******************* CALLS FOR PAPERS ******************* MiniNTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INFORMATICS IN CULTURE May 22 -27, 2000 Havana, Cuba The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba and its systems of cultural institutions convoke to the IV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INFORMATICS IN CULTURE to be held May 22 through 27 of the year 2000, in the National Conference Center. The event, as part of the VII Convention and International Fair Informatics 2000 has as main objective to continue the exchange of experiences, initiated in the three previous Congresses, regarding informatics applied to art and culture and systems of cultural information as well as propitiating the introduction and exploitation of the communications and the new technologies in this sector. Topics: The applications and impact of informatics in the artistic and cultural activities in general are treated in the Congress, such as: * Impact of Internet in the Cultural Development: Advantages and disadvantages as means of diffusion of the cultural activity. * The artistic creation and the Informatics. * Products and Informatic Services in the field of Art and Culture. * Culture, ethics and informatics in the Digital Era. * The application of informatics to the processes of work and diffusion of the Cultural Heritage. * Graphic and informational design in function of the Web Sites. * Computer as element of work in the graphic design. * Copyright in the development of the electronic commerce. * Development of the digital painting at the end of the XX century. * Informatics and Musical Production * World Wide Web: Theory and practice in its conception and exploitation. * Informatic and new technologies. Its influence upon formation progress and development of cultural promoters, artists, and creators. * The book and its new digital format. * Multimedia as a new form of artistic and literary expression. * Electronic commerce for cultural products and services. * Computerization of the library funds in function of the Society: new services. * New methods of artistic teaching from the application of informatics. * A new vision of the Seventh Art through the new technologies. Presentation: Dateline to produce papers will be on February 29, 2000. The acceptance of the paper will be notified before April 15th of the year 2000. They should be sent in 3 1/2" floppy disk. Microsoft Word for Windows must be used for its making. The paper should be up to 20 pages, with 2,5 cms margin at each side. Font must be Arial 12. Only one file including the summary with no more than 250 words, and the paper content. Software used in the making of graphics and illustrations must be specified. The following information will be at the beginning of the lecture : Title, Authors, Institution, Address, Country, Phones, Fax, e-mail and key words. Sending procedures: 1.- By e-mail to: artcom@ceisic.cult.cu. The attachments should not exceed 500 KB. 2.- Sending of 3 1/2" floppy discs to Organizing Committee postal address, making use of registered mail: CEISIC, Ministerio de Cultura. Calle 4 No. 251 entre 11 y 13, Vedado. CP 10400. Ciudad Habana, Cuba. Printed paper will be exceptionally accepted, which will be sent to the Organizing Committee postal address by registered mail. the Organizing Committee will notify the reception of the received papers. Working languages: English and Spanish. Sponsors : CEISIC Cuba's Ministry of Culture ARTEX For more information go to: Fernando Blanco Leyva Executive Secretary Telephone: 552270 Fax: 334441 E-Mail: artcom@ceisic.cult.cu http://www.infoarte.cult.cu/info2000 ******* DIGITAL ARTS & CULTURE CONFERENCE Bergen, Norway August 2-4, 2000 conference web site is at http://cmc.uib.no/~dac/ email: dac@cmc.uib.no The third international Digital Arts & Culture Conference will be held in Bergen, Norway August 2-4, 2000. This conference aims to embrace and explore the cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural theory and practice of contemporary digital arts and culture. As we step across the threshold to a new millennium, the DAC conference affords us the opportunity to develop and foster communication and understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, we cordially invite scholars, researchers, artists, computer professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital arts and culture to join in the DAC discourse community by submitting proposals for presentations to the Digital Arts and Culture conference in the year 2000. Women and people from ethnic minorities are strongly encouraged to submit. Presentations may be in the form of scholarly papers or presentations; or performances and installations incorporating electronic and digital technologies and media. Collaborative presentations are encouraged, and to aid our collaborative and cross-disciplinary objective, we are primarily seeking submissions for three main types of sessions: (Single submission per person only, please.) Panels: Should consist of 3-4 presentations around a common theme. Presenters will be given 20 minutes each with time for discussion. Forums: Should consist of 3-6 presenters who will have 8-10 minutes each to deliver position statements on a theme or topic set forth by the forum organizer. Forums are roundtable type events that should accommodate ample time for discussion among panelists and audience. Performances, Installations: Can consist of individuals or groups. Session formats may vary depending upon the presenters' needs and wishes. Please note that we may not be able to supply highly specialized and advanced media or technical support. Individual submissions are also welcome. Proposals should not exceed 500 words in length, and proposals for panels and forums must include abstracts for each of the proposed presentations. Brief bios for each presenter must accompany the proposals. All proposals must be submitted through the online submission form at the DAC2000 web site on or before March 1. 