin=E9astes qui ont d= epuis fait leur marque =E0 l'=E9chelle internationale. La fiction, le documentaire= , l'exp=E9rimental, le court et le moyen m=E9trage se c=F4toient et s'interpel= lent dans la s=E9lection =E9clectique et cr=E9ative du Festival, une tradition vi= vante de recherche et de renouveau. VID=C9O Attention, zone libre ! Essais, portraits, documentaires, la s=E9lection baroque d'=A6uvres vid=E9ographiques pr=E9sent=E9es au Festival, depuis dix-= sept ans, sort d=E9cid=E9ment des sentiers battus. Les auteurs, qui en sont =E0 l= eur d=E9but, voisinent ceux et celles qui sont d=E9j=E0 reconnus internationalem= ent. =C0 l'image du m=E9dium, la programmation du Festival r=E9cup=E8re, triture, questionne et, surtout, fait le pont entre les genres et les formes, les styles et les id=E9es, proposant un menu d'images con=E7u pour les esprits curieux. NOUVEAUX M=C9DIAS Multim=E9dia, performances, installations, projets en r=E9seaux... Plongean= t au c=A6ur de la diversit=E9 et de la mouvance qui caract=E9risent le champ d= es nouveaux m=E9dias, le Festival fait le pari d'une convergence progressive de= s formes d'expression audiovisuelle. =C0 l'aff=FBt de l'innovation technologiq= ue, des formes =E9mergentes de cr=E9ation et des modalit=E9s hybrides de diffusi= on, la programmation nouveaux m=E9dias du Festival est un v=E9ritable happening multidisciplinaire : stimulante, d=E9routante et toujours =E9tonnante. REGLEMENTS OBJECTIFS Misant sur l'audace et l'innovation, le Festival international du nouveau Cin=E9ma et des nouveaux M=E9dias de Montr=E9al est d=E9di=E9 au= d=E9veloppement et =E0 la diffusion des nouvelles tendances dans le domaine du cin=E9ma, de la vid= =E9o et des nouveaux m=E9dias. Rampe de lancement pour les =A6uvres in=E9dites et originales, forum de recherche et de cr=E9ation, lieu de rencontres, de d=E9couvertes, de r=E9v=E9lations et d'=E9motions, le Festival accueille cha= que ann=E9e depuis vingt-six ans les cr=E9ateurs qu=E9b=E9cois, canadiens et =E9= trangers dans une atmosph=E8re chaleureuse et d=E9tendue. Encourageant l'=E9change= avec le public et les professionnels, le Festival offre aux =A6uvres s=E9lectionn=E9= es la meilleure visibilit=E9 possible. Le march=E9, les conf=E9rences, les d=E9bat= s et les rencontres informelles favorisent la promotion, la diffusion et la distribution des =A6uvres. =C9v=E9nement =E9clat=E9 et inspir=E9, exigeant et visionnaire, provocateur = et d=E9fricheur, le Festival ose depuis toujours aller au-del=E0 des diff=E9ren= ces entre les diverses formes de l'image en mouvement pour encourager une fusion des m=E9diums et des genres. DATES ET LIEUX Le programme du Festival, =E9tal=E9 sur onze jours, du 15 au 25 octobre 1998= , sera pr=E9sent=E9 dans diff=E9rentes salles situ=E9es au centre-ville de Mon= tr=E9al. SECTIONS Long m=E9trage (Tous les genres. Format film et vid=E9o). Court et moyen m=E9trage (Tous les genres. Format film et vid=E9o. Oeuvres n'exc=E9dant pas 60 minutes). Nouveaux m=E9dias (Tous les genres. Performance, installation, multim=E9dia, projets en r=E9seaux). PROGRAMMES SP=C9CIAUX R=E9trospectives et portraits : Hommages =E0 des cr=E9ateurs r=E9put=E9s du = domaine du cin=E9ma, de la vid=E9o et des nouveaux m=E9dias pour leur contribution e= t leur d=E9marche artistique exceptionnelle. CONDITIONS DE PARTICIPATION - Seules les =A6uvres produites apr=E8s le 1er janvier 1997 seront admissibl= es. - Seules les =A6uvres in=E9dites au Qu=E9bec seront accept=E9es. - La copie de l'=A6uvre soumise doit =EAtre en version originale, sous-titr= =E9e en fran=E7ais (de pr=E9f=E9rence) ou en anglais. - Les dossiers soumis ne seront pas retourn=E9s aux soumissionnaires. INSCRIPTION Date limite de r=E9ception des dossiers de soumission: le 15 juin 1998. Les r=E9sultats de la s=E9lection seront transmis par la poste =E0 la mi-ao=FBt.= Chaque dossier de soumission devra comprendre les =E9l=E9ments suivants: - Un formulaire d'inscription d=FBment compl=E9t=E9 - Une copie VHS de l'=A6uvre soumise ou l'=E9quivalent pour une =A6uvre soum= ise dans la section =ABNouveaux m=E9dias=BB - Une photo extraite de l'=A6uvre soumise (noir et blanc, de format horizont= al) - Une photo de l'auteur - L'acquittement des frais d'inscription =46RAIS D'INSCRIPTION Pour toute =A6uvre soumise, des frais d'inscription de 25$CAN sont exig=E9s (oeuvres =E9trang=E8res: 20$US). Modes de paiement: Canada/=C9tats-Unis (ch= =E8que et mandat-poste); autres pays (mandat poste international en dollars US; =E0 noter qu'aucun ch=E8que ne sera accept=E9). MAT=C9RIEL PUBLICITAIRE Pour chaque =A6uvre s=E9lectionn=E9e, le Festival devra recevoir le mat=E9ri= el publicitaire ci-dessous pour la presse, la promotion et la mise en march=E9 = : - 20 cahiers de presse; - 3 jeux de 5 photographies diff=E9rentes; - 5 affiches; - 1 cassette VHS (NTSC) de l'=A6uvre pour la presse; - 1 cassette B=E9tacam SP (NTSC) d'extraits (pour la t=E9l=E9vision). Le producteur autorise le Festival =E0 diffuser des extraits ou des segments de l'=A6uvre =E0 des fins promotionnelles (site web, t=E9l=E9vision, journau= x, revues, etc.) TRANSPORT ET ASSURANCES Les frais de transport, de douane et d'assurances des oeuvres s=E9lectionn= =E9es sont =E0 la charge des participants, =E0 l'aller et au retour. Le Festival couvre les frais d'assurance entre la r=E9ception et le renvoi des copies. E= n cas de perte ou de d=E9t=E9rioration pendant cette p=E9riode, la responsabil= it=E9 du Festival n'est engag=E9e que pour la valeur de remplacement de la copie d= e l'=A6uvre. Afin d'=E9viter les probl=E8mes de d=E9douanement, veuillez indiquer sur la formulaire pro forma la valeur de remplacement de la cassette ou de la copie film uniquement. Veuillez noter qu'il est important d'inscrire sur le colis: =ABFILM / VID=C9O / MULTIM=C9DIA POUR FESTIVAL - SANS VALEUR COMMERCI= ALE=BB PRIX Des distinctions seront d=E9cern=E9es par des jurys ind=E9pendants form=E9s = de professionnels. Ces prix en argent seront d=E9cern=E9s afin de souligner l'excellence et la qualit=E9 de l'=A6uvre. Prix du meilleur long m=E9trage - Louve d'or - (film ou vid=E9o), Prix du meilleur court ou moyen m=E9trage - Loup argent=E9 - (film ou vid=E9o), Prix nouveaux m=E9dias (performance, installation, multim=E9dia, projet en r=E9seau), Prix de la meilleure =A6uvr= e canadienne (toutes cat=E9gories), Prix du public (toutes cat=E9gories). CONF=C9RENCES