THE ISEA NEWSLETTER

                               SPECIAL EDITION

ISEA, POB 8656, 3009 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-2020850, 
Fax 31-10-2668705 (c/o Heidi van der Plas).
Email: ISEA@MBR.FRG.EUR.NL (Board) or ISEA@SARA.NL (Newsletter)


The Inter-Society coordinates the continued occurence of the 
International Symposia on Electronic Art. After Utrecht ('88), 
Groningen ('90), Sydney ('92), Minneapolis ('93), it is now time
for the Fifth ISEA Symposium, in Helsinki. The Helsinki organizers 
have received more proposals than any of the earlier ISEA symposia
(some 600!).
The full program will be available in June. Here is an outline. It
looks like they are doing a wonderful job.

Wim van der Plas 

The 5th International Symposium on Electronic Art . August 20-25 1994.
Helsinki, Finland.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOCUS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The fifth in a chain of international symposia on electronic art, 
ISEA'94 Helsinki aims at a critical investigation of  today's 
electronic culture. The focus is on three themes:       

                         . SPACESCAPES .
                  . The Re-Design of Experience .
Recent technological developments - the dissolving interfaces between
machine and man, global networking, artificial life - bring about new
configurations of space and experience. 
Meanwhile, both science and cultural theory have worked to dissolve the
opposition of nature and culture. The resulting cultural hybridization
has an immense impact on our lives, ranging from philosophy to everyday
routines. This web of connected cultural/technological concepts, the
working space of the electronic artist, is discussed in the Spacescapes
Sessions at ISEA'94.

                           . HIGH&LOW .
Culture/Technology: Histories/Oppositions 
In spite of this 'wholistic' networking tendency a fragmentation of
experience is evident, while the cultural metaphors and oppositions,
considered obsolete, still seem to persist. ISEA'94 makes an inquiry
into these historical oppositions. Starting from technology and culture,
through questions of gender and power, to the collapsed distinction of
Capitalist West and Communist East, the High&Low Sessions aim at an
updated version of the cultural map coordinates.

                       . THE NEXT GENERATION .
Learning to Score?
ISEA'94 looks for the future of electronic art by focusing on electronic
education. Already in the short history of electronic art, 'generation
gaps' with different attitudes towards technology can be discerned. What
about our children, who learn to score? The GAME ARCADE probes the inter-
face of education and entertainment in a trade show of recent trends in
computer games and interactive multimedia. Another view to the next
generations of electronic artists is provided by ELECTRONIC ART IN 
UNIVERSITIES, an international meeting on the pedagogical policies of
electronic media in a multi-cultural world.

                      . Workshops & Courses .
August 20-21  
University of Art and Design UIAH, Sibelius-Academy
The University of Art and Design and Sibelius-Academy will organize a
range of workshops and courses during the first two days of the Symposium.
Full information about the details and costs will be available in the next
ISEA94 newsletter, June 1994.

                  . Electronic Art In Universities .
August 21  
University of Art and Design UIAH
The University of Art and Design will host an international meeting
of electronic art universities from all over the world. Through 
invited presentations and discussion, the meeting aims at a comparison 
of pedagogical policies and the formation of a network of media art

                  . Conference Programme .
August 22-24 
Marina Congress Centre . M/S Stubnitz
The core of the Helsinki Symposium is formed by an intensive 3-day
conference programme. The Papers & Panels Sessions will center on the
ISEA'94 themes Spacescapes, High & Low, The Next Generation and on
General topics. Round Tables are emphasised in the programme in order
to advance discussion between the participants. The Poster Sessions
provide room for a wide spectrum of art projects and short presentations.

                  . Art Exhibitions .
August 21-28 . 
The Museum of Contemporary Art . M/S Stubnitz . Customs Office 
and Warehouse
From over 200 received proposals, the ISEA'94 Art Committee curates an
international show of electronic art projects. The works display a wide
range of electronic technologies and focus on cultural issues related to
the ISEA'94 themes. M/S Stubnitz will present art projects from the Baltic
Tour, and a show of Russian media artists will exhibit in the Customs
Office and Warehouse.

                  . Audio & Concerts .
August 22-24 . Sibelius-Academy
Sibelius-Academy's state-of-the-art Chamber Music Hall will be the venue
for several electronic and computer music concerts and sound installations
during the Helsinki Symposium. 

                  . Electronic Theatre .
August 22-24 . K13
The Electronic Theatre screenings of ISEA'94 will present a full view to
the cutting edge of computer animation, video & film.

                  . Ambient Night .
August 23
Ambient Night is a total immersion, a party with multi-sensory ambiences
and performance.