2000. Notification of acceptance will be given by April 1, 2000. ****** VII BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC 17--20 July 2000 Brazil PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS, COMPOSITIONS, TUTORIALS AND PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS The Sixth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music saw researchers from various countries discussing their experiences in a friendly and informal atmosphere. The Seventh Brazilian Symposium, chaired by Bernadete Zagonel (bzagonel@rocketmail.com), will be held in Curitiba, the capital of the Parana state, from 17 to 20 July 2000. The Brazilian Symposia are organized by NUCOM, the computer music branch of the Brazilian Computing Society and pride themselves on their intercultural nature and selection policies. Roger Dannenberg (USA) and Leigh Landy (UK) will deliver the keynote speeches. There will be paper presentations, concerts, tutorials and product demonstrations. Researchers, composers,educators, manufactures and all concerned with the interplay between music and technology are invited to submit papers, compositions,tutorial projects and product demonstration proposals. *important dates* --- 25 February 2000 --- closing date for postage of compositions --- 3 March 2000 --- closing date for postage of papers, tutorials and product demonstration proposals --- 31 March 2000 --- notification of acceptance of papers --- 21 April 2000 --- notification of acceptance of compositions, tutorials and product demonstration proposals --- 21 April 2000 --- closing date for camera-ready papers *submission of papers* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems Audio Hardware Design Audio Signal Processing Computer Aided Musical Education Computer Aided Music Analysis Computer-Aided Musicology Internet Applications Multimedia Integration Music Data Structures and Representation Music Notation, Printing and Optical Recognition The Musicologies of Digital Musics Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modelling Real-time Interactive Systems Sound Synthesis Systems and Languages for Composition This year we are giving particular emphasis to the musicologies (historical, systematic, ethno, critical etc) of digital musics (computer music, electroacoustic music, soundscape, techno etc.). Papers reporting ongoing or concluded research should be submitted in a preliminary version of no more than 8 pages (Times Roman 12 and 1.5 interline space). Please state clearly in the front page which of the above headings, if any, best describes your subject matter. Preliminarysubmissions in Portuguese will be accepted on the understanding that their authors will undertake to present the final version in English. You are kindly requested not to reveal your identity in your paper (avoid self reference etc.). Please send MS Word 97 compatible files as e.-mail attachments to the Chairs, Aluizio Arcela *and* Carlos Palombini: arcela@cic.unb.br and palombini@usa.net. By agreement with the Editors, a selection of musicological papers will be published online in the *Electronic Musicological Review* and the *Critical Musicology Journal*, as appropriate. Since online publication is likely in all areas, authors are encouraged to take advantage of hypertext facilities. *submission of compositions* The Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music will seek to highlight the variety of musical styles that come under the computer music heading. Submissions are invited from composers working in all genres within the field. Formats are as follows: [1] music for tape, 2 to 8 channels; [2] music for tape or live-electronics with vocal and/or instrumental parts; [3] algorithmic composition, vocal and/or instrumental. For [1] send DAT or CD. For [2] send DAT or CD recording of the electronic part plus full score and, if at all possible, a recording of the full piece. For [3] send DAT or CD plus full score. Submission must include: --- one copy of a brief programme note (10 to 15 lines in English, Portuguese or Spanish); --- one copy of a short biography (10 to 15 lines in English,Portuguese or Spanish); --- three copies of all music materials (CDs, DATs and scores). Please post submissions by air mail to the Chair, Fernando Iazzetta, to whom enquiries may be addressed: iazzetta@usp.br. Fernando Iazzetta USP - ECA - Dpto. Musica Rua da Antiga Reitoria, S/N 05508-900 - Sao Paulo - SP Brazil Please, note: --- identify your CD or DAT with the title of the compositions only, do *not* mention your name; --- pieces not exceeding 12 minutes are preferred; --- compositions must have been created no earlier than in 1997; --- although we cannot guarantee execution of pieces that involve vocal or instrumental forces or that bring