ET D=C9BATS =46avorisant l'=E9change entre les cr=E9ateurs, le public et les professionn= els, le Festival organise une s=E9rie de conf=E9rences et de d=E9bats =E9manant d= es oeuvres diffus=E9es et des invit=E9s pr=E9sents. MARCH=C9 Dans le but de favoriser le d=E9veloppement de projets, d'encourager la formation de r=E9seaux de contacts et de soutenir la diffusion des oeuvres s=E9lectionn=E9es, le Festival invite les intervenants des domaines du cin= =E9ma, de la vid=E9o et des nouveaux m=E9dias du Qu=E9bec, du Canada et de= l'=E9tranger =E0 participer =E0 son premier march=E9 officiel. Diverses activit=E9s professionnelles seront organis=E9es et un lieu de rencontre, un service de renseignement, ainsi qu'une aire de visionnement seront mis =E0 la disposition des participants. VID=C9OTHEQUE Des unit=E9s de visionnement seront accessibles =E0 tous les professionnels = et invit=E9s du Festival. La vid=E9oth=E8que mettra =E0 leur disponibilit=E9= les oeuvres s=E9lectionn=E9es au Festival. PRESSE Pour les membres accr=E9dit=E9s de la presse nationale et internationale, un bureau de presse offrira un service complet de promotion qui mettra =E0 la disposition des journalistes de la documentation, des photos et des extraits sur cassettes des oeuvres ainsi que des visionnements particuliers. Veuillez noter que le bureau de presse n'offre toutefois qu'un service de promotion g=E9n=E9rale de la programmation et ne peut d=E9f= endre chaque =A6uvre individuellement. Le Festival conseille aux participants qui veulent s'assurer d'une plus grande couverture m=E9diatique d'engager leur propre agent de presse. La direction du Festival se r=E9serve les d=E9cisions finales sur toute autr= e question non pr=E9vue par le pr=E9sent r=E8glement. La r=E9ception du formul= aire d'inscription sign=E9 par le participant sous-entend qu'il, elle accepte les termes de ce r=E8glement. Pour obtenir le formulaire d'inscription consultez le site web du Festival (www.fcmm.com) ou envoyer une demande =E9crite par t=E9l=E9copieur au (514) 843-4631 3668, boul. Saint-Laurent, Montr=E9al (Qu=E9bec) Canada H2X 2V4 T +1 514.843.4725 F +1 514.843.4631 - montrealfest@fcmm.com ****************************************** THE UNESCO WEB PRIZE DEADLINE: 31 May 1998 UNESCO has recently created the UNESCO Web Prize, as a part of its Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, in order to better reflect the present day cultural and artistic realities. This new prize, which will be awarded in conjunction with the Prix Ars Electronica, will be granted in recognition of outstanding achievements particularly by young artists, designers and programmers in creating websites in UNESCO's fields of competence education, sciences, culture and communication). UNESCO invites the creation of websites in the two following categories : * Category I Websites on a free theme related to international co-operation in education, science, culture and communication; the creation of contents related to UNESCO's priority groups (women, young people and the least developed countries) and to multilingualism and multiculturalism are particularly encouraged. * Category II Websites on a given subject related to cultural heritage campaigns and to intercultural dialogue. A minimum set of basic documentation consisting of texts, images and audiovisual documents will be made available to any person participating in the competition. The UNESCO WEB PRIZE, amounting to $10,000, will be awarded annually to two laureates. All projects will be submitted to an International Jury. The provisional deadline for the submission of nominations is 31 May 1998; projects should be submitted by 31 July 1998. The announcement of the winner(s) will be made in autumn 1998. NOMINATIONS Eligible for participation in the contest are artists, designers and programmers. Nominations of groups are possible. Nomination forms will be made available on-line on UNESCO's website More information from: Axel Plathe, UNESCO, Information and Informatics Division 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris - France t f e a.plathe@unesco.org http www.unesco.org/webworld/webprize ****************************************** Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) presents its First Annual Digital Art Competition Winning artworks will be featured in: - An exhibition at the New York Hall of Science (Sept.'98).(winners will also be listed on the NYHOS website) - A permanent exhibition on the ASCI website.(site received 41,500 hits in March & 26,000 in April) - Efforts will be made to travel the show to other venues. Submissions: - digital images - websites Judge: Tim Druckrey... is an independent curator and writer whose work focuses on photographic history, electronic media, and theory. He is the editor of the 1996 tour-de-force, "Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation" (Aperture); "Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology," an anthology of essays (Bay Press, 1994); and "Iterations: The New Image" (MIT Press, 1994). Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by May 31, 1998. Prospectus & Entry Form: http://www.asci.org/home.html Cynthia Pannucci =46ounder/Director Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) 718 816-9796; pannucci@asci.org PO Box 358, Staten Island, NY 10301 URL: http://www.asci.org ****************************************** Greetings from the Multimedia '98 committee. CALL FOR DEMOS AND POSTERS deadline May 29th The ACM Multimedia conference goes to Europe The sixth ACM Multimedia Conference (Multimedia 98) will be held at the University of Bristol in the UK. The conference is devoted to presenting and exploring technological and artistic advancements and innovations in the field of multimedia. Technical issues, theory and practice, business, artistic and consumer market applications will be presented and discussed. TECHNICAL DEMONSTRATIONS In 1998, there will be a focus on interdisciplinary systems. The definition of interdisciplinary is up to the authors. Examples could be the combination of multimedia technology with teaching experiences, content processing tools working together with retrieval engines and many other demonstrable ideas. As in any year, the constraints are equipment and space. As we can supply only limited equipment, you should assume that you will have to supply your