                  . Media Lounge .
August 20-25 . Port Area
The Media Lounge at ISEA'94 presents an opportunity for audio listening,
video viewing and multimedia presentation non-stop during the Symposium.

                  . The Game Arcade .
August 20-22 . Exhibition Centre Wanha Satama
The new trends in computer games, multimedia and interactive teaching
applications will be showcased in the ISEA'94 trade show, the Game Arcade.
Redesigned from old stalls into a glass-roofed shopping-mall, the Ex-
hibition Centre Wanha Satama provides the exhibitors with an opportunity
to present their latest applications in the lively context of ISEA'94.

                       . Helsinki Mediascape .
August 22-25 . Tennis-Palace
A collaboration of the art academies and Magnusborg Studios, the Helsinki
Mediascape is a broadcast experiment, an interactive media theatre that
defines new forms for the performing arts in the electronic landscape. The
Mediascape also connects the different ISEA'94 venues via videoconference.


The Silicon Graphics Grants of ISEA'94 were allotted to the following
artists and projects:
Stahl Stenslie (Norway) & Kirk Wolford (USA): CyberSM, a teledildonics
project; Christa Sommerer (Austria) & Laurent Mignonneau (France): 
Antroposcope, an interactive real-time microscope; Joseph Hyde (UK):
Talking Heads, a sound installation; Milla Moilanen (Finland): Deep, a
computer animation.
The projects in their final form will be presented during ISEA'94.


                              . I/O .
On the Internet
ISEA/ONLINE is an ongoing network conference prior to the Symposium. It
aims at pre-heating the debate on ISEA'94 topics, to be continued in the
Round Tables in Helsinki. The output will be distributed before ISEA'94.
The online conference can be reached from throughout the world, wherever
there is an access to Internet. A discussion forum with a hypertext
interface, audio and image information, I/O also contains updated
information about ISEA'94. Send in your images, sounds or statements to
the discussion list or the mailARTbox of I/O!
To get to I/O with World Wide Web, NCSA Mosaic or Lynx open URL
To subscribe to the discussion list (if you cannot use these programs and 
want to have the statements sent to your e-mail address) send a request:
SUBSCRIBE isea-forum Your Name to

& AFTER...

Cruise to St. Petersburg . Night of the Arts .
In context of the Symposium, a 'cruising session' to St.Petersburg is
organized on August 25-28, with a free programme of tourism and
get-togethers with the local artists. See Registration Form for details.
For those who wish to stay in Helsinki, the Night of the Arts of Helsinki
Festival, a cultural carnival for the masses, will provide a memorable

The deadline for poster sessions, project & institutional presentations
will be closed on April 1. Submission forms are available at ISEA'94 
Office. Note! ISEA'94 Media Lounge will accept your audiovisual material
to the last minute. Send in your work or bring it with you! The works will
be available for all visitors to view or listen in Helsinki. Contact
ISEA'94 Office for standards.

ISEA'94 is hosted by the University of Art & Design Helsinki UIAH and
organized in collaboration with Sibelius-Academy, Theatre Academy, The
Museum of Contemporary Art, MuuMediaFestival and IMAGE Magazine, in
association with the Ministry of Education, the Promotion Centre for
Audiovisual Culture AVEK, the Finnish Film Foundation, the Finnish Broad-
casting Company YLE and the City of Helsinki. A special contribution to
ISEA'94 is made by the Media Space Ship M/S Stubnitz.


Pre-registering to ISEA'94 will ensure your participation in ISEA'94,
because the number of participants is limited. It is an offer valid
until June 1.
Pre-registration                             2300 FIM / 425 USD
Full Registration                            2600 FIM / 450 USD
Registration for presenters and panelists    1250 FIM / 240 USD
First-degree student fee*                    750 FIM */ 140 USD*

(10% discount for ISEA members)

* Please indicate school and enclose copy of certification
The registration fee covers
The 3-day conference programme with papers, panels, round table

discussions and poster sessions 
* Participation to the Electronic Art in Universities meeting 
* Admission to the ISEA Exhibitions, Electronic Theatre, Concerts,
  Helsinki Mediascape, Media Lounge and the Game Arcade
* ISEA'94 catalogue & other conference materials
* Lunches during the conference (4 days, Sun-Wed)
* Receptions

The registration fee does not cover
* Ambient Night
* Workshops and Courses (details published in Final Programme, 
June 1994)
* The Cruise to St. Petersburg (see Registration Form)
* Accommodation  

ISEA'94 Office, UIAH / Media Lab
Hameentie 135 C, FIN-00560 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel: 358-0-7563601, Fax: 358-0-7563602, Email:

End of Newsletter