extra costs to the event, we shall do our best to work out a solution in consultation with the authors; --- pieces for more than 2 channels require that the submission of a stereo DAT or CD be followed, if selected, by the multi-track tape. --- submissions will be deposited in the symposia archive and will not be returned; --- up to 2 different works may be submitted by composer. *tutorials and product demonstrations* Please contact Conrado Silva: conrado@unb.br Conrado Silva Universidade de Brasilia Colina Bl. E Ap. 602 70910-900 Brasilia DF BRASIL tel. +55 61 349-8978 fax +55 61 349-0757 For updated information please visit the Symposium website http://www.eca.usp.br/nucleos/lami/nucom/sbcm2000.html ******************* CALLS FOR PROJECTS ******************* LOVEBYTES DIGITAL ARTS FESTIVAL APRIL 6-8 2000, SHEFFIELD UK Three days of exhibitions, presentations, live performance, installations, webcasting, cdrom, net.art, digital video. WE WANT YOUR DIGITAL ORIGINALS! Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival 2000 invites entries of film, video, multimedia and net art to feature in a substantial exhibition of digital work for exhibition in April 2000. Deadline: January 14, 1999 If you produce film/video, multimedia or net art this is your opportunity to be seen. If selected, your work will be presented alongside a three day conference which will explore the theme of Digital Originals through critical debate, presentations and workshops. The Lovebytes Festival is now in its fifth year. This year we will once again present an eclectic mixture of digital art and media including exhibitions, seminars, screenings, specially commissioned artworks, alongside workshops and live performances from some of the World's most innovative digital sound and multimedia artists. All events will be staged in Sheffield's Media and Exhibition Centre What are we looking for? We are looking for imaginative uses of computer based media which explore the conceptual and creative aspects of digital processes. Film and video Send: shorts, commercials, pop promos, animation, fx, features, student work, films made specially for the internet. All films must have some kind of digital input which is evident in concept or content - this may include, for example, animation, special effects, tricks and transformations and digital post production. We welcome work produced using high-end computers or lo-fi productions made on desk-tops or in back bedrooms. Multimedia Send: interactive art, net art, games, student work and educational pieces. Interactive work can be anything from a 1Mb piece sent in on floppy disc to a CD Rom, DVD or console game. Web sites and Net Art Email us your URLs. Supply a GIF pointer / button as attachments and details of browser plug-ins required. You can download full guidelines and an entry form from http://www.lovebytes.org.uk/00 Or email or call to request for these to be sent to you. Lovebytes Festival Unit 320 The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row Sheffield, S1 2BX UK telephone: +44 (0)114 221 0393 fax: +44 (0)114 279 6522 lovebytes@mail.workstation.org.uk http://www.lovebytes.org.uk ****** 3D Web / VRML.ART2000 DEADLINE EXTENDED The 5th web/3d VRML Conference will take place in Monterey, California February 21-24, 2000. http://www.vr.edu/conf/web3d/ Sponsored by ACM, Siggraph, and Sigcomm in collaboration with the web 3D Consortium, this conference is a MUST for all 3D creators, and those devoted to the virtual 3D online environment. For the SECOND YEAR, the VRML-ART Expo will be featured as part of the conference. The VRML-ART EXPO1999 at the Conference in Paderborn, Germany, was a center of activity and creativity at the conference. More than 50 3D works were presented, originating from 25 countries. VRML-ART EXPO2000 will present the newest works created by international artists, designers, architects, scientists, and students. DEADLINE to submit projects is January 3, 2000. Applications will be accepted after December 13. Questions regarding submissions should be sent to: Kathy Rae HuffmanCategories: - Artists and architects - Scientific models - Worlds and city planning - Avatars - Product design and commercial applications -Experimental works and studies by Art and design students Projects can be submitted as: - Stand alone VRML Work - Web-based VRML Work - Multi-user-based VRML Work - Multi-media VRML Work - Objects and Environments (in real and virtual space) The VRML.ART Expo features the ideas and independent creations in VRML from artists, and Web VRML design from commercial designers. It shows the status of VRML based visual work done private, in companies and in schools. Art schools and Art departments in Universities are teaching students VRML based visual work, commercial companies and institutions are implementing 3D objects (in their 2D Web representation) and artists are using VRML technology to express artistic. The VRML.ART 200 Expo will be presented online, and featured in a Gallery installation at the Web 3D/VRML 2000 Conference. Due to the success of the 1999 Expo, additional locations for presentation are being secured. You will be asked for your permission to participate in additional presentations Works will be juried by o Karel Dudesek, Director of VGTV Laboratories, and Leading Professor of the Mediadepartment at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria o Kathy Rae Huffman, Independent curator and Associate Professor of Electronic Art, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. o Melentie Pandilovski, Art Critic, Director SEAFair Festival, and Center of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia Notification of acceptance to VRML-ART 2000 will sent January 24, 2000. Online submissions: Submission authorizes linking to your 3D site if selected. Online works must run on a 200 MHz CPU. Please specify CPU power, OS, Web browser and player, which your work is tested on. CD ROM submissions: Please Test CD ROMS before sending, specify CPU power, OS, Web browser and player, which your work is tested on. Works with loading problems or alert messages will be automatically eliminated. Return of CD ROM's not guaranteed. STUDENT PROJECTS: In recognition of the growing number of student sites and VRML activity, ALL student works that load properly will be included in the special 3D/VRML-ART student gallery. Class compilations are encouraged, with name of professor, list of students, school and course title included. All student works will be accepted in a special section of the 3D/VRML-ART show. Student project enquiries can be mailed to Erin Hoffman hoffme@rpi.edu Submit projects between December 13, 1999 - January 3, 2000 to: Mail CD ROMS: North and South American /Asian addresses (early submission highly encouraged): Kathy Rae Huffman, huffman@rpi.edu Arts Department Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180 Mail CD ROMS to: Europe, Arabia and Africa addresses (early submission is highly encouraged): Karel Dudesek, dudesek@vis-med.ac.at Ordinariat fuer Mediengestaltung Universitaet fuer Angewandte Kunst A-1010 Wien Salzgries 14/3 Austria Please continue to check http://www.vrml-art.org for updated information. ***** BREAK 21 IV. international festival of independent young artists, Ljubljana, Slovenia 10-17 May 2000 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE - invitation is open from 25 November 1999 to 1 February 2000 - selection will be made by 20 February 2000 - any material sent to the organiser's address before the closing date will be taken into consideration for selection - any incomplete application or an application received later than the closing date will be rejected - applicants will be notified of the selection by 5 March 2000 - artists selected to participate at the festival will be refunded travel expenses, three overnight stays and three meals a day - artists will not receive any payment - rejected applications will be returned to the sender together with enclosed material two weeks after the selection has been made - invitation is opened for artists of age under 30 years old Projects in Visual and Internet Art are being accepted. Topic: Light PART ONE: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Section for which you apply 2. Surname and name of head of the project 3. Address (street, town, and country) 4. Telephone, fax, e-mail 5. Date of birth 6. Other people collaborating on the project 7. Where did you learn of this invitation to participate at the festival? 8. Curriculum vitae (education, scholarships, executed projects, awards, other) 9. Home page Data under points 1 to 7 should be presented on a single sheet of paper, A4 format; the same applies for C.V. (point 8). For any further information please contact: äOU KULTURA VDOR 21 / BREAK 21, www.break21.com KERSNIKOVA 4 1000 LJUBLJANA tel =3D ++ 386 061/ 1317 010 extension 226 fax =3D ++ 386 061/ 319 448 (subject: Vdor 21 / Break 21) Contact persons: Karla éeleznik and Joûko Rutar e-mail: karla.zeleznik@kiss.uni-lj.si jozko.rutar@kiss.uni-lj.si ***** LA BIENNALE DE MONTRÉAL 2000 - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS La Biennale de Montréal 2000 will present ten works created for the Web and centering on the theme of L'autre monde / Out of this World. The exhibition will gather Web projects that establish an analogy between cyberspace and that unknown, unfathomable space, the other-world of spirits, of the dead, paradise or hell, however designated by particular culture or belief. We invite artists whose Web works relate to this theme to submit their url and any other information regarding their Web project(s). Only artworks specially conceived for the Web will be taken into account. Recent works are desired but "older" works will also be considered. La Biennale de Montréal 2000 will take place from 28 September to 29 October 2000. La Biennale is produced by Centre international d'art contemporain de Montréal. Sylvie Parent Curator Web Art La Biennale de Montréal 2000 Centre international dart contemporain de Montréal C.P. 760, Place du Parc, Montréal, H2W 2P3 Tél. : 1 514 288 0811 / Fax : 1 514 288 5021 / email : courrier@ciac.ca http://www.ciac.ca ******************* JOB OPPORTUNITIES ******************* ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR OF DESIGN | MEDIA THEORY The UCLA Department of Design (www.design.ucla.edu), which is currently in the process of changing its name to the UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts, is seeking a qualified theorist who has an extensive publication record and at least one major work dealing with issues of design/media arts. Curatorial and some practical experience in digital media is preferred. The successful candidate will be expected to teach studio and lecture courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels and to undertake independent research and publication appropriate for advancement within the University of California. Qualifications: Distinction as a theorist in the area of Design and Media Arts. Ph.D. degree and teaching experience in a university setting are preferred. Administrative experience in an academic or professional setting is also desirable. Level of appointment and salary will be determined by the candidate's qualifications and professional experience. Applications should include a letter stating your artistic and educational philosophy and approach to teaching, accompanied by a complete resume or curriculum vitae and the names, phone numbers, mail and e-mail addresses of three references qualified to provide knowledgeable evaluation of your qualifications. Please do not send additional supporting materials until they are requested. Application deadline: February 1, 2000, or until filled. Address letters of application to: Professor Victoria Vesna, Chair, Search Committee, Design and Media Theory, Department of Design, 1300 Dickson Art Center, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1608. The University of California, Los Angeles is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. employment will be required prior to employment (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). ***** ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR OF DESIGN | MEDIA ARTS The UCLA Department of Design (www.design.ucla.edu), which is currently in the process of changing its name to the UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts, is seeking a qualified individual with experience in one or more of the following areas: interface design between virtual and physical worlds; innovative type design, 3D modeling and animation; and creative programming for Web-based, interactive and/or virtual environments. The successful candidate will be expected to teach studio and lecture courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, contribute to the department's vision, and to undertake independent research and creative activity appropriate for advancement within the University of California. Qualifications: Distinction as a professional artist in the area of Design and Media Arts. Advanced degree and teaching experience in a university setting are preferred. Administrative experience in an academic or professional setting is also desirable. Level of appointment and salary will be determined by the candidate's qualifications and professional experience. Applications should include a letter stating your artistic and educational philosophy and approach to teaching, accompanied by a complete resume or curriculum vitae and the names, phone numbers, mail and e-mail addresses of three references qualified to provide knowledgeable evaluation of your qualifications. Please do not send additional supporting materials until they are requested. Application deadline: February 1, 2000, or until filled. Address letters of application to: Professor Victoria Vesna, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Design, 1300 Dickson Art Center, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1608. The University of California, Los Angeles is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. employment will be required prior to employment (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). ***** DEPARTMENT OF THE ARTS, RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TROY, NY Tenure Track Faculty Vacancy: Animation and New Media http://www.arts.rpi.edu i E A R S t u d I o s (rank open) The iEAR Studios (integrated Electronic Arts at Rensselaer), of the Department of the Arts at Rensselaer is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to interdisciplinary creative research and artistic development in audio, interactivity, video, computer imaging, animation, web, multi-media installation and performance. As an art program situated within the context of a technological university, we offer a unique creative environment in which to develop and realize cutting edge electronic art. We are seeking a candidate to lead the animation initiative of the department, including advising on the construction of a new facility, teaching graduate and undergraduate studio courses, and coordinating curriculum with other faculty. The ideal candidate will be an established practicing artist and educator who uses techniques of animation in their creative practice, and has experience working with professional digital platforms and applications. Additional desirable skills and interests include interactive hardware and software development, net art, performance art, installation, and theoretical topics. Candidate must be willing to become an active member of the Arts Department, with a strong commitment to creative work, research and teaching. Qualifications: Professional activity and visibility as a practicing artist and previous experience in university teaching and organizational administration are desired. This position requires an MFA or other terminal degree, or equivalent professional accomplishment and recognition. Salary: commensurate with experience Beginning date: August 2000 To apply, send a resume, a cover letter describing your qualifications, and a sample of your work. Letters of reccommendation may be requested after reciept of you application. Work samples may be in the form of books, articles, slides, videotapes (1/2", 3/4, MiniDV, DVCAM), urls, CDs, or other appropriate media. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Rensselaer is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Applications will be considered beginning March 1, 2000, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications should be sent to: Prof. Igor Vamos / Animation Search Committee iEAR Studios, DCC 135 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180 tel: (518)276-2250 fax: (518)276-4780 email: vamosi@rpi.edu ***** INTERACTIVE DIGITAL ART PROFESSOR The Department of Media Study at SUNY/Buffalo is seeking an artist who works in interactive digital art. This person will teach intermediate, advanced, and graduate digital arts as well as courses in history/interpretation/theory. We prefer a MFA or equivalent. Creative excellence is essential. Rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Woman and minorities encouraged to apply. EO/AA employer. Send letter of application, work sample (accompanied by SASE), curriculum vitae (including names of three references) and , if available, a published writing sample. Deadline: February 7, 2000 info: Roy Roussel Acting Chair Department of Media Study 231 Center for the Arts, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260. ****** PROFESSOR IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND ELECTRONIC VISUALIZATION One full-time, tenure-track position Appointment begins Fall Semester 2000. The School of Art and Design seeks a candidate to teach 3D modeling, real-time computer graphics programming, interactive design and virtual reality. The candidate would have the opportunity to participate in internet based collaborative environments in art and design visualization with applications in architecture and industrial design, and would be encouraged to participate as a team member in research and media creation atthe Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL). Deadline: Screening of applications begins January 17, 2000 info: Daniel J. Sandin Director, Electronic Visualization Laboratory (M/C 154) The University of Illinois at Chicago 851 S. Morgan St. Rm 1120 SEO Chicago IL 60607-7053 ph: 312-996-3002 fax: 312-413-7585 URL: http://www.evl.uic.edu mailto: dan@uic.edu ****** JOBS AT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY ART/FOUNDATIONS Iowa State University, Department of Art & Design. Full-time, 9-month, tenure-track, Assistant Professor. Salary and benefits competitive. Qualifications: MFA degree and significant experience and success in teaching foundation level course work (beyond a TA), with demonstrated commitment and dedication to foundation education. Specialization in any two- or three-dimensional medium or mixed-media work. Computer art/digital imaging experience and skills are highly desirable. Collaborative and interdisciplinary design research preferable. Responsibilities: Teach visual foundations, 5 courses per year in 2D/3D Design including color theory. Contribute to curriculum development, academic advising, and committee service. Strong ability to work effectively with students and the campus community. Candidate must be committed to his/her own creative work and have an active exhibition record. Starting date: August 14, 2000. Submit letter of application, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of professional work (no more than 20 slides), evidence of student work (no more than 20 slides of 2D/3D design and color theory) properly labeled in plastic sheets, SASE and 3 separately forwarded letters of reference to: Chair, Foundation SC, 158 College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3092. Deadline: January 3, 2000 or until position is filled. AC-INT, EOE, WMA. ART/GRAPHIC DESIGN Iowa State University, Department of Art & Design. Full-time, 9-month, tenure-track, Assistant/Associate Professor. Salary and benefits competitive. Qualifications: MFA in graphic design or related field. Demonstrated ability in teaching or professional practice. Expertise in current design technology. Ability to provide leadership, direction, and curriculum development for the area in the coming years is desirable. Responsibilities: Teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Additional teaching may include such subjects as: typography, symbology & semiotics, packaging design, human-computer interface design, design history, publication design, professional practice seminar, design methodology, and design for multi-media. Conduct research/scholarship or practice related design activities. Serve on college and department committees, advise students in the graphic design program, and facilitate the program's development. Starting date: August 16, 2000. Submit letter of application, CV, evidence of professional work (20 slides minimum and/or CD of work), evidence of teaching (20 slides indicating level of student work, course syllabi, philosophy statement), SASE and 3 separately forwarded letters of reference to: GD SC Chair, Department of Art & Design, 158 College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3092. Deadline: February 15, 2000 or until position is filled. AC-INT, EOE, WMA. ART/GRAPHIC DESIGN Iowa State University, Department of Art & Design. Full-time, 9-month, tenure-track, Assistant Professor. Salary and benefits competitive. Qualifications: MFA in Graphic Design, Industrial Design, or related field. Demonstrated capability in teaching and/or professional practice. Expertise in current design technology. Responsibilities: Teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Additional teaching may include such subjects as: typography, symbology & semiotics, packaging design, human-computer interface design, design history, publication design, and design for multi-media. Conduct research/scholarship or practice related design activities. Committee service includes advising students in the graphic design program and participating in the program's development. Starting date: August 16, 2000. Submit letter of application, CV, evidence of professional work (20 slides minimum and/or CD of work), evidence of teaching (20 slides indicating level of student work, course syllabi, philosophy statement), SASE and 3 separately forwarded letters of reference to: GD SC Chair, Department of Art & Design, 158 College of Design, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3092. Deadline: February 15, 2000 or until position is filled. AC-INT, EOE, WMA. ****** DIGITAL ARTIST Bennington College Bennington, VT (USA) Bennington College is seeking a digital artist eager to work with colleagues and students of widely diverse interests, and who is drawn to the challenge of enabling students to discover and implement compelling connectionsamongst many avenues of inquiry. He or she should be capable of developing and teaching a curriculum that brings students into the center of what it means to be immersed in the creative process. The candidate's professional work should display breadth and complexity as well as depth, and be actively engaged beyond the studio. Applicants should submit a letter of application, resume, examples of work, and three letters of recommendation by March 6, 2000 to: Pat Harrison, Digital Arts Search Coordinator, Bennington College, Bennington, VT, 05201. AA/EOE ****** ARTS/ENGINEERING POSITION AT UC IRVINE The University of California, Irvine's School of the Arts (http://www.arts.uci.edu/) and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (http://www.ece.uci.edu/) announce a joint position at the Associate Professor level-50% Engineering and 50% in the departments of either Dance, Drama, Music or Studio Art. The successful candidate's background should reflect a broad diversity of experience and training with expertise in both an appropriate engineering field and a level of recognized professional accomplishment in their chosen art form. Their work should reflect a merging of these disciplines in some manner as well. The candidate's principal area of expertise may be either in Engineering or the arts. The UC Irvine School of the Arts (http://www.arts.uci.edu/) is home to the departments of Dance, Drama, Music and Studio Art with a full time faculty of 41 and a total enrollment of 1161. The school has undertaken several far-reaching initiatives in the areas of art and computer-based technology including the creation of new facilities for motion capture, Digital Audio and MIDI research, Digital Design and Internet Broadcasting. Ground has just been broken for the expansion of the Art Gallery and its redesignation as the Beall Center for Art and Technology-a research/performance space for computer-based multimedia artwork. The facilities will eventually be the cornerstones of an Organized Research Unit. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (http://www.ece.uci.edu/) has distinguished itself in various aspects of signal processing related to computer vision and image processing. The Department is dedicated to develop the computer graphics program to address the burgeoning needs of local industry in the area of computer games and special effects. Duties include developing a curricula on the graduate and undergraduate levels which is interdisciplinary in nature, fostering collaborative efforts between students in both areas while articulating these collaborative efforts as a new and distinct area of research and study. The candidate will initiate and enable collaborative research within the UCI community as well as nationally and internationally. The candidate will also help articulate directions for future research within the Arts and in Engineering and will serve as an advocate to the community at large for fostering understanding and interest in this new work. Salary is commensurate with experience. Candidates are requested to submit a formal letter of intent for consideration. All other support material may be in the form of CD-Rom or Web-based documentation in addition to more traditional modes. Required supporting materials include a Curriculum Vitae, the names and contact information for five references (no letters at this point) and copies or documentation of 3-5 recent representative manuscripts/creative projects related to the research area. Applications must be received no later than January 10th, 2000 and sent to Alan Terricciano, (aterricc@uci.edu) Co-chair of the Arts and ECE Search Committee, ARTS 300, School of the Arts, UC, Irvine, Irvine ,CA 92697-2775. The University of California is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. ********************* FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES ********************* SCI ART: Call for ideas from partnerships in science and art Can you bring the