own. Due to space constraints all proposals for demos will be refereed to assure quality. Please submit your work by email to: David Slatter, HP Labs Email: dns@hplb.hpl.hp.com ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED no later than May 29th, 1998. Submission instructions can be found below or at our web site, http://www.acm.org/sigmm/MM98/index.html. ART DEMONSTRATIONS Are artists doing with multimedia what the technologists did not think of? And, will it be the artists who define the paradigms and metaphors that are the solutions of the problems the technologists have yet to identify? The ACM MULTIMEDIA '98 ART PROGRAM challenges you to be relevant and timely; exploiting what technologies you can find to use, combining media in ways beyond just voice/video/data, squeezing more from the standard authoring tools and languages, to be creative and imaginative. Let's show that the only place to be is in that hot mix of art and technology -- not safely planted on either side peering in. And let's demonstrate that while even though we can all use everyone else's tools, it takes more than learning a paint program to create. Submit. What? Something you can bring. Something we can access via the Internet. Something that is best shown on a video (such as a non portable installation or one-time event). But most of all, something that shows the research community why you are indispensable. =46ormat of submissions: A description no longer than 5 pages of text describing your work, a video tape if appropriate, and images (digital or other). You are encouraged to write about what you have done: discuss the relevance of your work to current uses of technologies, the problems it addresses, and what you feel is important. Please submit your work by email to: Doree Duncan Seligmann, Bell Labs Email: doree@bell-labs.com If needed (e.g. video tape) submit your work to: Doree Duncan Seligmann Bell Labs Room 4G-608 101 Crawfords Corner Road Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030 USA ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED no later than May 29th, 1998. POSTERS The POSTER SECTION will give a chance for researchers in the field of multimedia to present new work and ideas that are not yet ready for the full technical program. The deadline for submission is scheduled later than the deadline for full technical papers to allow the incorporation of the latest developments in the field. Please submit your work described in app. 2 pages - either as a URL (you must have the rights to all the material there, and guarantee stability of the files until the conference), or - as a postscript file, formatted for US letter paper (8.5 by 11 inches) to: Dr. David C. De Roure, University of Southampton Email: dder@ecs.soton.ac.uk =46or more information, please the see the web site at http://www.acm.org/sigmm/MM98/index.html ****************************************** ANNOUNCEMENT As everybody knows, there is no such thing as net.radio, but a great variety of ideas and experiments around *sound* on the internet. as all of you have your own unique experiences with "net.radio", we don't want to provide a 24 hour schedule in a centralist planning style. instead we would like to ask all of you to participate in creating the contents of the meeting. to make it a little bit easier we have tried to define a matrix for topics, that could be discussed and/or be subjects of direct action and experiment: 1) The economy of net.radio ranges from the realms of hobbyism, pirate radio and the likes to well institutionalized practices in the boundaries of political and art-institutions. how can net.radio be organized? different individuals and groups have developed different ideas and methods of organization and funding. exchange might bring some insights about media activism under a variety of conditions. 2) The different politics of net.radio are strongly dependent on the motivations of its creators. there are radio pirates, commercial digital broadcasters, real audio archivars and sound afficionados out there, all trying to find out what net.radio could be now and in the future. there is a wide range from performance to new forms of digital dj-culture to various hybrid forms that mix sound-archives, live-streams, text and image, which brings us to: 3) net.radio is - as already pointed out - an extraordinary bad term for the strange hybrid technologies and aesthetics that form sound on the net. on the one hand live-streams seem to bring a certain radio-quality into the net, on the other hand there are multitudes of real-audio- and midi-archives (to name only a few) that resemble databases rather than good old radio. last but not least there have been experiments within the Xchange community, that brought about a new form of performing collectively and live, trying to expand the boundaries of the medium. the following discussions showed that this newly created open space is not yet defined and asks for more questions than it solves. nevertheless those forms have their roots in aesthetic and technical experiences with archaic technologies before those golden days of net.radio. maybe the right time to open our history databases... This collection of topics can be expanded in any direction or be compressed into a dense discussion-as-you-like. We would be happy to receive propositions for live-streaming events, sound-experiments etc. If some of you would like to initiate a discussion with a text/statement - push the send-button now! we also plan to collect statements, texts and links on our net.radio-pages that also will be the public platform for live-streams. currently we are also trying to get access to 'real' radio-space to expand net.radio into the airwaves. in general berlin net.radio-days don't want to be a strictly organized symposium, but an open space for meeting and discussion. net.radio-days are organized by the berlin based organisation of "mikro" in cooperation with the local convex tv. collective and will take place at several locations in town. there will be three afternoons with discussions and lectures and several live-stream-events. the actual program will be provided within next week. "trimm dich" - the motto of the gathering - has been borrowed from a west german 1970s campaign for public health and means: get fit! we are looking forward to hearing from you! mikro e.v. info@mikro.org