insights of science and art closer together with an idea that captures the public's imagination? A unique opportunity exists for scientists and artists to research, develop and produce projects that reflect contemporary practice in each discipline. Approximately ten research and development grants (up to stlg10,000 each) and two production grants (up to stlg50,000 each) will be made available. Further details can be found on the Wellcome Trust's website at http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/sciart or alternatively contact the SCI ART office at sciart@wellcome.ac.uk SCI ART is a consortium and is supported by the following organizations: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; The British Council; The Scottish Arts Council; The Arts Council of England; The Wellcome Trust and NESTA. Closing date for submissions is 10 January 2000. ***** DANIEL LANGLOIS FOUNDATION Established in the spring of 1997 through an endowment provided by Daniel Langlois, The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology is a private charitable foundation whose scope of activity is international. The purpose of the Foundation is to further artistic and scientific knowledge by fostering the meeting of art and science in the field of technologies. The Foundation seeks to nurture a critical awareness of technology's implications for human beings and their natural and cultural environment, and to promote the exploration of an aesthetics suited to evolving human environments. The foundation offers funding in the following areas: [ 1 ] Residency and commissioning of works of art program [ 2 ] Exhibition, distribution and performance program [ 3 ] Program for organisations from emerging countries [ 4 ] Conservation and preservation of media works program [ 5 ] Research grant program for individual artists or scientists HOW TO APPLY FOR SUPPORT FROM THE FOUNDATION The Foundation will consider project proposals once a year. The annual application deadline is January 31. Material received after this date will not be considered. If this date falls on a weekend or a holiday, applicants must make sure that their material reaches the Foundation no later than 5 P.M. on the next business day. No exceptions will be made. In the context of this call for projects, eligible candidates (individuals or organisations) who are interested in submitting a project to the Foundation must, as a first step, send a letter no more than ten pages long providing the following information : > The name of the program to which your project applies; > A brief description of your organisation, or, if you are an individual, >of your activities; > A brief description of the project; > A brief description of the individuals and/or partners involved in the >project; > The overall cost of the project, the amount requested from the Foundation >and an explanation of how the grant will be used; > The duration of the project and/or the proposed dates on which the >project will begin and end. The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology 3530, Saint-Laurent Boulevard, suite 402 Montréal (Québec) H2X 2V1 Canada Telephone : 514-987-7177 Fax : 514-987-7492 e-mail : info@fondation-langlois.org Web site : www.fondation-langlois.org ****** ARTSLINK ArtsLink Collaborative Projects offers grants to U.S. artists and arts organizations to work in Central and Eastern Europe to benefit artists and audiences in the location of the project. Projects should demonstrate benefits to participants in both countries. Support is provided to pursue artistic collaborations; create new work; and establish mutually beneficial exchanges. For 2000, ArtsLink is particularly interested in projects that address reconstruction and recovery needs in countries affected by recent conflicts. Contact: CEC International Partners at 212-643-1985 ext. 22; Fax 212/643-1996; email-artslink@cecip.org Deadline: January 18, 2000. ISEA NEWSLETTER========================================================= Editor: Katarina Soukup /Translation: Eve-Isabelle Charbonneau, Caroline Martel, Natalie Melancon, Sofie Tremblay Contributors: Kathy Rae Huffman, Natalie Melancon, Bernard Schütze, Katarina Soukup ______________________________________________________ ISEA, 3530 boul. Saint-Laurent, suite 305, Montreal (Qc), H2X 2V1, CANADA Tel: (514) 847-8912, Fax: (514) 847-8834 email: isea@isea.qc.ca URL: http://www.isea.qc.ca _____________________________________________________________ ISEA Board Members: Nina Czegledy, Kathy Rae Huffman, Amanda McDonald Crowley, Alain Mongeau, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Thecla Schiphorst, Atau Tanaka, Wim van der Plas ___________________________________________________________________ ISEA LISTSERV: To subscribe, send a message to: listproc@uqam.ca, no subject, with the message in the body: "subscribe ISEA-forum first name last name" ========================================================================= ISEA distributes a hard copy version of this Newsletter in order to keep its members, who have no access to Electronic Mail, informed. Those members can, if they desire, get in touch with the email addresses mentioned in this Newsletter by contacting ISEA. Support: La Fondation Daniel Langlois, Ministere de la culture et des communications du Quebec. ========================================================================= end of newsletter