Ackerstrasse 1 D-10115 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 282 18 67 convex tv. http://www.art-bag.net/convextv office: [test bed], schlegelstrasse 26/27, d-10115 berlin phone++49 30 28384103/++49 30 2925936 fax ++49 30 44053039 ses@art-bag.net ****************************************** Videonale 8 Bonn/D, September 25 - 29, 1998 The 8th international video art festival Videonale will take place in Bonn/Germany from September 25 - 29, 1998. This biennal event exhibits contemporary currents in video and media art. An international jury will award a DM 10.000 Videonale Prize for outstanding artistic videowork. A DM 5.000 prize for an extraordinary video by a female artist will be awarded by Frau TV and Kulturszene, from the West German television, WDR in Cologne. This year, for the first time, a DM 5.000 prize will be awarded to an artistic CD-ROM production. This prize has been donated by the magazine Horizont. We would like to invite all interested artists to send their videotape or CD-ROM production to the festival. The festival will be accompanied by a comprehensive catalogue containing information about the festival contributions. Essays by artists and writers will reflect on recent developments in media art theory. There will be an accompanying programme consisting of lectures, presentations of work-in-progress as well as studio talks with artists . Entry forms can be requested for by April 20th 1998. All contributions must be received by July 15th 1998. Videonale 8, Hochstadenring 22, D-53119 Bonn, phone/fax +49 (0) 228 / 69 28 18 e-mail: videonal@viswiz.gmd.de url: http://www.viswiz.gmd.de/videonale ****************************************** Call for Entries HIGH SPEED ART Secession Gallery is seeking artists for a temporary public exhibit: HIGH SPEED ART. This exhibit will not take place in a gallery; instead it will take place "in the streets." We hope to create an exhibit that addresses the increasing impact of speed (and the tools of speed) in our lives. The art can be static or mobile, and could relate to or include cars, skateboards, bicycles, trains, planes, computers, and telephones. Artists working in all media are encouraged to apply. Venues for projects may include, but are not limited to: rooftops, bus advertising space, construction barriers, and storefronts. Artists could use signage of any kind, radio broadcasts, sound installations, performances, and interventions. Artists will receive stipends. If you are interested in being considered for this exhibit, please send: 1) documentation of recent work 2) A one-page letter describing your interest in the show and your general approach toward the project (not a specific proposal). Send to: Secession Gallery Leona Terrace Research Center 20 Leona Terrace San Francisco, CA 94115 HIGH SPEED ART TIMELINE: June 23 Deadline for letter of interest and documentation of work July 7 Finalists selected August 3 Deadline for final proposal October 15 Exhibition opens http://www.sirius.com/~ps313 now features online projects for you surfing pleasure. ****************************************** Int'l Society on VSMM presents the 4th Annual International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia "FutureFusion -- Application Realities for the Virtual Age." 18-20 November 1998, Gifu, Japan http://www.vsmm.vsl.gifu-u.ac.jp/vsmm98 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW In the spirit of exploring the fusion between engineering, creativity, and commerce in virtual reality and multimedia technologies, VSMM98 will fuse these main sessions together through an exciting lineup of invited talks from world-renowned experts, lectures, workshops and social activities. Currently, we are accepting papers that exemplify the use of virtual reality and multimedia within the four main areas: - TECHNICAL - CREATIVE - INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE - VIRTUAL WORLD HERITAGE (with the kind support of UNESCO's WHC) Abstract deadline is June 31, 1998 CONFERENCE UPDATES AND HIGHLIGHTS Virtual World Heritage Book to be Published In addition to the official VSMM98 Conference Proceedings, the Society will also be publishing (through IOS press) a special 400 page, color book of the successful papers relating to Virtual World Heritage. Special Call for Papers for the Technical Workshops on MPEG-7 and Speech Recognition in VR Applications We have two outstanding workshop sessions focus on "Ontologies for MPEG 7" and "Speech and Natural Language Processing in Virtual Reality." If this is your interest area, then this is the place for you. WIN a Scholarship! VSMM Society has 10 Scholarships Available... Invited Speakers to be Announced Soon, But We Need Your Say! We've searched throughout the world to find the hottest and brightest in the industry but we want to hear from you who you'd like to see! Special Session on Virtual World Heritage With the kind support of UNESCO's World Heritage Centre. To enhance the quality of the Virtual World Heritage Session, we have asked for the involvement of UNESCO... UK and USA Fairs to be held during VSMM98 A special exhibition in the conference will host manufacturers, developers, resellers and related industries from the UK and the US. Prof. Takeo Kanade Named as Conference General Committee Chair In recognition of Prof Kanade's outstanding work at Carnegie Mellon University, we've asked him to be the General Committee Chair? Carl Loeffler Named as Program Committee Chair Carl's left CMU and now out on his own with "Simation," producing enough activity to make the world spin a little faster. Now that he's on board with the conference, you can expect an exciting program lineup... Ancient, Cultural and Natural Heritage Papers Now Accepted We have expanded our call for papers in the heritage area to now include all ancient, cultural and natural heritage themes in virtual reality and multimedia. This section will be independent and not related to the Virtual Heritage session. Onsens, Banquets and the first Virtual World Kareoke Championships We're planning some great social activities for you - come have a traditional Japanese banquet, see traditional and contemporary Japanese performance arts, sit in a hot springs bath in the beautiful Japanese countryside. Need we say more? Submission Form Now Online As the deadline of 30 June approaches, you'll find all the information to successfully submit a paper to the conference in our Paper section. Registration Information Now Available. =46OR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.vsmm.vsl.gifu-u.ac.jp/vsmm98 VSMM Secretariat: vsmm-sec@vsmm.vsl.gifu-u.ac.jp ****************************************** EVENTS ****************************************** 2nd International CAiiA Research Conference CONSCIOUSNESS REFRAMED art and consciousness in the post-biological era. 19 - 23 August 1998 University of Wales College, Newport. 115 presentations by artists, theorists and researchers from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA & Wales. http://caiia-star.newport.plymouth.ac.uk/vista/index.html The University College, overlooking the ancient village of Caerleon is located in some of the most beautiful unspoilt countryside in Britain, from the Wye Valley in the east to the Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons in the north. www.newport.ac.uk/about/map.html> Delegate Residential Conference Fee: (price per delegate) GBP 415 pounds Includes access to all presentations, Conference Proceedings, single en-suite conference accommodation on the Caerleon Campus on 19, 20, 21 & 22 August 1998, refreshment breaks and meals throughout the conference, including the Conference Dinner. Delegate Non Residential Conference Fee: (price per delegate) GBP 315 pounds Includes access to all presentations, Conference Proceedings, refreshment breaks and meals throughout the conference including the Conference Dinner. =46or further information contact: Kay Bosanko-Sheady at ACES, University of Wales College, Newport. Tel +44(0)1633 432489 Fax +44(0)1633 432543 aces@newport.ac.uk Programme Committee: Roy Ascott (chair), Joseph Nechvatal, Michael Punt, Miroslaw Rogala, Bill Seaman, Victoria Vesna. Convened by Roy Ascott, Director of CAiiA-STAR. http://caiia-star.newport.plymouth.ac.uk> ******************************************* Workshop and Symposium: Curating and Conserving New Media. Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada. Workshop: May 25 - 28, 1998. Leading up to the symposium, this workshop provides a practical opportunity to develop working new media presentation, collection and conservation strategies. Participants can take their ideas forward into the following two-day international symposium that brings together museum and gallery professionals, curators, cultural theorists, artists and media producers. Participants will continue the philosophical and practical dialogue that has emerged at events such as "The Total Museum", ISEA, "Art@TechnologiA", and "Consciousness Reframed". Both events are concurrent with Cyber Hearts, the Walter Phillips Gallery 1998 new media show. Workshop Structure: Over the first two days presenters will each give a talk on their thematic and engage workshop participants in discussion afterwards. Participants will come to the workshop prepared to work a proposal through to its end and present it at on the final day in verbal and document form to the rest of the group. Throughout the workshop presenters will act as mentors to the group aiding them with logistical and practical queries and engaging them in more theoretical discussion surrounding their particular area of interest. Throughout the exercise both presenters and participants will have the opportunity to critically discuss and practically implement strategies for developing new ways of working within new media practise under the broader thematic of curating and conserving. Outdoor activities and social events are planned throughout the workshop to allow participants and presenters to enjoy their surroundings and relax in a less formal atmosphere while exchanging information and networking. Themes/Groups: 1) Curating and Exhibition Concepts 2) Collecting 3) Audience Development 4) Conservation 5) Commissioning: How to Commission and How to Support 6) Technical Presentation and Installation Challenges Symposium: May 29 - 31, 98 Developed in conjunction with the Banff Centre's Walter Phillips Gallery, with its history of successful interactive media curatorial practise, this event provides arts professionals with an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas related to the curatorial practise, collection and conservation of new media. The symposium covers such themes as the World Wide Web as a creative space, the critical and marketing environment for new media, data base development, intellectual property, installation-based interactive works, and resourcing technologies. It also considers support for creative projects, commissioning, on-and off site production, the development of audience for new media, and the relevance of new forms of distribution and financing, such as broadband trials. Symposium Structure: This intensive three day event will contain five panels and interactive presentations, three a day, and include four key note speeches which take the practical and theoretical discussions and develop them through discussion, critique, and open dialogue. For those in the workshop discussion arising from the panels will add a critical and theoretical edge to the already developed topics and interests of the groups. On the final day of the symposium the last two presentations will take place early in the morning allowing guests and participants the afternoon off to enjoy the beauty of Banff with outdoor activities. After dinner everyone will reconvene for the plenary session, which will allow for an overview of both workshop and symposium bringing these intensive activities to a proper summation. Themes/Groups: 1) Curatorial Themes in New Media 2) Critical Dialogue in Interactive and New Media 3) Curating for the WEB and Net 4) Presentation Contexts: Galleries; Public Spaces; Commercial Sites; WWW; =46estivals 5) Audience Development: Markets; Didatics; Education 6) Interdisciplinary Approach to New Media 7) Access, Scalability, Cultural Diversity 8) Distribution, Intellectual Property 9) Future Needs, Strategies/Knowledge and Resource Sharing List of presenters confirmed: Ahasiw Maskegon-Iskwew, Alain Mongeau, Alexei Shulgin, Archer Pechawis, Barbara London, Carl Goodman, Catherine Richards, David Plant, Dot Tuer, Doug Porter, Gabriele Strutzenberger, Gilberto Prado, Heath Bunting, Jean Gagnon, Jocelyn Robert, Kathy Ray Huffman, Kim Tomaczak, Maria Natascha Stukoff, Michael Century, Nina Czegledy, Sholto Ramsey, Skawennati Tricia =46ragnito, Sue Ditta, Tom Leonhardt, Vuc Cosic. mailto:Rob_Sauvey@BanffCentre.AB.CA ****************************************** CONTEST AND CO-OPT Dates: 25 - 31 May, 1998 Banff Media Security Department Banff Centre for the Arts Canada Subversives plan their next moves in Banff. The Banff Media Security Department is pleased to announce the forthcoming meeting "CONTEST AND CO-OPT" taking place over a 7 day period in the Canadian Rockies. "We regularly host meetings for the intelligence and policing communities here, so what better place to hold secure subversive conspiracies," Cherie Matrix. With the revolutionary potential of the internet now recuperated by institutional elitists and corporate fundamentalists, it is now imperative that the underground formulate possible new zones of contestation. The main thrust of discussions will be aimed towards the total destruction of property and representation, combined with topics including: - Democracy & formalism (artist vs context). - Stupid vs serious (the power of dumb). - Institution vs bedroom (elitistism vs antisocial). - Programming (machines/ events). - New media contestation possibilities. - Potential new media (biotech/...). - Professional vs amateur (work vs play). - New funding sources (data trafficking/ media mercenaries). Invited guests include: Alexei Shulgin, alexei@easylife.org, http://www.easylife.org Andreas Broeckmann, abroeck@v2.nl, http://www.v2.nl/east/ May N Eight, may98@irational.org, http://www.banff.org/biotech/ Josphine Stars, starrs@sysx.apana.org.au, http://www.icf.de/starrs/ Kathy Huffman, kathy@thing.at, http://thing.at/face/ Leon Cmielewski, leon@sysx.apana.org.au, http://www.icf.de/starrs/ Martin Schmitz, martin@vgtv.com, http://www.vgtv.com/ Natalie Bookchin, bookchin@calarts.edu, http://jupiter.ucsd.edu/~bookchin Peter Ride, peter@artec.org.uk, http://www.channel.org.uk/cover/ Rachel Greene, rachel@rhizome.org, http://www.rhizome.org Vuk Cosic, vuk@ljudmila.org, http://www.vuk.org Wolfgang Staehle, wolfgangsta@thing.net, http://www.thing.net During the meeting the visitors will be trained in team building activities such as rock climbing, cycling, canoeing and hiking. With kind Tactical Support from Radio 90FM, Banff, Canada. =46or further information please contact mailto:cherie@banff.org "Excellence in Publicity & Privacy" Banff Media Security Department Bunting, Heath L 832 S Schumaker Dr Apt 302, Salisbury, MD 21804-3025 Phone: (410)742-8511 ****************************************** ART SERVERS UNLIMITED A Conference and net.radio event by and about independent cultural internet platforms from Europe. London, 30st June to 4th of July 1998, ICA New Media Centre and Backspace. The event is structured into three parts: closed working meetings at backspace, a public conference and a net.radio night at the ICA. The goal is to look at different working models of art server projects, reflect about different strategies and, if possible, draft a paper which gives recommendations for cultural policy making to art funding bodies and raise awareness for topics such as public access and cultural content providing, emphasizing notions of independent, self defined cultural and artistic practice. A number of art server projects from Central Europe and the UK have already been contacted and confirmed their participation. However, in the times of crumbling art servers (Adaweb, Internationale Stadt Berlin, word and so on) and the instrumentalisation of culture by governments for political and economical reasons (eg 'Cool Britannia') we wanted to open up the event for more participants. All who are actively involved in running "art servers" - environments that support a blend of creative, experimental, artistic, non-commercial use of the net - or who are thinking about launching an initiative of this kind are invited to participate. To combine the talks focusing the framework and interrelationships with actual advanced cultural net practice, a net.radio live event is going to be staged with multiple live broadcasting from and to London involving Budapest, Vienna, Lubljana, Riga, Rimini and other cities. There is no budget to support traveling costs and accommodation of new participants, but we will do our best in seeking additional travel funds or getting visas if necessary. So please don't hesitate to contact Manu [manu@sil.at] or Armin [armin@easynet.co.uk] if you wish to participate or for any other further inquiries. Schedule: Beginning of May 98: start of a mailing list for participants (and anyone who is interested) in order to destillate issues 30st of June: arrival of participants in London 1st- 3rd of July: working meetings at backspace, swimming at Hampstead Heath Park ;-) 4th of July at ICA New Media Center: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Public Conference and Panel discussion, presentation of art server activities and of working meeting results, made available as copy-brochure. 8 p.m.: Net.Radio Live Event with ministry:of:x-periment (Slovenia), Pararadio (Hungary), OZOne (Latvia), t0 radio lounge (Austria), radio Lada (Italy), Kunstradio (Austria) a.o. Confirmed Participants coming to London: Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits, Peteris Kimelis (tbc): e-lab /xchange /ozone [http://re-lab.net] Marko Kosnik: Institute Egon March [http://www.radiostudent.si/~march] Heath Bunting: irational.org [http//www.irational.org] Marko Pelijhan, Vuk Cosic, Luka Frelih: Ljubljana Digital Media Lab [http://www.ljudmila.org] Janos Sugar: Media Research Foundation [http://www.mrf.hu] Borut Savski: ministry:of:x-periment [http://www.radiostudent.si/mzx] Daniel Molnar: Pararadio [http://www.c3.hu/para] James Wallbank: Redundant Technology Initiative [http://www.lowtech.org] Oskar Obereder: Silverserver [http://www.silverserver.co.at] Konrad Becker, Marie Ringler: t0 Public Netbase [http://www.t0.or.at] Micz Flor: yourserver [http://www.yourserver.co.uk] James Stevens, Kass Schmitt, Rachel Baker, Gio Angelo: backspace [http://www.backspace.org] C3 Center [http://www.c3.hu] linked-in: Kunstradio, ministry:of:x-periment , Radio Lada, Pararadio, t0 radio lounge, backspace radio, OZOne. ASU is part of the Festival of Central European Culture. In cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Institute, Embassy of Slovenia, Embassy of Hungary, Arts Council of England. Initiative-Of / Organisation-By / Reply-To: Manu Luksch [manu@sil.at] and Armin Medosch [armin@easynet.co.uk] 52B Andrews Rd, London E8 4RL T: 0044.171.9238830 F: 9238831 ****************************************** EUROPEAN ECONA SOCIETY FOR THE INTER-UNIVERSITY COGNITIVE SCIENCES CENTRE FOR THE RESEARCH OF ON COGNITIVE PROCESSING MUSIC IN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM ROME: UNIVERSITY OF ROME "LA SAPIENZA" , Aula Magna Symposium, MAY 28-30, 1998 MUSICAL COGNITION AND BEHAVIOR: RELEVANCE FOR MUSIC COMPOSING Scientific Committee: Marta Olivetti Belardinelli (President), Mario Baroni, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Luca Francesconi, Egidio Pozzi. Invited lectures: Rita Aiello (New York); Azio Corghi (Mantova); Irene Deliege (Bruxelles); Michel Imberty (Paris); Carol Krumhansl (Ithaca); Michele Lomuto (Bari); Eliezer Rapoport (Israel); Petri Toiviainen (Finland); Giovanni B. Vicario (Padova). Special events: 3 concerts - music by: A. Di Scipio, C. Mormile, P. Rotili, R. Piacentini, P. Livorsi, G. Taglietti, G. Giuliano, L. Lombardi,A. Cipriani, J. Dashow, S. Sciarrino, D. Pousser, O. Messiaen, L. Abbate, G. Ligeti, G. Francesconi Three types of sessions: 1. Cognitive processes in music listening; 2. Cognitive problems in composer's music conceiving; 3. Musicological studies and cognitive researches on music tradition. Cognitive scientists and composers interested into music cognition will present the result of their research. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGISTRATION FORM: 1.Delegate Last Name: ______________________ First Name: _____________________ Affiliation: ______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Tel.:___________________ =46ax: __________________ e-mail: _______________ 2. Registration Fee to be paid by international bank cheque before March 31, 1998 after March 31, 1998 ESCOM Memb.: 120.000 It. Lire ESCOM Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire non-Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire non-Memb.: 200.000 It. Lire Please return this form by hard mail along with registration fee to: Prof. Marta Olivetti Belardinelli ECONA c/o Dipartimento di Psicologia via dei Marsi 78 - 00185 ROMA tel. ++39. 6. 49917533; fax. ++39. 6. 4462 449 e-mail: belarditecona@iol.it Student fees (one session: 10000 lt. Lire; the full Symposium: 50000 lt. Lire) payable against document proving student position. ****************************************** 3. Werkleitz Biennial 1998 September, 3rd to 6th, 1998 The Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. is running the Center for Artistic Visual Media Saxony-Anhalt, provides the place of business for coordinating the Media Association Saxony-Anhalt and is concerned with technical matters in the field of production of the cultural public film funding of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Alternating with ostranenie - The International Electronic Media Forum at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, the Werkleitz Gesellschaft stages the Werkleitz Biennial. The concept of the Werkleitz Biennial is that of a border crossing, international forum for media and art. Artists in the fields of Film, Video, Photography, Performance and Multimedia as well as classical fields of the Visual Arts get the opportunity to present their views on contemporary issues with their artistic work. The artistic engagement on the current development from the information to the communication society is playing a significant role. After the 2. Werkleitz Biennial Cluster Images in 1996 with 70 participating artists from 15 countries, the 3. Werkleitz Biennial will take place in 1998 with the thematic line of SUB FICTION. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB FICTION - In science, fiction is, as the most important methodic tool, an assumption which is accompanied by the consciousness of its incorrectness, yet may help to gain the correct perception=93. (Meyers Neues Gro=DFes Volkslexikon) Due to the rigoros fragmentation of the notion of reality, triggered by the recently increasing mixing of fictional, scientific and social constructions, it appears -also caused by the rapid technological development of new media- , that the idea of fiction becomes less and less homogenious to manage to capture the span of contemporary phenomena. SUB FICTION serves as possible expression for a new development beyond the original notion of fiction, especially since its terminological closeness to smaller and subcultural groups, interests and actions much more take the actual phenomena into account, these fictions are trying to define contentual distinctions with. With SUB FICTION we want to present works which reflect their own fictional content and/or enter into the experiment of breaking through conventional fictions and forms. The 3. Werkleitz Biennial intends to have different experts in the fields of Film, Video, Internet/CD-Rom, Visual Arts and Performance to give their opinion on which positions in the respective artistic field are current and important. We are especially interested in the interaction of technology, art and society, in outlooks on the development of virtual media and the relation to our idea of reality, fiction, identity and culture. In this context the following questions occur: Which significance has fiction for society, which for art? Are collective fictions replaced by individual fictions? Which shiftings exist in the evaluation of fiction - construction and virtuality - reality? Does fiction, following the already existing possibly of real-time data transmission, appear increasingly in spatial and local specific qualities and distinctions? How is fiction altered by new media? Which necessity of dramaturgy is behind this development? Which relevant new forms and contents are emerging in art and popular culture? Approximately ten experts of different fields will each curate a programme or exhibition section with a selection of works which is important to them in that context. These positions - which can be contrary and discursive - will be presented and discussed together. For this reason we were choosing this open form and the line of questions, not believing, that the function of curating can replace the artistic, but to present these views as a spectrum which should supply information on the current situation of SUB FICTION. General The event will take place on four days in Tornitz und Werkleitz. Date: September 3rd to 6th 1998 Selected programmes and parts of the exhibition shall be presented before and after the event in Magdeburg, Dessau and Halle, the major towns in the state. Further presentations in 1999 are planned within a touring programme. A printed catalogue as well as an online version of the catalogue, containing the documentation of the artistic works and a selection of theoretical contributions, will be published for the 1998 Biennial SUB =46ICTION. Participants A group of about ten curators in the fields of Film, Video, Visual Arts, New Media and Performance will be nominated by the Werkleitz Gesellschaft. Considering the thematic questions described above, each curator will be responsible for the respective programme, inviting artists with their work for SUB FICTION. Selections may include pieces of work of the classical static and time based Visual Media, Performance and New Media as well as border crossing artistic works. Suitable spaces and the respective technical equipment will be supplied for the presentation proposals of the curators. A series of lectures and a special programme on thematically relevant features will complete the programme. Local Realisation One of the unique aspects of the Biennial is the rural situation. The villages of Werkleitz and Tornitz, situated at the Saale river, make up the local framework. Space for venues can also be provided in the closeby towns of Barby and Calbe, if necessary. Information on Werkleitz and Tornitz can be looked up on or website as well as on the webpages of SUB FICTION: http://www.werkleitz.de/sub-fiction Peter Zorn, festival coordination --------------------------------------------------------------- Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. / Centre for artistic visual media Saxony-Anhalt Strasse des Friedens 26 / 39249 Tornitz / Germany Tel. 0049 - (0)39298 - 675- 0 / Fax: - 55 http://www.werkleitz.de ****************************************** UNEXPECTED OBSTACLES: WORK BY PERRY HOBERMAN 1982-98 OPENS AT ZKM MEDIA MUSEUM 29 MAY 1998 =46rom May 30th to August 16th the ZKM Media Museum will present a comprehensive retrospective of the works of the American media artist Perry Hoberman. OPENING Friday 29 May 1998 beginning at 6 PM =46riday 29 May 1998 6 PM Greeting: Dr. Gerd Schwandner Talk: Erkki Huhtamo, University of Lappland & Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Schwarz, Director ZKM Mediamuseum 9 PM REMOTE - Interactive Performance (IMPORTANT! Please bring your TV remote control with you!) Saturday 30 May 1998 2 PM Discussion: Erkki Huhtamo, Timothy Druckrey Jonathan Lethem, Sally Jane Norman Moderation: Prof. Dr.Hans-Peter Schwarz 6 PM Reading - Jonathan Lethem Since the 1980s Hoberman has analyzed and commented on the influence of technology on our perception and the determination of our everyday life through the medium of sculpture, installations and interactive environments. The artifacts of pop culture and the vast range of 20th century technological equipment form an almost unlimited source for the ironic style of his works. The visitors to this retrospective are heading for unfamiliar experiences with superficially familiar objects. Film sequences, advertising slogans, kitchen appliances, and last but not least familiar computer monitors are displaced from their usual context and are arranged in surprisingly novel ways that are highly imaginative. Perry Hoberman uses these objects as a starting point for developing totally new aesthetic systems of interrelations. In "Dead Space/Living Rooms", for example, film stills and fragments of sound tracks from long forgotten movies spring to life again as huge 3D projections. In the interactive installation "Faraday's Garden" the whole arsenal of electrical household equipment comprising mixers, shavers and fans turns into a kind of mechanical ballet. Starting up this kinetic sculpture follows a hidden pattern and takes the viewers in an almost ghostlike choreography through the room. Perry Hoberman is an absolute expert in handling the full potential of the new media in order to create representative new spaces for observation. In his works the haptic character of objects is placed in juxtaposition with the volatility of images. He contrasts the cold presentation of a virtual reality with imaginative dreams. In this way he expresses his comment on the euphoria of many progressive utopias in both a nostalgic and satiric way. EXHIBITION EVENTS - all events take place at 11 AM Sunday 14 June/12 July: Unexpected Obstacles - The Apparatus of Consumer Society: Lecture by Gabriele Blome 21 June/19 July Film Recycling - Film as an Artists' Material: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Schwarz 28 June/2 August Home of the Brave - Directed by Laurie Anderson - Film Screening 5 July/26 July Technology - Art - Pop: Lecture by Dr. Gerhard Blechinger CLOSING EVENTS - Saturday 15 August 1998 17 PM Test Patterns: Video Works from New York presented by Perry Hoberman 20 PM Artist's Conversation in the Night Cafe: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Schwarz in conversation with Perry Hoberman ONLINE PROJECT opening 29 May 1998 Cathartic User Interface Worldwide go to: http://www.zkm.de/hoberman/ ZKM / Media Museum Wednesday-Saturday 12 AM - 8 PM Lorenzstr. 19 Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany Monday/Tuesday closed Tel. 0721-8100 1200 admission 10 / 5 DM =46ax. 0721-8100 1139 http://www.zkm.de/ Unexpected Obstacles is produced by ZKM Media Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany and Galleria Otso, Espoo, Finland ============================================= ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the email addresses mentioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. Support: La Fondation Daniel Langlois, Ministere de la culture et des communications du Quebec, Montreal International, ANAT, FACT, Leonardo, SAT, McGill University, Universite du Quebec a Montreal. =============================================end of newsletter - ISEA- 307, Ste-Catherine O # 760.- C.P.508, Succ. Desjardins - Montreal Quebec H5B 1B6 Canada - Tel:1-(514) 281-6543 - Fax:1-(514) 281-6728 - email: isea@sat.qc.ca - http://www.sat.qc.ca/isea